Name _________________________
L ea rn i n g Obj e cti v e
Today, we will write a single1 paragraph.
What are we going to do today?
What does single mean?
Acti va t e ( o r p r o vi de ) P ri o r K n o wl edg e
A sentence is a group of words that describes what someone or
something does.
 A sentence contains a noun and a verb.
 A sentence always begins with a capital letter and ends with an
ending punctuation mark.
1. Which is a complete sentence?
A I like to eat pizza.
B eat pizza
2. Which is a complete sentence?
A the girl
B The girl swims in the pool.
Teacher answers problem #1. Students answer problem #2. Students, you already know about complete
sentences. Today, we will use our knowledge of writing complete sentences to help us write a single
DataWORKS Educational Research
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3rd Grade Writing Strategies 1.1 (3Q)
Write a single paragraph: a. Develop a topic sentence.
b. Include simple supporting facts and details.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Co n c e pt D ev el opm e n t
A paragraph is a group of related2 sentences about a topic or idea.
 A paragraph begins on a new line with the first sentence indented.
 A paragraph contains a topic sentence and supporting details.
A topic sentence is one sentence that tells what all the other
sentences in the paragraph are about.
 It is usually, but not always, the first sentence of the paragraph.
Supporting details are the sentences that tell more information
about the topic sentence.
1. Computers are fun to use. 2. Computers are fun
because people can play games on them. 3. People
can also use computers to write to friends through
emails. 4. Computers can even be used to draw
pictures and make posters.
Why is sentence #4 a supporting detail in the example paragraph?
Which would be a good supporting sentence in the paragraph Computers? How do you know?
A Computers can be a fun way to do your homework.
B The first computer was built in 1946.
In your own words, what is a paragraph? A paragraph is __________________.
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
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3rd Grade Writing Strategies 1.1 (3Q)
Write a single paragraph: a. Develop a topic sentence.
b. Include simple supporting facts and details.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Ski l l Dev el o pm en t /G u i ded P ra cti c e
A paragraph is a group of related sentences about a topic or idea.
A topic sentence is one sentence that tells what all the other sentences in the
paragraph are about.
Supporting details are the sentences that tell more information about the topic
Write a single paragraph.
Step #1: Tell what your topic is. (write in the blank)
Step #2: List three to four details that give more information about your topic. (write)
Step #3: Use the topic sentence frame to begin your paragraph. Hint: Remember to indent.
Step #4: Use the details from the chart to write three to four sentences that support the
topic sentence.
Topic: My favorite type of food is __________ .
Detail #1:
Detail #2:
Detail #3:
Detail #4:
(#2) How did I/you list three to four details that give more information about my/your topic?
(#4) How did I/you write three to four supporting sentences?
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
3rd Grade Writing Strategies 1.1 (3Q)
Write a single paragraph: a. Develop a topic sentence.
b. Include simple supporting facts and details.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Ski l l Dev el o pm en t /G u i ded P ra cti c e ( c on t i n u ed)
A paragraph is a group of related sentences about a topic or idea.
A topic sentence is one sentence that tells what all the other sentences in the
paragraph are about.
Supporting details are the sentences that tell more information about the topic
Write a single paragraph.
Step #1: Tell what your topic is. (write in the blank)
Step #2: List three to four details that give more information about your topic. (write)
Step #3: Use the topic sentence frame to begin your paragraph. Hint: Remember to indent.
Step #4: Use the details from the chart to write three to four sentences that support the
topic sentence.
Topic: My favorite game or sport is __________ .
Detail #1:
Detail #2:
Detail #3:
Detail #4:
(#2) How did I/you list three to four details that give more information about my/your topic?
(#4) How did I/you write three to four supporting sentences?
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
3rd Grade Writing Strategies 1.1 (3Q)
Write a single paragraph: a. Develop a topic sentence.
b. Include simple supporting facts and details.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Imp o rta n c e
A paragraph is a group of related sentences about a topic or idea.
A topic sentence is one sentence that tells what all the other sentences in the
paragraph are about.
Supporting details are the sentences that tell more information about the topic
1. Writing a single paragraph will help you keep your writing focused
and organized.
Learning to Read
Learning to read is important. Once you learn to read, you
can read street signs, menus, books, and other important
information. Learning to read is important to every other
subject in school, too. It will help you solve math problems, do
science experiments, and read about the history of the world.
2. Writing a single paragraph will help you do well on tests.
Does anyone else have another reason why it is important to write a single paragraph? (pair-share) Why
is it important to write a single paragraph? You may give one of my reasons or one of your own. Which
reason is more important to you? Why?
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
3rd Grade Writing Strategies 1.1 (3Q)
Write a single paragraph: a. Develop a topic sentence.
b. Include simple supporting facts and details.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Cl osu r e
A paragraph is a group of related sentences about a topic or idea.
A topic sentence is one sentence that tells what all the other sentences in the
paragraph are about.
Supporting details are the sentences that tell more information about the topic
1. Write a single paragraph below.
2. In your own words, what is a paragraph?
3. What did you learn today about writing a single paragraph? (pair-share)
Step #1: Tell what your topic is. (write in the blank)
Step #2: List three to four details that give more information about your topic. (write)
Step #3: Use the topic sentence frame to begin your paragraph. Hint: Remember to indent.
Step #4: Use the details from the chart to write three to four sentences that support
the topic sentence.
Topic: My favorite subject in school is __________ .
Detail #1:
Detail #2:
Detail #3:
Detail #4:
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
3rd Grade Writing Strategies 1.1 (3Q)
Write a single paragraph: a. Develop a topic sentence.
b. Include simple supporting facts and details.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Name __________________________
A paragraph is a group of related sentences about a topic or idea.
A topic sentence is one sentence that tells what all the other sentences in the
paragraph are about.
Supporting details are the sentences that tell more information about the topic
In d ep en d en t P ra cti c e
Write a single paragraph.
Step #1: Tell what your topic is. (write in the blank)
Step #2: List three to four details that give more information about your topic. (write)
Step #3: Use the topic sentence frame to begin your paragraph. Hint: Remember to indent.
Step #4: Use the details from the chart to write three to four sentences that support the
topic sentence.
Topic: My favorite movie is _________________ .
Detail #1:
Detail #2:
Detail #3:
Detail #4:
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
3rd Grade Writing Strategies 1.1 (3Q)
Write a single paragraph: a. Develop a topic sentence.
b. Include simple supporting facts and details.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Name __________________________
A paragraph is a group of related sentences about a topic or idea.
A topic sentence is one sentence that tells what all the other sentences in the
paragraph are about.
Supporting details are the sentences that tell more information about the topic
P eri odi c R evi ew 1
Write a single paragraph.
Step #1: Tell what your topic is. (write in the blank)
Step #2: List three to four details that give more information about your topic. (write)
Step #3: Use the topic sentence frame to begin your paragraph. Hint: Remember to indent.
Step #4: Use the details from the chart to write three to four sentences that support the
topic sentence.
Topic: I would like to visit ___________ someday.
Detail #1:
Detail #2:
Detail #3:
Detail #4:
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
3rd Grade Writing Strategies 1.1 (3Q)
Write a single paragraph: a. Develop a topic sentence.
b. Include simple supporting facts and details.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Name __________________________
A paragraph is a group of related sentences about a topic or idea.
A topic sentence is one sentence that tells what all the other sentences in the
paragraph are about.
Supporting details are the sentences that tell more information about the topic
P eri odi c R evi ew 2
Write a single paragraph.
Step #1: Tell what your topic is. (write in the blank)
Step #2: List three to four details that give more information about your topic. (write)
Step #3: Use the topic sentence frame to begin your paragraph. Hint: Remember to indent.
Step #4: Use the details from the chart to write three to four sentences that support the
topic sentence.
Topic: My favorite hobby or thing to do is ____________ .
Detail #1:
Detail #2:
Detail #3:
Detail #4:
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
3rd Grade Writing Strategies 1.1 (3Q)
Write a single paragraph: a. Develop a topic sentence.
b. Include simple supporting facts and details.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.
Name __________________________
A paragraph is a group of related sentences about a topic or idea.
A topic sentence is one sentence that tells what all the other sentences in the
paragraph are about.
Supporting details are the sentences that tell more information about the topic
P eri odi c R evi ew 3
Write a single paragraph.
Step #1: Tell what your topic is. (write in the blank)
Step #2: List three to four details that give more information about your topic. (write)
Step #3: Use the topic sentence frame to begin your paragraph. Hint: Remember to indent.
Step #4: Use the details from the chart to write three to four sentences that support the
topic sentence.
Topic: An animal I would like to have as a pet is a ________ .
Detail #1:
Detail #2:
Detail #3:
Detail #4:
DataWORKS Educational Research
(800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com
©2012 All rights reserved.
Comments? feedback@dataworks-ed.com
3rd Grade Writing Strategies 1.1 (3Q)
Write a single paragraph: a. Develop a topic sentence.
b. Include simple supporting facts and details.
Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.