SECTION 1 Information for Teacher Candidates 2013-14 rev 8/2013 Page 1 California State University San Marcos School of Education SCHOOL OF EDUCATION MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the School of Education community is to collaboratively transform education. We: Create community through partnerships Promote and foster social justice and educational equity Advance innovative, student-centered practices Inspire reflective teaching and learning Conduct purposeful research Serve the School, College, University, and community rev 8/2013 Page 2 INFORMATION FOR TEACHER CANDIDATES During clinical practice, Teacher Candidates apply the theories and instructional strategies learned in your coursework. Your University Supervisor, Cooperating Teacher and On-Site Liaison will provide you mentorship and guidance. Our main priority is your successful professional development in your assigned clinical practice experience. Teacher Candidate Responsibilities: 1. Clinical Practice is considered a class. Be sure to register for the appropriate clinical practice, EDMS 571 or EDMS 572 before registration deadline. Candidates failing to register for clinical practice will be dropped from the roster, will receive No Credit for the experience, and will jeopardize their standing in the program. 2. Teacher Candidates must pass the CBEST and CSET prior to program admission. On rare occasions, Candidates may be granted a conditional admission to the program. However, Candidates must pass all sections of the CSET in order to start clinical practice II. State program standards prohibit clinical practice II until CSET is passed. If it becomes necessary to complete clinical practice II in another semester, the Candidate will be required to re-register for that semester. 3. Teacher Candidates are assigned clinical practice placements by the Clinical Practice Coordinator. Candidates cannot under any circumstances make placement arrangements or changes on their own. 4. Attend a co-teaching training in order to be prepared to co-teach with your Cooperating Teacher during clinical practice. 5. Your Supervisor will contact you with your clinical practice assignment during the first week of classes and establish a schedule of assignments and observations. Please, provide a current address and phone number to School of Education Educational Services which will enable your Supervisor to contact you in a timely manner. 6. Most correspondence is electronic and will be sent to your CSUSM email account. Be sure to check it regularly or to have your mail forwarded to your preferred email account. 7. After the initial contact with your Cooperating Teacher has been made by the Supervisor, plan on attending with your Cooperating Teacher the “Getting the Partnership Started” session arranged by the On-Site Liaison at the school site. 8. Confer regularly with your Cooperating Teacher, On-Site Liaison and Supervisor to discuss your program requirements, the Teacher Performance Expectations, your university schedule and other appropriate topics. 9. Once you are in clinical practice full-time, adhere to your Cooperating Teacher's contract hours. Arrive on time. Be available to remain after school to plan, attend staff meetings, in-services, parent conferences, and other school functions, such as "Back to School Night", "Open House", and IEP’s. rev 8/2013 Page 3 10. Be sure to advise your Cooperating Teacher if and when an absence becomes necessary. Candidates will be required to make-up absences. 11. When doing clinical practice, Teacher Candidates will follow the district calendar for vacation days, not the university. In some cases, this could put the clinical practice beyond the university semester’s end. Candidates will be expected to stay to complete the assignment. 12. You will be expected to write lesson plans for your formal observations by your Supervisor. You should become familiar with the specific grade level curriculum that your Cooperating Teacher uses for teaching the academic standards so that you are prepared to plan lessons that use the curriculum that teach the academic standards. 13. Teacher Candidate performance on the Professional Dispositions is evaluated during clinical practice. Candidates should become familiar with the MS Professional Dispositions rubric. 14. Teacher Candidate performance on the TPEs is evaluated during clinical practice. Candidates should become familiar with the California Standards for the Teaching Profession: Resources for Professional Practices and the full texts of the Teacher Performance Expectations. 15. Teacher Candidates must meet all TPEs by the end of clinical practice II. Candidates may meet the following TPES in either clinical practice I or clinical practice II: TPE 1A, Subject Matter Instruction; TPE 6A, Dev. Appropriate Teaching Practices K-3; TPE 6B, Dev. Appropriate Teaching Practices 4-8; TPE 6D, Special Education; TPE 7, Teaching English Learners; TPE 14, Educational Technology have been met in clinical practice I. If these are not able to be met in clinical practice II and they were met in the clinical practice I, the Supervisor of clinical practice II must check “meets” and refer in the notes that they were met in clinical practice I. This applies only to these TPEs. 16. If you are experiencing difficulty in your clinical practice placement, communicate with your Supervisor immediately about it. Your Supervisor is your mentor and advocate. 17. At the conclusion of the clinical practice, you will participate in a final meetingconference with your Supervisor, Cooperating Teacher and On-Site Liaison to debrief the clinical practice experience and sign the evaluations. Your Supervisor will prepare your clinical practice evaluations in consultation with your Cooperating Teacher. Your final evaluations include the TPE form, Clinical Practice Summary and Professional Dispositions. All evaluation scores will be posted and accessible on Taskstream. 18. Your Supervisor will issue a Statement of Concern if consistent and/or serious concerns arise. (Please refer to the SOC Guidelines & Form for procedure). This procedure will assist you in taking the necessary steps for improvement. rev 8/2013 Page 4 School of Education CLINICAL PRACTICE PLACEMENT POLICY CSUSM-SOE policy requires that all Teacher Candidates complete their field work in a public school setting. A public school setting is defined as one of the following: traditional public school or a public charter school. The only exception is a private school that receives public funding for specific services to public school students with special needs, as defined in an IEP. There are no other exceptions. This policy ensures that Candidates fully experience the dynamics of public education. The following lists the minimum requirements for all School of Education programs. Individual programs may implement and maintain additional requirements. Clinical Practice I Requirements In order for a Teacher Candidate to be placed in a clinical practice setting for coursework and/or field experience purposes and be assigned a University Supervisor, the following requirements must be met. A. Registration in a clinical practice course (EDMS 571, EDMI 571, EDSS 571, EDMX 571, EDMS 573). B. CTC certificate of clearance. C. Tuberculin Clearance. D. Concurrent (special education) candidates and any student completing CPI and CPII in the same semester (ICP and MS part time): successful completion of basic skills and subject matter competency tests. In order for a Teacher Candidate to begin Clinical Practice I, the following requirements must be met: E. Successful completion of all first semester courses with a grade of C+ or better. F. Satisfactory progress in the TPEs as determined by the individual program. Clinical Practice II Requirements In order for a Teacher Candidate to be placed in a clinical practice setting for coursework and/or field experience purposes and be assigned a University Supervisor, the following requirements must be met by the end of the candidate’s first semester in the full-time program or by the end of the candidate’s third semester in a part-time program. A. Registration in a clinical practice course (EDMS 572, EDMI 572, EDSS 572, EDMX 572, EDMS 573). B. CTC certificate of clearance. rev 8/2013 Page 5 C. Successful completion of ALL basic skills & subject matter competency tests. (Single Subject students may demonstrate subject matter competency through a subject matter waiver.) In order for a Teacher Candidate to begin Clinical Practice II, the following requirements must be met: A. Successful completion of all second semester courses with a grade of C+ or better, and a 3.0 GPA in all professional program courses. B. Satisfactory progress in the TPEs as determined by the individual program. If a Teacher Candidate has passed 2 sections of CSET & basic skills by the end of the first semester, the Candidate may be placed in a school site for coursework purposes but not for Clinical Practice II. If a Teacher Candidate has not passed any tests or has not taken any tests by the end of the first semester, they may reapply to the program when all tests have been successfully completed. rev 8/2013 Page 6 RISK MANAGEMENT AT SCHOOL SITES In the case of an injury that requires medical attention at the clinical placement site, the following steps must be followed: Teacher Candidate: Attend to Injury Immediately report the injury to your Cooperating Teacher, University Supervisor and Clinical Practice Coordinator, John Heckman: Cooperating Teacher: Immediately report the injury to the University Supervisor University Supervisor: Immediately report the injury to the Clinical Practice Coordinator, John Heckman: Field Placement Coordinator: Complete IIPP5 Track Incident rev 8/2013 Page 7 MULTIPLE SUBJECTS FULL TIME PROGRAM CLINICAL PRACTICE TIMELINE OF ACTIVITIES Elementary Clinical Practice I CPI Week 1 Start going to classroom one day per week CPI Weeks 2 – 8 One day per week in classroom CPI Week 9 – 15 Full Time in classroom CPI Week 16 rev 8/2013 Meet with your University Supervisor (US), Cooperating Teacher (CT), and On-Site Liaison (OSL) Attend the “Getting the Partnership Started” session with your CT led by the OSL on the school site. Gather info & meet with the OSL to get oriented to the school site. Review your observation and participation schedule with your CT. Read the Clinical Practice Syllabus & Clinical Practice Handbook Confer with CT for Co-Teaching responsibilities based on TPE requirements. Communicate with US on a regular basis: meetings, phone calls, or email. Meet with US to discuss the required lesson plan format. Attend professional development opportunities throughout the semester. Confer regularly with CT, setting short and long-range goals, planning units and topics to be utilized during the full-time experience according to TPEs. Meet with CT to discuss the co-teaching planning and implementation of language arts and math instruction; refer to the co-teaching timeline Work according to your CT’s contract hours. You will serve duty with your CT, attend faculty/staff meetings, in-services (as permitted), and other appropriate professional activities. If you must be absent or leave early, inform your CT in a timely manner. Time missed will be made up. Confer regularly with your University Supervisor (US), CT and OSL regarding your performance, lesson planning, and other appropriate topics as based upon the requirements of the TPEs. Meet periodically with OSL during lunch. Begin co-teaching planning and implementation. Gradually assume more responsibility for the co-teaching planning and implementation of Reading Language Arts and Mathematics curriculum; this may also include some solo teaching experiences. Refer to co-teaching timeline. Your US will conduct the required formal observations in Reading/Language Arts and Math, including at least one planning observation. This is your last week of full time co-teaching in the classroom. Your US and OSL will arrange for the final meeting – conference to debrief the clinical practice experience and sign all evaluation documents. Retain a copy of Clinical Practice I TPE form to discuss with your Clinical II US. All signed documents will be returned to the university by the US. Complete all CPI end of semester surveys from the university Page 8 MULTIPLE SUBJECTS FULL TIME PROGRAM CLINICAL PRACTICE TIMELINE OF ACTIVITIES Elementary Clinical Practice II CPII Week 1 Start going to classroom one day per week. CPII Weeks 2 – 8 One day per week in classroom CPII Week 9 – 15 Full Time in classroom CPII Week 16 rev 8/2013 Meet with your University Supervisor (US), Cooperating Teacher (CT), and On-Site Liaison (OSL) Attend the “Getting the Partnership Started” session with your CT lead by the OSL on the school site. Gather info on the school & meet with OSL to get oriented to the school site. Review your clinical practice schedule with your CT Discuss with US your TPE performance goals based on CPI TPE evaluations. Confer with CT for co-teaching responsibilities based on TPE requirements. Begin co-teaching as appropriate during your observation day. Communicate with US on a weekly basis: meetings, phone calls, or email. Meet with US to discuss the required lesson plan format. Attend professional development opportunities throughout the semester. Confer regularly with CT, setting short and long-range goals, planning units and topics to be utilized during the full-time experience based upon the TPEs. Meet with CT to discuss the co-teaching planning and implementation of the entire curriculum, refer to the co-teaching timeline. In addition to teaching English Language Arts and mathematics, planning and teaching in social studies and science is an emphasis of the Advanced Student teaching experience. Work according to your CT’s contract hours. You will serve duty with your CT, attend faculty/staff meetings, in-services (as permitted), and other appropriate professional activities. If you must be absent or leave early, inform your CT in a timely manner. Time missed will be made up. Confer regularly with your US, CT and On-Site Liaison regarding your performance, lesson planning, and other appropriate topics based upon the requirements of the TPEs. Meet periodically with OSL during lunch. Begin co-teaching planning and implementation full time. Gradually assume the highest level of responsibility for the co-teaching planning and implementation of the entire curriculum; this should include some solo teaching experiences. Refer to the co-teaching timeline. Your US will conduct formal observations, including at least one planning session. At least one observed lesson should be in Social Studies & at least one in Science. This is your last week full time co-teaching & solo teaching in the classroom. Your US and OSL will arrange for the final meeting-conference to debrief clinical practice experience and sign all evaluation documents. All signed documents will be returned to the university by the US Complete all CPII end-of-semester & end-of-program surveys for university Page 9 INTEGRATED CREDENTIAL PROGRAM (ICP) AND PART-TIME PROGRAM CLINICAL PRACTICE TIMELINE OF ACTIVITIES Elementary Clinical Practice I CPI Week 1 Start going daily full time to the classroom CPI Week 2 – 7 Continue going daily full time to the classroom CPI Week 8 final week of full time CPI in classroom rev 8/2013 Meet with your University Supervisor (US), Cooperating Teacher (CT), and On-Site Liaison (OSL) Attend the “Getting the Partnership Started” session with your CT led by the OSL on the school site. Gather info & meet with the OSL to get oriented to the school site. Review your schedule with your CT. Read the Clinical Practice Syllabus & Clinical Practice Handbook Communicate with US on a regular basis: meetings, phone calls, or email. Meet with CT to discuss the TPEs, the required lesson plan format, the co-teaching planning and implementation of language arts and math instruction; refer to the coteaching timeline Begin co-teaching planning and implementation Work according to your CT’s contract hours. You will serve duty with your CT, attend faculty/staff meetings, in-services (as permitted), and other appropriate professional activities. If you must be absent or leave early, inform your CT in a timely manner. Time missed will be made up. Confer regularly with your University Supervisor (US), CT and OSL regarding your performance, lesson planning, and other appropriate topics as based upon the requirements of the TPEs. Meet periodically with OSL during lunch. Gradually assume more responsibility for the co-teaching planning and implementation of Reading Language Arts and Mathematics curriculum; this may also include some solo teaching experiences. Refer to co-teaching timeline. Your US will conduct the required formal observations in Reading/Language Arts and Math, including at least one planning observation. Attend professional development opportunities throughout the semester Your US and OSL will arrange for the final meeting – conference to debrief the clinical practice experience and sign all evaluation documents. Retain a copy of Clinical Practice I TPE form to discuss with your Clinical II US. All signed documents will be returned to the university by the US. Complete all CPI end of semester surveys from the university Page 10 INTEGRATED CREDENTIAL PROGRAM (ICP) AND PART-TIME PROGRAM CLINICAL PRACTICE TIMELINE OF ACTIVITIES Elementary Clinical Practice II CPII Week 9 New Placement Start going to classroom one day per week. CPII Week 10 – 15 Continue going daily full time to classroom CPII Week 16 rev 8/2013 Meet with your University Supervisor (US), Cooperating Teacher (CT), and On-Site Liaison (OSL) Attend the “Getting the Partnership Started” session with your CT lead by the OSL on the school site. Gather info on the school & meet with OSL to get oriented to the school site. Review your clinical practice schedule with your CT Discuss with US your TPE performance goals based on CPI TPE evaluations. Meet with CT to discuss the TPEs, the required lesson plan format, the co-teaching planning and implementation of CT to discuss the co-teaching planning and implementation of the entire curriculum, refer to the co-teaching timeline. In addition to teaching English Language Arts and mathematics, planning and teaching in social studies and science is an emphasis of the Advanced Student teaching experience Begin full time co-teaching planning and implementation Work according to your CT’s contract hours. You will serve duty with your CT, attend faculty/staff meetings, in-services (as permitted), and other appropriate professional activities. If you must be absent or leave early, inform your CT in a timely manner. Time missed will be made up. Confer regularly with your US, CT and On-Site Liaison regarding your performance, lesson planning, and other appropriate topics based upon the requirements of the TPEs. Meet periodically with OSL during lunch. Gradually assume the highest level of responsibility for the co-teaching planning and implementation of the entire curriculum; this should include some solo teaching experiences. Refer to the co-teaching timeline. Your US will conduct formal observations, including at least one planning session. At least one observed lesson should be in Social Studies & at least one in Science. Attend professional development opportunities throughout the semester. This is your last week full time co-teaching & solo teaching in the classroom. Your US and OSL will arrange for the final meeting-conference to debrief clinical practice experience and sign all evaluation documents. All signed documents will be returned to the university by the US Complete all CPII end-of-semester & end-of-program surveys for university Page 11 SUGGESTED CO-TEACHING TIMELINE CLINICAL PRACTICE I for Systematic Release of Responsibility during Clinical Practice Co-Teaching Clinical Practice I Timeline Beginning CPI Early to Middle of CPI Middle to End of CPI Cooperating Teacher (CT) Actions Teacher Candidate (TC) Actions CT takes the lead. CT leads instruction, planning and reflection. TC follows the lead of CT. TC actively participates in all instruction, planning and reflection. Supportive: CT in lead role Parallel: CT plans for all groups Complementary: CT leads Team: likely not yet used Supportive: TC in support role Parallel: TC teaches CT plans Complementary: TC complements, as directed Team: Likely not yet used CT leads some of the time and prompts TC to take the lead in instruction, planning and reflection. Prompts TC to take ownership of the daily routines. TC begins taking the lead regularly: leading in one or more areas of instruction, planning and reflection conversations. TC begins to take ownership of daily classroom routines. Supportive: CT leads and supports Parallel: CT plans for most groups Complementary: CT usually leads Team: CT prompts TC role Supportive: TC leads and supports Parallel: TC plans some instruction for groups Complementary: TC complements Team: TC team teaches with guidance from CT CT and TC equally share taking the lead in coteaching approaches, share leadership of planning and reflection. Prompts TC to take increasing ownership of running classroom. May provide TC with solo teaching experiences. TC and CT equally share taking the lead in coteaching approaches, share leadership of planning and reflection. TC takes increasing ownership of running classroom. TC may have solo teaching experiences. Supportive: CT in lead and support roles Parallel: CT plans for some groups Complementary: CT leads, complements Team: CT and TC jointly instruct Supportive: TC in lead and support roles Parallel: TC designs, teaches own plans for groups Complementary: TC leads, complements Team: CT and TC jointly instruct rev 8/2013 Page 12 SUGGESTED CO-TEACHING TIMELINE CLINICAL PRACTICE II for Systematic Release of Responsibility during Clinical Practice Co-Teaching Clinical Practice II Timeline CPII Beginning CPII Middle Cooperating Teacher (CT) Actions Teacher Candidate (TC) Actions CT leads some of the time and prompts TC to take the lead in instruction, planning and reflection. Prompts TC to take ownership of the daily routines. TC begins taking the lead regularly: leading in one or more areas of instruction, planning and reflection conversations. TC begins to take ownership of daily classroom routines. Supportive: CT leads and supports Parallel: CT plans for most groups Complementary: CT usually leads Team: CT prompts TC role Supportive: TC leads and supports Parallel: TC plans some instruction for groups Complementary: TC complements Team: TC team teaches with guidance from CT CT and TC equally share taking the lead in coteaching approaches, share leadership of planning and reflection. Prompts TC to take increasing ownership of running classroom. TC and CT equally share taking the lead in coteaching approaches, share leadership of planning and reflection. TC takes increasing ownership of running classroom. TC should have solo teaching experiences Supportive: CT in lead and support roles Parallel: CT plans for some groups Complementary: CT leads, complements Team: CT and TC jointly instruct CPII End Supportive: TC in lead and support roles Parallel: TC designs, teaches own plans for groups Complementary: TC leads, complements Team: CT and TC jointly instruct CT follows the TCs lead and shares the lead in team co-teaching. CT participates in planning and reflection. May lead periodically. CT should provide TC some solo teaching experiences. The TC takes the lead (and shares the lead in team co-teaching) in co-teaching roles. TC leads most or all planning and reflection. TC should have solo teaching experiences. Supportive: CT supports Parallel: CT teaches own group(s) Complementary: CT complements Team: CT and TC jointly instruct Supportive: TC in lead role Parallel: TC teaches own plans/groups Complementary: TC leads Team: CT and TC jointly instruct rev 8/2013 Page 13 WRITING LESSON PLANS DURING CLINICAL PRACTICE Each Teacher Candidate is responsible for working together with his/her Cooperating Teacher to plan and implement lessons during clinical practice. The Teacher Candidate should plan all lessons, including the ones observed by the University Supervisor, in collaborative co-teaching planning sessions. The Teacher Candidate will write a lesson plan for each of the lessons observed by the University Supervisor. The Teacher Candidate will provide the University Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher a copy of the written lesson plan in advance, prior to teaching the lesson. The University Supervisor and the Cooperating Teacher will monitor the lessons that the Teacher Candidate teaches, provide feedback on the lesson plan and advice on how to improve lesson effectiveness. The University Supervisor will debrief lessons observed with the Teacher Candidate and provide feedback on Teacher Candidate performance in relation to the TPEs. Depending on the particular lesson, teaching methods may include direct instruction, cooperative learning, inquiry, discussion, concept attainment, and concept generalization, which involve students in a variety of ways. When writing your lesson plan, remember to consider the following: Learner Outcome: What is the purpose of the lesson? What should the student know or be able to do as a result of this lesson? Which standards am I teaching to? What are the lesson objectives? Procedure: What is the best way to teach the learners? How should the lesson be presented? Any adaptive instruction/learning accommodations needed? What resource material would support this lesson? What monitoring and adjusting techniques could be used? How much time will be needed? Co-Teaching: How will we use co-teaching to enhance and differentiate instruction? Which co-teaching approach(es) should we use? Which role will each co-teaching partner play? Assessment: What measures would be reflective of students’ learning? What assessment measure should be used? rev 8/2013 Page 14 SIMPLE BASIC LESSON PLAN FORMAT MULTIPLE SUBJECTS (Supervisors May Modify as Needed) Teacher Candidate Name: Date of Lesson Lesson Topic Standards: Lesson Objective(s): Co-teaching approach(es): Phases of the lesson How you plan to deliver instruction, teach the students, using each phase of the lesson. Anticipatory Set Teach to Objective Guided Practice Closure Independent Practice Assessment rev 8/2013 Page 15 rev 8/2013 Page 16