LHCb 2000-064 RICH 27 June 2000 A SUPPORT NOTE FOR THE USE OF PIXEL HYBRID PHOTON DETECTORS IN THE RICH COUNTERS OF LHCB T. Gys On behalf of the LHCb-RICH group CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Abstract This document is a support note for the use of a hybrid photon detector with integrated silicon pixel readout in the ring imaging Cherenkov detectors of the LHCb experiment. The photon detector is based on a cross-focussed image intensifier tube geometry where the image is demagnified by a factor of 5. The anode consists of a silicon pixel array, bump-bonded to a binary readout chip with matching pixel electronics. The document starts with the general specification of the baseline option, followed by a summary of the main results achieved so far during the R&D phase. A future R&D programme and its related time table is also presented. The document concludes with the description of a photon detector production scheme and time schedule. ––––––––––––––––––––––––– Corresponding author. Address: EP Division, CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland. Phone: ++41 22 767 83 07. Fax: ++41 22 767 32 00. Email: Thierry.Gys@cern.ch 1 1.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATION Introduction The baseline photon detector of the LHCb RICH system [1] is the hybrid photon detector (HPD) which uses a silicon detector anode inside a vacuum envelope. A photocathode is deposited on an optical input window in the envelope, and the photoelectron released by an incident photon is accelerated onto the silicon detector by an applied high voltage of ~20 kV (corresponding to ~5000 e- released in the silicon). Commercially available examples of HPDs exist, but do not meet fully the specific LHCb requirements, in particular the large area coverage (~2.9 m2) with high active-to-total area ratio (~70 %), small granularity (2.52.5 mm2 at the photo-cathode level) and high speed (25 ns timing resolution). The present HPD development [2] is being carried out in close collaboration with the company Delft Electronic Products (DEP) [3]. It is based on a cross-focussing tube design, de-magnifying by a factor of ~5 the photo-cathode image onto a small detector array with O(500 m) pixels, bump-bonded to a binary readout chip with matching pixel electronics integrated inside the vacuum envelope of the tube. The feasibility of this approach was demonstrated in 1994 by the successful realization of the “Imaging Silicon Pixel Array (ISPA) tube” [4]. The first ISPA-tubes, based on magnetically focussed electron optics, had a one-to-one mapping geometry resulting in a total active surface of 4.88.0 mm2. They were initially developed to read out small diameter scintillating fibres for particle tracking [5] and have also been shown to be an excellent detection tool for biomedical applications [6]. The performance of cross-focussed, or first generation, image intensifiers is well known [7]. In particular, these devices can reach a limiting spatial resolution of up to 100 line pairs per mm (lp/mm) (or equivalently, the full width at half maximum of the point spread function (PSF) is 10 m). Their image distortion, caused by variations of the linear demagnification along the radial distance, does not generally exceed 10 % at the edge, and can be corrected off-line. This tube geometry is robust to external electric field perturbations and allows for the shielding of low magnetic fields [8]. Additionally, small pixels with bumpbond connections present little load capacitance to the front-end electronics (giving low noise and high speed) and a compact anode structure with a limited number of feed-throughs. Binary electronics have low power consumption (~50 W per channel) and are consequently well adapted to implementation in a vacuum tube. In addition, they have been shown to be compatible with the demanding bake-out cycles (typically 350 ºC for 5 hours) needed for high-quality photo-cathodes. 1.2 Pixel-HPD description The baseline pixel-HPD for the LHCb RICH counters is shown in Figure 1. It is based on an electrostatically-focussed tube design, with a tetrode structure, de-magnifying by a factor of ~5 the photo-cathode image onto a small silicon detector array with 1024 pixels each 500 m × 500 m in size and arranged as a matrix of 32 rows and 32 columns. The nominal operating voltage is 20 kV corresponding to ~5000 electron-hole pairs released in the silicon. The voltage difference between photo-cathode and first electrode is adjustable and 1 defines the precise value of the de-magnification factor. The silicon pixel detector array is bump-bonded to a binary readout chip (described in section 1.4). This assembly is mounted and wire-bonded onto a Pin Grid Array (PGA) ceramic carrier. Cherenkov photons can be detected over an active diameter of 75 mm. Since the overall tube diameter is 83 mm, the tube active area fraction is (75/83)2=0.817. The photo-cathode is of the “thin-S20” multi-alkali type. Quantum efficiency (QE) values measured from a prototype tube are listed in table 1 (see also section 2.2). They include light reflection losses (~4 %) at the entrance face of the 7 mm-thick quartz window and its transmission (~35 % at 200 nm), and correspond to a QE(E)dE integral value of 0.77 eV. The tube window is made of quartz. It has a spherical shape, with 7 mm thickness and 55 mm inner radius of curvature. Light refraction at the window results in a radial coordinate correction factor of ~1.047. The baseline de-magnification law of the electron optics is: rp = 0.200rc - (0.4 10-3 mm-1)rc2 rc and rp are the radial coordinates on the photo-cathode and the pixel array, respectively, and are expressed in mm. This de-magnification is achieved by polarizing the photo-cathode at -20kV, the first electrode at -19.7kV and the second electrode at -15.8kV (see bottom part of Figure 1). Consequently, the photo-cathode image (a portion of a sphere of 36 mm active radius) is de-magnified as a disk ~6.7 mm in radius on the pixel array. This value is smaller than the half size of the pixel array (8 mm) and allows some overhead in coverage, given the estimated image distortions due to stray magnetic fields (see section 2.2 for details). Taking into account the window lens effect, the pixel size at the window input is: 0.5 mm(1.047/0.200)=2.62 mm on the tube axis and 0.5 mm(1.047/(0.200-(0.4 10-3 mm-136 mm)))=2.82 mm at the edge. The values for the PSF standard deviations (at the window input) are approximately constant over the tube radius and equal to 400 m. All the above figures are valid in absence of magnetic field. 1.3 Integration The hexagonal close-packing factor is 0.907, so theoretically, the active area fraction is (75/83)20.907=0.741. With a 0.9 mm-thick mu-metal shield, and considering the mechanical tolerance, a gap of at least 4 mm between tubes is needed, resulting in a packing factor of (75/86)20.907=0.674. Improvement of this factor by the use of a thinner shield with higher saturation induction and a thicker window, ie an increased lens effect, is envisaged. With a tube pitch of 87 mm, a total of 430 tubes are needed to cover the RICH photon detection surface (see Table 2). In this number estimate, a pointing geometry is assumed for the RICH 1 counter, ie the tube axes are parallel to the average angle of incidence of the Cherenkov photons. For the RICH 2 counter, the tubes lie in a plane corresponding to the 2 photon detection surface, the tube axes being normal to this plane. Detailed mechanical studies for the mounting of the tubes are being carried out, and take into account the specific environmental and space constraints of the two RICH counters (see the two RICH mechanics support notes for details [9,10]). 1.4 Binary front-end electronics A front-end binary pixel chip optimized for photo-electron detection in the LHCb RICH must meet the following requirements. Firstly, the chip must correctly discriminate hits and time-tag them with a specific bunch crossing. This requires that the front-end amplifier has a shaping time of 25 ns, and that the discriminator applies a threshold of < 2000 e– with a pixel-to-pixel RMS spread of < 200 e– to uniformly identify the low signals ( 5000 e–) due to single photoelectrons. Secondly, the nature of the LHCb experiment places strong demands on the digital circuitry that stores the discriminated hits [11]. High occupancy (maximum 510 %), high level-0 trigger rate (mean 1 MHz) and a long level-0 latency (4.0 s) require that the chip be capable of storing a large number of hits for a long period and be able to transfer data at a high rate to minimise dead-time. The pixel-HPD chip is segmented into “super-pixels” of 500 m × 500 m, arranged as a matrix of 32 rows and 32 columns. Each super-pixel is in turn sub-divided into 10 smaller pixel cells, each of size 50 m × 500 m. The silicon sensor also consists of elements of 50 m × 500 m. Each sensor pixel is connected via a solder bump-bond to a read-out chain (Figure 2) including differential preamplifier (250 e– RMS noise) and shaper (25 ns shaping time) followed by a discriminator (2000 e– average threshold, 30 e– RMS spread with 3-bit adjust). With this electronics performance, the effect of charge sharing between sub-pixels is minimized, and the photoelectron detection efficiency is dominated by the photoelectron backscattering (18 %) at the silicon detector surface. This efficiency is expected to reach 90 %. The discriminators of the 10 pixels in a super-pixel will be OR-ed together, thus combining the hit information from the 10 front-ends. The dimensions of a super-pixel correspond to the required LHCb granularity, whilst its segmentation reduces the hit occupancy seen by the front-ends and decreases the risk of any corresponding pulse pile-up. The result of the OR will enable one of the 20 delay units within these 10 pixels. Each delay unit can delay a single hit for a period of time which can be set to match the trigger latency. Thus a maximum of 20 hits can be stored at any one time in a channel. Following the trigger coincidence, data is stored in a de-randomizing buffer implemented as a FIFO memory with the capacity for 16 events. This reduces losses caused by statistical fluctuations in the trigger rate. The number of columns (32) is common to the global LHCb architecture [12]. It allows the data from a chip to be read out in ~900 ns ((32 equivalent rows 25 ns) + data headers) through 32 parallel lines at a rate of 40 MHz. Simulations show that a 16-deep FIFO read out every 900 ns will reduce the dead time below 1 %. Further details on the L0 chip specifications are given in the L0 electronics support note [13]. 3 The pixel-HPD tubes will be grouped as pairs, in order to form a “unit”. One unit has thus 21024=2048 channels (25641130 active1). The total number of units is 215. Due to the multiplexing factor of 32 in the chip readout, the number of readout channels per unit is 232=64 and the total number 64215=13760. Two options to transfer the L0 data off the detector are currently under evaluation: twisted-pair copper links using Low Voltage Differential Signalling, or optical fibres using a parallel or serial approach (see off-detector electronics support document [14] for details). 2 2.1 SUMMARY OF MAIN RESULTS FROM R&D Half scale pixel-HPD prototype A half-scale pixel-HPD prototype tube has been manufactured by DEP at the end of 1997. Its input window is made of quartz and is 40 mm in active diameter. The photo-cathode (multi-alkali S20 type) is deposited on a spherical surface. The photoelectron image is focussed onto the flat surface of a silicon detector chip mounted in the die cavity of a standard ceramic carrier. The silicon detector is a pixelated structure bump-bonded to the LHC1 chip developed by the RD19 Collaboration [15]. This comprises an array of 12816 pixels of 50500 m2 giving a total silicon active surface of 6.48.0 mm2. Taking into account the de-magnification ratio of ~4, the input granularity is ~0.22.0 mm2. The nominal operating voltage of the tube is 20 kV. The LHC1 chip is being used for charged particle tracking detectors in heavy ion experiments. Each detector pixel is individually connected to a readout chain containing amplifier (100 ns peaking time, ~160 e- RMS noise), discriminator with globally adjustable threshold (minimum ~3000 e- with a pixel-to-pixel RMS spread of ~500 e-), globally adjustable delay line with local fine-tuning, coincidence logic and memory. Every cell can be individually addressed for electrical tests and masking. The analogue power consumption is below 50 W per channel. Figure 3 is a photograph of the tube attached to its electronics support board. The cable protruding from the tube is for the high voltage. The absolute efficiency at detecting single photoelectrons has been measured in detail in the laboratory [16], using a low-intensity light-emitting diode (LED) operated in pulsed mode. This efficiency is governed by the comparator threshold distribution within the pixel electronics readout chip (Figure 4). The measurement made at 90 V silicon detector bias and 20 kV tube voltage indicates that 71 % of the pixels in the matrix are firing. 12 % of the pixels have too low a threshold and, since they fire on their own electronics noise, they were electrically masked prior to the measurements. The remaining 17 % have too high a threshold and are insensitive to single photoelectrons. The number of sensitive pixels is confirmed by measurements with an electrical test pulse input across calibration capacitors connected to the pixel pre-amps. For those pixels which are sensitive at 20 kV, the single photoelectron detection efficiency is 81 %. The residual inefficiency is attributed to the combined effects of the comparator threshold distribution, charge sharing at the pixel boundaries and photoelectron backscattering at the silicon detector surface. A photoelectron detection model, 1 The photo-cathode image in each tube is de-magnified as a disk ~6.7 mm in radius on the pixel array. The number of active pixels per tube is thus (6.7mm)2/0.25mm2=564. Due to magnetic field effects, this number as well as the pixels involved are expected to vary from tube to tube. 4 including these effects, is in good agreement with the data. The electron optics behave as expected and confirm the principle of de-magnifying a photoelectron image onto a small silicon area. The measured de-magnification is 0.225 on-axis and 0.250 at the periphery. The PSF standard deviation is ~40 m. This half-scale pixel-HPD prototype has successfully detected Cherenkov air rings produced by high-energy pions in prototypes of the LHCb RICH system (Figure 5). Light yield and Cherenkov angle resolution (Figure 6) are in good agreement with expectations. These beam test results, reported in [17,18], confirm the laboratory measurements. The detected number of photons is less than that detected by a commercial HPD tube. This can be largely explained by the non-optimal quantum efficiency of this first prototype (~15% at 200 nm and ~12 % at 400 nm, including the window transmission), and the high comparator thresholds of the LHC1 electronic readout chip. This quantum efficiency has since been improved by ~50 % after the manufacturing of a similar prototype used for biomedical applications [19]. 2.2 Full-scale pixel-HPD prototype The 40:11 mm prototype has been manufactured with existing parts and its active area (<50 %) is rather poor. Full-scale prototype tubes have been developed. They exhibit good quantum efficiency and a higher active-to-total area ratio. Detailed design studies of the electron optics indicated that a ratio of ~80 % could be achieved using electron optics based on a tetrode structure. The electrodes are also shaped in such a way that the tube performance is unaffected by the proximity of other tubes or magnetic shielding. The baseline dimensions of the tube are 72 mm active input diameter and 18 mm output diameter and it is nominally operated at 20 kV. The optical input window is spherical and made of quartz, and the photocathode is a multi-alkali S20 type. A first prototype has been produced in September 1998. It is equipped with a phosphor screen anode coupled to a CCD camera [20] (Figure 7). From electron optics measurements, the tube active area is 81.7 %. The de-magnification is 0.207 on-axis and 0.237 at the edge. The corresponding standard deviations of the PSF at the anode plane are ~33 m and ~54 m respectively. Three HPD versions of the 72:18 mm tube have also been manufactured (the first one in October 1998) [21] (Figure 8). The quantum efficiencies (which include light reflection losses at the entrance face of the quartz window and its transmission) of these prototypes range from 22 to 26 % at 270 nm and from 16 to 20 % at 400 nm (Figure 9). The corresponding QE(E)dE integral values range from 0.69 to 0.77 eV. Each anode is currently equipped with a 61-pixel silicon detector read out externally with the analogue VA2 chip (1.2 s peaking time) [22]. The pixels are hexagonal with dimension of 2 mm flat-to-flat. These tubes were first evaluated in the laboratory using a procedure similar to the one used for the half-scale prototype. A typical photoelectron response is shown in Figure 10. The average signal-to-noise ratio is ~11 at nominal tube operation (20 kV tube high voltage, 60 V silicon detector bias voltage). 5 A cluster of three such tubes has been installed in the LHCb RICH 1 prototype (Figures 11, 12) for beam tests purposes [23]. Cherenkov rings produced by charged particles traversing a C4F10 gas radiator have been successfully detected (Figure 13). Measured light yields agree to within 10 % with the values expected from the quantum efficiency curves. The observed photoelectron number Npe corresponds to a figure of merit per tube N0Npe/(L × sin2c) between ~225 and ~250 cm–1, after corrections to take into account light reflection losses on the mirror and the 25 mm-thick quartz plate, and geometrical coverage. The Cherenkov angle resolution per C4F10 gas ring is around 0.3 mrad, and is dominated by the size of the pixels used for these tests (~10 mm at the tube window level). Effects of charged particles traversing the window at various angles of incidence have also been measured. A detailed analysis of the data is reported in another support note [23]. Magnetic field tests have been carried out in the laboratory, using the full-scale tube equipped with a phosphor screen, and both a small solenoid and a Helmholtz coil providing magnetic fields of up to 30 Gauss. The performance of the electron optics has been studied in detail and the complete results will be reported in a technical note [24]. They can be summarized as follows. A 200 mm long, 0.9 mm thick, cylindrical mu-metal shield has been used. In order to minimize light shadowing effects, the shield was protruding by only 20 mm with respect to the window centre. The shield attenuation as well as the image distortions of the shielded tube have been measured in longitudinal and transverse fields of 10, 20 and 30 Gauss. In case of a transverse field, a non-uniform image shift occurs. It is maximal on the tube axis and is equal to 0.3 mm at 30 Gauss. In case of a longitudinal field, image rotation and distortion occurs. The periphery of the image remains confined within a circle of 7 mm in diameter at 30 Gauss. In all cases, the PSF is barely affected. Image distortions can be corrected for off-line. A PGA ceramic carrier with large die cavity, high number of wire-bonding connections, and compatible with the full-scale pixel-HPD tube and manufacturing process has been manufactured by the company Kyocera in Japan. It will be used to encapsulate in a full-scale tube the ALICE-LHCb chip (see next section) in replacement of the present 61-pixel detector with external readout (Figures 14,15). 2.3 LHCb pixel electronics developments The LHC1 electronics and the silicon detector chip used in the half-scale prototype were not optimal for photoelectron detection. The feasibility of pixel electronics suited for HPD applications in LHCb has been demonstrated in recent pixel developments. A threshold of 1400 e– with an RMS of 80 e–, using a 3-bit adjustment per pixel, has been achieved on a chip designed for X-ray photon imaging [25]. An additional test chip, fabricated in a commercial 0.5 m CMOS process, has a peaking time of 25 ns and exhibits a timewalk of < 25 ns for signals 100 e– above threshold. Its time resolution therefore meets the LHCb requirement. The analogue power consumption is below 50 W per channel. In addition, the chip has been demonstrated to be radiation tolerant up to 600 kRad, which is beyond the integrated dose of 30 kRad predicted for the RICH detectors [1]. This radiation tolerance is due to the intrinsic features of the technology and the use of special layout techniques 6 described in [26]. Finally, a test chip fabricated in a 0.25 m commercial CMOS process [27] exhibits a minimum threshold of 1500 e– with an RMS spread of 160 e– without adjustments to individual pixels. A 3-bit adjustment per pixel reduces this spread to 25 e–. Operation of a chip with such a low and uniform threshold will improve the efficiency of detecting single photoelectrons by minimizing the effects described in section 2.1. This chip has also been irradiated and is still fully operational after a 30 MRad dose of X-rays. As well as radiation tolerance, this technology offers a high component density which is essential for pixel design. A set of such 0.25 m CMOS chips has been sent to DEP for bake-out tests and subsequent electronic tests show that the chip performance is not affected. A full pixel chip has been designed as a collaborative effort between the ALICE pixel tracker project [28] and the LHCb RICH. The basic pixel size is 50 m × 425 m and there will be 8192 such channels arranged in 256 rows and 32 columns. A schematic of the circuitry within each pixel cell is shown in Figure 16. The front-end has been designed specifically to handle the high occupancy in some areas of the RICH detectors. The chip architecture has been designed in such a way as to allow the chip to be operated in one of two modes. The first mode is for ALICE and each pixel front-end will enable one of two delay units per channel. The results of the trigger coincidence will then be stored in a 4-event FIFO buffer within each pixel. In the second mode, envisaged for LHCb, the discriminators of 8 pixels will be OR-ed together. This effectively creates a 3232 matrix of super-pixels each of 400 m × 425 m, which is close to the LHCb requirement, and has the advantages described in section 1.4. A maximum of 16 hits can be stored at any one time in a super-pixel. Finally, a 16-event buffer is created by configuring together four of the 4-event buffers. The 32 columns are read out in ~800 ns through 32 parallel lines at a rate of 40 MHz. This chip has been submitted end of April 2000, and its testing is expected to begin in July 2000. Pixel sensors will be available at the same time, in order to start the bump-bonding process. 3 SUMMARY OF FUTURE R&D PROGRAMME AND TIME TABLE 3.1 Full-scale pixel-HPD prototypes with ALICE-LHCb electronics The full-scale prototype tubes tested so far meet the LHCb requirements, with the exception of the silicon detector and electronics chip. Consequently, no further development is needed for what concerns the tube design. The manufacturing of full-scale prototype tubes including the new ceramic carrier mentioned in section 2.2, and the new chip and sensor assembly mentioned in section 2.3, will start in autumn 2000. These tubes will be tested in the laboratory and in the beam. 3.2 Final LHCb pixel electronics As described in section 2.3, the chip currently under design comes close to meeting the LHCb requirements. To match the full specification described in section 1.4 will require a further iteration. The only design changes will be the increase from 8 to 10 in the grouping of pixels in a super-pixel and the corresponding addition of more rows of pixels. This final design would begin in summer 2000, following the characterization of the current chip and be completed by Christmas 2000. 7 3.3 Full-scale pixel-HPD prototypes with final LHCb electronics The design of the final ceramic carrier will be carried out in the second half of 2000, in parallel with the final chip design. Delivery of the final ceramic carrier and electronics is expected by spring 2001. The manufacturing of full-scale prototypes will start in spring 2001. 4 SUMMARY OF PRODUCTION TIME TABLE The tube manufacturer DEP has proposed in its offer a tube production rate of 20 per month. Counting backwards from the time of the RICH commissioning (mid 2004), this means that the production has to start at the beginning of 2002. Since the first batches of final anodes will have to be ready by the same time, mounting and wire-bonding of sensor-chip assemblies onto ceramic carriers will have to start in summer 2001. The time schedule for future R&D and production is reproduced in Table 3. Possibilities to increase the tube production rate have been discussed with DEP. This rate can be increased from 20 to 30 tubes per month. In this case, an extra investment is required. 8 References [1] The LHCb Collaboration, LHCb Technical Proposal, CERN/LHCC 98-4, LHCC/P4, 20 February 1998. [2] M. Campbell et al., “Development of pixel hybrid photon detectors for the RICH counters of LHCb”, LHCb/98-035, 30 January 1998. [3] Delft Electronic Products (DEP) B.V., P.O. Box 60, Dwazziewegen 2, NL-9300 AB Roden, The Netherlands. [4] T. Gys et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 355 (1995) 386. [5] C. D’Ambrosio et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc. vol. 43 no. 3 (1996) 2127, and references therein. [6] D. Puertolas et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc. vol. 44 no. 5 (1997) 1747, and references therein. [7] I.P. Csorba, “Image Tubes”, Howard W. Sams & Co., 1985. [8] T. Gys and D. Piedigrossi, “Performance of electrostatically-focussed image intensifier tubes in low magnetic fields”, LHC-B/97-026, 14 November 1997. [9] G. Barber et al., “The mechanical design of LHCb RICH 1”, LHCb 2000-077 RICH . [10] O. Ullaland et al., “LHCb RICH 2 mechanics” LHCb 2000-079 RICH.. [11] J. Christiansen, “Requirements to the L0 front-end electronics”, LHCb Technical Note LHCb FE 99-29, 30 July 1999. [12] J. Christiansen, “An overview of the LHCb experiment and its electronics”, Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments, CERN/LHCC/97-60, 21 October 1997. [13] K. Wyllie, “Level-0 Electronics for the LHCb RICH”, LHCb 2000-075 RICH. [14] J. Bibby and S. Wotton, “ODE Electronics for the LHCb RICH”, LHCb 2000-074 RICH . [15] E. Heijne et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 383 (1996) 55. [16] M. Alemi et al., “First operation of a hybrid photon detector prototype with electrostatic cross-focussing and integrated silicon pixel readout”, preprint CERNEP/99-110, 12 July 1999, in press with Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A. [17] M. Alemi et al., Nucl. Phys. B. (Proc. Suppl.) 78 (1999) 360. [18] E. Albrecht et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 433 (1999) 159. [19] C. D’Ambrosio et al, Nucl. Phys. B. (Proc. Suppl.) 78 (1999) 598. [20] M. Alemi et al, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc. vol. 46 no. 6 (1999) 1901. [21] E. Albrecht et al, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 442 (2000) 164. [22] E. Albrecht et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 411 (1998) 249. [23] S. Easo et al., “Analysis of pixel-HPD beam tests” , LHCb 2000-070 RICH. [24] T. Gys and D. Piedigrossi, “Performance of full-scale pixel-HPD tubes in low magnetic fields”, LHCb 2000-069 RICH, in preparation. [25] M. Campbell et al, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc. vol. 45 no. 3 (1998) 751. [26] W. Snoeys et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 439 (2000) 349 [27] M. Campbell et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc. vol. 46 no. 3 (1999) 156. [28] The ALICE Collaboration, Inner Tracking System Technical Design Report, CERN/LHCC 99-12, ALICE TDR 4, 18 June 1999. 9 [nm] 200 240 270 400 600 QE [%] 10.2 22.0 25.7 19.3 4.3 Table 1 Measured quantum efficiency values QE at given light wavelengths for a thin-S20 multi-alkali photo-cathode deposited on a 7 mm-thick quartz window. 10 RICH 1 RICH 2 Total Surface [mm2] 21000600 21200640 Number of tubes 476 2((515)+(414)) Total 168 262 430 Table 2 Number of pixel-HPD tubes needed to cover the RICH photon detection surface, assuming a hexagonal packing of the tubes and a tube pitch of 86 mm. 11 ID Task Name 1 Full-scale 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2004 2004 Qtr 41 Qtr 1 2 Qtr 23 Qtr 34 Qtr 4 1 Qtr 1 2 Qtr 23 Qtr 34 Qtr 4 1 Qtr 1 2 Qtr 23 Qtr 34 Qtr 4 1 Qtr 1 2 Qtr 23 Qtr 34 Qtr 4 1 Qtr 12 Qtr 2 3 tubes with ALICE-LHCb chip 2 Chip submission 3 Chip manufacturing 4 Chip testing 5 Tube assembly and testing 6 Prototyping completed 3/11/11 29/12 29/12 7 8 Final front-end electronics 9 Design 10 Submission 11 Manufacturing 12 Testing 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 13 14 Final tube prototypes 15 Carrier design 16 Carrier submission 17 Carrier manufacturing 18 Tube assembly and testing 19 Prototyping completed 31/12 31/12 20 21 Photodetectors 22 Prepare specs/invite tender 23 Place anode assembly orders 24 Anode production and testing 25 Place tube order 26 Tube production and testing 27 Assemble and test units 2/4 2/4 30/9 30/9 Table 3 Time schedule for future R&D and tube production. 12 Figure captions Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 14 Fig. 15 Schematic design (top) of a pixel- HPD prototype tube. The electron optics are based on a tetrode structure with cross-focussing. On the anode is mounted a silicon detector chip comprising 1024 pixels, bump-bonded to their associated binary front-end electronics chip. Engineering drawing (bottom) of the actual tube. The mu-metal magnetic shield protrudes by 20 mm. The ceramic carrier is a 19×19 PGA type plugged into a Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) socket. Pixel architecture in the binary front-end electronics chip. Photograph of the 40:11 mm pixel-HPD prototype tube connected to a printed circuit board via a standard, zero insertion force, pin grid array socket. Differential number of firing pixels as a function of tube high voltage, reflecting the comparator threshold distribution within the LHC1 electronics chip. The silicon detector bias is 90 V. Accumulated data set of Cherenkov air rings produced by 120 GeV/c – in a quarter-scale prototype of the LHCb RICH 1 system. The Cherenkov photons are detected by a half-scale pixel-HPD prototype. Reconstructed Cherenkov angle distribution corresponding to the rings of figure 5. The average Cherenkov angle is ~24.0 mrad, and the RMS resolution is ~1.7 mrad. Photograph of the 72:18 mm prototype tube equipped with a phosphor anode and read out with a CCD camera. Photograph of the 72:18 mm HPD prototype tube equipped with a 61-pixel anode and read out externally with the VA2 analogue chip. Quantum efficiency curves (top) and quartz window transmission (bottom) of the 72:18 mm prototype tubes. Typical photoelectron spectrum recorded from a 72:18 mm HPD prototype tube operated at 20 kV and read out with external analogue electronics (1.2 s peaking time). A fit to the data is indicated by the solid line and yields a photoelectron average of 1.42. Full-scale prototype of the LHCb-RICH 1 detector used for the pixel-HPD cluster tests. Photograph of the 72:18 mm HPD cluster. The tube axes were distant by 85 mm. Accumulated data set of Cherenkov rings produced by 120 GeV/c negative pions traversing a C4F10 gas radiator. The circle is the result of a fit to the data. Present (top) and final (bottom) anode configuration of the full-scale pixel-HPD tube. The present configuration uses a 61-pixel detector with external analogue readout. The final configuration will have a 1024-pixel detector bump-bonded to its binary readout chip. The circles indicate the size of the photo-cathode image de-magnified on the pixel array. Photograph (top) of the PGA ceramic carrier used to encapsulated the ALICELHCb chip in a pixel-HPD tube and drawing (bottom) representing the chip wirebonded to the carrier. 13 Fig. 16 Super-pixel circuitry in the LHCb mode of the ALICE-LHCb binary front-end electronics chip. 14 Figure 1 15 Figure 2 16 Figure 3 17 Figure 4 18 Figure 5 19 Figure 6 20 Figure 7 21 Figure 8 22 Figure 9 23 Figure 10 24 Figure 11 25 Figure 12 26 Figure 13 27 Figure 14 28 Figure 15 29 Figure 16 30