CHINA: Guangdong prov. ca. 15 km S of Dayu town 23.iv.2011, in rotting banana stems Fikáček, Hájek & Jia lgt. CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF01] Jinggangshan Mts., Baiyinhu env., 23-29.iv.2011 26°36.8’N 114°11.1’E, 800 m Fikáček, Hájek & Kubeček muddy exposed pools on the road connected to the stream in the secondary forest drying-up stream in the stony bed [night collecting: in isolated pools in the stream, on the wet rocks with algae] CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF02] Jinggangshan Mts. Shuangxikou (river valley) 24.iv.2011 26°31.4’N 114°11.3’E, 411 m Fikáček, Hájek, Jia & Song sifting: moist leaf litter in the sparse forest along the stony river exposed wet rocks with algae, moss and fallen leaves at the side of the stony river CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF03] Jinggangshan Mts., 1.3 km SW of Xiping; 26°33.4’N 114°12.2’E 850 m, 24.iv.2011 Fikáček, Hájek, Jia & Song sweeping of the exposed secondary vegetation along the trail CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF04] Jinggangshan Mts., Xiping 26°33.7’N, 114°12.2’E, 915 m, 24.iv.2011 Fikáček, Hájek, Jia & Song cow excrements at the farm sifting: moist leaf litter accumulated above the banks of a stream in a sparse tree-bamboo bush small stream flowing from the forest to the rice fields small stony stream partly overgrown with filamentous algae and grass isolated pools at the side of a small stony stream with accumulated leaves rice fields in the village [very shallow water with lots of mud] exposed stream directly in the village at the wet rocks in the bed of a drying-up stream [slightly covered with algae] among moss at the side of a waterfall [low water level] shaded wet rock covered with sparse algae and moss at light exposed shallow pool with rich submerged vegetation on the forest clearing cow excrements on the forest clearing quickly flowing stony stream amid the bushy pastures [in gravel at the banks, in moss on the stones in small waterfalls] in the inflorescences of a palm planted on the side of the road cow excrements on the trail + straw bedding mixed with old excrements from the cattle shelter in and under rotting trunks at the side of a trail in a dense secondary forest cut and decaying tops of bamboo trunks at the side of a trail in the secondary forest and among the fields sifting: accumulation of moist leaf litter along the stream and on the steep slope above the stream in the sparse secondary forest CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF05] Jinggangshan Mts, Xiaoxidong 24.iv.2011 (at light) 26°28.0’N, 114°12.9’E, 342 m Fikáček, Hájek & Kubeček CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF06] Jinggangshan Mts., 25. IV.2010 Jingzhushan, 640 m 26°31.0’N, 114°05.9’E Fikáček, Hájek, Jia & Song CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF07] Jinggangshan Mts., Luofu 26°39.7’N, 114°135’E, 310 m 25+27.iv.2011, at light Fikáček, Hájek & Kubeček CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF08] Jinggangshan Mts., Xiangzhou (forested valley S of the village) 26°35.5’N, 114°16.0’E, 374 m 26.iv.2011; Fikáček & Hájek among and in decaying leaf bases of living banana trunks at the side of a stream in the dense secondary forest at light on the bridge above the slowly flowing stony river among gravel and stones at the small pools in a nearly dried up streamlet in secondary forest with bamboo exposed pools along the road, partly connected to the stream; sparsely to densely overgrown by grass CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF09] Longshi env. (rice fields) 26°41.6’N, 113°58.0’E 240 m, 27.iv.2011 M. Fikáček & J. Hájek leg. CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF10] muddy pools on a stream Jinggangshan Mts., Songmuping below the village, partly overgrown with Callitriche 26°34.7’N, 114°04.3’E, 1280 m (stream valley), 27.iv.2011 Fikáček, Hájek, Jia & Song cut and decaying tops of bamboo trunks in a sparse bamboo bush CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF11] Jinggangshan Mts., Dabali env. 26°29.3’N, 114°08.1’E, 1200 m 28.iv.2011; lgt. Fikáček, Hájek, Kubeček, Jia, Song & Zhao cow excrements on the road exposed wet rocks with parts sparsely covered by fallen leaves and parts overgrown with moss CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF12] Jinggangshan Mts., Huyagta 26°29.9’N, 114°07.3’E, 1490 m 28.iv.2011; lgt. Fikáček, Hájek, Kubeček, Jia, Song & Zhao pools in a small stony mountain stream partly overgrown with moss in the primary Azalea bush large accumulation of moist leaf litter at the side of a stream in the dense bush CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF13] Jinggangshan Mts., Pingshuishan; 26°30.4’N, 114°06.9’E, 1590 m 28.iv.2011; lgt. Fikáček, Hájek, Kubeček,Jia,Song,Zhao sifting: moist leaf litter in a sparse forest with bamboo + of mosses (partly Sphagnum) in a dried up fen in a low Azalea forest shaded stony-sandy stream at the margin of a dried-up fen overgrown with low Azalea forest CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF14] Jinggangshan Mts., 29.iv.2011 Jinggangshan Zhufeng 26°32.0’N, 114°08.6’E, 805 m Fikáček, Hájek & Kubeček under the bark of fallen tree trunks (partly exposed) in the forested slope of river valley partly exposed wet rock with moss and fallen decaying leaves [beetles hiding mostly in the moss: pyretroid spraying] CHINA: Jiangxi prov. [MF15] Jinggangshan Mts., Wankeng (stream valley), 28.iv.2011 26°31.8’N, 114°11.8’E, 525 m Fikáček, Hájek, Jia & Song on the roots of the grasses growing in the crevicles on the wet rocks at the side of a small waterfall flood debris accumulated in the stream [partly sifted, partly sampled by a sieve] rotten bamboo trunk + decaying cut tops of bamboo trunks spring with a gravel bottom among and in decaing leaves of the living banana trunks among the fields behind the village CHINA:Guangdong prov [MF16] W of Qixing, 1-3.v.2011 Heishiding nature reserve 23°27.9’N, 111°54.3’E 190-260m, Fikáček & Hájek rotting trunks of banana along the dried-up stream in the primary lowland forest isolated pools with rotting fallen leaves in the sand-gravel streambed and along the road sifting of moist leaf litter in the dried-up streambeds and along the streams in the primary lowland forest small stream in the primary lowland forest [among gravel and in accumulations of leaves] on the wet rock with thin water film in the forest [not connected with the close stream] on wet rock on side of waterfall – directly on rock and under fallen leaves + and in crevices and on the roots of the grasses growing on the rock CHINA: Hainan isl. [MF18] Limushan Mts., 5.v.2011 19°9.1-9.2′N 109°45-46′E 550-750 m; along the road Fikáček & Zhao lgt. wood-destoying fungi on the rotten pieces of the tree trunks in the secondary forest seepages with thin algae layer + nearly bare wet rocks without distinct algae along most remote end of road rotting banana trunks at the stream in secondary forest sifting of moist to wet leaf litter along the streams in the secondary forests with bamboo sparsely overgrown rocks overflown with a small stream [collected at wet rocks only] wet stone in a streambed with a small streamlet, partly covered with fallen leaves CHINA: Hainan isl. [MF19] Limushan Mts., mountains above frst. admin. centre 19°10.5-10.9′N 109°44-45′E 650-900 m; 6.v.2011, Fikáček sifting – small accumulations of moist leaf litter along an on the trail in secondary forest partly with Cyathea and bamboo petiole of a drying leaf of Cyathea still hanging on the tree wet horizontal rock in a streambed with a thin water film and lots of fallen leaves [only partly exposed] isolated pool with some fallen leaves on the horizontal rock in the primary-secondary forest [only partly exposed] CHINA: Hainan isl. [MF20] Bawangling Mts., Yajia (5 km SE of Baotie) 19°5.29'N 109°7.41'E; 415 m 7.v.2011, Fikáček & Zhao lgt. pools and wet rocks in the streambed of a drying-up stream in a lowland forest along the stony river in a lowland forest, low water level [side pools and algae at rock banks] CHINA: Hainan isl. [MF21] Bawangling Mts., 2 km SEE of Baotie, 7.v.2011 19°6.63'N 109°6.10'E; 195 m; M. Fikáček & V. Kubeček lgt. at light in a small village at the confluence of two stony rivers in lowland forest exposed pools with or without fallen leaves on the horizontal rock shelves at sides of a stony river [night collecting] dry hen carcass at the bank of a stony river CHINA: Hainan isl. [MF22] Cainanyang, 5 km SE of Baotie, 340 m, 8.v.2011 19°5.89'N 109°6.61'E M. Fikáček lgt. small stony river in the lowland forest [at water surface and among gravel and stones at the side of the river] CHINA: Hainan isl. [MF23] Bawangling Nat. Forest Park 12.3 km SEE of Baotie 19°5.20'N 109°11.80'E 1050 m, 8.v.2011; Fikáček small shaded stream with sandy bottom and stones in a primary forest sifting: moist accumulations of leaf litter along a stream in a primary forest rotting banana trunks at the banks of a stream amid the primary mountain forest CHINA: Hainan isl. [MF24] Bawangling National Frst. Park (park border on the road) ca. 19°5.58'N 109°10.0'E ca. 1000m, 8.v.2011, Fikáček at light in the primary mountain forest dryig-up pericarp of the fruit of Amoora dasyclada (Meliaceae) in a primary mountain forest CHINA: Hainan isl. [MF25] Jianfengling Mts.,Tiachi Lake env.; Bishu villa; 18°44.7'N 108°50.7'E; 950 m; 9-11.v.2011 Fikáček, Kubeček & Li lgt. at light in the bungalow area [large light at the roof of a building + small lanterns in the hotel area] in the primary forest pools on the bed of a small drying-up stream with sandy bottom + small concrete pools in the streambed rotten banana trunk at the bank of a drying up stream in the primary forest above the hotel area CHINA: Hainan isl. [MF26] Jianfengling Mts.,Tiachi Lake deserted plant garden S of lake 18°44.4'N 108°51.5'E, 850 m 9.v.2011; Fikáček & Zhao lgt. rotting banana trunk close to the entrance to the plant garden CHINA: Hainan isl. [MF27] Jianfengling Mts.,Tiachi Lake rd from Taichi village to “sector 5”, 18°43.6-44.1'N, 820-950m 108°52.1-52.5'E; 10.v.2011 M. Fikáček & Sh. Zhao lgt. pools in and at shaded drying-up streams in the primary forest exposed pools with submerged vegetation on a stream crossing the road small slow-flowing stony river in the primary forest [among gravel and stones at the sides and on the water surface] cut and decaying tops of bamboo trunks in a sparse secondary bamboo forest CHINA: Hainan isl. [MF17] Limushan Mts., 4-6.v.2011 frst administr. centre [at light] 19°10.49′N 109°44.54′E, 630 m Fikáček, Kubeček & Li lgt. CHINA: Hainan isl. [MF17a] Limushan Mts., 3 km NNW of frst administr centre, at a dam 19°10′N 109°44′E [at light] 560 m; 6.v.2011, Fikáček lgt. CHINA: Shaanxi prov.10.v.2011 110 km NEE Xian, Huayin vill., Hua Shan Mt. (river valley), ca. 530 m, 34°31.2′N 10°04.6′E, M. Balke & J. Hájek lgt. CHINA: Shaanxi prov. 12.v.2011 ca. 30 km SSW of Xian, Qinlingshan Mts., Fengyukou (wet cliff, waterfall), 34°01.4′N 108°49.2′E, 580 m M. Balke & J. Hájek lgt. CHINA: Shaanxi prov. 11.v.2011 Xian, Bahe river (pools) 34°21.2′N 109°0.6′E, 365 m M. Balke & J. Hájek lgt. CHINA: Shaanxi prov. 11.v.2011 ca. 30 km SSE of Xian Dayu vill., Chanhe river 34°01.0′N 109°06.9′E, 720 m M. Balke & J. Hájek lgt. CHINA: Guangdong prov. 30 km NE Shaoguan, Duanshi vill., Danxiashan NP, 25°02.7′N 113°43.8′E, 125 m, 4-5.v.2011 J. Hájek lgt. (stream, pools) under the stones and among sand at the bank of a stony river below the bridge