Information Attack/Defense Evaluation in Sensor networks*

Low-rate TCP-targeted Denial of Service Attack Defense
Johnny Tsao Petros Efstathopoulos
University of California, Los Angeles, Computer Science Department
Los Angeles, CA
E-mail: {johnny5t, pefstath}
Low-rate TCP targeted denial of service
attacks are a subset of DoS attacks that exploit
the retransmission timeout (RTO) mechanism of
TCP. In doing so, such an attack can drastically
reduce throughput while producing little traffic
relative to traditional DoS attacks. Since it
produces only periodic traffic, a low-rate attack
is difficult to detect and prevent. Another
property of the periodic traffic, however, is that a
synchronization with the victim’s RTO.
A proposed defense to this attack is to
randomize the RTO. In doing so, information
can still be transmitted while the attacker is
waiting and a connection will be able to avoid
timing out successively.
In this paper, we evaluate the
effectiveness of randomizing the retransmission
timeout in defending against low-rate TCP
targeted denial of service attacks. Through
experiments we show that such a defense can
prevent a TCP flow from being throttled by a
low-rate attack and still achieve respectable
throughput. In addition, we will analyze the
effectiveness of a low-rate DoS attack on the
Linux implementation of TCP.
As the prevalence and use of networks
grow, so too will the number of people
attempting to exploit them, whether for personal
gain or simply malicious intent. Therefore, the
issue of network security and protection will
only gain importance in today’s society and the
A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is one
such exploit/attack present in networks today. A
DoS generally floods a network or link with
traffic with the goal of denying other users
access to specific nodes, resources, or services.
Such resources include memory, bandwidth, or
CPU cycles. The problem with traditional DoS
attacks is that their network behavior of flooding
links does not correspond with regular network
traffic. Therefore, one can often detect a DoS
attacker by analyzing the network traffic. In
addition to detection, mechanisms can be added
to routers to prevent DoS attacks from affecting
a network by blocking such traffic.
A different type of DoS attack was
introduced in [1]. A low-rate TCP targeted DoS
attack produces the negative effects of a typical
DoS attack, except it targets TCP flows and can
often elude detection since it sends traffic at a
relatively low average rate. It does so by
exploiting TCP’s retransmission timeout
mechanism is intended to deal with cases of
severe congestion and multiple losses. If a
sender fails to receive an ACK after the timeout
period, it reduces its congestion window to one
and retransmits the packet.
recommendation made by [3], many systems
implement a minimum RTO of 1 second. It is
this implementation that puts these systems at
risk since a low-rate DoS attack can exploit it.
A low-rate DoS attack will flood the network
with an initial burst of packets. This burst fills
up the queues and results in packet loss for
legitimate TCP connections. These connections,
after waiting the timeout for an ACK, reduce
their windows and retransmit. While the TCP
connections wait for ACKs that aren’t coming,
the low-rate attacker does not need to attack. It
can simply wait the RTO (one second) and start
flooding the network again, exactly when the
TCP connections try to retransmit their packets.
In doing so, a low-rate attack can throttle a TCP
connection’s throughput to nearly zero.
In this paper, we will study the
effectiveness of randomizing the RTO in
defending against a low-rate TCP targeted DoS
attack. We will first give an overview of related
work on this topic. In section 3, we shall take a
closer look at TCP’s timeout mechanism. We
will analyze the timeout mechanism to find out
why it exists and how it works. This will give us
insight as to how it is exploited. Section 4 will
go over the low-rate DoS attack. We will study
the properties of such an attack and see how it
takes advantage of the timeout mechanism. We
will present the proposed solution of
randomizing the RTO in section 5. We will then
look at the changes we had to make to the Linux
kernel in section 6. After, section 7 will present
and analyze our experimental results showing the
effectiveness of the randomized RTO defense.
Section 8 will present our conclusion and a
summary of our results. Lastly, section 9 will
discuss future work.
Our work is mostly based on two
papers. The first one is Low-Rate TCP-Targeted
Denial of Service Attacks by Kuzmanovic and
Knightly. This paper introduced the low rate
attack and proposed randomizing the RTO as a
solution. The second paper is Randomization:
Defense against Low-Rate TCP-Targeted
Denial-of-Service Attacks by Yang, Gerla, and
Sanadidi. In this paper, they researched both
randomization of RTO and probing as defenses
against a low rate attack. Both papers do
simulations to back up their work.
For our paper, we have implemented the
randomized RTO defense in Linux. We then run
experiments to confirm the results seen in these
other works. In addition, we see how the regular
Linux kernel behaves under a low rate attack.
3.1 TCP Congestion control: Timeout
Congestion control is essential for TCP.
TCP congestion control operates in two
timescales depending on the degree of the link’s
congestion. On smaller timescales of round trip
times (RTT) TCP performs additive-increase
multiplicative-decrease (AIMD) control with the
objective of having each floe transmit at the fair
rate of its bottleneck link. At times of severe
congestion in which multiple losses occur, TCP
operates on longer timescales of Retransmission
Time Out (RTO). In this study we are interested
in the timeout mechanism of TCP which what
the Low-Rate DoS attack tries to exploit.
The TCP congestion control mechanism
uses the notion of “congestion window” (cwnd).
Each TCP sender uses the congestion window to
regulate the rate of transmission based on the
feedback it gets from the network. The
congestion window is the TCP sender’s estimate
of how much data can be outstanding in the
network without packets being lost. Each
receiver can advertise a window size. The sender
takes into account this advertised window size
and chooses as window size the minimum of the
two: advertised window and congestion window.
This mechanism helps avoid congestion since
both the receiver’s capabilities and the networks
characteristics are taken into account.
After a period of congestion TCP enters
the “slow-start” phase: it shrinks its congestion
window to 1 segment and increases it by one
every time an acknowledgement is received. If
on the other had less than three duplicate ACKs
are received before RTO expires, TCP shrinks its
congestion window to 1 segment (slo start),
doubles the value of the RTO (exponential
backoff) and retransmits the lost packet.
Under heavy congestion, TCP reduces
its congestion window size to 1 segment and sets
the RTO to its minimum value. The
recommended minimum value for the RTO is
1sec, as proposed by the study presented in [3].
This mechanism was chosen for dealing with
cases of heavy congestion since it is the most
conservative sender behavior. If the RTO expires
and the packet is lost again the exponential
backoff continues and the sender doubles the
value of RTO (RTO=2) and retransmits the
packet. The sender then waits for the 2sec RTO
to expire and if the packet still hasn’t been
transmitted successfully the exponential backoff
continues (RTO is set to 4sec and so on).
3.2 Vulnerability
Although this mechanism is well suited
for dealing with high congestion, it has a
fundamental flaw. The values of RTO are
predefined constants. The minimum value is
1sec and the possible RTO values during
exponential backoff are multiples of 1sec. This
property of the algorithm makes the system
vulnerable to attacks that use a short high rate
burst of packets to fill the bottleneck buffers,
right before the RTO expires. An attacker that
knows the timing of the sender can use a “square
wave” attack (high rate, short duration bursts)
and force the sender to repeatedly enter the
retransmission timeout state, while the
throughput achieved by the sender will be nearzero.
burst length
inter-burst period
Figure 1: a low-rate attack can be approximated
as a square wave
A low-rate TCP-Targeted denial of
service attack has three properties: a send rate, a
burst length, and an inter-burst period.
The send rate is obviously the rate at
which the attacker sends packets into the
network. This rate must be higher than the
bandwidth of the bottleneck link in order to
produce packet loss and cause TCP flows to
One possible defense against low-rate
TCP-targeted DoS attacks is proposed by [1]. If
the minimum value of the RTO is not set to 1sec,
but instead it is randomized around 1sec, we
could expect the effect of the attack on the
throughput to be less severe. Simulation results
by [2] show that randomization of the RTO is
indeed a possible solution. When the value of
RTOmin is randomized around 1sec, it is more
difficult for the attacker to synchronize its square
wave attack with the RTO expiration intervals.
Thus the attacker can no longer predict the time
the new packets will arrive and flood the buffers
with a properly timed burst.
The burst length is how long the
attacker floods packets for each burst. This
depends on the send rate, RTT of the flows, and
bandwidth of the bottleneck. If the burst length
is too long, then the attacker risks being detected.
It was suggested in [1] that a burst length less
than 300ms would allow the low-rate attacker to
go relatively undetected. Our own experiments
show that a burst length of 200ms is sufficient to
produce zero throughput with the proper interburst period, so we do not have to worry about
going over this threshold.
The inter-burst period dictates the
frequency at which the attacker floods packets.
An attacker would want to pick an inter-burst
period that corresponds exactly to the RTO. In
this way, the attacker can throttle the throughput
while transmitting the least amount of data
possible to reduce the chances of detection.
The low-rate DoS attack can be viewed
as a square wave like in Figure 1. It bursts
packets at a set rate for a set time and then waits
out the inter-burst period before bursting again.
It does so in the hopes that subsequent bursts
will occur just as victim flows begin
Although TCP uses predefined backoff
values for the RTO (1,2,4,8,…,64), randomized
backoff intervals are used in other protocols,
especially link layer protocols that use similar
exponential backoff schemes (e.g. Ethernet).
Such protocols use a random timeout value
within a certain range.
There are three different ways one
could choose to randomize RTOmin. Each one
uses a different range of possible values. The
most conservative approach would be to pick a
number in the range [t, t+1). This will
overestimate the RTO. Alternatively, we could
choose a value within the ranges [t-0.5, t+0.5)
and [0.5t, 1.5t). Simulations and analysis done
by [2] show that the range of randomization does
not affect the results significantly. For the rest of
this paper we assume that any randomization of
the timeout is done using a value within the [t0.5, t+0.5) range.
6.1 Linux TCP congestion control
The Linux kernel currently implements
TCP New Reno. Although many optimizations
have been incorporated in the Linux TCP stack,
the congestion control mechanism is essentially
as defined by TCP New Reno.
One issue of great interest to our study
is the fact that Linux allows a minimum value of
200ms for the RTO. This deviates from the
standard approach of 1sec RTOmin and makes it
harder for potential Low-Rate attacks to succeed.
This is because in order to attack Linux
effectively using the Low-Rate attack model, one
would have to generate an attack square wave
with inter-burst period of 200ms. In order to fill
the bottleneck buffers using such a short IBP, the
attacker would have to use a very high rate. Such
an attack is difficult to achieve and the average
attack rate would be high enough for DoS
defense mechanisms to detect.
The second version of the Linux kernel
is based on the “1sec RTO” kernel with the
addition of randomization. We modified the
previous version so that the value of RTO is
randomized within the range [t-0.5, t+0.5). The
minimum value of the RTO is first adjusted so
that it is not below 1sec. Afterwards a random
number is generated using the Linux kernel’s
random number generator. This number is then
combined with the value of RTO to produce the
effective timeout that is randomly selected from
the desired range.
We must note that the values of RTO,
RTT, rttvar etc are measured in “jiffies”. One
jiffy is the resolution of the software timer and
for the x86 architecture it is 10ms. The minimum
value of RTO was bounded to 100 jiffies (1sec)
and it was randomized in the range of [50,150)
The randomized Linux kernel was used
to measure the effectiveness of the attack and
compare it with the results from the
measurements taken with the “1sec RTO” kernel.
6.2 Linux kernel changes
Although Linux is less vulnerable
because of its 200ms RTOmin, the vulnerability
in the design of the TCP timeout mechanisms is
existent and other systems may be susceptible to
this attack. We wanted to test the effectiveness of
the attack on real systems and try to reproduce
the results of the simulations. In order to do this
we had to do a series of modifications to the
Linux kernel.
We used two versions of the Linux
kernel. The first version was modified so that the
minimum value of RTO was bounded to 1sec.
Bounding RTOmin to 1sec was necessary to test
the effectiveness of the attack. RTOmin is
defined in the Linux kernel as 200ms. Changing
this definition triggers a series of unwanted
changes, the most important of which being the
improper initialization of rttvar (round trip time
variance). In order to bound the minimum value
of RTO we had to make sure that it adjusted
every time RTO is calculated from the values of
srtt (smoothened RTT) and rttvar. Also the
function that is used by Linux to check the upper
bound of the RTO (tcp_bound_rto()) had to be
modified so as to included lower bound checking
as well.
7.1 Experimental Setup
We conducted our experiments on a
TCP test-bed. We had a sender, receiver, and
attacker. We connected the sender and attacker
to the receiver through an intermediate node
running DummyNet. We used DummyNet to
simulate the internet. The setup looks like
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Test-bed setup
implemented by running Iperf as a client and
server in order to generate TCP traffic. The
pipes connecting the sender, attacker, and
receiver have a bandwidth of 1.5Mbits/s and a
queue of 50 slots. In addition, the RTT was
40ms. We programmed a custom attacker to
produce a low-rate attack. It generates 3Mbits/s
of traffic in periodic bursts of specified lengths
and inter-burst periods.
produce an attacker that attacks with an interburst period of 200ms, but it would have to have
a much shorter burst length and much higher
burst rate. With such a short inter-burst period,
such an attacker may not be stealthy.
The next test we ran was on our
modified kernel with a 1 second RTO. Figure 4
shows the results of this test.
The first test we ran tested how the
regular Linux kernel reacted to a low-rate attack.
We expect the attack to be less effective since
the attacker is specifically aimed at systems with
an RTO of 1 second while Linux has an RTO of
200ms. It is interesting to see how it will react
under an attack. The throughput graph is
presented in Figure 3.
No Attack
No Attack
Inter-burst Period (seconds)
Figure 4: 1s RTO Kernel Throughput
7.2 Results
We ran a set of tests for each kernel
variation: regular, 1 second RTO, and 1 second
randomized RTO. We ran each test for 20
seconds. We allowed the sender to transmit for 2
seconds before starting the attacker.
attacker transmitted at 3 Mbits/s for 200ms while
we varied the inter-burst periods. The important
inter-burst period values are at 0.5 and 1 second.
This is because they coincide with the RTO of 1
second that was proposed in [3].
With this kernel, we see that there is a
major drop in throughput for inter-burst periods
of 0.5 and 1 second. These results agree with the
simulation results reported by [1] and [2]. Since
the retransmission timeout is set to 1 second,
each retransmission encounters packet loss
because the attacker is transmitting at the same
If the inter-burst period is not
synchronized with the RTO, however, we see
that throughput can be achieved. This is evident
in the throughput values for inter-burst periods
that are not even divisors of 1 second. One thing
we must clarify is the fact that we did see a very
small throughput at the 0.5 and 1s inter-burst
periods. This is simply due to the fact that we
allowed the sender to transmit for 2 seconds
before engaging the attacker. Once the attack
began, throughput was throttled to zero for both
of these cases.
Inter-burst Period (seconds)
Figure 3: Linux Kernel Throughput
We see that the throughput is similar to
what we would expect to see for a regular DoS
attack. As the burst frequency gets higher (lower
inter-burst period), the throughput drops. The
reason that the throughput never drops to zero is
because our attacker is geared toward a system
with a minimum RTO of 1 second. We could
After, we tested our modified Linux
kernel which randomizes the RTO between t-0.5
and t+0.5 seconds. This produces RTOs that
average to t seconds, yet do not allow a low-rate
attack to know when it will try retransmitting.
The results are shown in figure 5.
burst rate at 3Mbits/s for each test run.
results can be seen in figures 7 through 9.
1s Kernel
No Attack
Inter-burst Period (seconds)
Figure 5: Randomized RTO Kernel Throughput
Burst Length (ms)
Figure 7: 0.5s Inter-burst Period Throughput
1s Kernel
As you can see, the throughput for the
randomized RTO kernel is dramatically better
than the 1s RTO kernel for attacker inter-burst
periods of 0.5 and 1 second. In fact, at the 1
second inter-burst period, we see that the
randomized RTO kernel produced a throughput
of nearly 40%. This is very good considering
that the attacker is flooding the network 20% of
the time.
In addition, it is a significant
improvement from the 1s RTO kernel which had
zero throughput at this point.
Figure 6 shows how the different RTO
implementations stack up against each other.
Burst Length (ms)
Figure 8: 1s Inter-burst Period Throughput
1s Kernel
1s RTO
Random RTO
Inter-burst Period (seconds)
Figure 6: Throughput Comparison
Burst Length (ms)
Again we see that by using a
randomized RTO, we do not suffer throughput
throttling. In order to throttle the throughput of
our modified kernel, an attacker would simply
have to resort to a standard DoS attack that
constantly transmits. This would not be stealthy
since it could be detected relatively easily.
Therefore, we see that randomization is a very
effective defense against a low-rate DoS attack.
We conducted one last test. We looked
at inter-burst periods of 0.5 and 1s and varied the
burst lengths from 50 to 200ms. We kept the
Figure 9: Averaged Throughput of 0.5s and 1s
From these tests we see that using a
burst length of 200ms is just about right to
throttle throughput in the 1s RTO kernel. In
addition, we see that the randomized RTO
performs better than a 1s RTO in these zero
throughput cases.
The design of TCP congestion control
mechanism incorporates a statically defined
timeout mechanism. Although other protocols
use randomization techniques when choosing the
value of the retransmission timeout, TCP uses
multiples of 1sec. during its exponential backoff
stage. This design makes TCP vulnerable to a
Low-Rate attack. Current DoS attack defense
mechanisms can not detect this kind of attack
since the average attack rate is very low.
Using our implementation we were able
to test the effectiveness of this attack for three
different platforms: the standard Linux kernel,
the modified “1sec RTOmin” kernel and the
“randomized RTO” kernel. Our experimental
results confirm the simulation results. Systems
using a minimum value of 1sec for the RTO can
be heavily affected by a Low-Rate attack. When
the attacker is synchronized with the sender
(Inter-burst periods of 0.5s and 1s), the
throughput is throttled.
Experiments using the “randomized
RTO” Linux kernel show that the proposed
defense against this type of attack can greatly
improve performance. Randomizing the value of
RTO eliminates the throughput throttling
problem for IBPs of 0.5s and 1s. In the 1s IBP
case in particular we achieve 40% of the link’s
maximum throughout, while under attack.
Our first experiments showed that
randomizing the value of RTO provides defense
against the Low-Rate attack. For our experiments
we had to modify the Linux kernel so that the
lower bound for the value of RTO is 1s, instead
of 200ms. We would like to test our approach
with other operating systems and verify whether
any of the popular TCP stack implementations
uses RTOmin of 1s and thus is vulnerable to the
attack. Experiments with BSD, Solaris and
Microsoft Windows would show to what extend
this attack is a threat for real systems.
One issue that we need to look into, is
to whom exactly is this attack targeted to. We
need to consider what are the real-life scenarios
where the Low-Rate attack can actually be
launched, what is the target going to be and to
what extent will it affect network performance.
Our next set of experiments will focus
on the fairness of the randomized Linux kernel.
Changing the value of RTO may affect the
fairness of the system when multiple connections
are present. We should also test the effectiveness
of the “randomized kernel” defense against the
attack with multiple long-term TCP flows as
well as dynamic highly variable flows such as
HTTP traffic.
Finally, we would like to implement an
alternative solution to this attack, using probing.
A comparison between the effectiveness of the
two defense mechanisms would be of great
[1] A. Kuzmanovic and E. Knightly. Low-Rate
TCP-Targeted Denial of Service Attacks. In
Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM ’03,
Karlsruhe, Germany, August 2003.
[2] G. Yang, M. Gerla, and M.Y. Sanadidi.
Randomization: Defense Against Low-Rate
TCP-Targeted Denial of Service Attacks.
Internal draft, 2003.
[3] M. Allman and V. Paxson. On Estimating
End-to-End Network Path Properties. In
Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM ’99,
Vancouver, British Columbia, September
[4] P. Sarolathi and A. Kuznetsov. Congestion
Control in Linux TCP.
[5] D. Bovet and M. Cesati. Understanding the
Linux kernel, O’Reilly Press, 2003.