Meiosis Note Handout 11.4 97

Name: _____________________________Mrs. Begis Biology
Pd: _________
Cell has issues when it grows larger in size
Cell solves these problems through the process of ____________________
Mitosis – ______________________________________________________________________
Almost every cell of the body uses mitosis to divide the nucleus
____________________ – cells that are not ____________________________________
Exs) liver cell, bone cell, brain cell etc.
AS LONG AS IT IS NOT ____________________ OR ____________________ IT USES MITOSIS
Cell grows (______), synthesizes DNA (______), makes molecules and organelles (______) and then is ready for
cell division (______________________________)
Stages of Mitosis
____________________ – chromatin condenses into chromosomes and nuclear envelope breaks down, centrioles
move and spindle fibers form
____________________ – chromosomes line up in middle of cell and spindle fibers attach to centromere
____________________ – spindle fibers pull at centromere and separate sister chromatids pulling them to
opposite ends of the cell
____________________ – chromosomes break down into chromatin and nuclear envelope reforms
After telophase, the cells cytoplasm splits by the process of ____________________
As a result we are left with… ______________________________________________________
The New Stuff…
There are many studies into the process that makes each one of us different
____________________– a monk born in 1822 who did many studies in the field of __________
____________________– the study of heredity
Why is it that we have traits (eye color, hair color, etc.) similar to our parents, yet we are not all alike?
Mendel recognized that the offspring of “parents” were similar and began to investigate why this happens
He came to the conclusion that the parent organisms must pass on ____________________ in their
These traits are located on their ____________________ (DNA)
Mendel’s Predictions
Mendel was correct about the passing of traits and the idea of genes
He wasn’t sure how these events happened but knew
An organism must inherit a ____________________copy of every gene from both its “parents”
When and organism produces its own cells to pass to offspring, there are 2 sets that must
____________________ from each other so that each cell contains just 1 set of genes
STOP! What does this mean?!?!
____________________ – the sex cells of an organism
____________________ and ____________________
Mitosis deals with ____________________ (somatic cells)
Remember, in mitosis we result in ________________________________________
WE DO NOT WANT _________________________________________________________!!!
Translation of Mendel’s Idea #2
When and organism produces its own cells to pass to offspring, there are 2 sets that must separate from each other
so that each cell contains just 1 set of genes
Every cell of the human body contains a specific number of chromosomes (______)
In order for offspring to maintain that number of _____ and not end up with duplicate (_____), the parent
gamete (sex cell) must ___________their number of chromosomes
End result > ____________+ ____________ = _______ offspring chromosomes
Translation of Mendel’s Idea #1
An organism must inherit a single copy of every gene from both its “parents”
Remember, each of the 48 chromosomes needs to ____________________ by the parents (to make 24)
Parents will only contribute each of those ____________________one time to their offspring
(parents do not want to give ____________________of the same gene)
So, again ____________________chromosomes total
Chromosomes and Gametes
Chromosomes – the structures in the cell that carry the ______________________________ from the
____________________ – sex cells or germ cells (sperm and egg)
There are many chromosomes in the body that carry information for many different “things”
Examples – ________________________________________ (everything that makes you, you!)
When 2 cells come together from 2 parents, the matching chromosomes must come in contact
These matching chromosomes are called ____________________
Homologous Chromosomes – _______________________________________________
Chromosome Numbers
Haploid – ______________________________________________________________________
Remember “hap” sounds like half
Is usually represented as _______
Diploid – ______________________________________________________________________
Remember “di” means 2 (kinda like “bi” – bicycle)
Is usually represented as ______
Since the somatic cells of the body are ____________________ we need the sex cells to be
____________________ so offspring do not have more chromosomes than necessary
What do Diploid/Haploid Numbers Mean? (Ken and Barbie baby example)
How are Haploid Gametes Produced?
Meiosis __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Involves 2 distinct divisions
Starts with ____________________and results in ____________________________ that are
________________________________________from the parent cell
Meiosis 1
Prior to meiosis 1, ____________________________________________
Same as S phase of interphase prior to mitosis
Meiosis 1 starts with the cell beginning to divide very similarly to mitosis
Unlike mitosis, meiosis 1 has ________________________________________________
Homologous Pairing – _____________________________________________________ (eye color, hair
color, etc.)
Prophase 1
Homologous chromosomes pair and form a tetrad
Since 1 chromosome is made of 2 ____________________, there are ____________________ in a tetrad
While in their tetrad, homologous chromosomes are able to trade/swap information in a process called
this process results in the _____________________________ (alleles) between the same
chromosomes therefore creating _______________________________
One reason why you are different from your parents!
Remainder of Meiosis 1
Meiosis utilizes the remainder of the cycles as mitosis did separating _______________________
________________________instead of _________________________________
Metaphase 1 – spindle fibers attach to ____________________________________
Anaphase 1 – spindle fibers separate ____________________________________
Telophase 1/Cytokinesis – the ________________________reforms around chromosomes and the
_____________________________ splitss
As a result of Meiosis 1, _________________________ are produced that have ____________ the number of
_____________________________ chromosomes
Meiosis 2
After Meiosis 1, the 2 cells produces proceed to ___________________________ (there is no chromosome
Each of the daughter cells move through Meiosis 2 much in the same way Mitosis occurs
____________________ – the ___________________ move to opposite ends of the cell, the
___________________________________ breaks down
____________________ – chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell and _______________ attach to the
_____________________ – the _____________________ pull on the _____________________ and split the
Telophase 2 & Cytokinesis – the __________________ forms and the cell ____________ splits
Gamete Formation
The male gamete that is produced is called a ___________________ (spermatocyte)
There are ______ sperm cells that are produced as a result of meiosis
The female gamete that is produced is called an ___________________ (oocyte)
There is _____ egg cell produced as a result of meiosis
The 3 other cells produced are called ___________________________
Polar Bodies are not used in reproduction and are considered to be the trash bags of the egg, but
can be useful in genetic testing