FES &FICE Successfully Protect Engineers Performing Uniform Mitigation Verification Inspections By: Young van Assenderp, P.A. B eginning in 2009, the Office of Insurance Regulation initiated the rule-making process in order to amend rule 69O-170.0155 by revising the Uniform Mitigation Verification Inspection Form (Form OIR-B1-1802). In the initial promulgated draft of Form OIR-B1-1802, the signature block provided that an engineer, by signing the form, had to certify that the engineer physically performed the wind-mitigation inspection. Florida law makes clear that employees under the responsible charge and supervision of a licensed engineer may carry out many tasks on behalf of engineers, including wind-mitigation inspections. Due to the inconsistency between the initial draft of Form OIR-B1-1802 and Florida law, the Florida Engineering Society (FES) and the Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers (FICE) participated in the rule-making process in order to make sure that Form OIR-B1-1802 did not harm Florida’s engineers by prohibiting employees under the responsible charge and supervision of a licensed engineer from performing wind-mitigation inspections. After several workshops, FES and FICE successfully protected their members in order to make sure that Form OIR-B1-1802was consistent with law. The new Uniform Mitigation Verification Inspection Form (Form OIR-B1-1802) has been revised and adopted and will be effective on February 1, 2012. The signature block of the revised form provides that employees of engineers may perform windmitigation inspections.