ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Team 12 A.F.C.I. Figure 0: Team portrait with completed project (From left to right: Ronny Wijaya, Darin Tanaka, Naman Chopra, Suan-Aik Yeo) ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Team Members: #1: ____Suan-Aik Yeo____________ Signature: ____________________ Date: _________ #2: ____Naman Chopra___________ Signature: ____________________ Date: _________ #3: ____Ronny Wijaya____________ Signature: ____________________ Date: _________ #4: ____Darin Tanaka____________ Signature: ____________________ Date: _________ CRITERION SCORE MPY Technical content 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 Design documentation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 Technical writing style 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 Contributions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Editing 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Comments: TOTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS -ii- PTS ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Abstract 1 1.0 Project Overview and Block Diagram 1 2.0 Team Success Criteria and Fulfillment 3 3.0 Constraint Analysis and Component Selection 3 4.0 Patent Liability Analysis 8 5.0 Reliability and Safety Analysis 11 6.0 Ethical and Environmental Impact Analysis 15 7.0 Packaging Design Considerations 19 8.0 Schematic Design Considerations 21 9.0 PCB Layout Design Considerations 26 10.0 Software Design Considerations 30 11.0 Version 2 Changes 37 12.0 Summary and Conclusions 38 13.0 References 38 Appendix A: Individual Contributions A-1 Appendix B: Packaging B-1 Appendix C: Schematic C-1 Appendix D: PCB Layout Top and Bottom Copper D-1 Appendix E: Parts List Spreadsheet E-1 Appendix F: FMECA Worksheet F-1 -iii- ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Abstract The purpose of this project was to provide instrumentation for a hydrogen powered vehicle that would allow a user to easily analyze the hydrogen system. The primary goal was to aid in the research of promising hydrogen –fuel technology that Professor Jerry Woodall is developing. Naman Chopra provided the vision of this project as he is currently working under him. 1.0 Project Overview and Block Diagram Figure 1-1: Photograph of Completed Project 1 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Figure 1-2: Block Diagram The AFCI (Alumoline Fuel-Cell Instrumentation) system is an instrumentation and analysis system for a hydrogen powered golf cart. This golf cart will consist of a hydrogen internal combustion engine, in which a water tank will supply water to a hydrogen tank which contains liquid gallium saturated with aluminum, more information about this research can be found here. This system will provide an easy-to-use user configurable display to monitor sensor data. The data that will be monitored will be: hydrogen tank temperature, hydrogen tank pressure, water tank temperature, water tank pressure, and hydrogen tank leakage. A touch screen interface will be mounted onto the golf cart to allow the driver to easily monitor sensor data. This data can be display in terms of a meter panel or the user may opt to see the data in a real time data versus time scatter plot. Also the user may only want to view one or two sensor values at a time. Our system will allow different panel displays in a one-meter mode or two-meter mode. Another important feature the AFCI implements is the logging of data. The user will be able to log specific sensor data values onto an external media (SD card) which will have time specific stamps associated with it. Along with this functionality the user can also change how often data 2 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 will be logged to the SD card. We are hoping that this project will aid in the research for Professor Woodall. 2.0 Team Success Criteria and Fulfillment PSSC Preliminary Final An ability to receive and correctly record values Fulfilled Fulfilled Fulfilled Fulfilled An ability to store data on external memory. Fulfilled Fulfilled An ability to use a touch screen to send Fulfilled Fulfilled Fulfilled Fulfilled from various sensors. An ability to give appropriate warnings and troubleshooting instructions if a sensor detects something wrong. commands to the microcontroller to control the logging of data and to provide a user configurable display for the logging of data from multiple sensors. An ability for the microcontroller to receive and execute commands to remotely enable, disable and control the sampling rate of multiple sensors. Table 2.1: PSSC Fulfillment 3.0 Constraint Analysis and Component Selection 3.1 Design Constraint Analysis A number of design constraints need consideration. The device must be durable as the golf kart it will be mounted on will experience moderate speeds and large forces. So strong packaging is of high-priority. That’s why we will use hard military-grade aluminum project enclosure. 3.1.1 Computation Requirements Overall we do not have very stringent computation requirements for the system. Mainly, our micro-controller will need to gather, interpret and send sensor readings to the Atom Board at a 3 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 speed of 2 readings per second. Although this is a multi-step process which consists of the microcontroller getting interrupted by the timer, performing analog-to-digital conversion on the sensor data, creating and sending the corresponding message to the Atom board over SCI. All this can be easily achieved by the 9S12C microcontroller. Apart from that, our Atom board will have to have enough computation power to provide a responsive fully-graphical 1024x768 user interface, while interpreting touch-screen user feedback at the same time. This is not a problem as it is a full-blown computer motherboard, complete with integrated graphics, and is more than capable of providing a responsive user interface. Finally, our microcontroller will need to be able to write the sensor data logs to the SD card at a sufficiently quick rate so that the user will not have to wait for the data to be saved. According to Suan's previous experience working with interfacing SD technology directly over SPI using the 9S12C, this can be easily achieved. 3.1.2 Interface Requirements The only general-purpose I/O pin that we might use is a “powered now” red LED indicator. We are using 5 sensors and each will be connected to a pin with ATD capability for a total of 5 pins. Currently, we do not see a need for optical isolation in our circuit. 3.1.3 On-Chip Peripheral Requirements Primarily for this project we will be making heavy use of our ATD channels in order to convert analog sensor data into digital values we can compute. We will need six ATD channels in total. One pressure, temperature, and water level sensor will be needed for both the hydrogen fuel tank and the water tank. We will also need a channel for an SCI (RS-232 serial) in order to communicate with our Intel Atom board. This SCI will be heavily used as all information about the sensors needs to be sent to the Atom Board periodically. Lastly we will need SPI to write/read to an external SD card. The Atom board will control the reads/writes to this SD card although the microcontroller will be the one actually implementing this. 3.1.4 Off-Chip Peripheral Requirements For this project we will need a number of off-chip peripherals. One of the peripherals we will need will be a SD card reader module. This SD card reader module will be used to save logs of our sensor data in order to satisfy our PSSC. Another peripheral we will need is an Intel Atom board. We are going with the PCM-9361 from Advantech. Since we are going to create a 4 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 graphical user interface (GUI), we need an operating system to implement graphical libraries. The Atom board will constantly be communicating with the microcontroller to retrieve sensor information and also to inform the microcontroller to save sensor data to the SD card. The LCD touch screen is another peripheral we will need. We decided to get the 7 inch touch screen from Xenarc. This will be connected to the Intel Atom board and will display the GUI. When a user invokes a certain feature on the touchscreen, the information will be sent to the microcontroller. The only purpose for the Atom board and LCD is to support the GUI. Lastly we will need sensors to measure all of our data. For the temperature sensor we will be using a thermocouple, kqss-116u-18, from Omega. For the pressure we will be using the P1200 pressure transducer from GE. We will also have a hydrogen leak detector sensor from Figaro. It will be mounted under the seats of the car, close to the internal combustion engine or fuel cell (depending on the vehicle it is mounted on). 3.1.5 Power Constraints Originally we planned to power our system straight from the 48V battery that the golf cart uses. However, after a discussion with Chuck this week and some further analysis we decided to add a dedicated 12V battery whose sole purpose is to power our system. The two main factors were because the Atom board is a significant power draw and could affect the normal operation of the golf cart; and we did not want the entire system to undergo a sudden power-off when the ignition is turned off, especially since any SD card transactions taking place at that time could corrupt the filesystem on the card. We decided on a 12V battery because most components in our system (including the atom board) with the exception of the microcontroller and the SD card reader module can be powered by 12V. The microcontroller needs a 5V power source and the SD card reader needs a 3.3V. Our entire system is DC-powered. The only foreseen heat-dissipation issue is the Atom board, which could be dissipating heat into the dashboard which is an enclosed space, leading to increasing heat-up of the system. 3.1.6 Packaging Constraints The PCB needs to withstand vibrations and outside temperature (below 0 C). The team won't be around for repairs so the system needs to be durable. 3.1.7 Cost Constraints The total cost of the complete instrumentation project should not exceed $1000.00. We have funding from Professor Woodall but we still have to keep the costs reasonable. There are commercially available systems which can easily monitor this type of system but they are not 5 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 mobile and compact like ours. Plus they tend to be quite expensive and don’t display all the information on one compact display. 3.2 Component Selection Rationale Atom Board Although we could technically use the Atom board provided in lab free of charge, we needed to buy our own because we wanted the finished project to persist past the end of the semester and did not want to return it. The PCM-9361 is the cheapest Atom Board Suan found that fit our requirements (VGA and integrated graphics support, small form-factor for easy placement into the car dashboard, fanless operation to reduce mechanical complexity and moving parts, compact flash support to remove the need for a larger hard drive). On top of being cheaper than the labprovided IB-887 board, it has the convenience of having a standard 9-pin serial port. PCM-9361 (selected) IB-887 VGA interface and port yes yes Serial interface yes yes Standard 9-pin Serial RS-232 connector port yes no Compact Flash ready yes yes Area 3.5" 3.5" yes Onboard graphics Price $263 yes $344 Table 3.2-1: Atom board comparison LCD These were the two primary touch-screens we were looking at. Both of these had VGA inputs along with USB touch-screen outputs. The prices for both of these were about the same if you include shipping. In the end we decided to go with the Shark because it had a better resolution along with the fact that it can operate at a lower voltage. 6 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Armatexx 7 inch touchscreen Shark 7 inch touchscreen Resolution 800x480 1024x768 VGA Yes Yes Voltage required 12 Volts 10.8 Volts Dimension 179 x 29 x 122 mm 180 x 25 x 125 mm Price $139.81 $129.99 Table 3.2-2: LCD comparison Microcontroller When we were choosing the microcontroller, we put our priority on its capability on getting the signal from the sensors easily which means it had to have enough ATD channels to ease up the process, also its peripheral features to communicate with the SD card and the Atom board, and its programming environment. An operating voltage of 5V would be ideal as many of our sensors’ output range is up to 5V. A clock speed of about 8MHz would also be good enough for our purposes. Having these points in mind, we searched many microcontrollers on the internet. We came up with these two choices: Atmel AVR ATMEGA16 and Freescale 9S12C32. ATMEGA16 [1] Freescale 9S12C32 [2] ATD Channel One 8-channel 10-bit One 8-channel 10-bit SD Card interface One synchronous SPI One Master/Slave SPI Atom board interface Programmable USART One asynchronous SCI Online Support Flash 16 kb 32 kb RAM 2 kb 2 kb Table 3.2-3: Microcontroller comparison We had our thoughts between these two choices and came up with Freescale micro-controller. We all had considerable experience with interfacing this micro-controller so that would accelerate our development process. On the flip side, we can't use the great support on the and AVR's USART feature but that would be fine as we had a great support as well from the senior design staff. 7 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 3.3 Summary The A.F.C.I is subject to a number of design constraints, the most important being the product needs to last years as it will be used to aid the research process. The system should be of low power consumption. Based on the requirements, a microcontroller, an atom board, an LCD, and sensors were chosen appropriately. 4.0 Patent Liability Analysis 4.1 Introduction The AFCI system will be used to provide an easy to use monitoring capability to the driver of a hydrogen powered golf cart. This system was built in order to aid in the research of Professor Woodall, who is currently working on hydrogen powered vehicles. There will be a touch screen interface in which the driver may control the system in an easy to use interactive graphical user interface; this type of implementation is different than current hydrogen monitoring systems where generally a remote system will be monitoring the vehicle. The AFCI system will monitor hydrogen tank temperature, hydrogen tank pressure, water tank temperature, water tank pressure, and hydrogen tank leakage. These values will be displayed to the user as 5 meters. The user will also have the option to view a graph starting from the current time by clicking one of these meters. Also the user will have the option to store sensor data onto an SD, and also will have the option to customize which data gets stored onto the SD card. This SD card feature is not available in other hydrogen monitoring systems. In order to measure the temperatures we are using K-type thermocouples. For pressure, we are using amplified pressure transducers. Lastly for the hydrogen leak detection, we are using a pre-calibrated module for gas leak detection. The system will be implemented using a micro controller and an Intel Atom board. The micro controller will be primarily responsible for reading the ATD values, sending them to the Atom board, and logging data to an SD card. The Atom – Board will be solely responsible for managing the graphical user interface and configuring the microcontroller. The Atom board and micro controller will communicate via the UART scheme. 4.2 Results of Patent and Product Search There were a few existing patents that dealt with golf cart touch screens or a hydrogen monitoring system for a vehicle. Our system has two primary functions, which is an ability to provide a touch screen interface on a golf cart, and an ability to monitor the pressure, temperature, and hydrogen leaks on a hydrogen powered vehicle. The following sections will discuss three patents that were found which could cause a patent liability. 8 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 The first patent that was researched is called “Golf course management system for golf carts”, with patent number 20090201263. This patent was filed on 2/09/2009. The abstract of the patent describes a touch screen display connected to a “processor” which includes a GPS to determine locations of the golf cart. The touch screen will be used to display data and also be used to send calculation data to the “processor”. The processor will be used to calculate touch positions and coordinate positions. Also the processor will be used to display golf course tees onto the touch screen. The second patent that was researched is called “Methods for Monitoring Hydrogen Fueling Systems”, with patent number 20090297897. This patent was filed on 12/05/2008. The abstract describes this apparatus to provide a hydrogen leak detection mechanism. An event controller will measure pressure of the hydrogen gas before, during and after fueling operation. If certain pressure thresholds are exceeded the hydrogen fueling system will be shut down. A compressor will be used in order to regulate pressure. The so called “event controller” will be a programmable logic controller. To be more specific one of the claims is a decrease of 100 psig will result in a hydrogen fueling shutdown. The third patent that was researched is called “Computer System and Method for Monitoring Hydrogen Vehicles”, with patent number 20080234888. This patent was filed on 12/01/2005. The patent abstract describes a system in which it remotely monitors a hydrogen vehicle. This system includes a data acquisition/communication module configured to receive signals which represent status conditions associated with the vehicle. A computer will be used as a remote to control this hydrogen monitoring system. The display will be located on the hydrogen powered vehicle. The status conditions mentioned earlier contains many different types of data. The ones most relevant to our project is hydrogen tank pressure and hydrogen tank temperature. 4.3 Analysis of Patent Liability Although the patents listed above have many similar features of the AFCI system there are no literal infringements we need to worry about. The golf cart system that was described above calculates completely different data and is used an entirely different context. Also for the “Monitoring Hydrogen Fueling Systems” they’re method of calculating hydrogen leak detection is based on multiple pressure checks. The AFCI system on the other hand detects hydrogen leaks through a commercial pre calibrated module in which it provides a voltage reading based on the gas concentration levels. In the claim, the monitoring hydrogen fueling system is patenting the 9 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 method of calculating hydrogen leak detection not the electrical method of detection on a hydrogen vehicle. There may be a doctrine of equivalence regarding the “Computer System and Method for Monitoring Hydrogen Vehicles” patent. The AFCI system also uses a communication module which really is our micro controller. Also we use this module to measure “status” data such as hydrogen tank temperature and pressure. Similarly as well, the AFCI system will use a computer, our Atom board, to control the hydrogen monitoring system. Although a lot of functionality is similar our design defers from this patent because we are using an SCI protocol to communicate with the host computer and communication module. Specifically the remote system will be off the vehicle, where as our system will be entirely on the vehicle. 4.4 Action Recommended The highest potential for infringement is with regarding to the “Computer System and Method for Monitoring Hydrogen Vehicles”. However if we were ever to get into a liability issue, an argument we could use is that our remote implements a touch screen interface where as their system distributes data as a web server. So although we both provide substantially the same function the implementation is in a relatively different way. Also there could be a potential liability with the golf cart touch screen system. Both of our systems bring the idea of having a touch screen interface mounted on top of a golf cart. The argument we would bring up for this is that, although our golf cart setup are similar our functionality is different. The golf cart system is using GPS in order to calculate coordinate on a golf course, but our system is monitoring a hydrogen vehicle. Using this argument we can avoid doctrine of equivalence. 4.5 Summary There were three patents that were analyzed regarding if our project had a possibility of infringement. All three of these patents had similar component or design mechanism as the AFCI system. However none of these patents create a literal infringement liability with our design. Also there are no clear cut doctrines of equivalents as all the differences can be seen. Differences such as a golf cart GPS and a hydrogen monitoring system. Also a difference like having a remote system compared to a on board system. Overall we believe that the patent liability of our design is very low. 10 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 5.0 Reliability and Safety Analysis 5.1 Introduction AFCI was a monitoring device that is designed for a Hydrogen Fuel-Cell electric vehicle. This product was made for the researchers’ group that develops this specific vehicle. Since this device would be used by the research team heavily, we considered the safety and the reliability issues so the system would work without making any inconvenience for the users. For safety issues, our system had to keep itself from messing up the vehicle's system. Aside from that, we would like to keep our battery safe from short circuit. On the reliability side, our system would bring a dependable performance with the needed sensing accuracy. 5.2 Reliability Analysis Among the components in our system, we believed that there were several components that were more likely to fail than the others. We carefully selected the components that would give us the longest lifetime span for our system. The first component was the battery which was our main power source. This battery brought 36 Volts and if the positive and the negative connection were shorted, a big spark would occur. On the reliability issue, the battery had a certain lifetime which may need users to take actions on it. The second component was the power regulator which was responsible to regulate from our main power source's voltage (36 Volts) to a stable 12 Volts. The component, which was named VKP100MT312C, was pretty big and complex that it generated heat when it operates for a long enough time duration. The heat generated could damage itself and make it unreliable for operation. If this component failed, it could do some damage since high voltages would be forwarded to the sensitive Integrated Circuits. The third component was the amplifier Integrated Circuit (IC) that we used. This IC was for translating the cold junction technology of the thermocouple used by the system into an analog signal. Since the accuracy of the sensors depended on the condition of the sensors, the connection of the sensors and the condition of this ICs as well, we felt that it was necessary to include this IC into the analysis. The fourth component was the microcontroller we used. This micro-controller was the most complicated IC on our Printed Circuit Board (PCB). There was a chance that this device would 11 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 heat up as it was used. The synchronization between the micro-controller and the other interfaces may affect the reliability of the whole system. The other components in our system that might fail were the Atom board and the touch screen display. Since both of them were commercial products, we expected them to be reliable in a certain extent. Still, we had to consider steps to make them as reliable as it was promised. Provided below were the tables of our analysis about the mentioned components' number of failures per 1x106 hours and their Mean Time to Failure (MTTF). For the micro-controller: Parameter name Description Value Comments C1 Die complexity 0.28 16 Bit πT Temperature coeff. 1.5 Assuming 45o F C2 Pins constant number 0.013 36 used pins πE Environmental coeff. 3 Ground, mobile πL Learning coefficient 1 > 2 years πQ Quality coefficient 5 Estimation for commercial Entire design: Micro-controller 2.295 Failures per 1E6 hours MTTF 49 Mean Time to Fail (years) Table 5.2-1: Failure analysis for microcontroller For the 36 to 12 Volts regulator: Parameter name Description Value Comments λb Base failure prob. 0.002 Voltage regulator πT Temperature coeff. 1.5 Assuming 45o F πS Stress coeff. 1 Big regulator πC Construction factor 1 Solid connection πQ Quality coefficient 5.5 Mixed material Entire design: Voltage regulator 0.0165 Failures per 1E6 hours MTTF 6 844 Mean Time to Fail (years) Table 5.2-2: Failure analysis for 36-12V regulator 12 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 For the cold junction signal amplifier: Parameter name Description Value Comments C1 Die complexity 0.02 Simple IC πT Temperature coeff. 1.5 Assuming 45o F C2 Pins constant number 0.048 14 used pins in DIP package πE Environmental coeff. 3 Ground, mobile πL Learning coefficient 1 > 2 years πQ Quality coefficient 5 Estimation for commercial Entire design: Thermocouple IC 0.87 Failures per 1E6 hours MTTF 132 Mean Time to Fail (years) Table 5.2-3: Failure analysis for cold junction signal amplifier Based on these calculations, the component that was most likely to fail was our micro-controller. This was expected as it was the most complex IC we had. We thought of ways to mitigate the reliability of the system and we came up with several steps. They were: - Provide enough heat sink for the voltage regulator - Protec the sensors’ connection by using protective sensor wires - Provide enough power to the system - Operate in the approved operating condition Parts other than the RS-232 driver IC, micro-controller, Atom board, touch screen display and the sensors would not really make the system totally dysfunctional when they fail. Hence, it was required that we make sure those components worked as needed for our system to be usable. 5.3 Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) We had five blocks of circuitry when we divide the circuit according their functionality. They were the power management block, the micro-controller block, the sensors block, the SD card block and the RS-232 block. Starting with the power management block, it contained all of our power regulators and the circuitry to support them. These power regulators could overheat as they were used. This heat could reach a level where it damage the regulators and make them unreliable. When one of these regulators fails, undetermined voltage output would come to the voltage rails and it might damage the other ICs as well. 13 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 On the other block, which was the micro-controller block, we had the micro-controller, the bypass capacitors, the oscillator and the Background Debugging Mode (BDM) pins. The microcontroller, which was the most complex IC on our PCB, was likely to fail due to heat, soldering condition and excessive input current. Another possibility was that the oscillator circuitry did not work so that the micro-controller froze. If the micro-controller failed, our system would not be able to take the sensors input at all, which could make our system unusable. The third block was the sensors block. This block contains all the sensors used on the vehicle’s system and the IC that translated the Cold Junction thermocouple output into familiar analog signals. Unfortunately, the translator ICs were vulnerable to noises. As a result from the noises from the PCB, the translator ICs did not give us a very accurate reading. The fourth block was the SD card block. This block includes the SD card module and the level translator IC that converts 5 volts signals into 3.3 volts signals. The SD card module was a break out connection board module we bought from a certain provider. We assumed that this module was connected properly so it would be reliable enough for our project. The level translator was a small IC that was prone for pins bridging when we soldered it. If the 5 volts pins and the 3.3 volts pins were shorted, both rails would have 5 volts on them and it might prevent the system to write data into the SD card, not to mention it might damage the SD card. Another failure that could happen was the synchronization error. When the SD card could not communicate at the same pace as the micro-controller’s SPI did, the writing process might fail. The last block was the RS-232 block. This block contained only the RS-232 driver IC. This IC was responsible for converting the SCI signals into the RS-232 signals that could be recognized by the Atom board. Again, a scenario that might fail this block’s main function was the failure on the synchronization between the micro-controller’s SCI and the Atom board’s RS-232. Another issue was when this driver IC heated up and failed itself. Various types of failures may also occur when pins which were supposed to be open were shorted. This might bring down the voltage down to a certain unpredictable level. If ICs take insufficient voltage input, they might not work as expected. To create the same understanding of the criticality of these failures, we defined three levels of criticality. The first one was low criticality. The failures that belonged to this group were the ones that both did not remove the system’s ability to monitor the physical properties of the 14 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 vehicle and did not cause any injury the users. The second one was the medium criticality. The failures that belonged to this group were the ones that removed the system’s monitoring ability but did not injure the users. The third one was the high criticality. The failures that belonged to this group were the ones that both removed the monitoring ability or injured the users in any way. 5.4 Summary Our project had two safety constraints that must be followed. The first one was to make sure that the polarities of the battery did not get shorted. The second one was to keep our sensors or any other component from messing up the reactor. We had more reliability issues that had to be considered. These include the performance of our power regulators, the accuracy of our sensors, the condition of the micro-controller and the usage correctness of the SD card circuitry and the RS-232 circuitry. When we have solid software, solid PCB’s connection and correct usage, these reliability issues should be mitigated. 6.0 Ethical and Environmental Impact Analysis 6.1 Introduction We are designing an instrumentation and analysis system for a hydrogen-powered golf cart. Its primary goal is to aid in the research of a very promising hydrogen-fuel technology that Naman Chopra and Purdue professor Jerry Woodall are developing. The specific values we are monitoring are the pressure and temperature in the hydrogen reactor and water tank, along with the hydrogen level just outside the tank, to detect hydrogen leaks. Our main goal in senior design was to create a functional product. This, combined with the course requirements, time, budget, and equipment limitations placed on our team, definitely led to a sub-optimal product in terms of ethical and environmental impact. Two of the main issues were lack of time and capacity to perform proper testing and excess use of parts and materials. 15 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 6.2 Ethical Impact Analysis We are confident that our product works under normal operating conditions where the temperature is mild and the golf cart is moving slowly on relatively smooth terrain. However, our product should also be tested under worst case conditions such as in harsh weather and on bumpy terrain. It becomes an ethical issue when we claim that our product will perform accurately for an extended period of time and that it is safe to operate, whereas we have not performed the required testing to give that assurance. Many aspects of our design are impacted by this issue. Because our product might be used in a golf cart outdoors, it could be subject to harsh weather and temperature conditions. Our Atom board is only rated to operate between 0 °C and 60 °C, so we do not know the consequences of using our product outdoors in the peak of an Indiana winter. Furthermore, our system could be used on a golf cart while driving on bumpy terrain. We need to make sure that our connections and fixtures are as firm as possible to ensure optimum safety. To address these issues, we should include full disclosure of all our doubts about our design. This is the ethical thing to do even though it will make our product appear less attractive. These warnings should appear at all places: in product manuals, on stickers on the enclosures, and even during marketing of the product. To address the very important issue of our system not detecting excessive pressure buildup in the hydrogen reactor, we have also placed a failsafe mechanical valve that will pop open in such an event. Another ethical issue with our design is that because one of our parts is a computer motherboard with a full-fledged operating system (Ubuntu 9.10) installed, if somebody malicious to the end user manages to connect a keyboard to the system there are many actions he could do that would harm the actual user, such as manipulating sensor readings and disabling components. One of the reasons that we chose to use a Linux operating system was to alleviate this issue since Linux requires root access to perform significant changes to the system. 16 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 6.3 Environmental Impact Analysis Manufacture: One fact that sticks out about our project is that it uses many more parts than it actually needs. First of all, our PCB is quite large (8.62”x5.13”) but yet quite sparse. Furthermore, there is a good possibility that our project doesn’t even need a separate PCB as most of the functionality can be achieved by the Atom board. By simply attaching an SD card reader and using some of the Atom board’s general purpose I/O pins for ATD functionality, the only other part that would be needed is a 12V-5V switching regulator to power the board from the 12V golf cart battery. If we determined that we still need a PCB, we could reduce the manufacturing environmental impact by using lead-free solder. During Normal use: Due to large power consumption, there is some amount of heat emitted by our 33-75V to 12V regulator and Atom board. Compared to most other motherboards out there, our Atom board is fairly cool and lightweight. It measures 5.7” x 4”, whereas a typical PC motherboard measures around 12” x 9.6”. We have used a net-like front panel on our enclosure to provide ventilation for the Atom board. To reduce the environmental impact during normal use we could put our Atom board and microcontroller in sleep mode when they are idle. We could also reduce the amount of unneeded background processes running on the Atom board. During Disposal/recycling: Because our PCB contains large amounts of lead solder, disposing of it will be quite harmful to the environment. This could be mitigated somewhat by using lead-free solder. Apart from that, the 36V lead acid battery we use contains lead and other harmful chemicals such as sulfuric acid. It also carries a risk of explosion or big sparks if its leads are shorted together, possibly resulting in a fire. We will place warning labels on the battery to warn of this danger. Finally, although aluminum is not considered to be directly harmful to the environment, it takes a very long time to decompose and would occupy landfill space for a long time. As such, during disposal, our aluminum project enclosure should be recycled instead of just thrown away. 17 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Recycling would be the best way to curb the environmental impact of our product – the hard part is persuading users to recycle the product after they are done with it. If we had a small product (like a smartphone for example) it would be easy to include a bag with paid shipping labels attached so that customers could mail it back to us for recycling. Alas, our product is enclosed in a large aluminum box and includes a sizable lead acid battery so the costs and effort involved in such a scheme make it impractical. Fortunately, according to US laws and regulations, in many states [3] it is illegal to knowingly dispose of batteries in the trash. In most states, the Environmental Protection Agency also requires retailers that sell lead-acid batteries to collect used batteries for recycling [2]. These measures should persuade most people to drop off their used lead-acid batteries to a nearby retailer for recycling. To prevent our project box and the parts inside to go to waste, we could advertise the fact that there is actually a full-fledged PC motherboard in the casing. Therefore, after a user no longer wishes to use our product, the user could contact us and we would provide the root password for the installed Operating System. That way they could connect a keyboard to the machine and just use it as a PC. 6.4 Summary This report outlined and elaborated on the ethical and environmental challenges related to the AFCI project and how we plan to address them. The main ethical issues we encountered were lack of testing and security issues related to having a computer motherboard as part of the product. To address those we plan to provide full disclosure about the caveats of the product and to use a secure underlying operating system. The main environmental issue encountered is our project is that it is unnecessarily wasteful. If we were to mass-manufacture our product we will be able to get by using much fewer components. 18 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 7.0 Packaging Design Considerations 7.1 Introduction The packaging, as briefly explained to some extent in the design constraints portion will basically consist of a box with connectors. This module will be screwed onto the dashboard beside the LCD. The LCD will also be mounted with its own provided mount which can be rotated for better view. The box will have an SD card slot on the right side and the user can reach it easily while sitting in the cockpit. Everything will be controlled from the touch-screen. The box needs to be sturdy and durable. The sensors will be connected to the reactor vessel and there will two Ethernet cables connecting the sensors to the box. 7.2 Commercial Product Packaging Product #1 Nissan GT-R in-dash informational display – The Nissan GT-R is a high performance sports car (480HP). This was my primary inspiration for designing our A.F.C.I. The drive computer, as they call it, is developed by polyphonic studios collaborated with Nissan Japan. There is preset information and also driver selectable information gauges. There is a gauge for everything - acceleration in G’s, percentage of accelerator pedal pressed, boost gauge, braking G’s, fuel range, engine oil temp and pressure, transmission oil pressure and temperature and a ton more things. The packaging is in-dash housed, not movable, and the microcontrollers are hidden away from the user’s view. We will have a similar touchscreen display. We will be monitoring temperature, pressure and leaks. The system we are monitoring is entirely different from this vehicle. This is a gasoline powered sports car. 19 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Product #2 Toyota Prius in-dash informational display – The Toyota Prius hybrid drive computer is not as fancy as the Nissan GT-R’s but still provide efficiency, fuel range, and temperature readings. It gives a complete status of the Hybrid Synergy Drive (HSD) technology developed by Toyota; informing the current state of the system to the driver to help him/her achieve more mileage from the vehicle. The display is not touch-screen, there are buttons on both sides of the LCD to view and change settings. The display again is not movable and is housed inside. What we will incorporate from this system is the idea of providing an overall state of the system. We will give appropriate warnings if a sensor exceeds predefined thresholds. 7.3 Project Packaging Specifications The packaging which we plan to use will be Military grade aluminum metal case which will enclose the atom board (reminder, this is not the board provided by Purdue, we got our own) and the PCB in one box. There will be detachable connectors for sensor wires and LCD connection (VGA and USB) and the box will be designed to open only by screws (4 screws). We would need a drill for drilling holes for the box which will contain the PCB and the atom board. The LCD will require some drilling. The estimated weight of the box will be no more than four pounds. The LCD weights two pounds. The box will be connected through wires that will run underneath the vehicle’s carpet/mat and will be sealed for water proofing. The box should not cost more than $50. 20 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 7.4 PCB Footprint Layout In placing the components on the PCB, the biggest consideration would be whether we have enough space for the traces and the header ports. Most of the board’s estate would be occupied by the serial port, header ports, traces and the electrical circuitry for the power management. With the total area for those elements and extra area for some trace routing, the estimated dimension for our PCB would be six centimeters by ten centimeters. 7.5 Summary Our device will be one of a kind product out there; there is really nothing in the market which actually measures an Alumoline fuel storage and delivery system. This product will set a standard in this market for Alumoline monitoring as this is the first prototype ever. The display GUI will somewhat be a hybrid of the display Nissan GT-R and Toyota Prius, however it will display information which is entirely different. Our display is flexibly mounted and we can change direction. It will be placed right behind the steering. The case which houses the atom board and PCB will be located near the LCD and the user will have access to the SD card slot. The dimensions are approximated and are written in appendices. 8.0 Schematic Design Considerations 8.1 Introduction AFCI was an instrumentation device that was designed for a Hydrogen Fuel-Cell electric vehicle. The main consumer of this product would be the researcher group that developed this specific vehicle. Hoping that the product would provide the practical advantages to accelerate the research, we decided to create an instrumentation system that is focused in monitoring the important physical properties of the vehicle's vital devices as well as giving the ease and the elegance of using the instrument over a user-friendly interface. In achieving the functional and interface related goal of this project, we divided the system into three main parts. They were the Atom board, the sensors to monitor the properties and the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) which had the microcontroller and its related interfaces. For the Atom board, we already had a product that we could use right away. We were planning to use this board to organize the touch display interface which would be the main interface of this device to the users. In this chapter we would go through the theory of the operation of the three groups in more details. 21 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 8.2 Theory of Operation Starting with the Atom board, we decided to use an Atom board to help us in managing the graphical user interface. The main reason for choosing an Atom board over a microcontroller to drive the touch sensing display was to accelerate the development and to simplify the interface system. When we picked our Atom board, we wanted to choose an Atom board that provided enough interfaces for the touch sensing display, the communication between itself and the microcontroller, as well as the development tools which include a flash card slot, a keyboard and a mouse. Since the Atom board itself had a simple desktop architecture, we could simply take it as a desktop machine where an Ubuntu Linux operating system could be installed and did a lot of graphical application. The main storage device for this Atom board would be a Compact Flash card. Through this card, the Atom board would be able to load the operating system as well. The second major group of our system was the sensors group. With the consideration that the environment where we were monitoring was really reactive, we have taken many steps to comply with the safety conditions of the particular Hydrogen fuel cell we were monitoring. This fuel cell did not really open up the opportunity for us to use a variety of sensors. The sensors which could fit this mechanical feature of the fuel cell required a special fitting that most of the sensors did not have. These sensors would be communicating to the microcontroller through an Analog To Digital (ATD) interface. One of the thermocouples required an external Integrated Circuit to drive the ATD signals. We would put it onto our PCB which would explained on the next paragraph. The third major part of the whole system was the printed circuit board. The major subsections of the printed circuit board were the microcontroller, the sensor header pins, the SD card module, the RS-232 communication port, the power circuitry and the debugging header pins. Starting from the power, we wanted to have a regulated 5 Volts input for the microcontroller and the Atom board as well as 12 Volts input for the display and one of our sensors. Since the closest major power supply provided on the implemented vehicle is a 48 Volts battery, we decided to use that combined with regulating electrical circuitry to power our system. Considering that the Atom board used a different voltage level than the voltage level used by the microcontroller, we decided to use two regulating circuitries. The first one would be responsible to regulate the voltage from the main source which is 48 Volts to 12 Volts which will be used by the touch sensing display and one of our sensors. The second regulator is a buck regulator that would be 22 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 responsible to regulate the voltage from 12 Volts to 5 Volts which is going to be used by the microcontroller and the Atom board. To provide a portable storage system, we would like to put an SD card interface to our system. In achieving this, we planned to use the microcontroller's Serial Communication Interface (SCI) in communicating to the SD card module. With the help of FAT file-system library that we matched up with the microcontroller, we were able to write and read from the SD card through the SD card module. This module was a breakout board that consisted of a SD card port and header pins that were connected to the SD card port. It is noted that the module will need 3.3 Volts, so we would use an additional buck regulator circuitry that regulated a 5 Volts input to a 3.3 Volts output. For the communication between the microcontroller and the Atom board, the system will use a serial communication method. This can be achieved by using the microcontroller's Serial Communication Interface (SCI) combined with the Atom board's RS-232 interface. To safely do this, it requires a driver that bridges the SPI and the RS-232 interface. This is where the MAX3232CD driver will work best. The microcontroller was the heart of the sensing operation and it would be explained in the next point. 8.3 Hardware Design Narrative Our microcontroller, the heart of the sensing operation, would be mainly responsible for organizing the sensor related processes, communicating it to the display system and to manage the SD card storage system. In taking the input signals from the sensors, we decided to use the ATD feature of the microcontroller. The extra components which were needed in interfacing the sensors were Cold Junction Amplifier for the thermocouples. This amplifier came in a form of a Dual Inline Package (DIP) so it can be placed to the PCB easily. To communicate with the Atom board, we wanted to choose the most reliable interface and that was offered by the SCI of the microcontroller. This interface would give the ease of communication and the portability that might be needed as the research progress. 23 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Alternatives were available for us to interface with the SD card. Among them all, we thought that SPI would nicely fit our design. Since we also found modules that support the interface between the SD card and the SPI of the microcontroller, the development process would be accelerated as well. Additionally, we also provided Background Debug Mode (BDM) pins that would allow us to program the microcontroller on the PCB right away. This would help us in debugging the chip if something went wrong. To give a complete description of what we are using in terms of microcontroller pins, the pins usage table is shown below. This table was to be evaluated with the assistance of the 9S12C32 manual for 48 Pin QFP Pinouts. Pin number Pin name Usage 1 PW0/IOC0/PT0 Debug pin 2 PW1/IOC1/PT1 Debug pin 3 PW2/IOC2/PT2 Debug pin 4 PW3/IOC3/PT3 Debug pin 5 VDD1 Power 6 VSS1 Power 7 PW4/IOC4/PT4 Debug pin 8 IOC5/PT5 Debug pin 9 IOC6/PT6 Debug pin 10 IOC7/PT7 Debug pin 11 MODC/BKGD BDM pin 12 PB4 Not used 13 ~XCLKS/PE7 Debug pin 14 ECLK/PE4 Debug pin 15 VSSR Power 16 VDDR Power 17 ~RESET BDM pin 24 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 18 VDDPLL Not used 19 XFC Not used 20 VSSPLL Not used 21 EXTAL Oscillator 22 XTAL Oscillator 23 TEST/VPP Not used 24 ~IRQ/PE1 Debug pin 25 ~XIRQ/PE0 Not used 26 PA0 Not used 27 PAD00/AN00 ATD pin 28 PAD01/AN01 ATD pin 29 PAD02/AN02 ATD pin 30 PAD03/AN03 ATD pin 31 PAD04/AN04 ATD pin 32 PAD05/AN05 ATD pin 33 PAD06/AN06 ATD pin 34 PAD07/AN07 ATD pin 35 VDDA Power 36 VRH Power 37 VSSA Power 38 PS0/RXD SCI pin 39 PS1/TXD SCI pin 40 PM5/SCK SPI pin 41 PM4/MOSI SPI pin 42 PM3/~SS SPI pin 43 PM2/MISO SPI pin 44 PM1/TXCAN Debug pin 25 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 45 PM0/RXCAN Debug pin 46 VSSX Power 47 VDDX Power 48 PP5/KWP5/PW5 Debug pin 8.4 Summary Our project was a device that monitored the vital information of a research vehicle and shown the information in a format that it would accelerate the research in developing this particular type of hydrogen fueled vehicle. It used a touch sensing display that would collaborate with a microcontroller that takes input from the sensors attached to the vital devices of the vehicle. The communication between the microcontroller and the Atom board would use a Serial Communication Interface and an RS-232 interface. In providing the ease of portable storage system, we used an SD card module interfaced with the Serial Peripheral Interface. The sensors would be giving the needed information to the microcontroller through an Analog To Digital interface. The atom board was responsible for taking user input from the touch sensor and showing the user the right information about the properties. When used correctly, we believed that this device would help the research group to focus more in the development of the vehicle. Hopefully, this device would be more useful than what we expected. 9.0 PCB Layout Design Considerations 9.1 Introduction AFCI was an instrumentation device that was designed for a Hydrogen Fuel-Cell electric vehicle. This product was built with the purpose of a study aid for the research group that develops this specific vehicle. Hoped that the product would provide the practical advantages to accelerate the research, we decided to create an instrumentation system that was focused in monitoring the important physical properties of the vehicle's vital devices as well as giving the ease and the elegance of using the instrument over a user-friendly interface. 26 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 In this project, the Printed Circuit Board was the heart where all the vital hardware were laid out. 9.2 PCB Layout Design Considerations - Overall In order to prevent unnecessary noises we collectively united the power traces and the ground traces. Both the top layer and the bottom layer of the PCB had the access to these vital connections. Routing the traces depended to the component placement very closely. It was easier when we placed the component with the signal routing in mind so that the routing would naturally adapt to the environment. The component placement over the PCB was affected by some factors. The first factor was its dimension. We wanted to have the bigger components which were usually more important to be away from each other to prevent noises and physical obstruction. The second factor was its usage. We grouped and placed our components based on their functionality. In this way, the needed by-pass capacitors' capabilities were extended to their best and it was easier for us to route the traces as more traces existed for the related components. The third factor was the noise reduction constraint for the reliability of the product. We wanted to place the noise-sensitive parts of the PCB away from the noise sources. That would mean we had to place the microcontroller, the sensors and their related component away from the voltage regulators. Lastly, we wanted to place all of the components so that the ports that were connected were facing each other to simplify the trace routing process. Size of the traces followed the minimum width was needed to make sure the signals did not get weaken in the middle of the system's operation. This varied as the traces had different purposes to be use. We believed that it was safer to give the priority of a direct tracing route to the signal traces as they were more vulnerable to all kinds of noises compared to the power traces which had wider trace size. In view of the fact that we were using an external connector module for the SD card, we matched the header pins of our PCB with the sockets available on the SD card module. This SD card module had to be placed near the edge of the PCB as this module would be in contact to the user most often. It was also considered to put the module on the same side of the SPI pins of the micro-controller to make the routing process easier. 27 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 The position of the serial communication port should be near the edge as well. This would provide greater ease of connecting the serial cable between the Atom board and the PCB. Also, it was best to put it on the same side that the corresponding pins exist to avoid detours of traces. While the position of the debugging pin headers was quite flexible, we wanted to put the pin headers for the ATD sensors' signals to be on the edge on the board as well. This would give the flexibility when the sensors need to be changed or unplugged. To avoid additional difficulty in the trace routing, we also put this on the same side with the ATD pins. The driver for the RS-232 communication port should bridge the micro-controller's SCI pins and the communication port. For that goal, it was better to place it on the side of the microcontroller's SCI pins. 9.3 PCB Layout Design Considerations - Microcontroller Micro-controller was the heart of the sensing operation. In our system we used an external oscillator. We put the oscillator quite close to the micro-controller. As the common design practices recommended us, we provided a space that was close enough to the micro-controller for the bypass capacitors so that they will work on their best to stabilize the voltage. Power trace for the micro-controller was bigger than a normal signal trace as it was responsible for carrying the input voltages. Again, these power connections should come from one single power point and one single ground point to avoid any unnecessary noises. To provide the ability to program the micro-controller on the PCB, we put Background Debug Mode (BDM) pins on the PCB. These pins were quite flexible for placement as they do not serve any purpose for the real customer of the system. It was acceptable to place it anywhere as long as the BDM jumper could be plugged onto these pins. In the view of fact that we would be using the micro-controller's pins from all of the four sides, it was desirable to put the micro-controller in the center of the PCB. It was wise to give more PCB space on the side of the micro-controller that has many used pins for routing. Except for power 28 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 supply circuitry that brought a lot of noise, it was simpler to place the component closer to the micro-controller's edge when direct tracing route between were possible. With these considerations in mind, we decided to place the micro-controller so that the lower and the right side of the micro-controller would be closer to the edge of the PCB compared to the distance between the upper and the left side to the PCB's edges. We were sure that this would allow the trace routing enough space for the SPI and the SCI interface which pins share the upper side of the micro-controller. 9.4 PCB Layout Design Considerations - Power Supply Power supply related circuitry was a part of the PCB that made huge noise effect to all the other components. Again, in order to maintain the system reliability during the operation, we placed the power supply circuitry away from the sensitive component while still keeping the reasonable size of the PCB. Just as mentioned on the point before, we needed to have traces as big as sixty mils for the power supply. These traces should be reliable enough so that we could extend the power traces longer as it would be connected to various components. Fortunately, the bypass capacitors needed for this design were not bulky. This reduced the excessive space necessity of the capacitors. Still, all bypass capacitors should be placed very near to the related IC to bring its best performance. The power regulators for this project took a quarter of the PCB’s area. Vertically, it also needed greater space for the 48 Volts to 12 Volts regulator since this device needed external heat sink to maintain its temperature. All of the ICs that used power needed to connect its power related pins to this same power circuitry output so that they were guaranteed to agree in the voltage references and noises would be avoided. 29 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 9.5 Summary Our PCB layout consisted of a micro-controller in the center, the RS-232 port and the SD card module on the upper side, the ATD pins header on the right side, the debugging pins header on the left side and the voltage regulator circuitry on the top left corner of the PCB. The other driver ICs were placed between the micro-controller and the interfaces they supported. Voltage regulator circuitry was placed far away from the micro-controller as it could bring undesired noises. Additional space was provided for the upper side of the micro-controller as the microcontroller needed it for routing the traces since they had more used pins than the other sides. This PCB design prioritized its usability, robustness and ultimately its functionality to serve the system's main purpose. 10.0 Software Design Considerations 10.1 Introduction We are designing an instrumentation and analysis system for a hydrogen-powered golf cart. Its primary goal is to aid in the research of a very promising hydrogen-fuel technology that Naman Chopra and Purdue professor Jerry Woodall are developing. The specific values we are monitoring are the pressure and temperature in the hydrogen reactor and water tank, along with the hydrogen level just outside the tank, to detect hydrogen leaks. Our project involves an Intel Atom board which handles the LCD display and the interpretation of touchscreen commands; and a Freescale 9S12C32 microcontroller which handles SD card interfacing and sampling of sensor Analog-to-Digital values. Thus, our software requirements are split into two main parts: a Java application which runs on the Atom board and the CodeWarrior-compiled C code which runs on our microcontroller. 10.2 Software Design Considerations We have chosen to use embedded C along with the CodeWarrior IDE and compiler to program our microcontroller because we have experience with these tools and we can be much more productive than programming in assembly. We have chosen to use Java and the Swing widget toolkit to program the Atom board because Java is portable, and easy to use. In addition, Darin has a lot of experience with these tools. The operating system installed on the Atom board is Ubuntu 9.10. We have chosen this OS because some of our team members are familiar with it and because it can be easily booted from a compact flash card. 30 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 For our project, we have placed a large emphasis on the LCD/touchscreen user interface, as we want our product to look professional and feel intuitive. It will consist of 5 meters, much like those seen on a car dashboard, that show the current sensor values. When the user selects one of those meters, a graph showing the change in that sensor will be displayed. From the main display, the user can also toggle the logging of each sensor to an SD card, and modify the logging rate. Although our project deals with real-time monitoring of a system, we have very loose speed and performance requirements. This is because the LCD display only updates twice each second and that is also the fastest possible SD card logging rate for our application. We believe that a ½ second interval between updates is a sensible choice, as it is not so fast that it confounds the user, but is still fast enough to give a good picture of the current state of the hydrogen fuel system. Because of our lax speed and performance requirements, we have not included specific optimizations in those areas. However, given the nature of space constraints on microcontrollers, we are still careful not to make our code size too large or to utilize unnecessary memory. With those goals, we have refrained from including any libraries except for a FAT filesystem library that is very useful for our purposes, and also avoided using dynamic memory allocation. In order to better illustrate the platform we are writing our software on, this section of the homework will highlight the important hardware sections of the Freescale 9S12C32 microcontroller. Variables and the stack are placed in SRAM, which is mapped to 0x3800 to 0x3FFF. The stack starts from the “top” of SRAM: 0x3FFF and grows downwards. To minimize memory usage we are not using the heap in our application. Application code and static data are placed in Flash, which is mapped from 0x8000 to 0xF7FF. The explicit placing of each variable within SRAM is determined at compile time by the CodeWarrior compiler and will change as our application changes. Region Mapped Address Space Register space 0x0000 – 0x03FF SRAM 0x3800 – 0x3FFF Flash 0x8000 – 0xF7FF Resident Debugger 0xF800 – 0xFFFF Interrupt vectors 0xFF00 – 0xFFFF Table 10.2-1: Mapped Address Spaces 31 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 The external interfaces we are using are 5 ATDs, SPI and SCI. Their uses are described in the table below. Interface Usage ATD5 Sampling Hydrogen Reactor Pressure Transducer readings ATD4 Sampling Water Tank Pressure Transducer readings ATD7 Sampling Hydrogen Reactor Temperature Thermocouple readings ATD6 Sampling Water Tank Temperature Thermocouple readings ATD3 Sampling Hydrogen Leak Sensor readings SPI SD card interfacing SCI Communication with Atom board via serial port Table 10.2-2: Usage of External Interfaces Register Flag/bit Value Effect INITRG (whole) 0x00 Set registers at 0x0000 INITRM (whole) 0x39 Set RAM to end at 0x3FFF CLKSEL PLLSEL 1 Derive system clock from Phased Lock Loop clock (bus clock = PLLCLK/2 = 12MHz), instead of the Oscillator clock SYNR (whole) 0x02 Sets Phase Locked Loop to 24MHz COPCTL RSBCK 1 Stops the watchdog timer and real time interrupts when the system enters BDM mode SCIBDL (whole) 156 Sets SCI baud rate to 9600 baud SCICR2 (whole) 0x0C Enable the receiver and transmitter for SCI DDRB DDR4 1 Enable port B4 as an output PORTB (whole) 0x10 Enable port B4 as an output RTICTL (whole) 0x70 Sets the timeout period for the real time interrupt to 216 oscillator clock ticks CRGINT RTIE 1 Enable interrupts whenever the real time interrupt flag is set ATDDIEN (whole) 0b11111000 Enable digital input buffers for ATDs 7,6,5,4,3 ATDCTL2 ADPU 1 Enable normal ATD functionality ATDCTL3 (whole) 0x08 Set ATD to perform 1 conversion per sequence TSCR2 (whole) 0x0C Reset timer counter upon a successful compare 7 event. Set timer prescaler clock to bus clock/16 32 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 TIOS (whole) 0x80 Set channel 7 as an output compare SPICR1 (whole) 0b01010000 Enable SPI and make associated port pins dedicated to SPI functions. Also set SPI as master mode Set SPI such that the “Slave Select” pin is not used. SPICR2 (whole) 0x00 SPIBR (whole) 0b01110111 Set SPI frequency to about 20 kHz Table 10.2-3: Register Initializations The above table describes the various register initializations we have used for the 9S12C microcontroller. The INITRG and INITRM registers are set in accordance with FreeScale’s recommendations. The clock-related registers are configured to yield a 24MHz system clock, which is more than adequate for our performance needs. The SCI has been set to 9600 baud because that is a common baud rate for serial interfaces and is the baud rate set on our Atom board. Our SCICR2, DDRB and PORTB configurations ensure that the serial TX and RX lines are enabled, and that the IRQ line is enabled as an output. The ATDDIEN and ATDCTL2 settings are rather self-explanatory as we will be using ATDs 3-7 to sample sensor readings and for our purposes 1 ATD conversion per sequence is enough. The TSCR2 and TIOS settings prepare the timer for use but do not actually start it. The microcontroller will wait for a message from the Atom board which contains the user-configured SD logging interval before it accordingly sets and starts the timer. Because we only have a single SPI device which is the SD card reader module and we want the microcontroller to be in control, we set SPI to master mode. As the core logic of our microcontroller code is relatively simple, we are using an interruptdriven organization. The “main” function will simply perform the required initializations and wait for interrupts in an infinite for loop. From main, when there is a timer tick interrupt, the microcontroller updates the wall clock time and logs the desired sensor data onto the SD card. If there is a message from the Atom board over the serial connection, it will determine the message content and take an appropriate action. If the message is a sensor data request, the microcontroller will reply with a message containing the sensor data. If it is a toggle logging request, the microcontroller will toggle the particular sensor’s logging flag. If it is a wall clock time message, the microcontroller will set a wall clock time variable and create a file with filename based on that time. Finally, if it is a logging interval message, the microcontroller will update the timer tick frequency. The Atom board code flow is similar - most of the time it will be waiting in an idle state. When there is a timer event, it will send a sensor data request to the microcontroller. There is a 33 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 dedicated thread waiting that listens for microcontroller responses. When a sensor data response is received, the sensor values are checked to see if they are within a safe threshold. If they are not, a warning is displayed to the user with appropriate safety suggestions. Otherwise, the meter display or graph is updated with the new sensor values. Apart from that, the Atom board just needs to respond to user actions such as setting the SD card logging rate, toggling sensor logging, and displaying different widgets based on the current program status. 10.3 Software Design Narrative To reduce the complexity of dealing with an SD card FAT filesystem, we are using Roland’s MMC/SD/SDHC card library which can be found here: Apart from that, we are utilizing the “Java Communications 3.0 API” ( to perform serial port communications from within a Java application running on Linux. We are also using JFreeChart (, a Java charting library for our graphing needs. The following module outlines are based on the hierarchy diagrams in Appendix B. Receive Atom Packet Description: This is a function that continuously buffers data from the SCI receive register until it encounters the end of an Atom board message, denoted by a special character. It then casts the buffered data into an afci_message struct, and based on the message_type field, will perform the appropriate action. Progress: This has been written and is working; however, we have yet to standardize our messages in a way that can be casted into a common struct. This way a received buffer can be easily transferred to a local struct using memcpy(). Send Packet Description: Packs current ATD values into an afci_message struct, and sends the struct over the serial connection. Progress: This has been written and is working; however, we have yet to standardize our messages in a way that can be casted into a common struct. Read ATDs Description: Simply reads and returns all current sensor ATD values Progress: This has been written and is working, but for testing purposes we are only using one ATD. 34 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Create File Description: Performs the necessary steps within the SD card’s filesystem to create a file with filename equal to the timestamp received from the Atom board at system startup. Progress: This functionality is provided by the FAT filesystem library we are using, but has not yet been tested. SD Command Description: Sends a command over SPI to the SD card using the correct sequence of assertions/de-assertions and bytes as defined by the SanDisk SD standard. Progress: This functionality is provided by the FAT filesystem library we are using, has been tested and is working correctly. Timer Interrupt Handler Description: The interrupt vector the system jumps to upon a timer tick. Will call the “update wall clock time” and “log sensor value” functions. Progress: This has yet to be written. Update wall clock time Description: Will take in as an argument the duration that has passed between the last time the internal wall clock time has been updated and the moment the function was called and update the wall clock time appropriately. The time will be stored in a human understandable date/hour/minute/second form. Progress: This has yet to be written. Log sensor values Description: For each sensor where its logging flag is set to true, this will open the current SD file and log an entry in <timestamp><current sensor value> form. Progress: This has yet to be written. initialize Description: Initializes the microcontroller to the appropriate state for the application. Most of this function’s contents are shown in Table 3. Progress: This has been written and is working; however, it will evolve when we will require new/different initializations to test additional parts of our code. Table 10.3-1: Microcontroller Modules 35 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Car Interface Description: This is a broad module encompassing the entire touchscreen user interface. Swing widgets are used to display buttons that the user can touch, and a button handler will be called each time that happens. Progress: This has been written and is working, but is subject to changes as we have not added all our final user interface features yet. Read Serial Port Thread Description: This is a dedicated thread that listens on the serial port for messages from the microcontroller. It uses the Java Communications library. Progress: This has been written and is working. Data Buffer Description: Buffers values read on the serial port. Progress: This has been written and is working. Check valid string Description: Checks the buffered serial port data to see if it represents a complete message. If the message has been mangled, it signals the system to resend the appropriate message. Progress: This has been written and is working, but we have not yet included the “resend” feature. Update chart (if needed) Description: If the LCD is in graph display mode, updates the graph based on the new sensor data. Progress: This has been written and is working, but we are currently using a scatter plot and have yet to successfully draw a correct line graph. Update Panels (if needed) Description: If the LCD is in meter display mode, updates the meters based on the new sensor data. Progress: This has been written and is working. Timer interrupt Description: The interrupt handler for a Java timer tick. Invokes the “send serial port” module to send a sensor data request. Progress: This has been written and is working. Send serial port Description: Creates and sends a message over the serial port. The type of message to be sent is taken in as a function argument 36 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Progress: This has been written and is working. However, we plan to standardize our message contents and lengths. Meter panels Description: This represents the meter panels that display the current corresponding sensor value. These can touched to show a graph for that sensor’s values. Progress: This has been written and is working. We do plan on greatly improving the aesthetics of these meters by using custom sprites. JFreeChart Description: This is the Java library we are using to draw a graph for a given sensor’s values. Progress: This has been tested and is working, however we are currently only able to draw a scatter plot, whereas what we want to use is a line graph. Table 10.3-2: Atom Board Modules 10.4 Summary This report provides relevant software and hardware details for our microcontroller, explanations for design choices we have made in light of our software design considerations, and details regarding the mechanics and organization of our software design, which at this point may still be subject to change. 11.0 Version 2 Changes There are many new features that we can add if there were a version 2 for the AFCI system. Many of the changes have to deal with the microcontroller functionality along with the overall user interface. One change we can make to our system is to allow the user to change the log rates of multiple sensors. As of now AFCI only allows one logging rate for the SD card for every sensor. In order to change this instead of there being only one log rate change panel at the top, there will be a log rate change panel for each meter panel also the one meter mode panels and two meter mode panels. Another feature we can implement is to allow the user to be able to change the threshold warnings using the interface or the computer. Right now the threshold values are hard 37 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 coded into Java application and will require a re-compile if the user wants to change them. One way to change them would be to have a pop up window that will allow the user to change each threshold value. Also another way would be to have an XML configuration file where the user can easily edit the file and change the threshold values. Lastly, since the Java application will be running a computer, an option could be added to allow the user to store the log onto a file on the computer rather than the SD card. This way just in case the user doesn’t have an SD card they can still log the data values if they want to. 12.0 Summary and Conclusions The AFCI system was able to successfully fulfill all 5 Project-Specific success criteria. However there are still some improvements that need to be made. The biggest one is the replacement of the atom board. Since our atom board died we needed to use our laptop in order to demonstrate our product. However for research purposes this would not be very convenient for the research team. We are going to attempt to send the atom board back to Advantech to see if they can repair it. After it comes back a member on the research can attempt to install the atom board to work with our system. Doing this project has taught us a lot of things regarding actually creating a usable product. Packaging, although it seems trivial, can be very difficult to do successfully. Also PCB design was a good experience for us as none of us has had any prior experience. Looking at datasheets and trying to design the right circuit also takes a bit of practice and understanding. Our previous courses taken has helped us in this aspect. Although the AFCI system is not perfect we believe the idea of providing a nice user interface, even for research purposes, to monitor data is a good one. We hope that our project will aid the research of Professor Woodall. 13.0 References [1] Walter R. Boyd, “Methods for Monitoring Hydrogen Fueling Systems”, U.S Patent 20090297897, December 5, 2008 38 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 [2] Peter V. Zanardelli, “Computer System and Method for Monitoring Hydrogen Vehicles”, U.S. Patent 20080234888, December 1, 2005 [3] Herbert J. Hofmann, “Golf course management system for golf carts”, U.S. Patent 20090201263, February 9, 2009 [4] D. G. Meyer, “Module 1 Microcontroller Assembly Language Programming Techniques” ECE 362 – Microprocessor Systems & Interfacing, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: March 25, 2010]. [5] “The Stack”, publication date unknown. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: March 25, 2010] [6] Freescale Semiconducters, “MCS9S12C Family Device User Guide”, January 25, 2003. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: March 25, 2010] [7] Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, “Batteries (Lead Acid)” Pit Stops Fact Sheet, 2004. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: April 21, 2010]. [8] Call2recycle, “Recycling Laws & Regulations”, publication date unknown. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: April 21, 2010] [9] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Batteries” Wastes – Resource Conservation – Common Wastes & Materials, August 28, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: April 21, 2010] [10] Department of Defense, “Military Handbook – Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment,” MIL-HDBK-217F, Feb. 1990. [Online]. 39 ECE 477 Final Report Available: Spring 2010 217F.pdf [11] Walter R. Boyd, “Methods for Monitoring Hydrogen Fueling Systems”, U.S Patent 20090297897, December 5, 2008 [12] Peter V. Zanardelli, “Computer System and Method for Monitoring Hydrogen Vehicles”, U.S. Patent 20080234888, December 1, 2005 [13] Herbert J. Hofmann, “Golf course management system for golf carts”, U.S. Patent 20090201263, February 9, 2009 [14] “Nissan USA website” [Online], Available: [Accessed Feb. 11, 2010] [15] “Toyota website” [Online], Available: [Accessed Feb. 11, 2010] [16] Freescale Technical Staff, MC9S12C Family Reference Manual, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2006 Available: [Accessed February 4, 2010] [17] Atmel Technical Staff, ATmega16 Datasheet, Atmel Corporation, 2009 Available: http://www.atmelcom [Accessed February 4, 2010] 40 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Appendix A: Individual Contributions A.1 Contributions of Suan-Aik Yeo: Over the course of the semester I tried to help out as much as I could, especially in areas where I am skilled in relative to the rest of the team. Although I was not the team leader, I still took it upon myself to do a lot of organization, such as organizing team meetings and making sure everybody’s progress was on track with our plans. I also took it upon myself to be the team webmaster, since I had the most experience with web design and programming. I created our team website early in the semester using the same template I use for my homepage because I felt that the website would be essential to keeping the team organized. I tried to make the website as useful as possible to the team, providing links to our graded and ungraded homework, to our Google Docs shared folder, to the ECE 477 home page and so on. I also installed Cygwin and SSH on the team desktop so that we would be able to access it remotely as long as it was powered on. I created directories within our website such as “ungraded homework” and “datasheets” and encouraged team members to place their work there. Furthermore, I set up a Google Docs folder where we could share collaborative documents. It has been proven to be a tremendous help. Next I moved on to designing our power supply. Powering our system directly through the golf cart’s 48V battery seemed to be the most logical and convenient method. However, all the 48V to 12V regulators that we were able to find that had enough output power for all our components were about as large as a brick and cost over a hundred dollars. After discussions with the course staff we decided to get a dedicated 12V battery to power our system. By sheer luck, around this time I stumbled upon a used 33-75V to 12V regulator on EBay which had 4.2A output and was selling for under $40. I immediately ordered the part and based our power supply off of it. With our entry point regulator decided upon, with Ronny’s help I outlined and acquired the parts for the rest of our power needs: an LM22677 12V-5V switching regulator and a TPS7233QP 5V3.3V linear regulator. Eventually we were also going to need an LM7805 12V-5V linear regulator to eliminate noise on the power line created by the Atom board. When we found out that a golf cart with a 48V battery would no longer be available, I also found and ordered a 36V lead acid battery to use with our design for demonstration purposes. A-1 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Another important contribution I made was to do much of the programming for the Freescale 9S12C32 microcontroller we are using and to implement SD card interfacing. I was responsible for this because I used CodeWarrior with the same microcontroller and also worked with SD cards when I took ECE 362. I spent around a week trying to get Roland Riegel’s SD FAT library to work with CodeWarrior and our microcontroller, but it seemed to use too much SRAM and was incompatible with the CodeWarrior compiler. As a result I had to code FAT16 file write functionality from scratch. It helped that I could reuse some initialization code that I wrote during ECE 362. I was also solely responsible for all aspects of the Atom board with the exception of the Java application. I chose and ordered the board itself and made sure its ATX power line was fine and that the board was working properly. I also configured it to boot from a Compact Flash card installed with Ubuntu 9.10. Furthermore, I performed many tweaks on the Ubuntu installation such as removing the launching the Java application on startup, removing all panels to ensure a true fullscreen experience, and removing the GRUB menu during boot. I also installed the touchscreen drivers and ensured the touchscreen was operational. Finally, I created the graphics for our user interface, taking heavy inspiration from the display of the Nissan GT-R. I know that user interfaces have a heavy impact on the impression any project makes, and as such I made sure my Photoshop skills were put to good use to create some impressive graphics. I was responsible for the Software Design Narrative and Social/Political/Environmental Analysis homeworks and TPSCs. A.2 Contributions of Darin Tanaka: The main responsibility I had on my team was the software for both the Atom Board and the micro controller. For the Atom Board we were running Ubuntu Linux version 9.10. Since our system would rely on UART for communication between the Atom board and the micro controller I needed to setup the environment on the Ubuntu platform to support this protocol. First I needed to decide which framework would be used for the user interface. I decided I would go with Java since I have the most experience with it and also because there is already an A-2 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 existing API for serial communication. Ubuntu needs a couple of libraries in order to use this API, so I was able to find them and install it. However I also researched on how to port the Java interface to a Windows platform just in case a future Windows user wanted to use it. Also I helped setup the high level communication protocol that would be used between the microcontroller and Atom board. This involved deciding on the struct definition that would be used for our protocol. At first we went with a string approach however since strings can have varied lengths based on current values we decided to go with a struct instead. By designing this high level protocol I also in turn help setup the micro controller and atom board features that would be available to the user. The biggest part I had in this project was the Java GUI. I wrote all the code for Java application along with the serial communication on the Atom board. Even though I wrote the Java application we designed the GUI as a team. I setup meter displays along with the log changing rate communication. Also in the GUI I implemented a user configurable display. There are three display modes: 5 meter, 2 meter, and 1 meter mode. In order to model the Nissan GT-R, which was our original intention, I incorporated a graphing feature where the user can see a graph display of any of the sensor data. However the sprites for the GUI were not made by me. Since I helped with the communication protocol design I also wrote code for the micro controller as well. Mainly I wrote code to support the communication protocol. At first we were using polling-driven SCI with SD writes in a timer interrupt. However our communication was very unstable as we were losing data every once in a while. This motivated the change to an interrupt driven SCI which I setup on the micro controller. I also helped with the ATD 8-bit conversions to actual sensor values (Celsius, PPM, PSI). Not all of my contributions were just about the software. Before the final PCB schematic submission I went over the PCB with Ronny to make sure everything was in check. Also I bought the thermocouple amplifiers along with a LCD touch screen (which didn’t work twice). Going over GUI designs and system designs was something I also did regularly A.3 Contributions of Ronny Wijaya: Ronny Wijaya was responsible mainly in the PCB development process of AFCI project. This includes learning the tutorials for all the PADS software, designing and creating the schematic on the PADS Logic software, designing and creating the PCB layout on the PADS Layout A-3 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 software, routing the PCB connection on the PADS Router software, putting all the PADS related files together for Chuck to submit. During the earlier part of the semester, Ronny spent his time mainly on getting familiar with the PADS software through the tutorials available from the staffs. Along with the PADS software, Ronny also tried to work with the preparation for programming the ATMEL micro-controller. Initially, the team decided on using an ATMEL micro-controller. After some discussion with the team and the staffs, we changed our choice into a Freescale micro-controller to save some development time since the other team members know how to integrate the Freescale microcontrollers with an SD card. On the schematic development process, Ronny assisted the team in researching on the needed components for the PCB. This includes analyzing the requirements, looking on many specifications, matching up the sizes and the purchasability, and purchasing the components. Ronny also created the schematic design on the PADS Logic software for the PCB design. This involved creating or taking the component decals on the libraries, matching up all the connections and figuring the needed interfacing media between the PCB and the external components. Subsequent to the schematic design, Ronny worked on the PCB layout design on the PADS Layout software. In this design, Ronny evaluated the physical sizes of the components and what connections they have to figure the best way to place and orient all the components. During this process, Ronny made sure that the components have extra length of solder pads so that the soldering process would be accelerated. After the PCB layout design was ready, Ronny continued on routing the connections of the PCB on the PADS router software. In this process, Ronny verified that every traces had sufficient width as it was needed. To decrease the number of vias and the length of the traces on the PCB, Ronny manually routed most of all the traces. On the final submission, Ronny confirmed the design with the team and the staffs. He then submitted the design for manufacturing through the staff. Once the manufactured PCB has arrived, Ronny ensured that the PCB was as designed. Together with Naman Chopra, he soldered and installed all the components on the PCB while constantly made certain that no wrong connections were made. Unfortunately, Ronny found some mistakes A-4 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 that he made on the PCB and so many problems on the solder joint connections. He spent a large amount of time debugging and ensuring the correctness of the PCB connections. Finally, Ronny helped Naman in packaging the PCB and the Atom board once the software and the soldering were finished. This also includes constant testing of the system during the packaging process. Ronny also contributed administratively on a couple of homeworks and a couple of presentations about the team progress on design components. A.4 Contributions of Naman Chopra: My role greatly varied over the course of semester. I was heavily involved with most design and development of the project throughout the semester. It was all my idea in the first place to go ahead with this project. Even before the course started, in December 2009, I suggested the team that there is a need for an on-board driver’s instrumentation for the research project which I was working on. I motivated the team to make a senior design project which will accelerate the research progress of professor Woodall. So, naturally, it was my responsibility to decide what all parameters we are going to monitor, how we are going to go around doing it, how the final product should look like, and by when we need the product to be done. It was my responsibility to assign tasks over the course of the semester to team members on the basis of their prior experience with that particular task. I tried my best to keep the team on track and follow a strict guideline. There was one time during the semester when I was off limits to the golf cart and the reactor vessel situated at Herrick laboratories. I was the only one from the team who has permission to work in Herrick laboratories. Prof. Fritz had to deal with bad health and death in family so he was on indefinite leave and I was only allowed to work on the cart under his supervision, so that slowed the progress of the project drastically. So it was my responsibility to find alternative environments to thoroughly test our system by creating artificial temperature, hydrogen leak testing and pressure changes in and around the senior design lab. It was my responsibility to intervene when necessary to aid the group in resolving issues. There were times when the team had to make decisions regarding change of PSSC’s and then there A-5 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 were safety issues relating to water level sensors in high pressure, volatile tanks which I successfully addressed. Being the team leader, if the team could not reach consensus then my decision was final. I did the majority of PCB soldering. I burnt my hand once while using the hot glue gun. I attended soldering tutorial by course staff and did all surface mount and made/soldered ATX header. I crimped battery connectors and drilled holes in the thick aluminum box. I suggested the use of ventilating grill in front of the enclosure for air flow. Chuck helped us a lot in giving suggestions for packaging and doing some metal work for us. A-6 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Appendix B: Packaging Figure B-1 Top View of Product Packaging (open box) B-1 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Appendix C: Schematic Figure C-1: Power management block C-1 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Figure C-2: The micro-controller block C-2 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Figure C-3: The sensors block C-3 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Figure C-4: The SD Card block C-4 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Figure C-5: The RS-232 block C-5 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Appendix D: PCB Layout Top and Bottom Copper Figure D-1: PCB (Overall) D-1 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Figure D-2: PCB (Top) Figure D-3: PCB (Bottom) D-2 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Appendix E: Parts List Spreadsheet Component Model Details Price Microcontroller MC9S12 16-bit, 48 pins $11.88 PCM-9361_DS 2.38 A max, ATX $300.00 JQIN-116G-12 K-type, cold junction $23.00 x 2 PMP1260 Up to 100 psi Not paying 800TSV 8”,1024 x 768 $100.00 AD595-AQ K-type, cold junction $17.95 x 2 (Freescale) Atom Board (Advantech) Thermocouple (Omega) Pressure transducer (GE) LCD touch screen (Xenarc) Thermocouple amplifiers support, 0 to 480 (Analog Devices) Celsius 48-12V Regulator VKP100MT312 2 channel 12 (CD Technologies) $33.00 vdc/4.2A 1 channel 3.3vdc/30A 5-3.3 V Regulator TPS7233QP 0 to 250 mA $2.02 LM22677 4.5 to 42V input Free Samples (Texas Instruments) 12-5V Regulator (National SemiCond) range Up to 5A 4 channel MAX3378E Up to 16Mbps data bidirectional logic Free Samples rate level converter (Maxim) SD Card Reader BOB-00204 SD socket $17.95 (4UCON) Resisters Free Capacitors Free E-1 ECE 477 Final Report 12-5 V Linear Spring 2010 LM7805 Free Regulator 36 V Lead Acid B02-137 12 Ah Battery TOTAL $653.74 E-2 $106.99 ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 Appendix F: FMECA Worksheet Failure Method of Failure Mode Possible Cause Failure effects A1 Output = 0 V Battery or regulator connection Power lost Observation Medium A2 Output > 5 V Battery or regulator connection Might damage parts Observation Medium A3 Untolerated output Battery, bypass capacitors, or Might damage parts, regulator connection unpredictable Observation Medium Loss of information Observation Medium Loss of information Observation Medium Loss of information Observation Medium no. B1 B2 B3 C D Output 0 Micro-controller, connections, continuously or oscillator Output 1 Micro-controller, connections, continuously or oscillator Unsynchronized Micro-controller, software, or oscillator Sensors are no Sensors, amplifier IC, or accurate physical connection SD Card is not Micro-controller, software, written regulator, bit translator IC, or Loss of information Cannot log information F-1 detection Input signals observation SD card module signals Criticality Remarks Medium Low Proper connection Proper connection Heat sink Proper soldering Proper soldering Solid software ECE 477 Final Report Spring 2010 SD card physical connection E RS-232 does not communicate observation Micro-controller, software, Cannot display driver IC, or physical information and disable connection user's touch input F-2 Observation Medium Solid software