THE INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITTEE (IACUC) IACUC / LARC STANDARD PROCEDURES SKIN TRANSPLANTATION IN MICE (Posted May 2007) Description of procedure: Preparation of Donor Tissue: The donor mouse is euthanized. The tail is removed and disinfected with 70% ethanol and the skin is removed with a sterile scalpel blade, making a slit around the circumference of the tail and then down the middle. Using sterile forceps, the tail skin is pulled off the bone in one complete piece. Skin is placed in a Petri dish lid with dermis down and cut into square segments. The skin is kept moist with sterile PBS-soaked gauze, placed on the bottom of the Petri dish. Grafting Procedure: Recipient mice are anesthetized and analgesics are administered in accord with the protocol. The surgical site is shaved or clipped and disinfected with betadine or chlorhexidine. Using sterile curved iris scissors, an area of skin slightly larger than the skin graft is carefully snipped away, being careful not to cut the panniculus (graft size specified in protocol). The donor skin graft is placed onto the prepared graft bed, and secured with a piece of non-adhering gauze (Adaptec) pad. The wound is secured with an adhesive strip. Antibiotics may be indicated The mouse is placed in a cage with a heating lamp, or heat pad, and allowed to recover. After a number of days (between 7-14 days) mice are anesthetized and the adhesive strips and gauze removed. Transplanted mice will be followed until graft rejection or until a time specified in the protocol, when they will be euthanized for study. Mice will be evaluated for general appearance, ability to move normally around cage and reach food and water, ability to eat and drink, grooming habits, skin color, lethargy, aggression (animals will be housed individually if aggressive behavior is shown). Mice will be evaluated by the Body Condition scoring index or by body weight. Mice will be monitored continuously after anesthesia until ambulatory. Mice are then monitored daily for the first 5-7 days and weekly thereafter for 60-160 days. Mice with a Body Condition score < 2 or loss of 15% body weight will be euthanized. Literature search words required: Literature search was performed for refinement of this Standard Procedure on April 9, 2007 Key Words Search Site Years Covered Skin graft rejection in mice Pubmed 1956-2007 Agents: Anesthestics, antibiotics, analgesics This procedure requires general anesthesia and systemic analgesics. All agents administered to animals should be listed in the "Agents" section of RIO. Adverse Effects: Procedure, Agent or Potential Adverse Phenotype Effects Skin graft rejection Management Infection, skin slough Antibiotics or euthanasia if infection is severe Monitoring Parameters: Monitoring Parameters Frequency PI/Lab will Document General appearance/activity level Examine graft site First 5-7 days postgrafting then weekly thereafter First 5-7 days postgrafting then weekly thereafter No Yes Body condition First 5-7 days postNo - unless indicated scoring or body grafting then weekly weight thereafter Describe the conditions, complications, and criteria (e.g. uncontrolled infection, loss of more than 15% body weight, etc.) that would lead to removal of an animal from the study, and describe how this will be accomplished (e.g. stopping treatment, euthanasia). Euthanasia criteria: BCS < 2 or weight loss of 15%. Animals with sloughed grafts will be euthanized. For all investigators housing animals with tumor formation, skin lesions, neurological deficits, or that are in Category E, list the expected characteristics/clinical presentations and endpoints of the animal model and the criteria for euthanasia. Note: The IACUC also requires such lists to be posted in the respective animal rooms and monitored by the IACUC compliance staff and LARC, to assure PI adherence to the endpoints listed. Euthanasia criteria: BCS < 2 or weight loss of 15%. Animals with sloughed grafts will be euthanized.