CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS / ABSTRACTS PUBLISHED CHARLES W. MYLES June 29, 2007 1. “Theory of Higher Order Acoustic Paramagnetic Resonance Transitions of Magnetic Impurities in Dielectrics,” C.W. Myles, P.A. Fedders, Midwest Solid State Physics Conf., Iowa State U., Ames, IA, Oct. 7-8, 1972. 2. “On Higher Order Acoustic Paramagnetic Resonance Transitions,” C.W. Myles, P.A. Fedders, Bull. APS 18, 477 (1973); APS Meeting, San Diego, March 19-22, 1973. 3. “Dynamical Aspects of the High Temperature Heisenberg Paramagnet,” C. Myles, P. Fedders, Bull. APS 19, 370 (1974); APS Meeting, Philadelphia, March 25-28, 1974. 4. “Dynamical Spin Correlation Functions in a System of Randomly Distributed Spins -n with r Interactions,” P.A. Fedders, C.W. Myles, C. Ebner, 20th Annual Conf. on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 3-6, 1974. 5. “Theoretical Study of Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Solid H2,” C.W. Myles, C. Ebner, Bull. APS 20, 463 (1975); APS Meeting, Denver, March 31- April 3, 1975. 6. “Incoherent, Quasielastic Neutron Scattering From Solid H2,” C. Ebner, C.W. Myles, 14th International Low Temperature Conf., Orsay, France, June 10-14, 1975. 7. “Dynamics of the Heisenberg Model at Finite Temperatures,” (INVITED) C.W. Myles, International Conf. on Magnetism, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sept. 6-10, 1976. 8. “Size Dependence of the CESR g-Shift in a Small Metal Particle,” C.W. Myles, J. Buttet, First International Conf. on Small Particles, Lyons, France, Sept. 13-17, 1976. 9. “Model Calculation of the Size Dependence of the CESR g-Shift in a Small Metal Particle” C.W. Myles, J. Buttet, Bull. APS 22, 271 (1977); APS Meeting, San Diego, March 21-24, 1977. 10. “Effects of a Uniaxial Anisotropy Energy on the High Temperature Spin Dynamics of Paramagnets, “ C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 22, 376 (1977); APS Meeting, San Diego, March 21-24, 1977. 11. “Size Dependence of the CESR g-Shift in a Small Sodium Particle,” C.W. Myles, J. Buttet, Bull. APS 23, 337 (1978); APS Meeting, Washington DC, March 27-30, 1978. 12. “A Model for Lattice Vibrations of a Disordered Alloy,” C.W. Myles, J.D. Dow, Bull. APS 23, 398 (1978); APS Meeting, Washington DC, March 27-30, 1978. 13. “Lattice Vibrations in Alloys,” (INVITED) C.W. Myles, Midwest Solid State Theory Symposium, Ford Motor Research Labs, Dearborn, MI, Oct. 9-10, 1978. 14. “Spectra of Binary Alloys,” C.W. Myles, J.D. Dow, Bull. APS 24, 395 (1979); APS Meeting, Chicago, March 19-23, 1979. 15. “Spectra of Ternary Alloys,” J.D. Dow, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 24, 395 (1979); APS Meeting, Chicago, March 19-23, 1979. 16. “Size Dependence of the CESR g-Shift in a Small Sodium Particle,” J. Buttet, R. Car, C.W. Myles, Helvetica Physica Acta 52, 363 (1980); Swiss Physical Society Meeting, Basel, Switzerland, April 5-6, 1979 17. “Vibrational Spectra of Binary and Ternary Alloys,” C.W. Myles, Texas Section AAPT Meeting, Abilene, TX, Nov. 15-17, 1979. 18. “Theory of Alloy Broadening of Persistent Impurity Spectra,” C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 25, 348 (1980); APS Meeting, New York, March 17-21, 1980. 19. “Effect of Local Disorder on Impurity Spectra In Alloys,” C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 26, 475 (1981); APS Meeting, Phoenix, March 16-20, 1981. 20. “Embedded Cluster Calculations of Electronic Spectra for a One-Dimensional Ternary Alloy,” Y.-T. Shen, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 27, 155 (1982); APS Meeting, Dallas, March 8-12, 1982. 21. “Coherent Potential Approximation for Lattice Vibrations in a Quaternary Alloy,” J. Gregg, C. Myles, Bull. APS 27, 243 (1982); APS Meeting, Dallas, March 8-12, 1982. 22. “Quantum Size Effects in the Dielectric Function of Small Metal Particles,” A. Ray, C. Myles, Bull. APS 28, 284 (1983); APS Meeting, Los Angeles, March 21- 25, 1983. 23. “Chemical Trends for Deep Levels Produced by Vacancy-Impurity Pairs in Covalent Semiconductors,” C.W. Myles, O.F. Sankey, Bull. APS 28, 290 (1983); APS Meeting, Los Angeles, March 21-25, 1983. 24. “Electronic Cross Sections for Excitons Bound to the Zinc-Oxygen Pair in GaP,” P. Snyder, M. Gundersen, C. Myles, Bull. APS 28, 412 (1983); APS Meeting, Los Angeles, March 21-25, 1983. 25. “Coherent Potential Approximation Calculations of Phonon Spectra in a Quaternary Alloy,” J.R. Gregg, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 28, 531 (1983); APS Meeting, Los Angeles, March 21-25, 1983. 26. “Persistence and Amalgamation Behavior of Spectra in Ternary Alloys,” Y. Shen, C. Myles, Bull. APS 28, 531 (1983); APS Meeting, Los Angeles, March 21-25, 1983. 27. “Diagonal and Off-Diagonal Disorder Contributions to Alloy Scattering in the CPA,” P. Fedders, B. Shrauner, C. Myles, Bull. APS 28, 554 (1983); APS Meeting, Los Angeles, March 21-25, 1983. 28. “Lattice Vibrational Spectra in Quaternary Alloys,” J.R. Gregg, C.W. Myles, Sigma Xi Conference on Research, Lubbock, March 21-22, 1984. 29. “Electronic Spectra in Quaternary Alloys, J. Shen, C.W. Myles, Sigma Xi Conference on Research, Lubbock, March 21-22, 1984. 30. “Electronic Spectra in Ternary Alloys,” Y.-T. Shen, C.W. Myles, Sigma Xi Conference on Research, Lubbock, March 21-22, 1984. 31. “Alloy Broadening of Impurity Electronic Spectra in Ternary Alloys,”, W.C. Ford, C.W. Myles, Sigma Xi Conference on Research, Lubbock, March 21-22, 1984. 32. “Lattice Vibrational Spectra in Quaternary Alloys,” J. Gregg, C. Myles, Meeting of Southwestern & Rocky Mountain Div. AAAS, Lubbock, March 27-31, 1984. 33. “Theory of Electronic Spectra in Quaternary Alloys, J. Shen, C.W. Myles, Meeting of Southwestern & Rocky Mountain Division AAAS, Lubbock, March 27-31, 1984. 34. “Calculations of Electronic Spectra in Ternary Alloys,” Y. Shen, C. Myles, Meeting of Southwestern & Rocky Mountain Division AAAS, Lubbock, March 27-31, 1984. 35. “ Alloy Broadening of Impurity Spectra for a Ternary Alloy,” W. Ford, C. Myles, Meeting of Southwest & Rocky Mountain Div. AAAS, Lubbock, March 27-31, 1984. 36. “Tightbinding Theory of Alloy Scattering in Semiconducting Alloys,” P.A. Fedders, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 29, 402 (1984); APS Meeting, Detroit, March 26-30, 1984. 37. “Hartree-Fock, Configuration Interaction Calculations on Metal Clusters,” A. Ray, J. Fry, C. Myles, Bull. APS 29, 444 (1984); APS Meeting, Detroit, March 26-30, 1984. 38. “Calculated & Measured GaP:N Luminescence,” P. Snyder, M. Gundersen, C. Myles, 20th International Luminescence Conf., Madison, WI, Aug. 13-16, 1984. 39. “Electronic Structure of Semiconducting Alloys: Coherent Potential Approximation Using sp3s* Bandstructures,” Y.-T. Shen, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 30, 1036 (1985); Texas Section APS Meeting, Houston, Nov. 16-17, 1984. 40. “Defect Center Identification in Hg1-xCdxTe Using Energy Level Composition Dependence,” C.W. Myles, P.F. Williams, R.A. Chapman, E.G. Bylander, Bull. APS 30, 1036 (1985); Texas Section APS Meeting, Houston, Nov. 16-17, 1984. 41. “Effects of Alloy Disorder on the Deep Level Spectrum of Nitrogen in AlxGa1-xAs,” W.C. Ford, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 30, 1036 (1985); Texas Section APS Meeting, Houston, Nov. 16-17, 1984. 42. “Coherent Potential Approximation for the Electronic Structure of Quaternary Semiconducting Alloys of the Type AxByC1-x-yD,” J.R. Gregg, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 30, 1037 (1985); Texas Section APS Meeting, Houston, Nov. 16-17, 1984. 43. “Alloy Broadening of Deep Level Spectra in Semiconductor Alloys: Oxygen in AlxGa1-xAs,” W.C. Ford, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 30, 1099 (1985); Texas Section APS Meeting, Houston, March 8-9, 1985. 44. “Phonon Assisted Recombination at Impurity Sites in Semiconductors: A Method to Test Calculated Impurity Wavefunctions,” C. Myles, P. Snyder, M. Gundersen, Bull. APS 30, 1100 (1985); Texas Section APS Meeting, Houston, TX, March 8-9, 1985. 45. “Impurity State Charge Densities and Phonon Sidebands in Luminescence: A Correlation,” P.G. Snyder, H.-H. Dai, M.A. Gundersen, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 30, 303 (1985); APS Meeting, Baltimore, March 25-29, 1985. 46. “Energy Level Composition Dependence as an Aid to Defect Center Identification in Hg1-xCdxTe,” C.W. Myles, P.F. Williams, R.A. Chapman, E.G. Bylander, Bull. APS 30, 417 (1985); APS Meeting, Baltimore, March 25-29, 1985. 47. “Hartree-Fock Calculation of Electron States in Aggregates of Lithium and Beryllium Atoms,” A. K. Ray, J.L. Fry, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 30, 603 (1985); APS Meeting, Baltimore, March 25-29, 1985. 48. “Electronic Structure of Quaternary Semiconducting Alloys of the Type AxByC1-x-yD: Coherent Potential Approximation,” J.R. Gregg, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 30, 653 (1985); APS Meeting, Baltimore, March 25-29, 1985. 49. “Effect of Alloy Disorder on Deep Levels in Hg1-xCdxTe,” (INVITED) C.W. Myles, W.C. Ford, 1985 U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of Mercury Cadmium Telluride,” San Diego, Oct. 8-10, 1985. 50. “Effects of Alloy Disorder on Schottky Barrier Heights,” C.W. Myles, S.-F. Ren, R.E. Allen, S.-Y. Ren, Bull. APS 31, 1004 (1986); Texas Section APS Meeting, College Station, Nov. 8-9, 1985. 51. “Chemical Trends for Deep Levels Associated with Vacancy-Impurity Complexes in Semiconductors,” Y.-T. Shen, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 31, 1005 (1986); Texas Section APS Meeting, College Station, Nov. 8-9, 1985. 52. “Core Curriculum for Graduate Physics Education: Still Relevant?” Panel Discussion; C. Myles, D. Holcomb, R.Tribble, J. Thompson, S. Baker, Bull. APS 31, 1000 (1986); Texas Section APS/AAPT Meeting, College Station, Nov. 8-9, 1985. 53. “Deep Level Wavefunctions in Semiconductors,” H.-H. Dai, M.A. Gundersen, C.W. Myles, IEEE Quantum Electronics Meeting, Los Angeles, Nov. 11, 1985. 54. “Deep Levels Produced by Vacancy-Impurity Complexes” Y. Shen, C. Myles, Bull. APS 31, 292 (1986); APS Meeting, Las Vegas, March 31-April 1, 1986. 55. “Spectra of Bound Excitons in Semiconductor Alloys,” C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, Bull. APS 31, 297 (1986); APS Meeting, Las Vegas, March 31- April 1, 1986. 56. “Semiempirical Formalism for Wavevector Dependent, Deep Level Wavefunctions in Semiconductors,” H.-H. Dai, M.A. Gundersen, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 31, 503 (1986); APS Meeting, Las Vegas, March 31-April 1, 1986. 57. “Model for Phonon Assisted Indirect Recombination at N Bound Excitons in GaP,” M.A. Gundersen, H.-H. Dai, C.W. Myles, P.G. Snyder, Bull. APS 31, 504 (1986); APS Meeting, Las Vegas, March 31-April 1, 1986. 58. “Alloy Disorder Effects on Schottky Barrier Heights,” C. Myles, S. Ren, R. Allen, SY Ren, Bull. APS 31, 537 (1986); APS Meeting, Las Vegas, Mar. 31-April 1, 1986. 59. “Alloy Scattering Contributions to the Mobility in III-V Semiconductor Alloys: CPA Calculations,” J.R. Gregg, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 31, 693 (1986); APS Meeting, Las Vegas, March 31-April 1, 1986. 60. “Alloy Broadening of N Deep Level in GaxIn1-xP,” S. Ekpenuma, C. Myles, W. Ford, Bull. APS 33, 1121 (1988); Texas Section APS Meeting, Abilene, March 6-7, 1987. 61. “Defect Identification in GaAs1-xPx Using Energy Level Composition Dependences,” C.W. Myles, Y.-T. Shen, E.G. Bylander, Bull. APS 33, 1121 (1988); Texas Section APS Meeting, Abilene, March 6-7, 1987. 62. “Alloy Scattering Contributions to Mobility in Semiconductor Alloys,” J. Gregg, C. Myles, Bull. APS 33, 1121 (1988); Texas Section APS Meeting, Abilene, March 6-7, 1987. 63. “Time Resolved Luminescence in GaAs1-xPx:N and Ga1-xInxP:N,” H.P. Hjalmarson, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 32, 555 (1987); APS Meeting, NY, March 16-20, 1987. 64. “Effects of Alloy Disorder on Deep Levels in Semiconductor Alloys,” W.C. Ford, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 32, 656 (1987); APS Meeting, NY, March 16-20, 1987. 65. “Energy Level Composition Dependence & Defect Identification in GaAs 1-xPx,” C. Myles, Y. Shen, E. Bylander, Bull. APS 32, 657 (1987); APS Meeting, NY, March 16-20, 1987. 66. “CPA Theory of Alloy Scattering Contributions to the Mobility in Semiconductor Alloys,” J.R. Gregg, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 32, 657 (1987); APS Meeting, NY, March 16-20, 1987. 67. “Charge State Splittings of Deep Levels in Hg1-xCdxTe,” C.W. Myles, 1987 US Workshop on Physics & Chemistry of Hg1-xCdxTe, New Orleans, Oct. 6-9, 1987. 68. “Electronic Structure of Quaternary Semiconductor Alloys of the Type AxB1-xCyD1-y: Coherent Potential Approximation,” S.N. Ekpenuma, C.W. Myles, J.R. Gregg, Bull. APS 33, 303 (1988); APS Meeting, New Orleans, March 21-25, 1988. 69. “Effects of Charge State Splittings on Deep Levels in Hg1-xCdxTe,” C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 33, 483 (1988); APS Meeting, New Orleans, March 21-25, 1988. 70. “Alloy Broadening of the Deep Electronic Levels Associated with the As Vacancy in AlxGa1-xAs,” W.C. Ford, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 33, 567 (1988); APS Meeting, New Orleans, March 21-25, 1988. 71. “Avalanche Breakdown in Semiconductors: Microscopic Aspects,” (INVITED) C.W. Myles, Workshop on Optically and Electron Beam Controlled Semiconductor Switches, Norfolk, VA, May 23-24, 1988. 72. “Electronic Properties of Hg1-x-yCdxZnyTe,” S.N. Ekpenuma, C.W. Myles, 1988 U.S. Workshop on Physics & Chemistry of Hg1-xCdxTe, Orlando. FL , Oct. 11-13, 1988. 73. “Effect of Alloy Disorder on the Deep Electronic Levels Associated with the Anion Vacancy in GaAs1-xPx,” S.-A. Tang, C.W. Myles, W.C. Ford, Bull. APS 34, 1508 (1989); Texas Section APS Meeting, Lubbock, Nov. 4-5, 1988. 74. “Semiempirical Tightbinding Bandstructures for ZnTe,” S. Ekpenuma, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 34, 1508 (1989); Texas Section APS Meeting, Lubbock, Nov. 4-5, 1988. 75. “Theory of Optical Cross Sections of Deep Levels in Covalently Bonded Semiconductors,” L.R. Hauenstein, C.W. Myles, , Bull. APS 34, 1509 (1989); Texas Section APS Meeting, Lubbock, Nov. 4-5, 1988. 76. “Alloy Scattering Contributions to the Mobility in AlxGa1-xAs,” J. Gregg, C. Myles, Bull. APS 34, 1509 (1989); Texas Section APS Meeting, Lubbock, Nov. 4-5, 1988. 77. “Avalanche Breakdown in p-n AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunctions,” C. Myles, M. Gundersen, J. Hur, Bull. APS 34, 1509 (1989); Texas Section APS Meeting, Lubbock, Nov. 4-5, 1988. 78. “Effect of Zn on Electronic Properties of Hg1-x-yCdxZnyTe,” S. Ekpenuma, C. Myles, Bull. APS 34, 1518 (1989); Texas Section APS Meeting, Lubbock, Nov. 4-5, 1988. 79. “Deep Levels Associated with Triplet-Impurity Complexes in GaP,” Y. Shen, W. Li, C. Myles, Bull. APS 34, 1518 (1989); Texas Section APS Meeting, Lubbock, Nov. 45, 1988. 80. “Effect of Lattice Relaxation on Deep Levels in GaP,” W.-G. Li, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 34, 1518 (1989); Texas Section APS Meeting, Lubbock, Nov. 4-5, 1988. 81. “Effect of Zn on the Electronic Properties of Hg1-x-yCdxZnyTe,” S. Ekpenuma, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 34, 832 (1989); APS Meeting, St. Louis, March 20-24, 1989. 82. “Avalanche Breakdown in p-n AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunctions,” C. Myles, M. Gundersen, J. Hur, Bull. APS 34, 1001 (1989); APS Meeting, St. Louis, March 20-24, 1989. 83. “Effect of Lattice Relaxation on Deep Levels in GaP,” W.-G. Li, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 34, 551 (1989); APS Meeting, St. Louis, March 20-24, 1989. 84. “Quantum Mechanical Origins of Angular Forces in Semiconductors,” A. Carlsson, P. Fedders, C. Myles, Bull. APS 34, 551 (1989); APS Meeting, St. Louis, March 2024, 1989. 85. “Avalanche Breakdown & Impact Ionization in p-n AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunctions,” C. Myles, M. Gundersen, J. Hur, Pulsed Power Conf., Monterey, June 12-16, 1989. 86. “Temperature and Composition Dependence of Avalanche Breakdown in AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunctions,” C.W. Myles, J.H. Hur, M.A. Gundersen, Bull. APS 35, 1110 (1990); Texas Section APS Meeting, San Antonio, Oct. 20-21, 1989. 87. “Lattice Relaxation Effects on Deep Levels in Si and GaP,” W. Li, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 35, 1111 (1990); Texas Section APS Meeting, San Antonio, Oct. 20-21, 1989. 88. “Microhardness of Zn-Containing II-VI Alloy Semiconductors,” S.N. Ekpenuma, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 35, 330 (1990); APS Meeting, Anaheim, March 12-16, 1990. 89. “Molecular Dynamics Approach to Lattice Relaxation Effects on Deep Levels” W. Li, C. Myles, Bull. APS 35, 667 (1990); APS Meeting, Anaheim, March 12-16, 1990. 90. “Composition and Temperature Dependence of Avalanche Breakdown in AlGaAs/GaAs Heterojunctions,” C.W. Myles, J.H. Hur, M.A. Gundersen, Bull. APS 35, 738 (1990); APS Meeting, Anaheim, March 12-16, 1990. 91. “Avalanche Breakdown Characteristics of AlGaAs/GaAs p-n Heterojunctions for Pulsed Power Applications,” J.H. Hur, M.A. Gundersen, C.W. Myles, 1990 Power Modulator Symposium, San Diego, June 26-28, 1990. 92. “Lock-On in Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches,” H. Zhao, J.H. Hur, M. A. Gundersen, C.W. Myles, 1990 Optical Society Conf., Boston, MA, Nov. 4-6, 1990. 93. “Effects of Lattice Relaxation on Deep Levels & Their Wavefunctions,” W. Li, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 36, 967 (1991); APS Meeting, Cincinnati, March 18-22, 1991. 94. “Impact Ionization Rates in Semiconductors,” S.-A. Tang, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 36, 709 (1991); APS Meeting, Cincinnati, March 18-22, 1991. 95. “Model for Alloy Hardening of III-V Semiconductor Alloys,” C. Myles, S. Ekpenuma, Bull. APS 36, 671 (1991); APS Meeting, Cincinnati, March 18-22, 1991. 96. “Model for 'Lock-On' Effect in Semiconductor Switches,” H. Zhao, J. Hur, P. Hadizad, M. Gundersen, C. Myles, Bull. APS 36, 985 (1991); APS Meeting, Cincinnati, March 18-22, 1991. 97. “Lattice Relaxation Effects on Deep Levels in Semiconductors,” W. Li, C. Myles, Meeting, Southwestern & Rocky Mountain Div. AAAS, Lubbock, May 15-18, 1991. 98. “Impact Ionization in Semiconductors,” S.-A. Tang, C.W. Myles, Meeting of Southwestern & Rocky Mountain Division AAAS, Lubbock, May 15-18, 1991. 99. “Alloy Hardening of III-V Semiconductor Alloys,” C. Myles, S. Ekpenuma, Meeting, Southwestern & Rocky Mountain Division AAAS, Lubbock, May 15-18, 1991. 100. “Lattice Relaxation Effects on Deep Levels: Molecular Dynamics Calculations,” C. Myles, W. Li, 16th International Conf. Defects in Semiconductors, Bethlehem, PA, July 22-26, 1991. 101. “Microhardness of Mercury Containing II-VI Alloys,” C.W. Myles, S.N. Ekpenuma, 1991 US Workshop on the Physics & Chemistry of Hg1-xCdxTe, Dallas, Oct. 8-10, 1991. 102. “Critical Stress of Hg1-xCdxTe Solid Solutions,” S. Ekpenuma, C. Myles, 1991 US Workshop on the Physics & Chemistry of Hg1-xCdxTe, Dallas, Oct. 8-10, 1991. 103. “Lattice Relaxation Effects on Deep Levels in Semiconductors: Silicon and the III-V Materials,” W.-G. Li, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 37, 1162 (1992); Texas Section APS Meeting, Denton, Nov. 1-2, 1991. 104. “Effect of Lattice Relaxation on Deep Levels in II-VI Semiconductors,” X. Zhang, C.W. Myles, W.-G. Li, S.N. Ekpenuma, Bull. APS 37, 1162 (1992); Texas Section APS Meeting, Denton, Nov. 1-2, 1991. 105. “Model for Microhardness of Semiconductor Alloys,” C. Myles, S. Ekpenuma, Bull. APS 37, 1162 (1992); Texas Section APS Meeting, Denton, Nov. 1-2, 1991. 106. “Critical Stress & Microhardness of Semiconductor Solid Solutions,” S. Ekpenuma, C. Myles, Bull. APS 37, 149 (1992); APS Meeting, Indianapolis, March 16-20, 1992. 107. “Effects of Lattice Relaxation on Deep Levels in Hg1-xCdxTe, Hg1-xZnxTe, and other II-VI Materials,” C.W. Myles, X. Zhang, W.-G. Li, S.N. Ekpenuma, Bull. APS 37, 498 (1992); APS Meeting, Indianapolis, March 16-20, 1992. 108. “Lattice Relaxation Effects on Deep Levels in HgCdTe and HgZnTe, C.W. Myles, X. Zhang, W.-G. Li, S.N. Ekpenuma, Meeting of Southwestern & Rocky Mountain Division AAAS, Tucson, May 17-20, 1992. 109. “Deep Levels in HgCdTe, HgZnTe, and CdZnTe, Including Lattice Relaxation Effects,” C.W. Myles, X. Zhang, W.-G. Li, S.N. Ekpenuma, Bull. APS 38, 1172 (1993); Texas Section APS Meeting, Houston, Nov. 7-8, 1992. 110. “Semiempirical Total Energy Functional for Molecular Dynamics Simulations in a-Si:H,” Y.K. Park, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 38, 1172 (1993); Texas Section APS Meeting, Houston, Nov. 7-8, 1992. 111. “Semiempirical Total Energy Functional for Si-H Interactions in Solids,” C.W. Myles, Y.K. Park, Bull. APS 38, 3321 (1993); Texas Section APS Meeting, Edinburgh, March 12-13, 1993. 112. “Deep Levels in HgCdTe, HgZnTe, and CdZnTe, Including Lattice Relaxation,” C.W. Myles, X. Zhang, W.-G. Li, S.N. Ekpenuma, Bull. APS 38, 1051(1993); APS Meeting, Seattle, March 22-26, 1993. 113. “Quantum Mechanical Impact Ionization Rates for Semiconductors,” S.-A. Tang, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 38, 517 (1993); APS Meeting, Seattle, March 22-26, 1993. 114. “Total Energy Functional for Molecular Dynamics Simulations in a-Si:H,” Y. Park, C. Myles, Bull. APS 38, 372 (1993); APS Meeting, Seattle, March 22-26, 1993. 115. “Deep Levels in Semiconductors: Overview of Theory,” (INVITED) C. Myles, Meeting, Southwest & Rocky Mountain Div. AAAS, Albuquerque, May 23-27, 1993. 116. “Materials for Use in Pulsed Power Solid State Switches,” (INVITED) C. W. Myles, Sixth Ballistic Missile Defense Organization / Office of Naval Research Pulsed Power Meeting, Chicago, August 8-11, 1993. 117. “Total Energy Functional for Silicon-Hydrogen Interactions in Solids,” C. Myles, Y. Park, Bull. APS 39, 538 (1994); Texas Section APS Meeting, College Station, Oct. 22-23, 1993. 118. “Deep Level Impact Ionization Effects on Avalanche Breakdown in p-n Junctions,” S. Kang, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 39, 550 (1994); Texas Section APS Meeting, Dallas, March 3-5, 1994. 119. “Total Energy Functional for Si-H Interactions in Semiconductors,” C. Myles, Y. Park, Bull. APS 39, 332 (1994); APS Meeting, Pittsburgh, March 21-25, 1994. 120. “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Defect Formation in a-Si:H,” Y. Park, C.W. Myles, Bull. APS 39, 332 (1994); APS Meeting, Pittsburgh, March 21-25, 1994. 121. “Effect of Deep Level Impact Ionization on Avalanche Breakdown in GaAs p-n Junctions,” S. Kang, C. Myles, Bull. APS 39, 444 (1994); APS Meeting, Pittsburgh, March 21-25, 1994. 122. “Semiempirical Total Energy Functional For Semiconductors: Application to Molecular Dynamics in Si and Si:H Systems,” (INVITED) C. Myles, 1994 Molecular Dynamics Workshop, U. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, May 20-22, 1994. 123. “Semiconductors in Pulsed Power Switching,” (INVITED) C. W. Myles, Seventh Ballistic Missile Defense Organization / Office of Naval Research Pulsed Power Meeting, Boston, Aug. 9-12, 1994. 124. “Impact Ionization Model of `Lock-On' in InP,” S. Kang, C. Myles, Bull. APS 40, 205 (1995); Texas Section APS Meeting, Austin, Oct. 16-17, 1994. 125. “Impact Ionization Model of `Lock-On' in InP Photoconductive Switches,” C. Myles, S. Kang, H. Hjalmarson, Bull. APS 40, 77 (1995); APS Meeting, San Jose, March 20-24, 1995. 126. “Simulation of 'Lock-On' in GaAs Using a Hybrid Monte Carlo-Hydrodynamic Transport Technique,” S. Kang, C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, Bull. APS 40, 77 (1995); APS Meeting, San Jose, March 20-24, 1995. 127. “Molecular Dynamics Study of Defect Formation in a-Si:H,” C.W. Myles, Y.K. Park, Bull. APS 40, 339 (1995); APS Meeting, San Jose, March 20-24, 1995. 128. “Molecular Dynamics Study of the Vacancy and Vacancy Hydrogen Complexes in Silicon,” Y.K. Park, S.K. Estreicher, C.W. Myles, P.A. Fedders, Bull. APS 40, 339 (1995); APS Meeting, San Jose, March 20-24, 1995. 129. “Simulation of 'Lock-On' in Semiconductor Switches,” (INVITED) C.W. Myles, Eighth Ballistic Missile Defense Organization / Office of Naval Research Pulsed Power Meeting, Chicago, Aug. 8-10, 1995. 130. “Molecular Dynamics Study of Defect Formation in a-Si:H Using 224 Atom Supercells”, B. Ha, C.W. Myles, Y.K. Park, P.A. Fedders, Bull. APS 41, 1552 (1996); Texas Section APS Meeting, Lubbock, Oct. 26-28, 1995. 131. “An Impact Ionization Model for Lock-On Current Filaments in GaAs,” S. Kang, C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, Bull. APS 41, 1561 (1996); Texas Section APS Meeting, Lubbock, Oct. 26-28, 1995. 132. “Lifetime Considerations in GaAs Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches”, S. Kang, C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, Bull. APS 41, 369 (1996); APS Meeting, St. Louis, March 18-22, 1996. 133. “Molecular Dynamics Study of Defect Formation in a-Si:H Using 224 and 232 Atom Supercells,” B. Ha, C. Myles, Bull. APS 41, 442 (1996); APS Meeting, St. Louis, March 18-22, 1996. 134. “Electric Field Non-Uniformities in GaAs Switches,” S. Kang, C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, 1996 High Voltage Workshop, Los Angeles, May 8-10, 1996. 135. “Large Supercell Molecular Dynamics Study of Defect Formation in a-Si:H,” B. Ha, C. Myles, Y. Park, P. Fedders, Bull. APS 42, 1562 (1997); Texas Section APS Meeting, Arlington, Oct. 10-12, 1996. 136. “An Impact Ionization Model for Lock-On Current Filaments in GaAs,” S. Kang, C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, Bull. APS 42, 1564 (1997); Texas Section APS Meeting, Arlington, Oct. 10-12, 1996. 137. “Field Non-Uniformities in GaAs Switches,” S. Kang, C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, Bull. APS 42, 369 (1997); APS Meeting, Kansas City, March 17-21, 1997. 138. “Molecular Dynamics Study of Defect Formation in a-Si:H Using 224 and 232 Atom Supercells,” B. Ha, C. Myles, Bull. APS 42, 442 (1997); APS Meeting, Kansas City, March 17-21, 1997. 139. “MS Program in Semiconductor Physics with Internships in the Semiconductor Industry,” (INVITED) C.W. Myles, National Workshop on the Future of Graduate Education in the Sciences, U. of Nebraska, Lincoln, June 11-13, 1997. 140. “Semiempirical Molecular Dynamics Methods to Probe Semiconductor Properties,” (INVITED) C.W. Myles, Workshop on Computer Simulation Methods in Condensed Matter, U. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, Aug. 6-8, 1997. 141. “Non-uniform Field Distributions in GaAs Switches,” S. Kang, C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, Bull. APS 43, 1442 (1998); Texas Section APS Meeting, Denton, Oct. 16-18, 1997. 142. “A Monte Carlo Calculation of 'Lock-on' Filament Properties,” S. Kang, C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, E. Kunhardt, Bull. APS 43, 392 (1998); APS Meeting, Los Angeles, March 16-20, 1998. 143. “Molecular Dynamics Calculation of Defect Formation in a-Si:H,” B. Ha, C. Myles, Y. Park, Bull. APS 43, 532 (1998); APS Meeting, Los Angeles, March 16-20, 1998. 144. “Quantum Mechanical Impact Ionization Rates in Semiconductors,” C. Myles, Bull. APS 43, 603 (1998); APS Meeting, Los Angeles, March 16-20, 1998. 145. “Impact Ionization and Lock-On in GaAs,” S. Kang, C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, Bull. APS 44, 285 (1999); Texas Section APS Meeting, El Paso, Oct. 15-17, 1998. 146. “MS in Applied Physics with Semiconductor Industry Internships,” (INVITED) C. Myles, Workshop on Physics Graduate Education, U. of Kansas, Manhattan, March 11-13, 1998. 147. “Monte Carlo Simulations of Impact Ionization and Lock-On in GaAs,” (INVITED) C.W. Myles, Workshop on Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches, U. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Dec. 11-12, 1998. 148. “Monte Carlo Simulations of Impact Ionization and Lock-On in GaAs,” S. Kang. C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, Bull. APS 44, 1680 (1999). APS Meeting, Atlanta, March 20- 26, 1999. 149. “Steady State Properties of Lock-On Current Filaments,” K. Kambour, S. Kang. C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, Bull. APS 44, 1680 (1999). APS Meeting, Atlanta, March 20- 26, 1999. 150. “Monte Carlo Simulations of Lock-On and Impact Ionization in GaAs,” S. Kang, C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, 12th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, June 2730, 1999. 151. “Steady State Properties of Lock-on Current Filaments in GaAs,” K. Kambour, S. Kang, C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, 12th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, June 27-30, 1999. 152. “A Collective Impact Ionization Theory of Lock-on” H. Hjalmarson, G. Loubriel, F. Zutavern, D. Wake, S. Kang, K. Kambour, C. Myles, 12th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, June 27-30, 1999. 153. “Lock-on Current Filaments in GaAs,” K. Kambour, S. Kang, C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, Texas Section APS Meeting, Austin, Oct. 28-30, 1999. Bull. APS 45, 1230 (2000). 154. “Monte Carlo and Steady State Simulations of Lock-On in GaAs,” C. Myles, Workshop on Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches, U. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Dec. 17-18, 1999. 155. “The Quasi-Equilibrium Approximation for Lock-on Current Filaments in GaAs,” K. Kambour, S. Kang. C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, APS Meeting, Minneapolis, March 20-24, 2000. Bull. APS 45, 1028 (2000). 156. “MS in Applied Physics with Semiconductor Industry Internships,” C. Myles, Oral Presentation to National Workshop on Career and Professional Development, APS Meeting, Minneapolis, March 19, 2000. 157. “Theoretical Calculations of the Thermal Conductivity in Framework Semiconductors,” J. Dong, O. Sankey, C. Myles, G. Ramachandran, P. McMillan, J. Gryko, MRS Meeting, San Francisco, April 24-28, 2000. 158. “Master of Science in Applied Physics at Texas Tech University: Internship in the Semiconductor Industry,” C.W. Myles, New England Section Meeting of APS, New Britain, CT, Nov. 11, 2000. 159. “Structural, Electronic, and Vibrational Properties of Group IV Clathrate Materials”, O. F. Sankey, J.J. Dong, and C.W. Myles, 4th Canadian Computational Chemistry Conference, Montreal, Canada, August 1-4, 2000. 160. “Carrier-carrier Scattering in GaAs PCSS’s”, K. Kambour, C. Myles, H. Hjalmarson, APS Meeting, Seattle, March 12-16, 2001. Bull. APS 46, 151 (2001). 161. “Structural, Electronic, and Vibrational Properties of Tin Clathrate Materials,” C. Myles, J. Dong, O. Sankey, APS Meeting, Seattle, March 12-16, 2001. Bull. APS 46, 936 (2001). 162. “Theoretical Study of the Lattice Thermal Conductivity in Ge Framework Semiconductors; Effects of the Framework and of ‘Rattlers’,” O. Sankey, J. Dong, C. Myles, APS Meeting, Seattle, March 12-16, 2001. Bull. APS 46, 936 (2001). 163. “Theoretical Investigation of Rattling Vibrational Modes in Type-II Clathrates,” A. Poddar, O. Sankey, J. Dong, C. Myles, APS Meeting, Seattle, March 12-16, 2001. Bull. APS 46, 936 (2001). 164. “Applied Physics MS with Internship in the Semiconductor Industry,” C.W. Myles, Poster presentation to National Workshop on Career and Professional Development, APS Meeting, Seattle, March 11, 2001. 165. “Cs ‘Rattlers’ in Sn-Based Clathrate Semiconductors,” C.W. Myles, J.J. Dong, and O.F. Sankey, INVITED presentation to the 3rd Motorola Phoenix Workshop on Computational Materials Science and Electronics, Tempe, AZ, Nov. 12-14, 2001. 166. “Theoretical Study of Rattling Atoms and Their Influence on the Lattice Thermal Conductivity in Clathrate-Framework Semiconductors,” O.F. Sankey, J.J. Dong, and C.W. Myles, INVITED presentation, MRS Meeting, Boston, Nov. 26-30, 2001. 167. “Theoretical Study of Rattling Atoms in Tin-Based Type II Clathrate Materials,” C.W. Myles, J.J. Dong, and O.F. Sankey, APS Meeting, Indianapolis, March 18-22, 2002. Bull. APS 47, 105 (2002). 168. “Theoretical Investigation of High-pressure Synthesis of Carbon-Based Clathrate Materials and Their Properties, J.J. Dong, C.W. Myles, and O.F. Sankey, APS Meeting, Indianapolis, March 18-22, 2002. Bull. APS 47, 1196 (2002). 169. “A General Collective Breakdown Theory with Application to the Lock-on Effect in PCSS’s,” K. Kambour, C.W. Myles, and H.P. Hjalmarson, APS Meeting, Indianapolis, March 18-22, 2002. Bull. APS 47, 269 (2002). 170. “GaAs and Si FET-type Switches for Repetitive Pulsed Power Applications,” X. Gu, C.W. Myles, A. Kuthi, Q. Shui, and M. Gundersen, 2002 Power Modulator Conference & High Voltage Workshop, Hollywood, CA, June 30-July 3, 2002. 171. “Study of Rattling Atoms in Type I and Type II Clathrate Semiconductors,” C.W. Myles, J.J. Dong, and O.F. Sankey, INVITED presentation to 4th Motorola Workshop on Computational Electronics and Materials, Tempe, AZ, Nov. 14-15, 2002. 172. “A Collective Impact Ionization Theory of Electrical Breakdown,” K. Kambour, H.P. Hjalmarson, and C.W. Myles, APS Meeting, Austin, March 3-7, 2003. Bull. APS 48, 582 (2003). 173. “Study of Rattling Atoms in Type I and Type II Clathrate Semiconductors,” C.W. Myles, J.J. Dong, and O.F. Sankey, APS Meeting, Austin, March 3-7, 2003. Bull. APS 48, 386 (2003). 174. “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Thermal Transport Properties of Clathrate Materials,” J.J. Dong, invited presentation (acknowledgement to co-authors O.F. Sankey and C.W. Myles) to APS Meeting, Austin, March 3-7, 2003. Bull. APS 48, 385 (2003). 175. “A Collective Theory of Lock-on in Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches,” K. Kambour, H.P. Hjalmarson, and C.W. Myles, 14th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Dallas, TX, June 15-18, 2003. 176. “Comparison of Si, GaAs, SiC and GaN FET-Type Switches for Pulsed Power Applications,” X. Gu, Q. Shui, C.W. Myles and M.A. Gundersen, 14th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Dallas, TX, June 15-18, 2003. 177. “Simulations of a High Power 4H-SiC VJFET and Its GaAs Counterpart,” Q. Shui, X. Gu, C.W. Myles, M.S. Mazzola, and M.A. Gundersen, 14th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Dallas, TX, June 15-18, 2003. 178. “Theory of Optically-Triggered Electrical Breakdown in Semiconductors,” K. Kambour, H.P. Hjalmarson, and C.W. Myles, 2003 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Albuquerque, NM, October 19-22, 2003. 179. “A Collective Impact Ionization Theory of Lock-on in PCSS's,” K. Kambour, H.P. Hjalmarson, and C.W. Myles, Texas Section APS Meeting, Lubbock, TX, October 23-25, 2003. Bull. APS 48, 2986 (2003). 180. “Theoretical Investigation of Carbon-based Clathrate Materials,” C.W. Myles, J.J. Dong, and Otto F. Sankey, INVITED presentation to 5th Motorola Workshop on Computational Electronics and Materials, Austin, TX, Nov. 13-14, 2003. 181. “A Collective Theory of Optically-Triggered Breakdown in Semiconductors,” K. Kambour, H.P. Hjalmarson, and C.W. Myles, APS Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 22-26, 2004. 182. “Theoretical Investigation of Carbon-based Clathrate Materials,” C.W. Myles, J.J. Dong, and O.F. Sankey, APS Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 22-26, 2004. 183. “Investigation of 4H-SiC MIS Capacitors with TiO2 and Al2O3 as Gate Insulators,” Q. Shui, M.S. Mazzola, X. Gu, M.A. Gundersen, and C.W. Myles, 26th Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2004. 184. “Thermal-Electric Field Distribution around Contact/Semi-insulating GaAs interfaces in Photo Conductive Semiconductor Switches,” X. Gu, M.A. Gundersen, A. Mar, and C.W. Myles, 26th Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 23-26, 2004. 185. “A Theory of Low-field, High-carrier-density Breakdown in Semiconductors,” K. Kambour, H.P. Hjalmarson, and C.W. Myles, 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors July 26-30, 2004, Flagstaff, AZ. Bull. APS, 49, 2560 (2004). 186. “Texas Tech University’s Master of Science Program with Semiconductor Industry Internships," C.W. Myles, M.W. Holtz, and R.L. Lichti, Poster, Texas Section APS Meeting, Waco, TX, October 7-9, 2004. Bull. APS, 50, 181 (2005). 187. “Simulation of Current Filaments in Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches," K. Kambour, H.P. Hjalmarson, and C.W. Myles, APS Meeting, Los Angeles, California, March 21-25, 2005. Bull. APS, 50, 1154 (2005). 188. "Simulation of Electric Current in Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches," K. Kambour, H.P. Hjalmarson, C.W. Myles, and R.P. Joshi, 15th International IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, June 13-17, 2005, Monterey, CA. 189. “Structural and Electronic Properties of the Ge-based Clathrates Ge46 and Ba8Ge46,” E. Nenghabi, and C.W. Myles, Texas Section APS Meeting, Arlington, TX, Oct. 5-7, 2006. APS Web Link: 190. “Electronic Properties of the Na16Rb8Si136 and K16Rb8Si136 Clathrates,” K. Biswas, C.W. Myles, Texas Section APS Meeting, Arlington, TX, Oct. 5-7, 2006. APS Web Link: . 191. “Electronic and Vibrational Properties of Na16Rb8Si136 and K16Rb8Si136 Clathrates,” K. Biswas, C.W. Myles, APS Meeting, Denver, CO, March 5-9, 2007. APS Web Link: . 192. “Electronic & Vibrational Properties of the Clathrate Alloy Ba8Ga16Ge30-xSix,” E. Nenghabi, C. Myles, Texas Section APS Meeting, Abilene, TX, March 22-24, 2007. APS Web Link: 193. “Avalanche Injection and Lock-on in Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches,” poster, H.P. Hjalmarson, K. Kambour, C.W. Myles, R.P. Joshi, 17th International IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June 17-22, 2007. 194. “Rattling ‘Guest’ Impurities in Si and Ge Clathrate Semiconductors, ” C.W. Myles, K. Biswas, E. Nenghabi, 24th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors, Albuquerque, NM, July 22-27, 2007.