OGEECHEE TECHNICAL COLLEGE DMS 204 – Clinical Sonography II Course Syllabus Tina Welch,RDMS,RVT,RCS,RT, ( R ) Office Location: 338, Joe Kennedy Building 912-688-6915 or 800.646.1316 ext 6915 twelch@ogeecheetech.edu Office Hours: By Appointment Day– Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Time - Varies (see Clinical Schedule) COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides students with continued work experience in a hospital or clinic setting. Students improve skills in performing procedures introduced concurrently with didactic and laboratory hours of Normal Obstetric Sonography and High Resolution Imaging. Emphasis is placed on improving students’ scanning abilities as related to competencies in Pelvic Sonography and Pathology and Abdominal Sonography and Pathology. Concurrently, students will competently perform procedures included in Normal Obstetric Sonography. Topics include equipment manipulation for optimal image resolution, demonstrating advanced techniques being presented in Physics II; the manipulation of equipment to minimize biologic effects; conditions of the superficial structures to include differentiation of cystic and solid breast masses, sonographic classification of thyroid masses, scrotal hernias, testicular torsion, testicular tumors, epididymal cysts, anterior abdominal wall, muscles, and extremities; normal maternal/fetal development through three trimesters, including placental grading, placental location, and fetal growth with HCG levels; gestational sac size; performance of biophysical profiles; fetal heart rated determination; obtaining measurements of fetal anatomy including, crown-rump length, bi-parietal diameter, head circumference; documenting normal fetal anatomy; demonstrating the ability to effectively deal with patient care issues including patient preparation, patient history taking, and patient confidentiality; pertinent clinical laboratory values; and communication. Students conduct sonographic examinations under direct and indirect supervision. COMPETENCY AREAS 1. Equipment manipulation for optimum image resolution 2. Manipulation of equipment to minimize biological effects 3. Normal Anatomy and Pathologic Conditions of the Abdomen and Female Pelvis 4. Normal uterine and fetal development through the three trimesters, including placental 5. grading, placental location, fetal growth related to HCG levels, performance of biophysical profiles, and fetal heart rate, and normal fetal anatomy 6. Fetal biometry, including gestational sac size, crown-rump length, bi-parietal diameter, head circumference, femur length, and abdominal circumference 7. Ectopic pregnancies 8. Patient care issues: Patient preparation, fundamentals acquiring and documenting patient history, confidentiality, pertinent clinical laboratory values, and communication PREREQUISITES DMS 131, DMS 132, DMS 136 CO REQUISITES: DMS 202 CONTACT HOURS: 24 Hours per week CREDIT HOURS: 8 REQUIRED TEXT: DMS ACADEMIC AND CLINICAL MANUAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: 3 ring notebook Pen/Pencil ATTENDANCE POLICY: Clinical education is arranged by the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program faculty, in conjunction with the clinical affiliates. While the student is in the clinical department, he/she must observe the regulations imposed by that facility with regards to patient safety and welfare. Students are expected to be present and on time for all clinical assignments. Any absences from the clinical area will affect the students’ clinical education as well as affect the students’ grades. Absences from clinical assignments will result in make-up time. This make-up time is scheduled at the discretion of the DMS instructor and the clinical facility. In the case of illness or other emergency, the student MUST personally notify OTC DMS faculty and the Clinical Site Instructor prior to the scheduled clinical period. Failure to notify appropriate personnel will result in an unexcused absence. The student WILL be dropped for absence greater than 10%. In this course, 3 days is 10%; any missed time exceeding this 10% will result in the student being dropped from the course. THERE IS NO ATTENDANCE APPEAL PROCEDURE! While performing clinical duties, the student will be directly responsible to personnel assigned to the DMS student. If any operational or personal problems arise, this person or OTC faculty should be contacted. Attendance in the Clinical Area Requires: 1. Clean, pressed uniform: white scrub top with program patches in place, white pants, white crew socks, white leather shoes (see clinical manual) 2. Official Ogeechee Technical College nametag 3. Any other identification required by Clinical Affiliate 4. Clinical notebook with Clinical Manual 5. A GOOD ATTITUDE AND SMILE Academic Policies: “The term "cheating" includes, but is not limited to: (1) use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations; (2) dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; or (3) the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the Technical College faculty or staff; (4) Alteration of any grade sheets / scantrons through changing scores or filling in of blank spaces after being graded. “Academic misconduct is any act that does or could improperly distort students’ grades or other student academic records. A student enrolls at Ogeechee Technical to gain technical skills to lead to greater employability. Academic misconduct is not only “cheating” the student of learning the needed skills, it is also an offense to the academic integrity of the learning environment. All forms of academic dishonesty will call for discipline.” A student dismissed for cheating or plagiarism will not be eligible for re-entry. Ogeechee Technical College Student Handbook and Planner. “Failure to dress appropriately at all times will result in disciplinary action. Students enrolled in internships and clinical courses are required to dress appropriately according to the requirements of the work for which they are being trained.” Ogeechee Technical College Student Handbook and Planner. SAFETY: Program: Please refer to the DMS ACADEMIC AND CLINICAL MANUAL OTC Safety Plan: Go to the OTC website (www.ogeecheetech.edu), scroll down to Campus Safety, & you will find the link to the Plan DISTRIBUTION OF GRADES: CLINICAL COMPETENCIES CLINICAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS CASE STUDY FINAL EXAM 45% 25% 10% 20% NOTE: IF THE REQUIRED AMOUNT OF CLINICAL COMPETENCIES ARE NOT COMPLETED BY THE TERM DEADLINE, A GRADE OF ZERO (0) WILL BE GIVEN FOR EACH INCOMPLETE EXAMINATION. FAILURE TO COMPLETE REQUIRED EXAMINATIONS MAY RESULT IN PROBATION, SUSPENSION, OR DISMISSAL FROM PROGRAM. Grading Scale: A: 90-100 B: 80-90 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 59-0 DISABILITY STATEMENT: Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class based on the impact of the disability are encouraged to contact Penny Hendrix in the Special Services Office, Room 332C, Joe Kennedy Bldg., 912-486-7211, to coordinate reasonable accommodations. WORK ETHICS: Students will receive a work ethics grade each quarter for each fundamental and specific course in which they enroll. The work ethics grade of 3, 2, 1, or 0 will not affect the student’s academic grade point average (GPA). Work ethics grades will appear on the student’s quarterly Student Grade Reports and Transcripts. Performance factors and indicators include, but are not limited to, quality of work, ability to follow instructions, productivity, dependability, honesty, reliability, attendance and punctuality, attitude, integrity, enthusiasm, interpersonal skills, and initiative. The work ethics grade descriptions are Exceeds expectations: 3 Meets expectations: 2 Needs improvement: 1 Unacceptable: 0 WARRANTY STATEMENT: The Department of Technical and Adult Education guarantees employer that graduates of State Technical Colleges shall possess skills and knowledge as prescribed by State Curriculum Standards. Should any graduate employee within two years of graduation be deemed lacking in said skills, that student shall be retrained in any State Technical College at no charge for instructional costs to either the student or the employer. DISCLAIMER: The instructor reserves the right to amend or correct this course syllabus as necessary. If the instructor amends or corrects this syllabus, students will be given a revised syllabus or corrections.