1. Title Of Subject Thai Language Level 1 2. Subject Code CLT1010 3. Status Of Subject Co-Curriculum 4. Stage Degree, Certificate & Diploma 5. Version Date of Previous Version: January 2003 Date of Current Version: Oktober 2004 6. Credit Hour 2 LAN Credit Hours Equivalent Lectures = 42 lecture hours (3 hours x 14 weeks) 7. Pre-Requisite None 8. Teaching Staff Nattanit Yotpanya 9. Semester As offered 10. Aim Of Subject 1. To provide fundamental knowledge of Thai language and culture. 2. To provide Thai phonological, morphological and syntax background. 3. To provide learners a chance to speak basic Thai vocabulary in daily life. 4. To encourage learners to read and write simple Thai words and sentences. 11. Learning Outcome Of Subject This course aims to teach learners about fundamental knowledge of the Thai language and culture. The contents cover Thai phonetics, consonants, word order and simple sentence structures. The interactive teaching and learning activities will encourage learners to be able to communicate in Thai in various situations such as greeting and introducing oneself, asking someone’s information, etc. Programme Outcomes Capability to communicate effectively. % of contribution 30 1 Ability to work independently as well as with others in a team. 20 Ability to be a multi-skilled engineer with good technical knowledge, management, leadership and entrepreneurship skills Awareness of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities as an engineer. 30 Capability and enthusiasm for selfimprovement through continuous professional development and life-long learning. 10 10 12. Assessment 13. Details Of Subject Course work - Oral test - Listening & Writing test - Homework & quiz 10 % 20 % 10 % Final Exam Written exam 60% Topics Hours 3 An Overview of Thailand Society, Culture and Language Characteristic of the Thai Language Sound, Word and Sentence Vocabulary - Greeting expressions - Thai particles 3 An Overview of Phonetics Thai Phonology : Consonants (1) 44 consonants in Thai Vocabulary based on the consonants taught 3 Thai Phonology : Consonants (2) - Kinds of consonants (high,mid,low) - Functions of consonants (first letter,last letter and cluster consonants) Vocabulary based on the cluster consonants taught 2 3 Thai Phonology : Vowels and Tones - Vowels (single vowels and diphthongs) - 5 tones in Thai language The relation of consonants, vowels and tones Vocabulary based on the lesson taught 3 The Type of Words (noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction and exclamation) Word Order Vocabulary concerning the type of words such as Noun : family and relatives ,occupations, places, etc. 3 Thai Syntax : Sentence Structure Tense (Present Tense, Past Tense, Future Tense ) Negative Sentence Vocabulary - Parts of the body - Clothes and Accessories - Furniture 3 Question : Question Words and Question Tag - Formal language - Informal language Vocabulary - Question words - Countries and Nationalities - Hobbies 3 Numbers and Classifiers - Cardinal numbers - Ordinal numbers - Thai numbers and classifiers Vocabulary - Calculational words - Thai currency - Stationeries - Animals 3 Time - Formal language - Informal language Vocabulary - Time periods of a day - Sports - School subjects 3 3 Days and Months - Day names - The official holidays - Month names Vocabulary - Seasons - Weather 3 Months and Year - Thai festivals in each month - Thai years Vocabulary - Thai regions 3 Directions and Transportations Local area and around the world Vocabularies - Places - Directions - Vehicles 3 Explaining and Ordering the Meal Vocabulary - Kitchen utilities - How to cook - Thai foods, fruits, desserts and drinks 3 Shopping and Bargaining In various situations such as - Changing the product - Bargaining for lower price, etc. Vocabulary concerning the above topic such as OTOP from Thailand, etc. Review all the lessons Remark : Before starting a new lesson, the previous lesson will be reviewed briefly. Total Contact Hours 42 Total Credit Hours 3 4 14. Teaching And Learning Activities The course comprises: ▪Notify Course Orientation ▪View VCD about Thailand ▪Practice pronouncing Thai consonants,vowels and words ▪Practice writing Thai consonants,vowels,words and sentences ▪Question and answer (based on the topics) ▪Making accepting and declining an appointment ▪Describing daily life ▪Role play (based on the topics) 15. Reading Materials Textbook Reference Materials Nittaya Kanchanawan and Metthew J. Eynon. (2003) Learning Thai : A Unique and Practical Approach. Bangkok : O.S. Printing House. The Royal Institute of Thailand. (2003) Thai Dictionary : The Royal Institute’s Edition 1999. Bangkok : Nanmeebooks. Tianchai Iamworamate. (2000) A New Thai English Dictionary. Bangkok : Aksornpithaya. http://lexitron.nectec.or.th www.royin.go.th www.tat.or.th 5