
Mandatos formales
When trying to influence others there are a number of ways we can go about it. We can
make inferences (It sure is cold! ie., close the window, give me your jacket, turn up the
heat, etc.), make a request (Would you please close the window?), make an indirect
command (I need you to close the window.), or make a direct command (Close the
window!). Certainly, there are other ways to express influence, but these will get us
In this chapter we are working on direct commands, in particular, formal commands
(mandatos formales). Remember in Spanish we must determine the manner in which we
will address another person, either formally (Ud.) or informally (Tú). With formal
commands we address one person (Ud.) or more than one person (Uds.).
Now, how do we do express formal commands?
Remember this key phrase: YO-DROP-SWAP
Start with the present tense ‘yo’ form – drop the ‘o’ – and swap for other verb endings
-AR  -e / -en__ -ER/-IR  -a/ -an
Regular verbs
Hablar  hablo – habl - hable /hablen
Comer  como – com – coma / coman
Abrir  abro -- abr -- abra / abran
‘go’ verbs / boot verbs –same idea applies
Poner  pongo -- pong -- ponga / pongan
Hacer  hago -- hag -- haga / hagan
Salir  salgo -- salg -- salga / salgan
Dormir  duermo
-- duerm -- duerma / duerman
Econtrar  encuentro -- encuentr -- encuentre / encuentren
Irregular verbs
 vaya / vayan
Ser  sea / sean
Saber  sepa / sepan
Don’t forget spelling changes:
Sacar  saco -- sac -Pagar  pago -- pag -Cruzar  cruzo -- cruz --
-car / -gar / -zar verbs!
sace -- saque
page -- pague
cruze -- cruce
We must also remember where to place direct and indirect object pronouns. So far we
know we can place them before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive or the
present participle.
Lo hice. Las comimos. Se lo dio. [obligatory]
Se lo voy a dar. / Voy a dárselo. [optional]
Te la estaba diciendo. / Estaba diciéndotela. [optional]
With the commands we need to keep in mind if we are giving an affirmative command or
a negative command: Haga la tarea! No haga la tarea!
Affirmative commands: Attach the pronoun(s) to the end of the command. [obligatory]
¿Cierro la puerta? Sí, cierrela!
¿Hacemos las reservaciones? Sí, haganlas!
¿Te doy el dinero? Sí, démelo!
Negative commands: Place the pronoun(s) in front of the command. [obligatory]
¿Puedo jugar el béisbol? No lo juegue!
Queremos comer los dulces. No los coman!
¿Te digo la verdad? No me la diga!
One more thing
With the formal commands the verb form does not rely on being affirmative or negative
(see the above examples). However, this will change in the next chapter when we learn
informal or ‘tú’ commands.