October 2003 Part 2 of 3

New Energy News - Continued
October 2003 Part 2 of 3
ISSN 1075-0045
Editor: Patrick Bailey
Web Page: www.padrak.com/ine/
E-mail: ine@padrak.com and eemf@earthlink.net
Subject: Surfin For TV Stations
From: LeRoy Pea <leroy.pea@rocketmail.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 20:33:19 -0700 (PDT)
Welllll, I cancelled my cable tv subscription and went with SBC DSL.
In the meantime, I don't get anymore cable TV.
Soooo, I went surfing for TV stations on the Internet and got these...
http://www.bananatv.com/ BANANA TV, Australia. Good taped programs. Check out the UFO Channel.
http://www.live365.com/cgi-bin/directory.cgi Live 365, listen to internet radio stations.
http://www.wfmz.com/ WFMZ-TV CH69 news, sports, weather, school closings
http://www.wral.com/index.html N. Carolina, WRAL CH5 News.
http://www.webtvlist.com/ Web TV Listing, large listing of Internet Channels
http://www.nbc11.com/index.html KNTV CH11, SAN JOSE news
http://www.wtvh.com/ WTVH CH5, Syracuse, NY news
http://www.abc24.com/ ABC ch24, Memphis, TN news
http://www.theautochannel.com/cybercast/tachmr/index.html The AUTO Channel, archived videos
http://www.channelafrica.org/english/video.shtml SABC Johannesburg, S. Africa, news (English)
http://www.bcctv.ca/index.jsp CTV, Burnaby, B.C., Canada news CH9
http://www.wwltv.com/ WWLTV CH4, New Orleans, world news
http://www.saudiembassy.net/mainpage.html Saudi Aradia, Embassy News
http://www.wkbw.com/ WKBW CH7 Buffalo, NY news
http://www.kvia.com/ KVIA CH7 El Paso, TX news
http://www.kltv.com/ KLTV CH7 Tyler, TX news
http://www.scola.org/ SCOLA International TV home page
http://www.ktvb.com/ KTVB CH7 Boise, ID news and weather
http://www.nasa.gov/home/index.html?skipIntro=1 NASA videos
FREE internet radio SPINNER for W2k98XP or Mac
http://www.live-radio.net/info.shtml Live radio from around the world
http://www.live-radio.net/us.shtml 2000 live radio broadcasts in the USA (whoa, lots of inactive streams)
http://www.streamaudio.com/radiostations/ Streamin Audio, listen to radio by music format or by State
(way too manay adds)
Last of all, winmedia player9 has My Radio built in: http://windowsmedia.com/radiotuner/MyRadio.asp all
types of background music.
[Thanks LeRoy! Always, you are a pleasure! Ed.]
Subject: Fwd: New Propulsion
From: Academy For Future Science <affs@affs.org>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 17:51:32 -0700
Delivered-To: affsweb@affs.org
From: "paul toomer" <jorjencar@leeds322.fsnet.co.uk>
To: <affsweb@affs.org>
Subject: new propulsion
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 18:34:15 +0100
Dear Sir,
Please take a look at this new web site on how to challenge Newton's third law of motion at.....
Yours Paul..
Subject: Laser Ignition For Internal Combustion Engines
From: RemyC <remyc@prodigy.net>
To: ETList <ETList@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 00:16:57 -0400
From: http://www.netl.doe.gov/newsroom/backgrounder/mb-0006.html
(Click link for photo and diagram)
Laser spark ignition for lean-burn natural gas reciprocating engines
Engines would run much cleaner if they could run leaner: in other words, use less fuel and more air. When a
typical internal combustion engine runs, it burns fuel and air. The heat of combustion turns the nitrogen in
that air into nitrogen oxides. These oxides are the precursors to what we call urban smog
(www.howstuffworks.com/ozone-pollution.htm). Running lean (lean-burn) lowers the combustion
temperature and significantly reduces the amount of NOx produced. As the demand for higher engine
efficiencies and lower emissions drive reciprocating engine combustion to leaner air/fuel operating
conditions, increased spark energy is required to maintain stable combustion and low emissions.
Delivering increased spark energy negatively impacts spark plug durability and the effectiveness of the
spark plug in transmitting adequate energy as an ignition source. The lack of spark plugs with the required
durability is quickly becoming the limiting factor for developing ultra low emission, high-efficiency natural
gas engines. Laser ignition delivers the high energy required to ignite ultra-lean mixtures and eliminates the
need for spark plugs.
NETL Researchers designed a laser ignition system and coupled it with a fully-instrumented internal
combustion engine. Focusing a 10 nanosecond, 1.06 micron, laser pulse into the cylinder through the spark
plug port generates a laser ignition spark. The laser pulse comes from a Quanta Ray DCR-2 Nd:YAG laser
directed to the cylinder with high energy laser mirrors. A two-meter focal length lens is placed 1.7 meters
from the final focusing lens to reduce the diameter of the laser beam before entering the lens tube. The laser
is focused into the cylinder with a 6 millimeter diameter, 36 millimeter focal length lens through a 3.2mm
thick sapphire window. The lens is positioned on a 20 cm long, 7.9 mm diameter lens tube aligned radially
to the crankshaft axis of the engine. The final mirror directing the laser beam to the lens is positioned
directly above the tube and 45 degrees to the tube axis such that the beam incident on to the mirror is
perpendicular to the laser plug axis and tangent to an arc centered on the crankshaft. A schematic of the laser
ignition system experimental setup is shown, followed by a photo of the actual setup in operation.
A comparison of engine emissions and combustion using a Ricardo Proteous, single-cylinder, 4-stroke,
spark ignited natural gas engine using both a conventional spark system and a laser spark system was
conducted. The engine was operated at a constant speed of 1200 rpm and at moderate load conditions. The
emissions and combustion performance data for each ignition system at three equivalence ratios and three
timing conditions were compared.
The NETL research provides the first lean-burn natural gas engine data using a laser-spark ignition source
and the first laser-spark ignition engine operation since the effort of Dale et al*, in which gasoline was used
as the test fuel
* (Dale, , J.D., Smy, P.R. and Clements, R.M., "Laser Ignited Internal
Combustion Engine - An Experimental Study," SAE Paper 780329, 1978)
Damon Benedict damon.
benedict@ netl.doe.gov
Dr. Mike McMillian
michael.mcmillian@ netl.doe.gov
From: http://www.netl.doe.gov/newsroom/briefs/rb-0008.html
Laser ignition for lean-burn engines
Researchers at the National Energy Technology Laboratory have successfully operated a laser-spark leanburn natural gas reciprocating engine. Development of lean-burn engines is driven by demand for higher
efficiencies and lower emissions, but delivering the high energy required to ignite an ultra-lean mixture
destroys even the hardiest spark plugs. Plug durability is rapidly becoming a barrier issue. According to
team leader Mike McMillian, laser-spark ignition solves heat loss problems and provides focused energy
capable of ignition even under ultra-lean conditions unignitable with conventional systems.
Media contact: David Anna
david.anna@ netl.doe.gov
From: http://www.opticsexpress.org/abstract.cfm?URI=OPEX-9-7-360
Vol. 9, No. 7 September 24, 2001 Page: 360 - 372
Visualization of laser-induced breakdown and ignition
Ying-Ling A. Chen and J. W. L. Lewis, Univ. of Tennessee Space Institute
Laser-induced gas breakdown and ignition of atmospheric pressure NH3/O2 mixtures are investigated. The
nanosecond-pulsed, 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser is used to create the cascade-type optical breakdown. The postbreakdown plasma and ignition are studied using spectroscopic techniques that include spontaneous
emission and NH planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF). These time-resolved two-dimensional images
provide not only radiative and gas dynamic information but also the space-time loci of the temperature and
transient species concentrations. The results provide an understanding of the plasma kernel dynamics and the
flame development that is essential to verify on-going simulation modeling of laser-ignition.
View Full Text (2275 KB)
(140) Lasers and laser optics (140.3440) Laser-induced breakdown
(190) Nonlinear optics (190.1900) Diagnostic applications of nonlinear optics
(300) Spectroscopy (300.6500) Spectroscopy, time-resolved
(280) Remote sensing (280.1740) Combustion diagnostics
Original Manuscript: August 10, 2001
Revised Manuscript: September 23, 2001
Y. A. Chen and Lewis, "Visualization of laser-induced breakdown and ignition," Opt. Express 9, 360-372
1. A. H. Lefebvre, Gas Turbine Combustion (Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York, 1983), pp
2. B. Lewis and G. von Elbe, Combustion, Flames, and Explosions of Gases, Third Edition, (Academic
Press, Orlando, FL) pp 333 - 361.
3. D. R. Ballal and A. H. Lefebvre, "The influence of flow parameters on minimum ignition energy and
quenching distance," In 15th International Symposium on Combustion, (Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh,
1974), pp.1473-1480.
4. P. S. Tromans and R. M. Furzeland, "An analysis of Lewis number and flow effects on the ignition of
premixed gases," in 21st International Symposium on Combustion, (Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 1986),
5. G. G. DeSoete, "The influence of isotropic turbulence on the critical ignition energy," in 13th
International Symposium on Combustion, (Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 1970), pp. 735-743.
6. F. J. Weinberg and J. R. Wilson, "Preliminary investigation of the use of focused laser beams for
minimum ignition energy studies," Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Series A 321, 41-52, (1971).
7. G. F. Carrier, F. E. Fendell, and M. S. Chou, "Laser-initiated conical detonation wave for supersonic
combustion. III," AIAA, 28th AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE joint propulsion Conference and exhibit,
(Nashville, 1992), paper 92-3247.
8. R. G. Kingdon and F. J. Weinberg, "Effect of plasma constitution on laser ignition energies," in 16th
international Symposium on combustion, (Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, 1976). pp. 747-756.
9. J. A. Syage, E. W. Fournier, R. Rianda, and R. B. Chen, "Dynamics of flame propagation using laserinduced spark initiation: ignition energy measurements," J. Appl. Phys. 64, 1499-1507, (1988).
10. J. H. Lee and R. Knystautas, "Laser spark ignition of chemically reactive gases," AIAA J. 7, 312-317,
11. H. M. Thompson, J. W. Daiber, and R. G. Rehm, "Two-dimensional growth of laser-driven waves in a
hydrogen free jet," J. Appl. Phys., 47, 2427-2432, (1976).
12. V. F. Klimkin, R. I. Soloukhin and P. Wolansky, "Initial stages of a spherical detonation directly
initiated by a laser spark," Combust. Flame, 28, 61-66, (1977).
13. B. E. Forch, and A. W. Miziolek, "Ultraviolet laser ignition of premixed gases by efficient and resonant
multiphoton photochemical formation of microplasma," Combust. Sci. Tech. 52, 151-159, (1987).
14. B. E. Forch, and A. W. Miziolek, "Laser-based ignition of H2/O2 and D2/O2 premixed gases through
resonant multiphoton excitation of H and D atoms near 243 nm," Combust. Flame, 85, 254-262, (1991).
15. M.-S. Chou, F. E. Fendell, and H. W. Behrens, "Theoretical and experimental studies of laser-initiated
detonation waves for supersonic combustion," Proc. SPIE, 1862, 45-58 (1993).
16. R. A. Hill, "Ignition-delay times in laser-initiated combustion," Appl. Opt. 20, 2239-2242, (1981).
17. D. H. Plemmons, "Laser-spark ignition and the NH radical," (PhD thesis, The University of Tennessee
Space Institute, 1996)
18. J. D. Few and J. W. L. Lewis, "Gas turbine engine photon ignition system," (U.S. Patent number
4,947,640, Aug. 14, 1990)
19. J. D. Few and J. W. L. Lewis, "Laser-initiated non-linear fuel droplet ignition," U.S. Patent number
5,485,720, Jan. 23, 1993, Patent number 5,404,712, April 11, 1995, Patent number 5,497,612, March 12,
1996, Patent number 5,524,429, June 11, 1996.
20. Y.-L. Chen, J. W. L. Lewis, and C. G. Parigger, "Spatial and Temporal Profiles of Pulsed Laser-Induced
Air Plasma Emissions," J. Quant. Spectr. & Radiat. Trans. 67, 91-103, (2000).
21. Y.-L. Chen, J. W. L. Lewis, and C. G. Parigger, "Probability Distribution of Laser-Induced Breakdown
and Ignition of Ammonia," J. Quant. Spectr. & Radiat. Trans. 66, 41-53 (2000).
22. I. G.Dors, C. G.Parigger, and J. W. L.Lewis, "Fluid Dynamics Effects Following Laser-Induced Optical
Breakdown," 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, paper AIAA 2000-0717, (Reno, NV 2000).
23. R. J. Kee, J. F. Grcar, M. D. Smooke, and J. A. Miller, A FORTRAN program for modeling steady one
dimensional flames (Technical Report SAND85-8240, Sandia National Laboratories, 1985).
24. R. G. Root, "Modeling of the post breakdown phenomena," in L. J. Radziemski and D. A. Cremers,
editors, "Laser-induced plasma and applications," (Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, 1989).
25. D. H. Plemmons, C. Parigger, J. W. L. Lewis and J.O . Hornkohl "Analysis of Combined Spectra of NH
and N2," Appl. Opt. 37, 2493-2498 (1998).
26. E. Sher, J. Ben-Ya'ish, and T. Kravchik, "On the birth of spark channels," Combust. Flame 89, 186-194,
27. T. Kravchik and E. Sher, "Numerical modeling of spark ignition and flame initiation in a quiescent
methane-air mixture," Combust. Flame 99, 635-643, (1994).
28. J. O. Hornkohl, C. Parigger, and J. W. L. Lewis, "On the use of line strengths in applied diatomic
spectroscopy," in Optical Society of America for presentation in the conference on Laser Applications to
Chemical and Environmental Analysis, (March 1996).
29. J. O. Hornkohl, C. Parigger, and J. W. L. Lewis, "Computation of Synthetic diatomic spectra," in Laser
Applications to Chemical Analysis, OSA 1994 Technical Digest Series, 5: 234-237, (Optical Society of
America, Washington, DC, 1994).
More: http://cpl.usc.edu/Laser_Ignition
From: peaceprophet@ananzi.co.za
Date: 18 Sep 2003 06:14:58 –0700
[I included this, as it pertains to government control and overt secrecy… Ed.]
Ten years in the making, TIBET: CRY OF THE SNOW LION is a provocative look at the Tibetan people's
struggle for freedom. The dark secrets of Tibet's recent past are chronicled through a powerful combination
of personal stories and undercover footage.
The film takes audiences to the long forbidden "rooftop of the world" with remarkable imagery captured
during nine journeys throughout Tibet, India, and Nepal.
Narration by: Martin Sheen
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San Francisco - October 3rd - Landmark Opera Plaza
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Tickets & times @ Yahoo Movies
Subject: Re: Flying Saucer Physics
From: ISEP <isep@earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2003 12:44:47 -0700
[Once again the INE states that the INE is not interested in antigravity or UFOs. These technologies may be
in the subject domain of other organizations. The INE position on UFOs, flying saucers, and ET
technologies is stated here: http://www/padrak.com/ine/NEN_8_9_1.html. Ed.]
Actually I am back in London at Starbucks on Queensway Rd Sat Nite invited to Trinity College,
Cambridge first part of this week More on Up and In Rome, Paris and London The Good, The Bad and The
Work in progress
Einstein’s Gravity and Dark Energy/Matter as Macro-Quantum Emergent Phenomena
Report on the 2003 Vigier IV Conference in Paris
Jack Sarfatti
Internet Science Education Project
San Francisco, CA
A brief synopsis of some of the papers presented in Paris September 15 ¡V 19 at Pierre et Marie Curie
University is followed by the author’s new theory of the exotic virtual off-mass-shell¡¨ macro-quantum
vacuum that is in accord with the new observations of precision cosmology¡¨ that our large scale spatially
flat accelerating expanding universe is approximately 3/4 anti-gravitating dark energy¡¨ and 1/4 gravitating
dark matter¡¨ with ordinary real on-mass-shell¡¨ lepto-quarks and gauge force bosons a miniscule top of the
iceberg¡¨ not more than 4% of the total and possibly less. The lepto-quarks are extended spatial structures
with negative zero point energy density of positive quantum pressure that form strongly attractive dark
matter cores. These dark matter cores, are the Abraham-Lorentz stresses¡¨ that confine the electric self
charge. They are analogous to superfluid vortex rings, perhaps, in the sense of the Regge Trajectory¡¨ KerrNewman/D Brane metric-string model of Alex Burinski and also the extended electromagnetic soliton model
of Bo Lehnert. The lepto-quarks appear as approximate point charges less than 10-17 cm across in deep
inelastic electron scattering from the strong spatial curvature warping of the zero point energy density
induced dark matter cores. The Kerr-Newman ring singularity at the Compton radius a = h/Mc ~ 10-11 cm
has a vortex dark matter exotic vacuum core for the spatially extended electron at the classical electron
radius m = G*M/c2 ~ e2/Mc2 ~ 1 fermi ~ Lp* = Lp2/3(c/Ho)1/3 << a. The Newtonian Planck scale is Lp
and the cosmological Hubble parameter is Ho. This model is in accord with the t’Hooft-Susskind world
hologram¡¨ generalization of Beckenstein’s black hole thermodynamics¡¨ in which the bounding area of a
volume is quantized in renormalized Planck areas Lp*2 for the BIT content of the enclosed volume. Our
equations agree with the Blackett relation¡¨ discussed by Saul-Paul Sirag in the ISSO-funded Berkeley
Vigier Conference in 2000 where G* is the renormalized strong short-range Abdus Salam effective zero
point energy density induced gravitational coupling.
I. Highlights of the Vigier IV Paris Conference
I have been following William Walker’s (1) very clear theoretical and experimental work on superluminal
propagation of electromagnetic and weak gravitational fields in the near field region since 1997 at three
Vigier Conferences. The field propagation speeds very rapidly fall to the usual value c ~ 3x1010 cm/sec in
the far field that begins at approximately one wavelength away from the source transmitter depending on
polarization and component of the field tensor. There is a fundamental observational fact that has been not
properly addressed by Carlip (2) and Puthoff (3) in their papers refuting Tom Van Flandern’s ideas (4).
Feynman’s correct famous magic formula for the local Lorentz group covariant EM fields on a test charge of
an accelerating source point electron showing that the static Coulomb force points, to a good approximation,
to the linearly extrapolated instantaneous position of the source electron and not to its retarded position is
not at all relevant to the observational facts. Van Flandern has perhaps obscured the real issue that light from
the sun is not observed to be collinear with the sun’s gravitational force¡¨ with his advocacy of shadow¡¨
gravity challenging Einstein’s battle-tested c-number macro-geometrodynamics. The observational issue
essentially ignored by Carlip and Puthoff in their independent papers is, as explained by Walker:
Evidence of infinite gravitational phase speed at zero frequency has been observed ¡K by noting that the
high stability of the earth’s orbit around the sun. (4) Astronomical studies indicate that the earth’s
acceleration is toward the gravitational center of the sun even though it is moving around the sun, whereas
light from the sun is observed to be aberated. If the gravitational force between the sun and the earth were
aberated then gravitational forces tangential to the earth’s orbit would result, causing the earth to spiral away
from the sun, due to conservation of angular momentum. Current astronomical observations estimate the
phase speed of gravity to be greater than 2x1010c.¡¨
The point here is that the physics of near fields is very different qualitatively from the physics of far fields in
the standard theories defined by their covariance under the appropriate symmetry groups. Far fields have
real¡¨ quanta that are on mass shell¡¨ with a constraint between frequency and wave vector when such
quantities can be at least approximately defined. Real quanta obey the Heisenberg uncertainty principle with
the greater than or equal to h¡¨ symbol. This is why we restrict this discussion to weak gravity fields where
the periods of oscillation and wavelengths of the signal fields are small compared to the relevant locally
varying radii of curvature of 4D spacetime. Strong curvature requires a generalization of local field theory’s
rigid window Fourier transforms to adaptive window wavelet transforms¡¨ that more appropriately describe
the scale dependence of physical phenomena from the micro quantum gravity¡¨ Planck scale of 10-33 cm to
the cosmological Hubble scale of 1028 cm. This wavelet transform program for field theory, both classical
and quantum, has not been carried out in its fullness yet as far as I know presently. Near fields are off mass
shell¡¨ with no frequency-wavelength constraint also called the mass shell¡¨ in globally flat special
relativistic local quantum field propagator theory and dispersion relation¡¨ in classical optics of materials ¡V
not to be confused for how that same term is used in quantum scattering theory in connection with causality
that there is no scattered wave prior to the incident wave (Kramers-Kronig). Therefore, Walker can talk of
gravitational phase speed at zero frequency over a spread of wavelengths of order of the Earth-Sun distance
of 1AU ~ 1013 cm. Near fields are macro-quantum coherent states of virtual quanta¡¨ forming analogs to
the Bose-Einstein condensates of quantum statistical mechanics. Virtual quanta obey the flip side of the
Heisenberg uncertainty principle using the less than or equal to h¡¨ symbol.
A possible weak point in Walker’s theory is his use of the far field mass shell constraint in deriving his near
field phase and group speeds in the Fourier analysis. However, it is not clear if there is any practical formal
alternative to doing that. Furthermore, Walker’s experimental data, for the propagation of the transverse
electric near field using two dipole antennas at 437 MHz (68.65 cm) at 2 watts transmitter power measuring
the phase shift of the received antenna signal relative to the transmitted signal¡¨ with antenna separation
varied between 5 cm and 70 cm in 5 cm increments, are consistent with his theory to significant accuracy
and precision. (6)
Walker’s conclusions about superluminal signal processing of meaningful information in the near
electromagnetic and gravitational c-number fields are very interesting from both practical applied
technological and fundamental conceptual points of view. First, for practical superluminal group and phase
speed electromagnetic c-bit and, perhaps qubit¨ computers (7):
In the near field of the source, if nothing is known about the type of modulation, then the scanning time T
can be much larger than the wave propagation time t, thereby making the wave information speed much less
than the wave group speed. This can be understood by noting that several modulation cycles are required to
for a Fourier analyzer to be able to determine the phase modulation amplitude, frequency, and phase. But if
the type of modulation is known (8), then only a few points of the modulated signal need to be sampled by a
detector in order to curve fit the signal and therefore determine the modulation information. If the noise in
the signal is very small then the signal scanning time T can be made much smaller than the signal time t,
consequently K¨ effective near field signal transmission speed ~ superluminal near field group speed.
The conventional wisdom is that advanced causes¡¨ never happen after effects, i.e. an absolute no-go
theorem¡¨ on Dick Bierman’s mind-brain presponse¨, teleology and precognition in remote viewing¨:
According to the relativistic Lorentz ¡K transform ¡K if an information signal can propagate at a speed ¡K
faster than the speed of light ¡K then the signal can be reflected by a moving frame ¡K located at a distance
¡K away and the signal will arrive before it was transmitted ¡K Since the information in the signal can be
used to prevent the signal from being transmitted, this results in a logical contradiction (violation of
We now know that this is a bogus objection since the last sentence need not be true. For example, in general
relativity there are now toy models of globally consistent closed timelike curves¡¨. (9) Walker continues:
Perhaps as suggested by the ¡¥Hawking chronology protection conjecture’ nature will intervene in any
attempt to change the past ¡K another possibility is ¡K the ¡¥many-worlds’ interpretation of quantum
mechanics ¡K then information can be transmitted into the past of alternative universes, thereby preserving
the past of the universe from which the signal was transmitted.¡¨
I use the de Broglie-Bohm-Vigier quantum dualistic realism of thought-like qubit pilot waves guiding rocklike particle¡¨ trajectories. This distinction roughly corresponds to Wheeler’s IT FROM BIT¡¨ with BIT as
the non-classical information pilot wave that guides the motion of the IT hidden variable¡¨ without a Deux
Ex Machina magical collapse¡¨ or von Neumann projection from BIT to IT. One can also think of BIT as a
landscape¡¨ of hills and valleys an mountain passes in the higher dimensions of configuration space for
entangled elementary micro-quantum parts of the whole. IT is then the system point¡¨ rolling on the
landscape. This is the point of view of emergent complexity theory as explained by Murray Gell-Mann in
The Quark and the Jaguar¡¨. The quantum parallel universes like David Deutsch’s Multiverse¡¨ in his book
The Fabric of Reality¡¨ are basins of attraction¡¨, or valleys¡¨ in the BIT landscape for the rolling gradient
motion of IT system point. These basins of attraction on the de Broglie-Bohm-Vigier landscape are the
eigenfunctions¡¨ of the commuting set of observables¡¨ of Bohr’s total experimental arrangement¡¨ that in
the case of the universe must self superselect in the sense of W. Zurek’s idea of environmental
decoherence¡¨. The thought-like parallel BIT quantum universes of the Multiverse¡¨ need to be clearly
distinguished from the rock-like parallel geometrodynamic IT universes of chaotic inflationary cosmology.
According to Max Tegmark (10) there is an infinite set of parallel Level I¡¨ Hubble sphere universes on a
single spatially flat post-inflationary bubble¡¨. Our universe that we see in the retarded past light cone of our
telescopes is one of them. The Darwinian natural selection of the Weak Anthropic Principle applies to this
ensemble for the contingent values of the fundamental constants and even perhaps for the laws of nature.
Furthermore, there is a Level II¡¨ infinite meta-set of post-inflationary bubbles floating in hyperspace like in
a glass of champagne. One of the unsolved problems of physics today is the dynamical origin of the local
inflationary scalar field that generalizes Einstein’s cosmological constant £N in the large-scale FriedmannWalker-Robinson isotropic homogeneous metric. Heisenberg’s quantum uncertainty principle together with
Einstein’s equivalence principle and the Planck scale cutoff implies that the zero point energy density
contribution to the cosmological constant, if purely random, is of the order of the reciprocal Planck area with
the enormous value ~ 1066 cm-2. The observed value is 122 powers of ten smaller! The solution to this
anomaly is that Dirac’s high entropy (12) globally flat Minkowski space-time virtual off-mass-shell electron
micro-quantum vacuum of a filled negative energy Fermi sphere of energy zero at the Fermi surface with
momentum ~ 1019 Gev/c (11) is unstable to the formation of a lower entropy locally curved space-time offmass-shell¡¨ local macro-quantum vacuum condensate¡¨ complex numbered scalar inflation field £r(x) =
|Higgs|eiGoldstone of a huge number of virtual electron-positron pairs near the Fermi surface all in the same
single-particle center of mass wave packet because of the static Coulomb attraction between opposite
charges in the exchange of space-like virtual photons of low frequency and short wavelengths. This virtual
off-mass shell process is analogous to the real on-mass-shell real normal metal -> superconductor ground
state phase transition where the attractive exchange of a virtual phonon between two real electrons
overpowers the repulsive exchange of a virtual photon. In the present problem we do not need phonons at
all and the virtual vacuum superfluid has zero or null proper electric 4-current, i.e. £lc2 ¡V j2 = 0 the same as
in Bo Lehnert’s vacuum soliton theory.
Professor Du Bois of Leige University presented some interesting insights on the above retardation¡¨
controversy. He claimed that the observed advance of the perihelion of Mercury around the Sun and the
essential effective black hole potential¡¨ of the Schwarzschild solution of general relativity can be obtained
from Newtonian gravity with the Wheeler-Feynman symmetric sum of past to present retarded and back
from the future advanced time delayed potentials. Thomas Angelides and Gregory Hunter gave theoretical
and experimental presentations of the locality/nonlocality controversy of Karl Popper’s experiment now
actually performed. A back-to-back photon pair is emitted toward two single-slit screens. The experiment
is changed to eliminate one of the single-slit screens and the coincidence counting rates from the two
different total experimental arrangements are compared. When both single-slit screens are present both
photons show the same wave diffraction pattern. What happens when one single-slit screen is removed?
Entanglement by a Bohm quantum potential might seem to suggest that the photon that does not pass
through a slit will mirror diffract in synchronicity with its twin that did pass through a single slit. In fact, this
does not happen experimentally. No consensus among the Pundits on how to understand this fact from the
points of view of the different interpretations of quantum theory was reached in the short time available.
Angelides did point out that Vigier’s prediction for Popper’s experiment was falsified.
Daniel S. presented a close packing theorem that, in the context of my 4D world crystal¡¨ (13) macroquantum vacuum theory gives a fundamental reason why the dark energy to dark matter ratio is
approximately 3 to 1.
to be continued
(1) W. Walker,
(2) S. Carlip,
(3) H. Puthoff et-al,
(4) T. Van Flandern, Phys Lett A, 250 (1998)
(5) P.S. Laplace, Mechanique
(6) W. Walker,
(7) Including, perhaps, the single-electron qubit nano-SET networks in the hydrophobically caged protein
dimer infrastructure of the sub-neuronal micro-tubules of living cells as qualitatively discussed by Stuart
Hameroff and Roger Penrose in Shadows of the Mind¡¨ independently of Penrose’s graviton¡¨ OR
speculation. I think Penrose is fundamentally wrong here in his intuition in trying to make a micro-quantum
gravity explanation of our inner consciousness, which is obviously a macro effect, albeit nonclassical¨ in the
sense of P.W. Anderson’s generalization of micro to macro-quantum ground state spontaneous symmetry
breaking as the More is different¡¨ principle of emergent complexity in non-equilibrium open systems.
(8) Shannon’s sampling theorem for c-bits.
(9) Igor Novikov, River of Time¡¨.
(10) Scientific American, May 2003
(11) The center of the Fermi sphere has energy ~ -1019 Gev with momentum ~ hHo/c.
(12) The non-classical ground state entropy of a many-particle quantum system is the log of the volume of
phase space. The effective phase space volume of an unstable micro-quantum Fermi sphere is larger than
that of the macro-quantum condensate superfluid¡¨ with its residual normal fluid¡¨ or, as the case may be,
zero point vacuum fluctuation local field £Nzpf(x). This explains the origin of the irreversible arrow of time
at the beginning of the universe when the macro-quantum vacuum condensate inflation field forms in the
spontaneous broken symmetry phase transition from the high entropy unstable micro-quantum vacuum to
the relatively lower entropy of the macro-quantum vacuum.
Subject: Fusion Energy Research
From: Valentin Manoliu <energienucleara@go.ro>
Date: 21 Sep 2003 11:21:44 -0000
Hello, I'm Valentin Manoliu and I would like you to visit my webpage,
Physics of isolated and unisolated atomic systems who are not anymore in thermodynamic equilibrium
the accelerator of particles the nuclear fusion the great unification the "corona" efect the negative mass
The nuclear fusion is realized by photo-electric-magneto-thermal effect.
The electronic cover is being removed by the COMPTON effect and the photons operate directly over the
atomic nucleus.
The electrical field accelerates the particles but their trajectory will be curved by a magnetic field except for
neutrons which don’t have any electrical charge, but only magnetic moments. This iswhy the
neutrons move straight ahead, parallel to the axis of the chamber.
The electrons and the protons will move in spiral, but in opposite directions, as their electrical charges are
opposed. The diameter of the spiral differs because of the difference of the masses.
The bigger being the energy of the particle, the bigger being the diameter.
The absorption of one atom of nitrogen and one of oxygen - predominant particles in the terrestrial
atmosphere - takes place in the accelerating chamber.
In the first stage, the electrons orbiting the two atoms are being bombed simultaneously by the photon
fascicle and, as a result of this interaction, they are pulled out from their orbits and moved along spiral
trajectories having the same direction that the electromagnetic fields has, and located on a peripheral orbit in
the accelerating chamber.
The loose electrons will appear inside the chamber providing the weak nuclear force.
In the second stage, the atoms are ionized, generating in this way the powerful nuclear force. It consists in
loose cuclei unwrapped from their electronic cover.
The photons interact with the protons, pulling them out from their position. These protons will move in their
turn on spiral trajectories in the same direction as that of the electromagnetic field, but opposite to the
movement of the electrons.
The loose protons will appear inside the accelerating chamber.
In the third, the neutrons are bombed in their turn by the photon fascicle being spread in this way. They will
move in the direction of the electromagnetic field.
The existence of these loose neutrons marks the end of the process meant to create plasma wich, it’s
well known, is being characterized as a mixture of loose charges.
In the fourth stage, following the above mentioned process and by the directing the particles inside the
accelerating chamber, the phosphorus is formed: an atomic structure composed of 15 electrons, 15 protons
and 15 neutrons. An energy of 235 MeV is produces at the same time. Along with it we could obtain the
union of the weak and strong nuclear force with the electromagnetic force.
For the scientists, the Unified Field represents the union of the weak nuclear force and the powerful nuclear
force with the electromagnetic force and the force of Gravity.
In the Great Union case, there is supposed the possibility of the union of the weak nuclear force
(representing the electronic cover of the atom) with the powerful nuclear force (representing the atomic
nucleus composed by protons and neutrons) with the electromagnetic force. The nuclear force and the
electromagnetic force are milions and milions times biger than the Gravity force, negligible in this case.
The radiant energy produced under the form of light or heat can be absorbed and transformed into electric
The first two levels transform the light into electric current and the other three levels take over that heat from
the first two levels.
The heat lost by the cooling process transforms itself into electric current.
By closing the space between the coil and the photo/thermo/electric panels, we obtain two atomic systems,
one isolated with N and S electromagnetic polarities forming a quantic generator.
The quantic generator has three electric circuits: U1, U…, U2. The electrical circuit to start operating
is the circuit U2 composed of the source G, the ballast L, inducing resistors R1 and R2 and switches K1, K2,
K3 and K4.
The source G of continuous electric current feeds the coil with electric energy. This produces energy as well
on its external surface in the isolated atomic system, as on its internal surface of the non/isolated atomic
The luminous radiant energy and the thermic energy produced by the isolated atomic systems is absorbed by
the photo-thermo- electric panels that transform it into electric current.
The circuit U will indicate the presence of a tension T. At that moment the circuit U2 is closing and the
circuit U1 is opening.
The circuits U1 is equipped with a potentiometer P connected to clamps A - B of the circuit U, so as to
utilize only part of its tension to feed the coil with electric energy.
The value of the tension depends on the position of the cursor C, which grows when the cursor moves
towards A and decreases when the cursor moves towards B.
That eses the radioactive ofval that is transformed in electric current. 1590 years is the life of one gram of
radium: that is half of the existing nucleus will disintegrated and tne other half needs 1590 years more.
Using the principales of emission of radioactive energy and that of absorption of energy by the photothermo-electric panels, we suppose that we could achieve a photo-thermo-*electric nuclear generator which
would transform radioactive energy into the electric current.
The photo-thermo-electric generator could be formed out of: metal or radioactive waste, photo-thermoelectric panels, electric clamps and two protecting layers.
A space program is very expansive but 80% of the weight of the ship is represented by the tanks of fuel. The
solution would to find a system or a mechanism that could allow us to use the energy from the particles of
the environment that we want to move into then the cost of such a research program would be really
The quantic propulsed ship is composed out of the main part of the vessel, the auxiliary device and the
quantic device of propulsion.
The auxiliary mechanism is composed out of two electromagnetic shells located on the external part of the
vessel, one on the upper part and the other on the lower part, and they are put into action by the
The quantic device of propulsion is composed out of eight horiyontal quantic generators (1) which are fixed
into the conecting star (2), and to a vertical quantic generator (3) that is fixed to the lower part of the
connecting star.
The quantic generators end outside the vessel with the tips of the mechanism (4).
The vertical movement can take place putting into action the external electromagnetic shells, so that they
should rotate each in an opposite direction. The non/isolated atomic systems have on the external part of the
vessel a positive electromagnetic polarity S and inside, a negative electromagnetic polarity N.
A vertical propulsion of energy is obtained which is composed out of a few nuclear particles issued under
the form beta, alpha and gamma radiation.
For a horiyontal movement the electromagnetic polarities of the non/isolated atomic systems have to
changed. There should exist five atomic systems with positive electromagnetic polarity S, external to the
vessel in the direction of the progress, and inside the vessel the negative electromagnetic polarity N in the
opposite direction of the course: there should exist inside the vessel threee non-isolated atomic systems with
positive electromagnetic polarity S and outside the vessel, there should be a negative electromagnetic
polarity N obtaining in this way a jet of propulsion under the form of reaction.
The "Corona Effect" represents the emission of the radiations surrounding the ship. That radiation forms a
lighting spectrum of electromagnetic wave.
According to the Theory of Relativity, the mass of an object would increase of its speed. At the reach of the
light-speed, the mass of the ship would be infinite. In this case, the mass of the ship will be constant, being
used only the mass of the radiation that protects the ship of the outside factors; that would be negative and
I would like you to confirm the receiving of this message.
Thanks you for understanding.
Best regards, Manoliu Valentin
Home, no matter how far...
Subject: The Energy Digest Vol I Issue 10
From: "Joseph John Rothengast" <jjr@jmja.com>
To: "Group List" <group@jmja.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 20:25:48 -0400
The Energy Farms’ Energy Digest
The Energy Farms Group
Vol. I No. 10
This newsletter promotes energy independence, independent living and environmental stewardship.
The Idea in brief
We want to encourage the development and support of Renewable Electric sites distributed along the power
grid to:
Reduce Pollution and health costs incurred from fossil fuel pollution
Provide jobs for thousands of people
Develop areas for energy production
Reduce the need for military actions to guard oil supplies
Become energy independent
Greater availability of electric and less outages
Lower and more stable electrical costs
Promote it as a stable independent family small business
Broaden the tax base in rural areas
Help encourage research for electrical energy for the world
Promote a self dependent life styles
Items in this issue’s Editorial
An example of the financial aspects of an Energy Farms
Renewable Energy Clubs
Short Notes
Icon – we are looking for a futuristic icon for the group, no financial awards but your name will appear on
the Newsletter and Web site. The concept is a farm outline with a bolt of electric, maybe RE sources too.
Jobs in the Energy Field
Jobs in the Energy Fields – Over 500 jobs for people to build a career
Latest News and Articles
Latest News – News Highlights from various sources
Recent articles – Latest articles related to our goals
Friends (companies and groups that just joined in with us)
Newsletters – From energy, environmental and other groups
Energy Sites and Information
Sample Sites for Solar, Wind, Micro-Hydro, Geothermal and Biomass
Wind Products
Hydro-Power Quiz
RE-Communities and Developments
Tour Energy Sites
Groups - Groups in the same area as we are promoting
Emergency Kit – What to keep on hand for a power outage
RE Pictures – Free pictures you can use from the National Renewable Energy Lab.
Additional Permanent Sections
State Activities – New section looking for correspondents from each state to send in latest information.
Energy Foundations – A list of Foundations interested in renewable energy.
Phantom Loads – Do you really KNOW your electric device is OFF or just SLEEPING?
Alternate Energy Company Stocks
The Manufactures/Dealers $200,000 - $500,000 Challenge – Promote and sell your solution(s)
Financial Challenge
US Banks – A list of US banks along with a link to The World Bank
Venture – Venture Capital Companies
Additional Financial Planning – A liaison effort between the seekers and money suppliers.
Master Contract – Edison Electric Institute’s
Team with NON-Profit
Legislation, Government Contacts
State – We also started a new section for state information and need representatives to send in reports.
See States….
The Grid – Interstate Renewable Energy Council
DOE's Clean Cities Program
Promote The Effort of Changing the World
Brochure - A simple brochure you can print and distribute to support the Energy and Environmental issues
Presentations – A page dedicated to adding presentations and links to appropriate presentations
Alternate Fuels Data Center – Information on alternate fuels
Financial Planning – Banks, Start up funding, and venture capital companies interested in RE
Suggested Actions - Things you can do to support the project!
Awards – We plan on sending out an awards certificate to people/groups/organizations/companies that have
contributed to the promotion of Energy Farms or Renewable Energy. There is no timetable or limits on the
number. We are following the Dr. W. Edwards Demming concept of continuous improvements and not the
Malcolm Balridge National Quality Award of just rewarding the top performer. Please feel free to send in
your candidates along with a brief description as to why we should consider them.
Shops – Renewable Energy Sales
FOR SALE – RE products
RE Education – Learn about electric and a possible career
Grant Information – Public and Private sector grants funding sources
Questions, Answers, Feedback and Events
Product Feedback Section – Have you used a RE product and would like to tell us your experiences.
The “Q” Page – The question to the readers, and from the readers (FAQs’ and Qs’ and As’)
Events / Fairs – RE happenings
Sign-up for Newsletters
Subject: Tech Museum Awards Environmental Defense
From: RemyC <remyc@prodigy.net>
To: End Secrecy List <endsecrecy@yahoogroups.com>,
LuMag List <LuMag@yahoogroups.com>, ETList <ETList@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 21:39:22 -0400
From: "Environmental Defense" <press@ environmentaldefense.org>
Thursday, September 18, 2003 9:39 AM
Top five finalists to share $250,000 award for applying technology to improve quality of life
New York -- September 18, 2003 --Environmental Defense, a leading national nonprofit organization, was
recently named one of 25 laureates for the prestigious 2003 Tech Museum Awards: Technology Benefiting
Humanity presented by Applied Materials, Inc. The Tech Museum of Innovation, located in San Jose,
California announced the laureates. In Silicon Valley where technology is considered a way of life, The
Tech Museum Awards were developed to recognize the need to bridge existing technology in emerging
countries and emerging technologies in developed countries.
Environmental Defense has been selected as a laureate for the Intel Environment Award.
"Environmental Defense is very honored to be selected as a Tech Museum laureate," said Environmental
Defense program director Gwen Ruta. "Through innovative private-sector partnerships, Environmental
Defense has quickened the pace of delivering healthier air by leveraging the power of business to develop
cleaner truck technology."
Environmental Defense teamed up with industry leaders, FedEx Express and Eaton Corporation, to develop
and bring to market a next-generation delivery truck that will cut air pollution significantly while boosting
fuel economy. Using the innovation of hybrid diesel-electric engine technology, the new vehicle will
decrease cancer-causing particulate emissions by 93% and reduce smog-causing emissions by 75%. In
addition, the cleaner trucks will increase fuel efficiency by 50% while meeting high standards of
functionality and cost-effectiveness.
This project is the first time that hybrid electric technology has been commercially applied to the mediumduty truck market. The benefits to the environment and human health will be measured through significant
reductions in toxic air pollution, respiratory ailments, pre-mature death, and acidification of lakes. The
public health benefit of this technology will grow even faster as more truck fleets convert to hybrid trucks
for their business transportation needs.
On October 15, at a black tie Awards Gala, Silicon Valley leaders and delegates from the United Nations
will join together to honor all 25 laureates, and one laureate from each category will be awarded a $50,000
cash honorarium.
The awards, presented in partnership with the American Council for the United Nations University and
Santa Clara University's Center for Science, Technology, and Society, are designed to honor individuals,
for-profit companies, and public and not-for-profit organizations from around the world who are applying
technology to profoundly improve the human condition in the categories of education, equality,
environment, economic development, and health.
This year, an esteemed panel of judges considered more than 500 nominations, representing 70 countries.
The 25 2003 Tech Laureates come from Bangladesh, Canada, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Kenya,
Nicaragua, Nepal, and the United States.
For more information on the awards and laureates, visit http://techawards.thetech.org
About Environmental Defense
Environmental Defense, a leading national nonprofit organization, represents more than 300,000 members.
Since 1967, Environmental Defense has linked science, economics, law and innovative private-sector
partnerships to create breakthrough solutions to the most serious environmental problems. The work of
Environmental Defense in developing this technology was supported by a three-year grant from the Richard
and Rhoda Goldman Fund. Additional support was received from The William and Flora Hewlett
Foundation, the Oak Foundation, The Pew Charitable Trusts, and the David H. Smith Foundation.
For more information, visit www.environmentaldefense.org
About The Tech Museum Awards
The concept for The Tech Museum Awards and its five categories was inspired in part by The State of the
Future at the Millennium report of The Millennium Project of the American Council for the United Nations
University, which recommends that award recognition is an effective way to accelerate scientific
breakthroughs and technological applications to improve the human condition. The Awards were
inaugurated in 2001.
Judging for The Tech Museum Awards is independently conducted by Santa Clara University's Center for
Science, Technology and Society, a global network of academic and industry experts dedicated to
understanding and influencing how science and technology impact society. They assemble five panels of
judges from around the world, recruited from research institutions, industry and the public sector, who
judged the nominations on five set criteria.
The Tech Museum Awards Partners
The Tech Museum Awards represent a collaborative effort among educational institutions and business.
Among Silicon Valley's leaders supporting The Tech Museum Awards are presenting sponsor, Applied
Materials, Inc. and Santa Clara University's Center for Science, Technology and Society. Category sponsors
are the NASDAQ Stock Market, Knight Ridder, Intel, and Accenture.
About The Tech Museum of Innovation
Located in the heart of downtown San Jose, Silicon Valley, Calif., The Tech, a non-profit organization,
engages people of all ages and backgrounds in exploring and experiencing the technologies affecting their
lives and aims to inspire the innovator in everyone. For more information, visit http://www.thetech.org or
call (408) 294-TECH
Media contact:
Jessica Mendelowitz, Environmental Defense communications director, 212-505-2100; jmendelowitz@
Gary Summers, The Tech Museum of Innovation, 925-284-7004; gary@ prwebsite.com
Ryan Donovan, Ketchum Public Relations, 415-984-6138; ryan.donovan@ ketchum.com
Subject: A Universe Of Scale - Stars Edge Closer
From: Josef Hasslberger <sepp@lastrega.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 16:10:28 +0200
A Universe of Scale - Stars edge closer
Can communication be transmitted over distance without the need for electromagnetic radiation "travelling"
to carry the message? Hartmut Mueller of the Institute for Space-Energy-Research in Wolfratsthausen,
Germany, says it can.
Mueller has developed a theory of global scaling, which states that matter and energy organize in accordance
with principles of scale. The "nodes" or preferred points of concentration, may be distant in linear space, but
adjacent in "logarithimic space", allowing for instant connectivity over distances that are difficult to bridge
with today's radio technologies.
First experiments have been successful. This is a future technology worth watching out for - it could well
revolutionize communications (and more) in the coming decades.
Read the whole article here:
If link does not work, enter the home page and scroll down until you see the headline:
Kind regards
Subject: Antony C. Sutton and Cold Fusion
From: RemyC <remyc@prodigy.net>
To: ETList <ETList@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 11:15:56 -0400
From: "Leslie R. Pastor" <lrpastor@ optonline.net>
via: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/endsecrecy/message/4698
Sat Sep 20, 2003
Subject: Antony C. Sutton and Cold Fusion
Hello Remy C.
It was with great interest, that I viewed your comments about Antony C. Sutton and his book on Cold
Fusion. Dr. Sutton and I spent several month emailing each other regarding future research about Nikola
Tesla [National Archives] before his died on June 17, 2002.
It was because of his memory that I furthered the research into cold fusion, by viewing Jean-Louis Naudin's
http://jlnlabs.online.fr/cfr/html/cfr10.htm marvelous demonstrations of cold fusion in Paris, France via the
internet. I posted my research at his JLN group and it was picked up by the French and posted at the
following website:
It was a significant moment for me, to be able to successfully verify that Cold Fusion was real science and
real technological innovation. I list my sources for your edification.
All the Best,
Leslie R. Pastor
Cold Fusion Research: US Dept. of Energy
What If Cold Fusion is Real
Alternative Energy Institute On Cold Fusion
Cold Fusion Research Laboratory
Edmond Storms: Taking the Chill out of Cold Fusion
An Objective Assessment of Cold Fusion Research by Edmond Storms
Cold Fusion Data Base
Discovery of the Cold Fusion Phenomenon
Cold Fusion Research: Models and Potential Benefits
Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Research Prevailed [Book]
Really Cold Fusion: Notes On A Different Approach
Cold Fusion: The Sun In A Bottle
Whatever Happened To Cold Fusion?
Eugene Mallove Quote on Cold Fusion
Cold Fusion: The Miracle Is No Mistake [Eugene Mallove]
Eugene Mallove: Breaking Through
US Navy Supports Cold Fusion
Negative on Cold Fusion
Cold Fusion: New Experiments and Theories
Books: Cold Fusion
Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Prevailed [Book]
An Attempted Replication of a CETI Cold Fusion Experiment
Death of Cold Fusion Experiments In America
The War Against Cold Fusion: What's Behind It
The Cold Fusion Story
Cold Fusion Rides Again
Ten Years of Cold Fusion
Stephen Kaplan's Letter to President Clinton
Origins of Cold Fusion
Interesting Books on Cold Fusion
Where Do We Stand On Cold Fusion?: Edmond Storms
Cold Fusion: An Objective Assessment: Edmond Storms
Cold Fusion: A War Story [My Personal Encounter] by Harold Aspden
Research of Anomalous Excess Heat in Cold Fusion Type Experiments
The Cornell Cold Fusion Archive
A Tempest In A Test Tube Ten Years Later
Navy Confirms Cold Fusion
The Etheric Force and Cold Fusion
Star In A Jar: Hints of Nuclear Fusion Found-Maybe
Tchubb Home Page on LENR Cold Fusion
Cold Fusion Reactor by Jean-Louis Naudin
Cold Fusion FAQs
US Cold Fusion Patent [Harold Aspden]
Do Powerful Scientists Suppress Research Findings-You be the Judge
Facimale: Original Paper on Cold Fusion by Pons and Fleischmann
Experimental Setup for Low Temperature Fusion
George H. Miley
George H. Miley on LENR
Lightening Key to Natural Cold Fusion-The Neltron
Mentor and Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering on Cold Fusion
Bob Park: Is Cold Fusion A Fraud?
Caroline H. Thompson's reaction to Bob Park's Voodoo Science
Sir Arthur C. Clarke Challenges the Scientific Community [Eugene Mallove]
Significant Links
Cold Fusion Motor
Resource Links-NASA
Nov. 17, 2000 Workshop on LENR
Comments From An Assistant Professor
Dr. Mitchell R. Swartz US Court of Appeals [Cold Fusion]
Cold Fusion The Scientific Fiasco of The Century [Book]
Russ George Interview on Cold Fusion
Cold Nuclear Fusion: Fleischmann / Pons
Unveiling the Mystery of Nuclear Cold Fusion by Russ George
Frontiers of Cold Fusion [Book}
Experimental Energy Links:
FMBR Scientific Papers
The Farnsworth Fusor
Cold Fusion Research: Models and Potential Benefits
Dr. David Nagel: What Ever Happened to Cold Fusion? [US Navy]
[What a great resource! Thanks to Leslie! Ed.]
Subject: Typical "Letts & Cravens Effect" Results? A " Nominal" Scenario? And How Much $...
From: "Bass, Robert W (IDS)" <robert.w.bass@baesystems.com>
To: "Dennis Cravens (E-mail)" <dennis@tularosa.net>
Cc: "Hal Fox (E-mail)" <eemf@earthlink.net>, "Eugene F. Mallove (E-mail)" <editor@infiniteenergy.com>, "Mitchell Swartz (E-mail)" <mica@world.std.com>, "Mike McKubre (E-mail)"
<michael.mckubre@sri.com>, "Peter Hagelstein (E-mail)" <PHagelstein@aol.com>, "Peter L. Hagelstein
(E-mail)" <plh@MIT.EDU>, "David Nagel (E-mail)" <nagel@seas.gwu.edu>, "Shang-Xian Jin (E-mail)"
<shangxianjin@yahoo.com>, "Graham Hubler (E-mail)" <hubler@ccs.nrl.navy.mil>, "Edmund K. Storms
(E-mail)" <storms2@ix.netcom.com>, "Jed Rothwell (E-mail)" <JedRothwell@mindspring.com>, "Tom
Valone (E-mail)" <iri@erols.com>, "Sharon Begley (E-mail)" <sciencejournal@wsj.com>, "Ken Shoulders
(E-mail)" <krscfs@svn.net>, "Pat Bailey (E-mail)" <ine@padrak.com>, "Tom Dolan (E-mail)"
<dolatj@inel.gov>, "Tom Claytor (E-mail)" <claytor@lanl.gov>, "Don A. Baker (E-mail)"
<Sailawave@aol.com>, "Scott Chubb (E-mail)" <chubb@ccf.nrl.navy.mil>, "Scott ICCF Chubb (E-mail)"
<ChubbScott@aol.com>, "Scotty Chubb (E-mail)" <scottychubb@cs.com>, "Talbot Chubb (E-mail)"
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 13:22:35 -0400
I hope that you have forgiven me for inadvertently & UNINTENTIONALLY
plagiarizing you a few years ago! I had seen something about experts in _Hot_ Fusion using spin-polarized
deuterons to enhance the thermonuclear fusion process, and I reacted "THAT's a great idea!" and rushed to
publish it in one of Hal Fox's media as a suggestion for Cold Fusion, completely forgetting that the reason I
had thought it was a good idea was that a few years earlier I had read a paper by _you_ which persuasively
presented a case for this very thing! And then, some years later, I was looking through my old issues of
something and saw your paper, and REMEMBERED that THIS was what had caused me to think it a good
idea! I think that this is the most embarrassing thing I have ever done in my life! I remember apologizing to
you verbally on the phone, but I am sending this to Hal Fox and some of his colleagues as a form of
_Public_ Apology. MEA CULPA!
Incidentally, here below is a letter which I just sent to your erstwhile collaborator, Dennis Letts:
I was very pleased to have met you and hope to stay in touch. But I am confused by the claims of
"multiplication by a factor of 10 or more" because this refers just to the LASER input power rather than the
total power.
Also, I see that Ed Storms is of the opinion that the laser doesn't increase the magnitude of the total energy
out, it just speeds up the F&P Effect from what it "normally" does. Do you agree?
I am seeking a "before & after" ideally "Nominal" scenario which might go something like this:
F&P Effect
Electrolytic Power Input: 1 watt
Excess Heat Output:
100 milliwatts (i.e. 10% excess power)
L&C Effect:
Electrolytic Power Input: 1 watt
Laser Power Input:
25 milliwatts [making total Power Input
1.025 watts]
Excess Heat Output
250 milliwatts (i.e. 24.39 % excess power)
I know that these numbers are just hypothetical, but I would like to hear some "defensible" numbers that I
could show to a potential Patron/Investor as a "nominal scenario." The numbers should be rounded off and
easily remembered.
Thanks in advance,
How much would you charge me, and how long would it take, to test my theoretical prediction that ~40 nm
would work much better than 680 nm? Could you do it in 1 month after buying or renting the tuneable dye
laser and nonlinear optics for "frequency doubling" (in my case it would require multiplying available
visible monochromatic coherent light by more than one frequency doubling)? Could you do it in ? time for
$35,00? for $45,000? for $50,000?
Dr. Robert W. Bass
Engineer III
Identification Systems Department
44414 Pecan Court
California, MD 20619
Phone: (301) 863-0687
FAX: (301) 863-0755
e-mail: < robert.w.bass@baesystems.com >
Dr. Robert W. Bass < donquixote@radix.net >
45960 Indian Way (#612)
Lexington Park, MD 20653
(301) 866-9657; FAX .../9674
Subject: Scientific Instrument Survey - Win a 2003 MINI Cooper Car
From: "LabPulse.com"<sitemgr@labpulse.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 13:36:22 -0400
[FYI only… Ed.]
Here's How...
Each year over 15,000 scientists participate in the Industrial and Academic Laboratory survey.
Your participation in this survey will help scientific instrument manufacturers make effective business
decisions. These manufacturers rely on your input to direct their future marketing and product development
efforts. To provide them with up-to-date accurate information, please take a few minutes to tell us about
yourself and any purchasing plans you have for the next two years. Just click here
to reach the survey website.
We know your time is valuable. In appreciation, we will enter your completed survey in a random prize
drawing to win a 2003 MINI Cooper S. Winners will be notified by phone during business hours.
Click here to begin.
Thanks for your support!
JP Nicolais
Research Director
I&A Laboratory
BONUS: Free Feedback Report
Have you ever wondered how your merit increases compare with that of your peers? Now you have a chance
to find out by completing the I&A survey.
Subject: Re: FBI Monitoring Of Internet
From: LeRoy Pea <leroy.pea@rocketmail.com>
To: Bob Nelson <alchemy618@earthlink.net>, Rosana Pea <Rosana_Pea@dot.ca.gov>, "Rosana O. Pea"
<melwaters@attbi.com>, Patrick Bailey <ine@padrak.com>, John Bedini <john1@icehouse.net>, Sonney
Chong <dachongs@worldnet.att.net>, "David E. noAttachOrPhotos Cowlishaw" <davidc@open.org>,
Geoff Egel <egel@main.murray.net.au>, Pea Hilary <fieryred_aries@yahoo.com>, Valerie Kruger
<VKruger@vrinc.com>, Michael McNelly <mbmcnelly@earthlink.net>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 23:19:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Home Security-------The new Homeland Security Bill has passed. Things will be different now.
Internet surfing will be tracked by the FBI with a non intrusive method.
The FBI says you will not notice anything different. For a demonstration
Click on the link below...
Subject: Nov. Energy Seminars; Cold Fusion; Energy Bill; US Blackout Politics
From: "Integrity Research Institute, Thomas Valone" <iri@erols.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 01:27:32 -0400
Future Energy eNews
September 24, 2003
1) Cold Fusion Isn't Dead - Wall Street Journal analyzes the details and outcome of a decade of research.
2) FirstEnergy 550 MW Generator was East Coast Blackout Culprit - Politics now prevent official
acknowledgement, reparation.
3) Republicans Want to Control New Energy Bill - but omit automobile mileage, global warming,
hydropower and other energy sources.
4) Reduce the Need for 1300 Power Plants to only 170 - Practical response to largest blackout in N.
American history.
5) Pulsed Electricity: Opportunities for Wirelss Transmission and Bioelectrotherapy - Seminars at
November's IRI 2003 energy conference.
Subject: Einstein's Physics Of (Zero-Point) Illusion
From: RemyC <remyc@prodigy.net>
To: End Secrecy List <endsecrecy@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 12:10:12 -0400
Light Eye <universal_heartbeat2012@ yahoo.no>
Though this article is somewhat old it's still worth reading. There's info about among other things zero point.
(click for images)
Einstein's Physics Of Illusion
Copyright © 1980 by John Dobson
This essay was delivered by John Dobson as a lecture at the Vedanta Society, Berkeley, USA, on 12th
October 1980 and has been reprinted from:
The Vedanta Kesari
May, 1988 (pages 181-189)
Some of you may think from the title "Einstein's Physics of Illusion," that I'm going to talk about the physics
which underlies what we think of as magic. That is not what I expect to talk about. Some of you may think
that I suspect that Einstein had some special physics of illusions. If he did, I don't know anything of it.
Instead, what I want to do, with Einstein's help, is to trace our physics all the way back to square one, and to
find out whether, underlying it, there may possibly be something akin to magic.
George Valens has written a charming book called The Attractive Universe. It is subtitled "Gravity and the
Shape of Space", and on the very first page he says that when a ball is thrown straight up, after a while it
comes to a stop, changes its direction and comes back. He says it looks like magic, and probably it is. Now
what he is taking for granted is that it should have gone off on a straight path without any change in speed or
direction. But you see, that also would have been the result of magic. We do not understand in physics why
the ball comes back. But we also do not understand in our physics why the ball should have continued
without any change in the direction of its speed.
Now in the title, and in the remarks that I have made so far, what I mean by magic or illusion is something
like what happens when, in the twilight, you mistake a rope for a snake. And this sort of thing was analyzed
very carefully by some people in North India long, long ago, and they said that when you make such a
mistake there are three aspects to your mistake. First, you must fail to see the rope rightly. Then, instead of
seeing it as a rope, you must see it as something else. And finally, you had to see the rope in first place or
you never would have mistaken it for a snake. You mistook it for a snake because the rope was three feet
long, and you're accustomed to three foot long snakes.
But before I speak further about illusion, I want to say a few words about what we do understand in physics,
and I also want to point out a few gaps in that understanding. When we talk about the universe, or when we
look out and see it, what we see is that the universe is made out of what we call matter. It's what we call a
material universe. And what we want to do, first of all, is to trace that material back, not quite to square one,
but to square two at least. We want to find out whether we can think of all these things which we see as
being made out of matter, as really being made out of only a few ingredients. And the answer is that we can.
Long ago the chemists pointed out that all these things that we see are made out of not more than 92
ingredients. Those are the 92 chemical elements of the periodic table. It was suggested in 1815 that all those
different chemical elements are probably made out of hydrogen. That was Prout's hypothesis, because in
those days no one knew how to do it. But now, in modern times, we do know how to do it, and we do know
that that's what happens. All the other chemical elements are made out of hydrogen, and it happens in the
The universe, even as it is today, consists mostly of hydrogen. And what it is doing is falling together in the
gravitational field. It falls together to galaxies and stars, and the stars are hot. Falling together by gravity is
what makes them hot. And they get hot enough inside so that the hydrogen is converted to helium. Now
helium is a very strong atomic nucleus, and so the main line in building up the atoms of the atomic table
goes this way: First, four hydrogens make one helium. Then three heliums make one carbon. Two heliums
won't stick. That would be beryllium-8. There is no beryllium-8. It won't last. But three heliums will stick,
and that's carbon. Four is oxygen. Five is neon. That's the way it goes in the stars; the other nuclei are built
of helium nuclei. Six makes magnesium. Then silicon, sulfur, argon, calcium, titanium, chromium and iron.
In big stars it goes like this. But in small stars like our sun it goes only up to carbon or possibly carbon and
oxygen. That's where our sun will end, at about the size of the earth, but with a density of about four
concrete mixing trucks in a one pint jar. Larger stars get too hot by their own gravitational squeeze, and the
carbon cannot cool off like that. They go right on to oxygen and so on, until they get, in the center, to iron.
Now iron is the dumbest stuff in the universe. There is no nuclear energy available to iron -- nothing by
which it can fight back against gravitational collapse; so gravity collapses it, this time to the density of a
hundred thousand airplane carriers squeezed into a one pint yogurt box. One hundred thousand airplane
carriers in a one pint box! And, when it collapses like that, the gravitational energy that is released to other
forms blows the outer portions of the star all over the galaxy. That's the stuff out of which our bodies are
made. Our bodies are all made out of star dust from such exploding stars.
We do know that the main ingredient of the universe is hydrogen and that the main usable energy in the
universe is gravitational. We know that the name of the game is falling together by gravity (hydrogen,
falling together by gravity), but what we don't know is why things fall together by gravity. We do know that
the stuff out of which this universe is made is hydrogen, but we do not know from where we get the
hydrogen. We know that the hydrogen is made of electrical particles, protons and electrons, and we know
that the total electrical charge of the universe is zero, but we do not know, you see, why it is made of
electricity. We do not know why it falls together. And we do not know why, when things are moving, they
should coast. There are these gaps in our understanding. We know how things coast. We know how things
fall. We know how the electrical particles behave, but we don't know any of the why questions. We don't
have any answers to the why questions.
What I want to talk about next is a discovery made by Albert Einstein when he was 26 years old and
working in the patent office in Bern. Then I want to talk about the consequences of that discovery and,
through that, I want to trace our physics back, if possible, to answer those why questions.
Einstein noticed that we cannot have an objective universe in three dimensions. We all talk about 3-D.
Hardly anybody talks about 4-D. But the universe is 4-D. It is not possible to have a universe of space
without a universe of time. It is not possible to have space without time, or time without space, because
space and time are opposites. I don't know that Einstein ever used the language that space and time are
opposites, but if you look at his equations, it is very, very clear that that's exactly what they are. If, between
two events, the space separation between them is the same as the time separation between them, then the
total separation between them is zero. That's what we mean by opposites in this case. In electricity if we
have the same amount of plus charges as we have of minus charges, say in the same atom or the same
molecule, then that atom or that molecule is neutral. There is no charge seen from outside. Likewise here. If
the space separation between two events is just the same as the time separation between those two events,
then the total separation between those two events is zero.
I'll give you an example. Suppose we see an exploding star, say in the Andromeda galaxy. There's one going
on there right now. It's been visible for about a month or so. Now the Andromeda galaxy is two and a quarter
million light years away, and when we see the explosion now, we see it as it was two and a quarter million
years ago. You see, the space separation and the time separation are the same, which means that the total
separation between you and what you see is zero. The total separation, the real separation, the objective
separation, that is, the separation as seen by anybody, between the event which you see and the event of your
seeing it -- the separation between those two events is always zero. What we mean when we say that the
space and time separations between two events are equal is that light could get from one of those events to
the other in vacuum.
We see things out there, and we think they're really out there. But, you see, we cannot see them when they
happen. We can't see anything when it happens. We see everything in the past. We see everything a little
while ago, and always in such a way that the while ago just balances the distance away, and the separation
between the perceiver and the perceived remains always at zero.
As soon as Einstein noticed that we cannot have a universe of space without a universe of time and vice
versa, and that they are connected in this way, and that the only way to have an objective universe is in four
dimensions, and not in two or three or one -- as soon as he noticed that, he had to redo our physics.
[I disagree with what follows. If you require time to be measured by the speed of light, then you will get the
dubious Lorentz Transformation, that Einstein himself said that he did not understand. I am personally
convinced that that line of thinking is all garbage. Ed.]
Now relativity theory is a geometry theory. It's not something else. It's a geometry theory. It's about the
geometry of the real world. I'm sure that most if not all of you have been exposed, somewhere along your
educational careers, to the geometry of Euclid. His geometry is in two dimensions and in three, but he didn't
have any idea about introducing the fourth dimension. His geometry is a theoretical geometry about a
theoretical space which does not, in fact, exist. Newton based his understanding of physics also on that
understanding of geometry, and Newton's physics is a theoretical physics about a theoretical universe which
does not, in fact, exist. We know now, you see, that Euclid was wrong in his understanding of geometry, and
that Newton was likewise wrong in his understanding of physics. And we had to correct our physics in terms
of Einstein's re-understanding of geometry. It was when Einstein went through our physics with his new
understanding of geometry that he saw that what we had been calling matter or mass or inertia is really just
energy. It is just potential energy. It had been suggested a few years earlier by Swami Vivekananda that
what we call matter could be reduced to potential energy. In about 1895 he writes in a letter that he is to go
the following week to see Mr. Nikola Tesla who thinks he can demonstrate it mathematically. Without
Einstein's understanding of geometry, however, Tesla apparently failed.
It was from the geometry that Einstein saw that what we call rest mass, that which is responsible for the
heaviness of things and for their resistance to being shaken, is really just energy. Einstein's famous equation
is E = mc2. Probably most of you have seen that equation. It says that for a particle at rest, its mass is equal
to its energy. Those of you who read Einstein know that there is no "c" in that equation. The c2 is just in
case your units of space and time don't match. If you've chosen to measure space in an arbitrary unit and
time in another arbitrary unit, and if you have not taken the trouble to connect the two units, then, for your
system you have to put in the c2. If you're going to measure space in centimeters, then time must not be
measured in seconds. It must be measured in jiffies. A jiffy is the length of time it takes light to go one
centimeter. Astronomers are rather broad minded people, and they have noticed that the universe is quite a
bit too big to be measured conveniently in centimeters, and quite a bit too old to be measured conveniently
in seconds; so they measure the time in years and the distance in light-years, and the units correspond. That
"c" in the equation is the speed of light in your system of units, and if you've chosen years and light-years
then the speed of light in your system is one. And if you square it, it's still one, and the equation doesn't
change. The equation simply says that energy and mass are the same thing.
Our problem now is that if we're going to trace this matter back, and find out what it is, we have first of all
to find out what kind of energy makes it massive. Now we have only a few kinds of energy to choose from.
Fortunately there are only a few: gravitational energy, kinetic energy, radiation, electricity, magnetism and
nuclear energy. But I must allay your suspicion that nuclear energy might be very important. It is not. The
nuclear energy available in this universe is very small. If all the matter in the universe began as hydrogen
gas and ended as iron, then the nuclear energy released in that change (and that is the maximum nuclear
energy available) is only one per cent of what you can get by letting that hydrogen fall together by gravity.
So nuclear energy is not a big thing, and we have only five kinds of energy to choose from in order to find
out what kind of energy makes the primordial hydrogen hard to shake. That, you remember, was our
What we want is potential energy, because the hydrogen is hard to shake even when it's not doing a thing. So
what we're after is potential energy, and that restricts it quite a bit more. Radiation has nothing to do with
that. Radiation never stands still. And kinetic energy never stands still. And even magnetic energy never
stands still. So we are left with electricity and gravity. There are only two. We don't have any choice at all.
There is just the gravitational energy and the electrical energy of this universe available to make this
universe as heavy or as massive as we find it.
Now I should remind you that the amount of energy we're talking about is very large. It's five hundred atom
bombs per pound. One quart of yogurt, on the open market, is worth one thousand atom bombs. It just
happens that we're not in the open market place. We live where we have no way to get the energy of that
yogurt to change form to kinetic energy or radiation so that we can do anything with it. It's tied up in there in
such a way that we can't get it out. But right now we're going to talk about the possibility of getting it out.
We want to talk about how this tremendous energy is tied up in there. We want to talk about how this matter
is "wound up".
First let's talk about watches. We know how they're wound up. They're wound up against a spring. Now
when we wind up a watch, what I want to know is whether it gets heavier or lighter. If we have a watch, and
if we wind it up, does it get harder to shake or easier? It gets harder to shake because when we wind it up we
put more potential energy into it, and energy is the only thing in the universe that's hard to shake. So now we
want to know in what way the whole universe is wound up to make it heavy and hard to shake. We know
that it must be wound up against electricity and gravity. The question is: How?
We need to know some details on how to wind things up. How, for instance, do you wind up against
gravity? You wind against gravity by pulling things apart in the gravitational field. They all want to go back
together again. And if the entire universe were to fall together to a single blob, the gravitational energies that
would be released to other forms would be five hundred atom bombs per pound. The universe is wound up
on gravitational energy just by being spaced away from itself against the gravitational pull inward. And it
turns out to be just the right amount. It really does account for the fact that it's five hundred atom bombs per
How do we wind up against electricity? We push like charges toward each other. If you push two electrons
toward each other you have to do work, and it gets heavier or more massive. If you push two protons toward
each other it gets more massive. And if you take a single electrical charge and make it very small, since
you're pushing like charge toward itself, it too becomes more massive. Now it turns out that the work that's
represented by a smallness of all the teeny-weeny particles that make up the hydrogen atoms and all the rest
of this stuff is, once again, five hundred atom bombs per pound. Some of you might think that it should
come out to a total of ten hundred atom bombs per pound -- five hundred gravitational and five hundred
electrical. No, it's only five hundred atom bombs per pound because winding it up one way is exactly the
same thing as winding it up the other way. Coins have two sides, heads and tails. You cannot make coins
with only one side. For every heads there is a tails. Plus and minus charges are like heads and tails. Space
and time are like heads and tails. And electricity and gravity are like heads and tails. You cannot space
things away from each other in the gravitational field without making them small in the electrical field.
I think that we're ready now to attack the consequences of this new understanding of physics. We want to
find out whether, through this understanding, we can trace our physics all the way back to square one, to see
whether, underlying it, there may be something akin to magic. We want to know why things fall. We want
the answers to our why questions.
I'm going to draw you a quick map. This is a picture of the physics before Einstein:
Mass Space
Energy Time
In the last century we thought that mass was one thing; energy was another. Space was one thing; time was
another. In our present understanding of physics that won't work. Space and time are just two sides of the
same coin. Mass and energy are just two sides of the same coin. And there is no line through there:
Energy Space
There is no line between mass and energy or between space and time. And we just talked about the way in
which the universe is wound up in order to make the particles massive. They're wound up against space.
They're spaced in against the electrical field, and they're spaced out against the gravitational field, which
means that what we call matter and energy are also nothing but geometry, and the line down the middle goes
too. But when the lines go, the picture goes. When the lines of demarcation between mass and energy and
space and time are obliterated, we do not have a model of a physical universe. Every definition in our
physics, every concept in our physics, requires measurements of length, or of time, or of mass; one or more
of these measurements. And without the discrimination between length, time and mass we have no way to
measure anything in physics, no way to define anything in physics. Our model of the universe does not hold
up when we examine it from the standpoint of Einstein's equations. And what we are left with I shall
indicate here by a question mark:
What is it that exists behind our physics? Relativity theory does not say exactly what it is, and our task is to
find it out, if we can.
First let us understand a little bit about what we call causation in physics. What do we mean in our physics
when we say that one thing causes another? We mean that there is a transformation of energy from one form
to another. For instance, if the hydrogen falls together to galaxies and stars, the gravitational energy is first
converted to kinetic energy in the falling; and then the kinetic energy is converted to radiation when the
hydrogen falls together into stars. When radiation from stars like our sun is picked up by all these green
leafy things which we call plants and trees, it's converted to electrical and magnetic forms. So all these
things happen by changes in energy, by changes in the form of the energy. The amount of energy does not
change. There is no such animal as the generation of energy. The amount of energy, whatever it is, seems to
be completely unchangeable. It's one of our most basic observations in physics. And what we mean by
causation is changes in the form of this energy. Matter itself is energy, and what we mean is that when
something happens, whether it's hydrogen being converted to helium, or whatever it is, there's some change
in the form of the energy. Now the universe cannot arise by this kind of causation simply because in any
such change the amount of energy at the end is never any greater than the amount at the start. You cannot
manufacture gold by remolding gold. You never finish with more than you started with.
With this understanding of causation in mind, I want to go back to our question mark. We want to see
whether we can get some idea of the nature of what the equations of relativity theory say must exist behind
the universe of our observations. And we want to see how, from that nature, we come to the world of our
When we look at this question mark, what we see is that it has to be beyond space and time. Our physics is
on our side of space and time, if you like, but Einstein's equations say that behind our physics there is this
question: "What is it?" We know that it has to be beyond space and time. And for that reason we can get a
negative statement about what it is. If it's beyond time, it must be changeless, because only in time could we
have change. If it's beyond space, it must be both undivided and infinite, because only within space could we
have things finite and divided. Without space you couldn't break a cookie in two. Without space you couldn't
have cookie crumbs. And without time you couldn't do anything, because you couldn't have any kind of
change. So whatever exists behind this universe must be changeless, infinite and undivided:
The curious thing is this, that what we see is apparently not changeless, not undivided and not infinite. It is
obviously finite. The teeny-weeny particles that make up the hydrogen atoms and all the rest of these atoms
and molecules are really minuscule. The number of hydrogen atoms required to make a single drop of water
is equal to the number of drops of water in a million cubic miles of ocean. They are certainly finite. And this
matter is divided up into atoms. Why should it be so divided? And it's continually changing. You can look
So what we see is changing, finite and divided, and now comes the question: By what kind of causation
could we get from the changeless to the changing? From the infinite to the finite? And from the undivided to
the divided?
We haven't proved that we can get there by magic, but we have proved that we can't get there any other way.
We cannot get there by the causation of our physics, because that would require that we change the
changeless to the changing, that we divide the undivided, and that we make the infinite finite. As I say, we
can prove that we cannot get there any other way, but we have not yet proved that we can get there by
magic. So now I want to ask: What happens if we look at this problem from the standpoint of what I'll call
apparitional causation? My favorite word for this is not quite magic. It's not quite illusion. It's apparitional
causation. It's the kind of thing you do when you mistake a rope for a snake.
Could we have mistaken the changeless for the changing? Could we have mistaken the infinite for the finite?
Could we have mistaken the undivided for the divided? That's the question.
So let’s go back to that old analysis of apparitional causation to see if such a mistake could give rise to our
physics. We want to know whether apparitional causation can answer our why questions. When we mistake
one thing for another, you remember, there are three aspects to our mistakes -- three consequences, if you
like. First, we must fail to see it rightly. In this case, we must fail to see the changeless, the infinite and the
undivided. That's fine; we've failed. Then we must see something else in its stead, and that else must be
different. And so it is. What we see is changing, finite and divided. Finally, you remember, we had to see the
thing to start with. If we had not seen a three foot rope we would not have mistaken it for a three foot snake.
When you mistake your friend for a ghost, if your friend is tall and thin then the ghost will be tall and thin.
But if your friend is roly-poly you'll see a roly-poly ghost. Had you not seen your roly-poly friend you
would not have seen a roly-poly ghost.
If, then, our physics has arisen by apparition, the changeless, the infinite and the undivided must show in
that physics. But isn't that exactly what we see? The changeless shows as inertia, the infinite as electricity,
and the undivided as gravity. Had we not seen the changeless, it would not have shown up in our physics. It
is the changeless which we see, and, as a consequence, that changeless shows in what we see. That is why
things coast. That is what we see as inertia. That is what we call mass. Likewise in order to see the
undivided as the divided we had to see the undivided, and that is what we see as gravity. It is a consequence
of having seen the undivided. You cannot see a universe of particles, all spaced out, without having them fall
together again. You cannot make the mistake of seeing it as divided without having the undividedness show.
And, finally, you cannot make the mistake of seeing the infinite broken up into teeny-weeny particles
without the consequence of seeing those particles as electrical. Probably some of you don't know quite
enough physics to understand what I mean by that, but every electrical particle has energy just because of its
smallness, and if you let it get bigger, its electrical energy would go down. If it could get infinitely big, its
electrical energy would go to zero. So you can think that electrical energy is just the tendency to go back to
the infinite, just as the gravitational energy is just the tendency to go back to the undivided.
Now these two things are really the same thing. The wind up against gravity by being spaced out is exactly
the same thing as the wind up against electricity by being spaced in. And these two things make up the rest
mass. They make up the thing called inertia. It's the electro-gravitational energy of the particles which we
see as their rest mass. It is that energy which is hard to shake.
It's impossible to see an apparition of this sort without having it wound up. It is not possible to see this
universe except wound up. The infinite and the undivided must necessarily show as the electrical and
gravitational energy. There is no such thing as matter. There is only this energy, and the energy is five
hundred atom bombs per pound. The energy is the consequence of the apparition. It is the yearning for
liberation in the apparently finite. It is the yearning for the undivided in the apparently divided. And it is the
yearning for the changeless in the apparently changing.
With the help of this notion of apparitional causation suggested by Einstein's equations, we are able, you see,
to trace our physics all the way back to square one to answer those why questions. With Einstein's help we
are able at last to understand why matter falls, why it coasts, and why it is made of discrete electrical
We have to look at it very carefully. We have completely to change our understanding of geometry. Our
native understanding of geometry, or rather our native misunderstanding of geometry, is a genetic mistake.
We make the mistake because it was never necessary not to. It was never necessary, in the long past history
of our race, for us to see space and time correctly. It never was. It was definitely necessary that we have at
least a dog's understanding of a three dimensional space, otherwise we wouldn't have had offspring, and the
species would all have died out. But it was never necessary to understand that space and time are opposites.
It was never necessary to understand the origin of gravity, or the origin of inertia, or even the fact that the
atoms are made of electricity, or the fact there are 92 chemical elements. It's not necessary to understand any
of these things in order to have offspring and have the perpetuation of the species go on. It works all right
through many, many mistakes.
You must not think that just because it's a native perception on your part that it's true. That has nothing to do
with it. Just look back and see how you got the way you are. You have to think that it's all a mistake, and
you have to notice that our genetic misunderstanding of space and time is at the root of it. That's where the
root is. It is within our mistaken notions of space and time that we see this universe the way we do. So what
we have to do is to straighten out our misunderstanding.
Space is not really that which separates the many. It's that which seems to separate the one. There's only one.
And in that space that oneness shines. Therefore falls whatever falls. Space is not that in which we see the
finite. There is no finite. Space is that in which the infinite appears as small, and in that space that vastness
shines. Therefore bursts whatever bursts. Therefore every electrical particle wants to become infinite. And
therefore shines whatever shines. And time is not that in which we see change, but that in which the
changeless seems to change, and in that time that changeless shines. Therefore rests whatever rests; therefore
coasts whatever coasts.
Our problem is to discriminate between what's behind this notion of space and time and what's within it. Our
problem is to discriminate between the real and the make believe.