Blood sugar monitoring for non diabetics

Elim Christian School
Blood Sugar Monitoring/Testing in School (non-diabetic) (revised 06/13)
(To be completed by a student’s physician, parent/guardian reviewed with the school nurse and shared with
school personnel on a need to know basis)
Student’s Name: ____________________________
D.O.B: ____________________________
• Target range: __________ mg/dl to __________ mg/dl
• Usual times to test blood sugar:
* Contact parent if blood sugar is below __________mg/dl or above __________mg/dl
*Contact physician if blood sugar is below __________mg/dl or above __________mg/dl
Name of Physician/Clinic treating student: ____________________________________
Telephone #: __________________________________ Pager #_____________________
Fax #: ______________________
Parent/Guardian: ____________________________
Telephone #: (home) _____________________ (work) ______________________ (cell)
Parent/Guardian: ____________________________
Telephone #: (home) _____________________ (work) ______________________ (cell)
Emergency Contact: __________________________
Telephone #: (home) _____________________ (work) ______________________ (cell)
• How will the parent be notified of daily blood sugar levels? Elim’s RN will send a daily
note home with results
• Student will check blood sugar:
X In the School Nurse’s office
• Student’s ability to check blood sugar:
Needs assistance
*Diet Order: _______________________________________________________________
School Lunch Program Lunch from home
* Carbohydrate counting:
• Lunch Time: per student’s Elim School Program
• Will student be eating a school lunch?
• If the student requires assistance counting carbs, when he/she brings a bag lunch from
home, the parent is responsible for writing down the # of carbohydrates that they packed
and for sending a note in the student’s lunch.
Student will and be permitted to eat a snack during school:
• Extra snacks will be stored:
In the School Nurse’s office
In the classroom
• Scheduled snacks should be eaten at what time (s)?
• P.E Time and Days:
• Participates on the following sports team and has practices when? :
• Times to do extra blood sugar checks (check all that apply)
before exercise
other (explain)
• Does the student require an extra snack prior to exercise?
YES, explain:
• Student should not exercise if blood sugar is below __________ mg/dl or above
__________ mg/dl.
• The child with diabetes can participate in parties just like all the other children. The
teacher will notify the parent/guardian when a party will take place and include
information about what food will be served so that they can decide with the child what
he/she may have to eat if the student is on a special diet.
• The parent will provide a “party box” of substitute snacks to be stored in the classroom:
This policy has been adopted to ensure safety during off-campus field trips for the
increasing number of Elim students requiring glucose monitoring.
Elim non-medical licensed staff will not preform blood sugar testing during
off-campus field trips.
Parents/guardians may choose one of the following safety options for off-campus field
trips. Please mark your choice below:
_____ #1. The student may stay on campus in a setting assigned by the Director of
Education, and work on IEP goals.
_____ #2. One parent/guardian may accompany the student on the field trip to provide
any necessary medical attention. In this situation, the parent/guardian will be
allowed to ride with the student in the school vehicle.
_____ #3. Parent/guardian may arrange for a chaperone (must be at least 18 years old,
and not an Elim staff person) to accompany the student on the field trip to provide
any necessary medical attention. In this situation, the chaperone will be allowed to
ride with the student in the school vehicle. Parents/guardians and chaperones
must arrange this on their own, and both must sign the Non-staff
Caregiver/Chaperone for Off-Campus Field Trips form.
#4. The student may go on the field trip without a parent/guardian or chaperone if:
*_____ For glucose monitoring/testing, parent/guardian provides a physician-signed
order with instructions for off-campus field trips (for example: new parameters
with checking glucose when student returns to campus, all students return on
campus by 2pm). 911/ambulance will be called for any signs and symptoms of
hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. Teacher will bring glucose tablets and extra
snack and drink.
HPYPOGLYCEMIA (low blood sugar)
• Student’s usual symptoms of low blood sugar:
• If the student exhibits the above signs/symptoms he/she should check blood sugar and/or be
accompanied to the school nurse for monitoring.
• Treatment for low blood sugar: ___________________________________________and
recheck in 15 minutes.
• If student is conscious, but unable to swallow, cake icing or instant glucose gel will be
placed inside the cheek.
• Will Glucagon be kept at school?:
NO YES If yes, Glucagon will be
administered per the physician’s order if the student becomes unconscious and/or is
seizing, 911 will be called, and the parent will be notified.
HYPERGYLCEMIA (high blood sugar)
• My child’s usual symptoms of high blood sugar:
• Check ketones
NO YES if blood sugar >: __________ mg/dl. Notify parent if (+)
ketones. (Parent must supply ketone sticks)
• Student needs to drink water and should be allowed to have water bottle in classroom.
Physician Signature in agreement and approve of above plan for:
Name of student: ______________________________________________
(Physician’s signature required)
Date: ______________________
Phone#: _____________________
FAX#: ______________________
I agree that the parent is responsible for providing the school with their child’s Treatment
Plan and Management Plan completed by the Health Care Provider, phone numbers for the
parent/guardian, emergency contacts and physician, blood sugar testing supplies, and
instructions for treating low and high blood sugar including snacks, juice and a water bottle.
This form will need to be completed annually.
Parent/guardian Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________________
Date reviewed: _____________________