Year 10 Psychology Scope and sequence, learning intention, activities & assessment tasks, VELS (domains), AusVELS (levels) Term 1, 2013 Text: Oxford Psychology Year 10 (Including some sections of Oxford Psychology Year 11) Topic Lessons Activities & Assessment Learning Intention VELS AusVELS Domain Dimension Levels REVISION of HEADSTART content To introduce and increase students’ existing knowledge on Psychology as a science of inquiry into human behaviour Science ~ Science knowledge and understanding Science understanding: ~Biological sciences – Level 10 ~ Science at work Science as a human endeavour: ~Nature and development of science Levels 9-10 ~Use and influence of science – Levels 9-10 --------To participate in an empirical research activity* on mnemonic techniques and to evaluate the findings (as a --------Science & Maths (Timeframe) REVISE: Introduction to Psychology: *Chapter 1 Week 1 31 Jan to 01 Feb ~What is Psychology? ~Differences in Psychology & Psychiatry ~Pseudosciences ~Mnemonic techniques ~Ethical considerations *Chapter 2 ~The brain Memory Learning Balance & coordination Sleep & dreams Hormones Introduction to Psychology: ~ERA (data distribution & evaluation, writing sections of an investigation report) **Requires instruction handout and a simple, model report. ~ Introduction to Psychology, its practice and understanding it as a discipline ~ Psychological terms and meanings ~Introduction to the brain and its functions: Memory, learning, physiological processes, and sleep --------~ Participation in an Empirical Research Activity (ERA) (Mnemonic techniques – with a written evaluation of the activity as an assessment task. Use 1.5 Investigate on p.9 as the base for ERA) ~Ethical considerations (linked to the above research activity evaluation process) Science inquiry skills: ~Questioning and predicting ~Planning and conducting ~Processing and analysing data and information ~Evaluating ~Communicating Levels 9-10 small demonstration of scientific research methods, analysis of data, and ethical considerations) SUBMISSION OF HOLIDAY HOMEWORK – due this week (One-page report on a pseudoscience) Week 2 04 Feb to 08 Feb ~ Psychological terms and meanings (including IV & DV and constructing a hypothesis) ~Glossary of terms and phrases (Language of Psychology & research) # 1 ASSESSMENT TASK Finalise 1.5 INVESTIGATE (p. 9) Mnemonic techniques Data analysis & sections of an ERA to be completed --------Additional activities to complete: 2.1 Investigate (p. 15) 2.3 Investigate (p. 17) 2.1 Review (p. 18) 2.2 Review (p. 21) To provide a practical example of a research activity* (physically participating Science & Maths in a class experiment of a psychological nature) * Required skills & knowledge linked throughout VCE Psychology --------To understand what it means to be human - through looking at the functions and components of the human brain --------Science - biology As above As above Scope and sequence, learning intention, activities & assessment tasks, VELS (domains), AusVELS (levels) Year 10 Psychology Text: Oxford Psychology Year 10 (Including some sections of Oxford Psychology Year 11) Topic Lessons Activities & Assessment Learning Intention VELS AusVELS ~ Overview of the functions of the brain, using the basic concepts within the text: Memory, learning, balance & coordination, sleep & dreams, hormones. Activities to complete: 2.1 Review (p.18) 2.2 Review (p.21) --------~ Detailed coverage of brain components & functions. Activities to complete: 3.1 Review (p.27) 3.1 Investigate (p.28) 3.2 Investigate (p.29) 3.2 Review (p.30) 3.4 Investigate (p.31) 3.5 Investigate (p.33) 3.3 Review (p.34) 3.4 Review (p.38) End of Chapter test (p.40-41) To introduce students to the components, functions and processes within the brain and the nervous system. ~ The Central & Peripheral Nervous systems ~ Neurons – components of a neuron ~ Neurotransmitters and dendrites --------Activities to complete: 4.1 Review (p.45) 4.2 Review (p. 47) 4.3 Review (p. 48) End of Chapter test (p.51-52) To provide an understanding of how the brain communicates with the body, and of how both systems connect for our survival Science - biology As above As above To provide a brief overview of when the brain may not function normally, and the implications for our behaviour and cognitive thinking processes. To also provide an overview on neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to adapt after damage). Science - biology As above As Above (Timeframe) Chapter 2 ~The brain Memory Learning Balance & coordination Sleep & dreams Hormones Week 3 11 Feb to 15 Feb Chapter 3 ~ Inside the brain Brain damage Beneath the cerebral cortex Brain hemispheres Brain imaging Chapter 4 ~ Nervous System Neurons Neurotransmitters Technology and our brain Week 4 18 Feb to 22 Feb Domain Dimension Levels Science - biology ~ Science knowledge and understanding Science understanding: ~Biological sciences – Level 10 ~ Science at work Science as a human endeavour: ~Nature and development of science Levels 9-10 ~Use and influence of science – Levels 9-10 Science inquiry skills: ~Questioning and predicting ~Planning and conducting ~Processing and analysing data and information ~Evaluating ~Communicating Levels 9-10 --------To outline the major functions of specific components of the brain – including brain damage, hemisphere specialisation & brain imaging techniques. ***Variation on 4.1 Investigate: Create a model of a neuron (practical activity) Chapter 5 ~ Mental Illness & Brain Injury Week 5 25 Feb to 1 Mar ~ When the brain does not function normally – mental illness & brain injury (and neuroplasticity) --------Activities to complete: 5.1 Review (p.61) End of Chapter test (p.65-66) Chapters 2, 3, 4 & 5 ~ Revise content (with theory & practical activities) Week 6 4 Mar to 8 Mar ~ Brain Boosters Exercise Sleep Technology use Diet & nutrition Music ~ Sleep REM & NREM Chapter 7 ~ Dreaming Dream analysis Other forms of dreaming Chapter 8 ~ Hypnosis Processes Applications Week 7 4 Mar to 8 Mar Week 8 18 Mar to 22 Mar Week 9 25 Mar to 28 Mar # 2 ASSESSMENT TASK – TEST on the brain and the nervous system Science - Biology ~ Science knowledge and understanding Science understanding: ~Biological sciences – Level 10 ~ Science at work Science as a human endeavour: ~Nature and development of science Levels 9-10 ~Use and influence of science – Levels 9-10 Science inquiry skills: ~Questioning and predicting ~Planning and conducting ~Processing and analysing data and information ~Evaluating ~Communicating Levels 9-10 To provide students with a tangible link to the benefits of maintaining optimal brain function and capacity. (Covers most of what has been taught in previous weeks) To introduce students to the area of sleep, sleep phenomenon and altered states of consciousness Science - Biology As above As above ~ Dream analysis & problem solving ~ Lucid dreaming & daydreaming --------Activities to complete: 7.6 Investigate (p.90) 7.2 Review (p.91) 7.3 Review (p.93) End of Chapter test (p.95) To introduce students to the area of sleep, sleep phenomenon and altered states of consciousness Science As above As above ~ Hypnosis – Introduction ~ Applications of hypnosis --------Activities to complete: 8.1 Review (p.100) 8.2 Review (p.103) 8.3 Review (p.106) End of Chapter test (p.108) Bringing the idea of different levels of consciousness to students’ awareness and understanding – linked to sleep Science As above As above --------~ Characteristics of REM & NREM sleep --------Activities to complete: 7.1 Review (p.88) 7.4 Investigate (p.88) # 3 ASSESSMENT TASK – ESSAY OR MEDIA RESPONSE on sleep and altered states of consciousness Term Holidays To consolidate student understanding on the features and functions of the brain & the nervous system #Cover Chapters 2 – 5 --------~ Brain Boosters – Exercise, sleep, Technology, diet & music. --------Activities to complete: 6.1 Review (p.69) 6.2 Review (p.73) 6.4 Review (p.77) 6.5 Review (p.80) End of Chapter test (p.82-83) Chapter 6 Chapter 7 ~ Summary of content on the brain and the nervous system for assessment task (Week 7)