Week 1: — Introduction: Film, Narrative and Representation, Types of Films and Film Form
Readings: Film Art , pp. 95-108
Screening: 2/15, 7pm, Rashomon, HHSC 301 [N.B. NOTE SPECIAL SCREENING TIME. No screening will be held on the 2/19/01 holiday.]
Seminar Session: 2/20, 2pm, HHSC Room TBA
Optional Screening II: 2/22, HHSC 301, 6pm, The Ice Storm
In this introductory session we will provide an overview of the course, and begin to discuss basic concepts in cinema studies. Using the example of Rashomon, we will begin to explore how the concepts of point of view (POV) and perspective have application in understanding the lived experiences of health and illness as explored in clinical settings.
Week 2: — Narrative in Movies and Medicine
Readings: Film Art , pp. 59-78
Screening: 2/26, 6pm, The Shining, HHSC 301
Seminar Session: 2/27, 2pm, HHSC Room TBA
Optional Screening II: 3/1, HHSC 301, 6pm, Young Frankenstein
Film Artbula ? Syuzhet ? Call them story and plot instead, if you like, but the basic concepts of narrative have broad application in cinema studies and in medicine. In this session, we explore the insights gained from film in this indispensable area.
Week 3: — Ideology in Film and at the Bedside
Readings: Film Art , pp.pp.156-189, 193-245
Screening: 3/5, 6pm, Triumph of the Will, South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut — HHSC 301
Seminar Session: 3/6, 2pm, HHSC Room TBA
Optional Screening II: 3/8, HHSC 301, 6pm, Starship Troopers
What is ideology , and what possible role could such a thing play in the coolly objective, scientific world of medicine? In this session, we use the insights gained from the analogy of cinema studies to explore precisely this question.
Week 4: — Seeing and Believing: Point of View and Post Modern Vision
Readings: Film Art , pp. 128-144
Screening: Mo 3/12, 6pm, Un Chien Andalou, Prisoner of Love, and Hallelujah, HHSC 301
Seminar Session: Tu 3/13, 2pm, HHSC Room TBA
Optional Screening II: 2/15, HHSC 301, 6pm, Silverlake Life: the View from Here
Building upon narrative analysis, we move on to explore the importance of the visual in medical knowledge and the centrality of perspective in medical "truths."
Week 5: — Medical Ideology, Narrative, Point of View, and the Physician
Readings: Film Art , pp.249-287
Screening: 3/19, 6pm, Trainspotting, HHSC 301
Seminar Session: 3/20, 2pm, HHSC Room TBA
Optional Screening II: 3/22, HHSC 301, 6pm, Rosemary’s Baby
In this session, we bring the concepts, ideas, insights, and controversies explored in the previous sessions together, and relate them in detail to medical work. We see the same film, yet different.
We appreciate the same experiences, yet experience them quite distinctly. What use is this to physicians or other clinicians? What can this tell us about the practice of medicine as the new
Century brings new challenges to the health care system and the professionals within it?
Week 6: — Student Presentations
Final Paper / Project and Take Home Final Exam due
Readings: Film Art , pp. 352-396, Film Viewer’s Guide , pp. 1-31
Screening: 3/26, 6pm, The Seventh Seal, HHSC 301
Seminar Session: 3/27, 2pm, HHSC Room TBA
MANDATORY Screening II: 3/29, HHSC 301, 6pm, CLASS PROJECT(S)
Students will present their final papers/projects to the class. Please note that the take home exam and your final paper are due at the conclusion of the class session. Note that these items must be received absolutely, positively, without question, never-before-been-an-exception-ever, under no circumstances later than 5pm on 3/24 in Room VC 12-217.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Screening I: 2/15, 6pm
CP II — Medical Cinema Studies
Screenings Class Topic
Class: 2/20, 2pm
“Introduction: Film, Narrative and
Representation, Types of Films and
Film Form”
Screening: 2/26, 6pm
, HHSC 301
Optional Screening II: 2/22, 6pm, The
Ice Storm
Room HHSC 301
The Shining
Optional Screening II: 3/1, 6pm,
Class: 2/27, 2pm
“Narrative in Movies and Medicine”
N.B. Permission for alternative Final
Project must be given by 2/27
Screening: 3/5, 6pm
Room HHSC 301
The Matrix
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
Optional Screening II: 3/8, 6pm,
Starship Troopers
Class: 3/6, 2pm
“Ideology in Film and at the Bedside”
Selected scenes from: Triumph of the
Will, Star Wars
N.B. Outline of Final Paper / Project due 3/6
Class: Tu 3/13, 2pm
“Seeing and Believing: POV and
Postmodern Vision”
Screening: Mo 3/12, 6pm
Room HHSC 301
Un Chien Andalou (15 min)
Prisoner of Love (20 min)
Hallelujah (30 min)
Optional Screening II: 3/15, 6pm,
Silverlake Life: the View from Here
Screening: 3/19, 6pm
Room HHSC 301
Optional Screening II: 3/22, 6pm,
Rosemary’s Baby
Screening: 3/26, 6pm
Room HHSC 301
The Seventh Seal
MANDATORY Screening II: 3/29, 6pm,
Class: 3/20, 2pm
“Medical Ideology, Narrative, Point of
View, and the Physician”
Class: 3/27, 2pm
Student Presentations
Take Home Final and Final Paper /
Project due 3/30 by 4pm