southwest fragments

Professor of Archaeology
Koç University
Department of Archaeology and History of Art
Arkeoloji ve Sanat Tarihi Bölümü
Rumelifeneri Yolu 34450 Sarıyer, Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: +90 212 338-1369;
Ph.D. 1980 (Third Millennium B.C. Interregional Exchange in
Southwest Asia with Special Reference the Keban Region of
Turkey), Art History and Archaeology Department, Columbia
University, New York. M. Phil 1977
M. A., 1976 (The Old Babylonian Seal Collection of the Istanbul
Archaeological Museum), Art History and Archaeology
Department, Columbia University, New York
Classical and Oriental Studies Department, City University of New
York, Hunter College
B.A., 1969, Humanities Department, Robert College, Istanbul,
Chemistry Department. Adelphi University, Garden City, New
Professional Experience:
Professor of Archaeology, KoDepartment of Archaeology and History
of Art Arkeoloji ve Sanat Tarihi Bölümü
Acting Curator of the Syro-Anatolian collections; Committee to
Reinstall the East Wing Gallery at the Oriental Institute Museum.
Semi retired, Associate Professor of Anatolian Archaeology, The
Oriental Institute, Department of Near Eastern Languages and
Civilizations, and The College, and joint appointment in the
Anthropology Department, The University of Chicago.
Assistant Professor of Anatolian Archaeology, The Oriental
Institute, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations,
and The College, Committee on the Ancient Mediterranean World,
and joint appointment the Anthropology Department, The
University of Chicago.
Research Fellow. Johns Hopkins University, Near Eastern Studies
Department, Baltimore, Maryland.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Anthropology Department, City
University of New York, Hunter College.
Associate Professor of Anatolian Archaeology, History
(Humanities) Department Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Assistant Professor of Anatolian Archaeology, Humanities
Department, Bogaziçi (Bosphorus) University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Fieldwork and Excavations:
Director, Excavations at Alalakh (Tell Atchana). Antakya, Turkey.
Director, Amuq Valley Regional Projects. Antakya, Turkey.
Director, the Oriental Institute Tell Kurdu Excavations, Antakya,
Director, Göltepe and Kestel Mine Excavations, Niğde, Turkey.
Director, Lead Isotope Characterization of Turkish Ores and
Related Artifacts. Collaborative Project with the Conservation
Analytical Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution, the National
Institute of Standards, Washington D.C., Bogaziçi (Bosphorus)
University, Istanbul and the Turkish Geological Survey (MTA).
Director, Instrumental Analysis of Ores, Slags, and Archaeological
Artifacts from the Near East. Senior Research Collaborator and
Postdoctoral Fellow, Archaeometry and Materials Science
Departments. Conservation Analytical Laboratory, Smithsonian
Institution, Washington D.C.
Director, Bolkardağ Survey, a Silver Mining District in the Taurus
Mountains, Turkey.
Trench Supervisor and Small Finds Analyst, Excavations at
Kurban Hoyuk, University of Chicago, Oriental Institute, salvage
project on the Euphrates River, Turkey.
Director, Seminars in History and Archaeology. Boğaziçi
(Bosphorus) University, History Department, Istanbul, Turkey.
Field Supervisor, Ikiztepe Excavations, Bafra (Black Sea), Turkey.
Istanbul University Archaeological Project.
Research Assistant, University of Pennsylvania Project, Irene
Winter. Iron Age Pottery from Archaeological Museums in Eastern
Trench Supervisor, Erbaba Excavations, Beyşehir, Turkey. JointUniversity of Pennsylvania and Columbia University Project.
I. Books
K.A. Yener
in prep Göltepe Excavations. An Early Bronze Age Mining Town: The Production of Tin
in the Central Taurus Mountains, Turkey. Volume 1, Parts 1 and 2, Volume 2.
Philadelphia: Institute for Aegean Archaeology Press
In prep Excavations at Kestel: An Early Bronze Age Tin Mine in the Central Taurus
Mountains, Turkey. Volume 1, Parts 1 and 2, Volume 2. Philadelphia: Institute
for Aegean Archaeology Press
2009 Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh. Volume 1: The 2003-2004 Excavation Seasons.
The Amuq Valley Regional Projects. Volume One. Surveys in the Plain of
Antioch and Orontes Delta from the Years 1995-2002. Chicago: Oriental
Institute Press no. 131
2000 The Domestication of Metals: The Rise of Complex Metal Industries in Anatolia
(c. 4500-2000 B.C.). Leiden: E.J. Brill
1980 Third Millennium B.C. Interregional Trade in Southwest Asia with Special
Reference the Keban Region of Turkey Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University,
Michigan Microfilms no. 80288l7
K.A. Yener and H. Hoffner, eds.
2002 New Perspectives in Hittite Archaeology. Papers in Memory of Hans G.
Guterbock. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns
IIA. Articles and Chapters in Books (as sole author)
In press. A Plaster Encased Multiple Burial at Alalakh: Cist Tomb 3017, in R. B. Koehl
ed., Amilla: The Quest for Excellence. Studies in Honor of Günter Kopcke
on the occasion of his 75th Birthday. Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press.
In press. Hittite Metals at the Frontier: A Three Spiked Battle Ax from Alalakh, in P.
Betancourt ed., James Muhly Festschrift. Philadelphia: INSTAP Press.
In press. Aççana Höyüğü 2008 Yılı Çalışmaları, 31. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, Ankara:
General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums
In press. Cultural Ebb and Flow in the Northeast Mediterranean: The 2007 Excavation
Season at Alalakh, in N. Marchetti, ed, Proceedings of the 6. ICAANE Workshop,
Friday May 9, 2008, Rome.
2009 Aççana Höyüğü 2007 Yılı Çalışmaları, 30. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, Ankara:
General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums
2009 Recent Excavations at Bronze Age Tell Atchana, Alalakh, Fener Koç University.
2009 Acrobats, Bulls, and Leaping Scenes on New Alalakh Amphoroid Kraters, Near
Eastern Archaeology 72: 48-50
2008 Tell Aççana Hőyűk’te Bulunan Miken Boğa Atlama Krateri, in E. Konyar ed.,
Festschrift for Muhibbe Darga, Istanbul: Koç Vakfı Yayınları.
2008 The Dynamics of Local Provisioning of Tin during the Early Bronze Age, in Ü.
Yalçın, H. Özbal, A.G. Paşamehmetoğlu eds., Ancient Mining in Turkey and the
Eastern Mediterranean, 57-64. Ankara: Atılım University Turkey Historical
Research Applications and Research Center Publications 2.
2008 Artifact: What is it: Fragments of a Krater, Archaeology Magazine 61: 72
2008 Amik Vadisi Bölgesel Araştırmaları 2007, 2007 Yılı Yüzey Araştırmaları
Sonuçları Sempozyumu.
2007 Amik Vadisi Bölgesel Araştırmaları 2006, 2006 Yılı Yüzey Araştırmaları
Sonuçları Sempozyumu.
2007 Aççana Höyüğü 2006 Yılı Çalışmaları, 29. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, Ankara:
General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums
2007 The Anatolian Middle Bronze Age Kingdoms and Alalakh: Mukish, Kanesh, and
Trade, in S. I. Fletcher and A. Greaves, Bridging the Gap Between East and West
in the Archaeology of Ancient Anatolia, Anatolian Studies 57: 151−160
2007 A Zoomorphic Vessel from Alalakh: Diplomatic Emblems in Three Dimensional
Form, in Gülsün Umurtak, Şevket Dönmez, Aslıhan Yurtsever, eds., Studies in
Honour of Refik Duru, 217-228. Istanbul: Ege Yayınları.
2006 Aççana Höyüğü 2005 Yılı Çalışmaları, 28. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 223-230.
Ankara: General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums
2006 Transformative Impulses in Late Bronze Age Technology: A Case Study from
the Amuq Valley, Southern Turkey, in E. Stone ed., Settlement and Society:
Essays Dedicated to Robert McCormick Adams, 360-385. Los Angeles: Cotsen
Institute of Archaeology at UCLA
2005 University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Aççana Höyük (Antik Alalakh) 2004
Çalışmaları, 26. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 45-53. Ankara: General Directorate of
Antiquities and Museums
2005 Introduction, Alalakh Spatial Organization: Augmenting the Architectural Layout
of Levels VII-0, Conclusions and Future Objectives, Appendix B in K. A. Yener
ed., The Amuq Valley Regional Projects. Volume One. Surveys from the Years
1995-2002. Chicago: Oriental Institute Press
2003 Introduction. The Analyses of Metalliferous Residues, Crucible Fragments,
Experimental Smelts, and Ores from Kestel Tin Mine and the Tin Processing Site
of Göltepe, Turkey, in P. Craddock ed., Mining and Metal Production Through
the Ages, 181-187. London: British Museum Occasional Publications
2003 The Amuq Valley Regional Projects. Tell Atchana (Alalakh) 2002, The Oriental
Institute 2002-2003 Annual Report, 26-32. Chicago: The Oriental Institute
2002 Excavations in Hittite Heartlands. Recent Investigations in Late Bronze Age
Anatolia, in K. A. Yener, and H. Hoffner eds., New Perspectives in Hittite
Archaeology. Papers in Memory of Hans Güterbock, 1-9. Winona Lake:
Eisenbrauns Eisenbrauns
2002 Swords, Armor, and Figurines: A Metalliferous View from the Central Taurus, in
David C. Hopkins, ed., Across the Anatolian Plateau. Readings in the
Archaeology of Ancient Turkey, 35-42, revised edition. Boston: Annual of the
American Schools of Oriental Research vol 57.
2002 Tell Atchana, The Oriental Institute 2001-2002 Annual Report, 13-19. Chicago:
The Oriental Institute
2001 Amuq Valley Regional Project, The Oriental Institute 2000-2001 Annual Report,
11-15. Chicago: The Oriental Institute
2001 Alalakh: A Late Bronze Age Capital in the Amuq Valley, Southern Turkey, The
Oriental Institute News and Notes 169: 1-6.
2001 The Organization of Tin Production: Strategic Industries in Early Bronze Age
Anatolia, Ancient Turkey, in M. Fortin ed., Recherches Archéometriques, (Centre
d’ études interdisciplinaires sur les lettres, les arts et les traditions cahiers
archéologiques), 1-15. Québec: Laval University
2001 1999 Tell Kurdu Kazıları, 22. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 231-246. Ankara:
General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums
2001 Kalay Üretim Organizasyonu: Ilk Tunç Çağı Anadolusunda Stratejik Endüstriler,
Cogito. Arkeoloji: Bir Bilimin Katmanlari 28: 333-353.
2000 Letters from the Field. Tell Kurdu, Turkey, The Oriental Institute News and
Notes 164: 20-21.
2000 Amuq Valley Regional Project, The Oriental Institute 1999-2000 Annual Report,
11-16. Chicago: The Oriental Institute Press
2000 Between the Tigris-Euphrates and the Mediterranean Sea: The Oriental Institute
Amuq Valley Regional Projects, Turkey, in P. Matthiae, F. Pinnock, eds.,
Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient
Near East. Rome: Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza.
2000 1998 Tel Kurdu Kazısı, 21. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 185-192. Ankara: General
Directorate of Antiquities and Museums
1999 Oriental Institute Returns to the Amuq. 1998 Excavation Season at Tell Kurdu,
Turkey, The Oriental Institute News and Notes 161: 1-3.
1998 A View from the Amuq in South-Central Turkey: Societies in Transformation in
the Second Millennium, in E. H. Cline and D. Harris-Cline, eds., The Aegean and
the Orient in the Second Millennium. Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary
Symposium, Cincinnati 18-20 April 1997, Aegaem 18: 366-374. Liège:
Université de Liège.
1998 5,000 Year Old Figurine in the Spotlight, Oriental Institute News and Notes 158:
1997 An Early Bronze Age Mortuary Chamber Inside Kestel Tin Mine: The 1996
Excavation Season, The Oriental Institute News and Notes 152: 5-7
1997 Excavations at Kestel Mine, Turkey, The Oriental Institute 1996-1997 Annual
Report, 58-61. Chicago: The Oriental Institute
1996 Göltepe 1994 Arkeometrik Çalışmalar, XI. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, 91104. Ankara: General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums.
1996 Göltepe, Kestel, Taurus Mountains, Turkey, in E.M. Meyers, ed., The
Encyclopedia of Near Eastern Archaeology, 155-56, 425-26, 283-284. Oxford:
University Press
1995 Swords, Armor, and Figurines: A Metalliferous View from the Central Taurus,
Biblical Archaeologist Dedicated to Peter Neve 58: 41-47
1995 Early Bronze Age Tin Processing at Göltepe and Kestel, Turkey, in J. Sasson ed.,
Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, Vol III, 1519-1521. New York: Scribners
& Sons
1995 The Archaeological Season at Göltepe, Turkey, 1994, The Oriental Institute
1994-1995 Annual Report, 22-28
1995 The Archaeology of Empire in Anatolia: Comments, Bulletin of the American
Schools of Oriental Research 299/300: 117-121
1995 Göltepe 1993 Kazı Sonuçları, XVI. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 177-188. Ankara:
General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums
1994 The 1993 Archaeological Season at Göltepe, Turkey, The Oriental Institute 19931994 Annual Report, 33-42
1994 Managing Metals: An Early Bronze Age Tin Production Site at Göltepe, Turkey,
The Oriental Institute News and Notes 140: 1-4
1994 Anatolia: IV. Metalwork, The Dictionary of Art, 834-835. London: Macmillan
& Co
1994 Review, R. Maddin ed., The Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys, 1988.
Mass: M.I.T Press, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 53: 301-304
1994 Göltepe/Kestel 1992, XV. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 201-209. Ankara: General
Directorate of Antiquities and Museums
1993 Göltepe Kazısı 1991 Sezonu, XIV. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 231-247. Ankara:
General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums
1992 1990 Göltepe, Niğde Kazısı, XIII. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 275-289. Ankara:
General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums
1990 Arkeometri Projesi: Çamardı 1988 Çalışmaları , V. Arkeometri Sonuçları
Toplantısı (Antalya May 18-23 1989), 1-12. Ankara: General Directorate of
1989 Niğde-Çamardı'nda Kalay Buluntuları IV. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı
(Ankara May 20-24 1988), 17-28. Ankara: General Directorate of Antiquities
1986 The Archaeometry of Silver in Anatolia: The Bolkardağ Mining District,
American Journal of Archaeology 90: 469-472
1986 Arkeometri Çalışmaları II: Bolkardağ, Aladag, ve Keban Madenlerinde 1984 Yılı
Incemeleri, I. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı (Ankara May 20-24 1985), 93106. Ankara: General Directorate of Antiquities
1984 Niğde-Ulukısla Bolkardağ Kurşun-Gümüş Yatakları ile Ilgili
Önçalışmalar,Arkeometri Unitesi Toplantısı Bildirileri IV. Ankara: Tubitak no
1983 The Production, Exchange and Utilization of Silver and Lead Metals in Ancient
Anatolia: A Source Identification Project, Anatolica 10: 1-15
1982 A Review of Interregional Exchange in Southwest Asia: The Neolithic Obsidian
Network, the Assyrian Trading Colonies, and a Case for Third Millennium B.C.
Trade, Anatolica 9: 33-75
IIB. Articles (as first co-author)
In prep K. Aslıhan Yener, Stuart Campbell, Ellen Belcher, Elizabeth Carter , Jennifer
Lundal Humayun, and Munir Humayun, Earliest Known Silver Metal: Two Sixth
Millennium BC Rolled Beads from Turkey, Ancient Anatolia, Science.
Yener, K. A., J. David Schloen, and A. Sumakaí-Fink
2005 Expedition to Alalakh (Tell Atchana), The Oriental Institute 2004-2005 Annual
Report, 46-50. Chicago: The Oriental Institute
2004 University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Aççana Höyük (Antik Alalakh) 2003
Çalışmaları, 25. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı. Ankara: General Directorate of
Antiquities and Museums
2004 Reliving the Legend: The Expedition to Alalakh, 2003, The Oriental Institute
News and Notes 181: 1-6.
Yener, K. A., T. Harrison and H. Pamir
2002 University of Chicago, Oriental Institute 2000 Yılı Hatay Aççana, Tayinat
Höyükleri ve Samandağı Yüzey Araştırmaları, XIX Araştırma Sonuçları
Toplantısı 289-302. Ankara: Ministry of Culture.
Yener, K.A., C. Edens, T. Harrison, J. Verstraete, and T.J. Wilkinson
2000 The Amuq Valley Regional Project 1995-1998, American Journal of Archaeology
104: 163-220.
Yener, K. A., Christopher Edens, Jesse Casana, Benjamin Diebold, Heidi Ekstrom,
Michelle Loyet, and Rana Özbal
2000 Tell Kurdu Excavations 1999, Anatolica 26: 31-117.
Yener, K. A., H. Özbal, L. Barnes, R.H. Brill, and E.C. Joel
1998 Anatolian Metal Trade and Lead Isotope Analysis, XXXIVème Rencontre
Assyriologique Internationale, Istanbul, July 6-10, 1987, 547-564. Ankara: Turk
Tarih Kurumu Yayınları
Yener, K. A. and T. J. Wilkinson
1999 1996-1997 Yılları Oriental Institute Amik Ovası Projeleri: Yüzey Araştırmaları,
Arkeometri ve Tell Kurdu Kazısı, [The 1996-1997 Oriental Institute Amuq
Regional Projects: Survey, Archaeometry and Excavations at Tell Kurdu], XIV.
Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı, 97-112. Ankara: General Directorate of
1999 Amuq Valley Regional Project, The Oriental Institute 1998-1999 Annual Report,
9-17. Chicago: The Oriental Institute
1998 Amuq Valley Regional Project, The Oriental Institute 1997-1998 Annual Report,
9-15. Chicago: The Oriental Institute
1997 1995 Chicago Oriental Institute Hatay Amik Ovası Bölge Projeleri [The Oriental
Institute Amuq Regional Project, 1995], XIV. Arastırma Sonuçları Toplantısı,
413-431. Ankara: Directorate General of Antiquities
1997 Oriental Institute Amuq Valley Project. The 1996 Field Season, The Oriental
Institute News and Notes 155: 1-4
1997 Amuq Valley Regional Project, The Oriental Institute 1996-1997 Annual Report,
11-21. Chicago: The Oriental Institute
1996 The Oriental Institute Amuq Valley Projects, 1995, The Oriental Institute News
and Notes 148: 1-6
1996 Amuq Valley Projects, The Oriental Institute 1995-1996 Annual Report, 11-21.
Chicago: The Oriental Institute
Yener, K. A., E. Geçkinli, and H. Özbal
1996 A Brief Survey of Anatolian Metallurgy Prior to 500 B.C., S. Demirci, A.M.
Özer, G.D. Summers, eds., Archaeometry 94. The Proceedings of the 29th
International Symposium on Archaeometry, 375-391. Ankara: Turkiye Bilimsel
ve Teknik Arastırma Kurumu
Yener, K. A., T. Wilkinson, S. Branting, E. Friedman, J. Lyon, and C. Reichel,
1996 The 1995 Oriental Institute Amuq Regional Projects, Anatolica 22: 49-84
Yener, K. A., P. Jett, and M. Adriaens
1995 Silver and Copper Artifacts from Ancient Anatolia, Journal of Metals 47/5: 70-72
Yener, K. A. and B. Earl
1994 Replication Experiments of Tin Using Crucibles, Göltepe 1992, IX. Arkeometri
Sonuçları Toplantısı, 163-176. Ankara: General Directorate of Antiquities
Yener, K. A., and P. B. Vandiver
1993 Tin Processing at Göltepe, an Early Bronze Age Site in Anatolia, American
Journal of Archaeology 97: 207-237
Yener, K. A., P. B. Vandiver, with Appendix by L. Willies
1993 Reply to J.D. Muhly, 'Early Bronze Age Tin and the Taurus,' American Journal of
Archaeology 97: 255-264
Yener, K. A. with A. Toydemir
1993 Byzantine Silver Mines: An Archaeometallurgy Project in Turkey, in S.A. Boyd
and M.M. Mango, eds., Ecclesiastical Silver Plate in Sixth-Century Byzantium,
155-168. Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks
Yener, K. A. and M. Goodway
1992 Response to Mark E. Hall and Sharon R. Steadman, 'Tin and Anatolia: Another
Look, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 5: 77-90
Yener, K.A., I.L. Barnes, E. Joel, and E. Sayre
1991 1989-1990 Kurşun Izotop Analiz Sonuçları,VI. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı,
87-96. Ankara: General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums
Yener, K.A., E.V. Sayre, E. Joel, H. Özbal, I.L. Barnes and R.H. Brill
1991 Stable Lead Isotope Studies of Central Taurus Ore Sources and Related Artifacts
from Eastern Mediterranean Chalcolithic and Bronze Age Sites, Journal of
Archaeological Science 18: 541-577
Yener, K. A., G. Algaze, D. S. Reese and R. M. Whiting Jr.
1990 The Small Finds, in G. Algaze ed., Town and Country in Southeastern Anatolia,
Vol. II: The Stratigraphic Sequence at Kurban Hoyuk, 397-407. Chicago:
Oriental Institute Publications vol. 100
Yener, K. A., H. Özbal, A. Minzoni-Deroche, and B. Aksoy
1989 Bolkardağ: Archaeometallurgy Surveys in the Taurus Mountains, Turkey,
National Geographic Research 5/3: 477-494
Yener, K. A., H. Özbal, N. Pehlivan and M. Goodway
1989 Kestel: An Early Bronze Age Source of Tin Ore in the Taurus Mountains, Turkey,
Science 244: 200-203
Yener, K. A. and C. Snow
1987 The Metal, in L. Marfoe et al. The Chicago Euphrates Archaeological Project
1980-1984: an Interim Report, Anatolica 13: 37-48
Yener, K. A. and H. Özbal
1987 Tin in the Turkish Taurus Mountains: The Bolkardağ Mining District, Antiquity
61: 64-71
1986 Toros Dağlalarında Kalay: Bolkardağ Maden Bolgesi, Arkeometri Unitesi
Toplantısı Bildirileri VI, 157-173. Ankara: Tubitak 622
1986 The Bolkardağ Mining District Survey of Silver and Lead Metals in Ancient
Anatolia, in J.S. Olin and M.J. Blackman eds., Proceedings of the 24th
International Archaeometry Symposium, 309-320. Washington D.C.: The
Smithsonian Institution
IIC. Articles (with co-authors):
Vandiver, P. and K. A. Yener
In prep Analysis of Two Akkadian Glass Beads, in M. Gibson ed., Nippur Excavations.
Chicago: Oriental Institute Publications.
Bressy, C., G. Poupeau, K. A. Yener
2005 Cultural Interactions during the Ubaid and Halaf Periods: Tell Kurdu (Amuq
Valley, Turkey) Obsidian Sourcing, Journal of Archaeological Science 32/10:
Özbal , Rana, Fokke Gerritsen, and K. Aslihan Yener
2003 2001 Tell Kurdu Kazıları, 24. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 501-512. Ankara:
Ministry of Culture.
Adriaens, A., B. Earl, H. Özbal, and K. A. Yener,
2002 Characterisation of Early Anatolian Bronze by Electron Probe Microanalysis and
Alloying Simulation, International Mining and Minerals 2: 35-39
Adriaens, A., B. Earl, H. Özbal, and K. A. Yener,
2002 Tin Bronze Metallurgy in Transformation: Analytical Investigation of Crucible
Fragments from Tell al-Judaidah, Amuq (Turkey) Dating to Circa 3000-2900 BC,
in Erzsebet Jerem and Katalin T. Biro eds., Archaeometry 98. Proceedings of the
31st Symposium Budapest, April 26-May 3 1998, 273-277. BAR International
Series 1043 (II). Oxford: Archaeopress.
Sayre, E. V., K. A. Yener, E. C. Joel, J. M. Blackman, and H. Özbal
2001 Stable Lead Isotope Studies of Black Sea Anatolian Ore Sources and Related
Bronze Age and Phrygian Artefacts from Nearby Archaeological Sites.
Appendix: New Central Taurus Ore Data, Archaeometry 43: 77-115.
Friedman, E.S., Y. Sato, A. Alatas, C.E. Johnson, T.J. Wilkinson, K.A. Yener, B. Lai, G.
Jennings, S.M. Mini, and E.E. Alp
2000 An X-Ray Fluorescence Study of Lake Sediments from Ancient Turkey Using
Synchrotron Radiation, Advances in X-ray Analysis 42: 151-160.
Friedman, E. S., A. P. J. Stampfl, Y. Sato, E. E. Alp, D. R. Haeffner, T. J. WIlkinson, C.
E. Johnson, K. Aslihan Yener
1999 Archaeology at the APS: Illuminating the Past, Advanced Photon Source
Research 2/1: 12-16
Adriaens, A., K. A. Yener and F. Adams
1999 An Analytical Study Using Electron and Ion Microscopy of Thin-Walled
Crucibles from Göltepe, Turkey, [Proceedings of the International Archaeometry
Conference, Urbana, Il.], Journal of Archaeological Science 26: 1069-1073
Adriaens, A., P. Veny, F. Adams, R. Sporken, P. Louette, B. Earl, H. Özbal and K. A.
1999 Analytical Investigation of Archaeological Powders from Göltepe, (Turkey),
Archaeometry 41: 81-90.
Adriaens A., K. A. Yener, F. Adams, R. Levi-Setti,
1997 SIMS Analyses of Ancient Ceramic Crucibles and Slags from Turkey, Tenth
International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry SIMS X, in A.
Benninghoven, B. Hagenhoff, H.W. Werner eds., 877-880. Chichester and New
York: Wiley & Sons.
Adriaens, A., K. A. Yener, F. Adams and R. Levi-Setti
1997 SIMS Analyses of Ancient Ceramic Crucibles and Slags from Turkey, in A.
Benninghoven, B. Hagenhoff, H.W. Werner eds., Tenth International Conference
on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry SIMS X, 877-880. Chichester and New
York: Wiley & Sons
Adriaens, A., K. A. Yener and F. Adams
1996 Surface Analysis Techniques to Early Bronze Age Ceramic Crucibles from
Göltepe, Turkey, in H.J. Mathieu, B. Reihl, D. Briggs, eds., Proceedings of the
6th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, 123126. New York: Wiley
Sayre, E.V., K. A.Yener, and E.C. Joel
1995 Comments on ’Oxhide Ingots, Recycling and the Mediterranean Metals Trade,’
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 8.1: 45-5
Earl, B. and K. A. Yener
1995 Tin Smelting at the Oriental Institute, The Oriental Institute News and Notes 146:
Sayre, E.V., K. A. Yener, and E.C. Joel
1993 Comments on P. Budd, D. Gale, A.M. Pollard, R.G. Thomas and P.A. Williams,
'Evaluating Lead Isotope Data: Further Observations,' Archaeometry 35: 7-12
Vandiver, P. B., R. Kaylor, J. Feathers, M. Gottfried, K. A. Yener, W. F. Hornyak and A.
1993 Thermoluminescence Dating of a Crucible Fragment from an Early Tin
Processing Site in Turkey, Archaeometry 35: 295-298
Sayre, E.V., K. A.Yener, and E.C. Joel
1992 Reply, to 'Comments on 'Evaluating Lead Isotope data: Further Observations,'
Archaeometry 34: 330-336
Sayre, E. V., K. A. Yener, E.C. Joel and I.L. Barnes
1992 Statistical Evaluation of the Presently Accumulated Lead Isotope Data from
Anatolia and Surrounding Regions, Archaeometry 34: 73-105
Vandiver, P. B., K. A. Yener, and L. May
1992 Third Millennium B.C. Tin Processing Debris from Göltepe (Anatolia), in P.B.
Vandiver, J. Druzik and G.S. Wheeler, eds., Materials Issues in Art and
Archaeology III, 545-569. Pittsburgh: Materials Research Society
Public Recognition:
Mullen, W.
Argonne taps relic's ancient secrets, Chicago Tribune, April 13, 1998,
front page.
Yount, L.
Twentieth-Century Women Scientists. New York: Facts on File
Warren, R.L. and M.H. Thompson eds.
Dr. Aslihan Yener-Turkey-Archaeology-Digging up History Project, The
Scientist Within You. Women Scientists from Seven Continents, 67-74.
Eugene Oregon: ACI Publishing
Wilford, J. N.
Enduring Mystery is Solved as Tin is Found in Turkey, The New York
Times January 4, 1994, Science section
Jobe, L. L.
Finding the Evidence, Aramco World 43: 18-19
Holden, C.
Bass, T.
Steele, D
Clues to a Tin Age, Science 256: 1136
Turkish Tin Mine Revises Bronze Age History, Science News 141: 309
A Celebration of Women in Science, Discover 12: 62-66
Science at the Speed of Light, University of Chicago Magazine, 18-23
Is This the Source of Bronze Age Tin? National Geographic 178:
Len Arsonson, producer
Breaking Ground. The Story of the Oriental Institute, Chicago: WTTW
(PBS), Television Documentary
Howard, Matthew
Media Initiatives Group, University of Chicago website teaching courses.
Interviews on Metal production and the Amuq Projects.
Languages: fluent: English, Turkish, French; reading: German, Akkadian