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Sharp Educating for global ethical consciousness Susan Gardner Inquiry is no mere conversation Christina Slade Reflective reasoning and the self Mike Pritchard On becoming reasonable Richard Morehouse Research in Philosophy for Children Vicki Mackrill Philosophy for Children in Kinder and Prep Kathleen Davson-Galle Bare Brains James Battye A puzzle for Jessica Laurance Splitter Philosophy for Children Strategic Plan Volume 4 Number 2 October 1996 Carol Steiner Learning opportunities, communication and mass education Christina Slade Conversing across communities David Kennedy Young children's moves Ross Phillips Self esteem and ownership of ideas Dina Mendoca The religious dimension of Philosophy for Children Steve Williams Learning sequences and inquiry in small groups Roger Cresswell Demons, devils, dragons and flames harnessing sporting interests in the philosophy classroom Peter Davson-Galle Matters of degree and kind Volume 5 Number 2 October 1997 Freddy Mortier Competence in children psychological, legal, moral Christine Gehrett The power of narrative in a philosophical community of inquiry Marie-France Daniel An interactionist-constructivist mode for the practical education of preservice teachers in physical education Tim Sprod Book review: Reasonable Children by Michael Pritchard Clive Lindop Book review: Thinking Stories III by Philip Cam Volume 9 Number 2 October 2001 Tim Sprod Aristotle, children and morality II Matthew Lipman Dramatising philosophy Jim Burdett Education and aesthetics Sandra Lynch Encouraging students voices in school welfare policy Seon-hee Jo & Jin-whan Park Applying P4C in Korean preschool Chris Falzon Philosophy goes to the movies Crystal Baulch The Seven Dwarfs and the Game of Knowledge and Belief Clive Lindop Book Review: Philosophical Discussion in Moral Education by Tim Sprod Volume 10 Number 2 October 2002 Marie-France Daniel Pupil thinking: relativistic or inter-subjective? Hannu Juuso Hegel’s influence on P4C Clive Lindop Plato’s legacy: how to do philosophy GrupIREF Interview with Mat Lipman Clive Lindop Book review: Philosophy goes to the movies by Chris Falzon Volume 12 Number 1 May 2004 Matthew Lipman Philosophy for children’s debt to Dewey Ann M. Sharp The other dimension of caring thinking Clinton Golding Philosophy for children and multiple intelligences Tock Keng Lim Piaget-Vygotsky and the philosophy for children program Elizabeth Finnegan What does it meant to participate in a community of inquiry and for the community of inquiry to grow Tim Sprod Book review: Outer Limits by Stephen Law Greg Smith Book review: Philosophy Gym by Stephen Law Number 2 November 2004 Susan T. Gardner Interactive Reasoning: the Road to Freedom Pauline Enright Self, Philosophy, and the Community of Inquiry Jennifer Bleazby Practicality in Philosophy for Children Leif Larsen Not in My Classroom: A Response to the Values Education Study Letter Greg Smith Bytes of Wisdom for Postmodern Kids Sarah Davey on Connecting Concepts by Clinton Golding Volume 13 Numbers 1 & 2 May/November 2005 Carol Collins and Sue Knight Cultivating reason-giving: an alternative paradigm Julie Dawid A report into the effects of a project using storytelling and the Community of Inquiry in six primary schools Gil Burgh Reason, feminism and philosophical education Felicity Haynes What Good is Philosophy for Children? Tace Vigliante Effective anti-racism education in Australian schools: the need for philosophical inquiry in teacher education Oscar Brenifier A quick glance at the Lipman method: Reflections on a Conference Greg Smith Practical Thinking on Bigger Ideas Greg Smith Book Review: Thinking Lessons:Critical & Creative Thinking for the Middle Years by Tom Lengrehr FAPSA in New Zealand: Chair’s Report 2004-5 Volume 14 Number 1 May 2006 Clinton Golding What is Philosophy in Schools? Stephan Millett Philosophy in Upper Secondary School: An example from Western Australia Philip Cam Philosophy and the School Curriculum: Some general remarks Gary Stokes Exploring the Benefits of an Inquiry-based Intervention Approach for Children with Learning Difficulties Greg Smith Report: Seventy Minutes on Fairness: An account of a recent year 9 community of inquiry Greg Smith The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki Number 2 December 2006 Laurance J. Splitter Philosophy in a crowded curriculum Laurance J. Splitter Training teachers to “teach” Philosophy for Children Sue Knight & Carol Collins The Australian Values Education Framework: no justification required? Peter G. Woolcock Using class rules to teach values Yip Meng Fai, Dennis Au Seh Hon & Quek Choon Lang Analysing my students’ face-to-face philosophy classroom discussions: an exploratory study Felicity Haynes On the possibility of philosophical pigs Clinton Golding Inquiry is thinking is democracy