CANINE Adoption Application Adopting a pet is a lifetime commitment. Dogs can live an average of 12 to 15 years. Animal Name____________________ Case# _________________ Breed _____________________ Today’s Date ________________ Last Name: ___________________________________ First Name: ________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ City:________________________ State/Zip:_______________________ Primary Phone:_______________________Secondary Phone:_____________________ Email________________________________ Place of Employment:_____________________________________ Work Phone:__________________________________________ 1. Where do you live? House Condo Apartment Trailer Student Housing Military Housing Other_____________ 2. Do you: Own Rent Live with Parents/Relatives Live with Friends 2B. Length of Residency:_______________ 3. Please give Landlord or Homeowner’s Name and Phone Number:________________________________________________ 4. How many people including yourself live in the home?_________ 3B. Please list everyone living in your home. Name 5. 6. Phone Number Allergic to Dogs? Y N Y N Y N Y N Why do you want to adopt a dog? Companion Is this your first experience with a dog? Y N 8. Do you plan to use any of the following: 9. Do you have a fenced in yard? Y N Allergic to Cats? Y N Y N Y N Y N Over 18 years old? Age if younger than 18. Live there full time? Y N Y N Y N Y N Guard Dog Breeding Family Pet Business Gift Hunting 7. Who will be responsible for the dog? ________________________ Outside Kennel Runner Chain Tie Line Dog House 10. If yes, what is the fence height? ___________________________________ 10. Where will the dog sleep? ___________________________ 11. What will you feed your dog?_______________________ 12. How many hours per day will the animal be without human companionship? ______________________________________ 13. Do you have any health conditions that could restrict your ability to care for the animal? _____________________________ 14. What will you do with your dog in the event that you: a. Are unable to care for your dog? _______________________________________________________________________ b. Separate from your significant other? ___________________________________________________________________ c. Move? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ d. Go on vacation? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 15. If necessary, what methods will you use to housebreak your dog? _______________________________________________ 16. How will you discipline your dog? _________________________________________________________________________ 17. Are you willing to seek obedience training for this dog if necessary? _________ Why Not? ___________________________ 18. What will you do if your dog starts chewing on unwanted areas like furniture or carpet? _____________________________ 19. What will you do if your dog’s behavior suddenly changes (lack of appetite, lethargy, etc.)? ___________________________ 20. Do you pre-adoption and post-adoption follow up calls, e-mails and/or home checks? Y N 21. Do you have now, or did you have in the last 5 years, other pets? Y N 22. If yes, please list below: Have Species Name Breed Age Sex Fixed Declawed Up to Date Now? on Shots? Y N Cat Dog M F Y N Y N Y N Y N Cat Dog M F Y N Y N Y N Y N Cat Dog M F Y N Y N Y N Y N Cat Dog M F Y N Y N Y N 23. For the pets no longer in your care, where are they now and what happened to them? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24. Have you ever surrendered an animal to a shelter or rescue? Y N 24a. Which one?___________________________ 25. What were the circumstances? ___________________________________________________________________________ 26. Do you have now, or did you have recently, a veterinarian? Y N 27. Vet’s Name & Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________________________ 28. If you don’t have a vet reference, please list 2 personal references that can describe your experience with pets. Name_________________________ Phone Number __________________________ Relation to you __________________ Name_________________________ Phone Number __________________________ Relation to you __________________ 29. How did you hear about us? Adoption Event/Fundraiser Internet Brochure/Flyer Family/Friend Media Walk-in Returning Customer Other: ___________________ I certify that all of the above information is true. I hereby authorize release/disclosure of any records and/or other pertinent information including employment verification, proof of tenancy and veterinary/personal references. I understand that any false information given on this application will automatically disqualify me from adopting a pet at this shelter. The shelter reserves the right to deny any application it deems unsatisfactory. Signature____________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________ CCAS Rep Accepting App: _______________________ Date: ___________________ Approved for Adoption by: ______________________ Date: ___________________ Denied for Adoption by: ________________________ Date: ___________________ Reason for Denial: _________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Extra Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________