LONDON BOROUGH OF NEWHAM MINUTES OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF SHAFTESBURY PRIMARY SCHOOL Meeting Held on Thursday 22nd January 2015 (from 6:30pm) Present: Mrs S Alexander Mr G Hadlow Mrs P Kaur Chadha Mr D Pasola Mr A Latif Mrs H Shahzad Mr M Mamun In Attendance: Ms Leontia Brewer (Head Teacher) (Clerk) The Meeting was preceded by an SMSC workshop, which commenced at 6:00pm. 806. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from S Sarfaraz (Chair), A Rafiq and A Wormington, which were condoned and from Cllr R Rahman, which was not condoned for reasons discussed. Governors were informed of the resignation of Anwar Begum from the GB. It was suggested that when a person was nominated for the role of governor they should be apprised of the requirements of the role before an appointment was made. 807. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 808. Constitution a. Reconstitution This item was deferred to the next GB meeting due to the number of governor absences. It was felt that greater attendance was needed for such an important discussion. Action: The clerk would clarify how many Authority Governors could be appointed to the reconstituted GB and whether there would still be a category called “Community Governors”. b. Minutes of the Meeting Held on 20th November 2014 The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting and read by governors. Amendments were made to the minutes and they were agreed. Action: The Clerk would make the amendments to the minutes and forward them to the HT for signing by the Vice Chair. Decision: Governors agreed that these minutes were an accurate record of the meeting subject to the amendments agreed. 809. Governors’ Committees a. Reports of Committees There were no Committee reports. 810. Report of the Head Teacher This would be considered at the next GB meeting. 811. School Budget Monitoring 2014-15 The Ht presented the Budget report. He informed governors that the reserve/contingency was £69,474 and that the school was in a good position. He also asked that governors agree the following virements Virements AHT Left Remove £20,000 out of 001 (SLT) Additional overtime for Site Put £10,000 into S/S overtime 024 Supervisor, due to letting and building from reserves works Borough mistake, paid for SEN twice Remove £16,025 out of 997 (SEN) Additional DFEE grant PE grant £6,189 into 914 (Grants) FSM income £47,904 Additional FSM payment £47, 904 into 361 catering (offset by above grant) LBN electrical works after inspection £1,000 into 121 (electrical) Mezzanine floors in HT room £60,000 into maintenance) and theatre Carpets in new build Refurbish old stock room into a teaching area Extend nursery playground Re-lay running track due to misuse by lettings 100 (building and Decision: Governors (i) noted the budget report; (ii) agreed the virements listed in the table above 812. School Self-Evaluation Update The School Self-Evaluation report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Staffing The HT reported that with regard to staffing, an interim staffing structure had been produced for use until the end of the academic year. As part of that structure an activity co-ordinator had been appointed for SMSC and a child protection lead had also been appointed. The DHT post would be advertised in the first half of the summer term and an AHT would be appointed in the last half term of this year. The staffing structure would be reviewed before the next academic. Pupil Progress and Achievement The following points were made with regard to pupil progress and achievement: Pupil progress at the school is outstanding in comparison to national norms (in top 9% of schools nationally), particularly with regard to Reading, Writing and Maths; Attainment is however a challenge, particularly with regard to level 3 attainment for Key Stage 1 and level 5 attainment for Key Stage 2; The school was looking for a good to outstanding outcome for the next Ofsted inspection, which is anticipated for the end of the academic year; The Board Assurance Framework The following points were made with regard to the BAMF: Regarding quality of teaching at the school, this was within expectations; Under leadership and management, it was agreed that governance was not such a great concern anymore and therefore it would be reduced to an orange risk; Also under Leadership and Management, the decline of quality of teaching in year 5 due to make up of staff was a challenge and the year 5 boys were being monitored to make sure they reached their learning targets, particularly as the staff was inexperienced; With regard to Attainment of SEN pupils, a new SENCO had been appointed and was working hard with them, She was very committed to the job; Also regarding attainment, teacher assessments for last term looked promising and a close eye was being kept on writing; In comparison year on year the school was slightly ahead than before with regard to the APS scores for reading. Questions from Governors Would pupils at the top end of levels 3 and 5 be classed as gifted and talented? They would be classed as higher attaining (it was explained that a few year 5 pupils have been lost to other schools due to the secondary school preferences of the pupils) Decision: Governors (i) agreed the interim staffing structure; (ii) approved the BAMF The meeting was adjourned for refreshments at 7:25pm and was resumed at 7:35pm. 813. Documents for Consideration The following policies had been circulated before the meeting and governors were asked to agree them: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) School Safeguarding Report; Mathematics Policy Computing Policy Geography Policy PE Policy Child Protection Policy Modern Foreign languages Policy Decision: Governors agreed to ratify the policies and documents listed above. 814. Governor Education and Training In-house training about SMSC was provided by Matthew Portal prior to the meeting and governors were happy with what they had learned. Governors were asked to note the list of training opportunities provided and to consider attending some of this training. 815. Dates of Meetings in 2014/15 It was proposed that the date of the next GB meeting be changed from 26th February 2015 to 19th March 2015. The Link Governor for training would try to re-arrange the E-Safety training for the new date but if not possible another appropriate training session would be organised. Governors noted the other meeting dates for the Academic year 2014/15 as follows: Summer Term Thursday 21st May 2015 Thursday 2nd July 2015 (All meetings to commence at 6pm) Decision: Governors agreed that the date of the next meeting would be changed to Thursday 19th March 2015. 816. Any Other Business Lettings The HT reported concerns about the damage the school was sustaining from evening lettings, the damage being mainly to the new build, bathrooms, carpets, nursery, playground astro-turfing and running track. He proposed that letting be limited to the theatre only, which had the necessary facilities. In addition when the mezzanine floor was added to the theatre it would have more space. Questions From Governors Will the school lose money if this proposal was implemented? The school does not make money from lettings. Not enough revenue is made to meet the costs. What if the Lets are not happy with being confined to the theatre? Only one let is of concern and they chose to use the theatre. How can the playground be monitored so it is not abused? This is not an issue on weekends. The lettings during the week are the issue. Car access and movement needs to be restricted. The HT stressed that while the school did not make money from lettings they wanted to remain available to the community. However, the school had a responsibility of safety to the pupils and to ensure that their needs are met. Decision: Governors agreed to limit lettings to the theatre and immediate facilities and the tarmac area of the playground. They would continue to have awareness of the cost implications of lettings. Governor Visits M Mamun visited the school in early December and met with the SENCO. They had a good discussion and he felt that the school was on the right track with regard to SEN and inclusion. A Rafiq met with the E –Safety lead. P Chadha met with the previous Inclusion and Child Protection Manager on 28th November 2014 and with the new SENCO on 12th December 2014. She felt that the new SENCO was passionate about the role and was building on the work of the previous SENCO. She was very approachable and willing to meet with governors. H Shahzad did a follow-up safeguarding visit on 20th January 2015. She met the new Child Protection lead who was following the processes set up by the previous Child Protection Lead as they were effective. The two concerns she had were with regard to the effect (if any) of lettings and agency staff. The HT explained that all staff on the premises were appropriately checked and evidence of these background checks was kept. H Shahzad also met with the E-Safety co-ordinator. Two E-Safety workshops were held for parents last year and two were being planned for this year. She also did a follow-up visit for English. She was pleased that the school was doing well in reading, better than in writing. She observed two intervention groups and was impressed with their conduct. She was impressed with how well paperwork was maintained. Questions from Governors Is there a need for more one to one staff as there is a higher level of SEN pupils in the school now? More TAs have been employed some of them being able to take one to one intervention sessions. How do they justify to the Local Authority that more TAs are needed? The justification is made to governors and a request put to the local authority for additional funding per child. A panel considers the request based on the child’s entitlement. Decision: Governor Visits would be places as a separate standard item on the GB agenda. 817. Agenda items for the Next Meeting Reconstitution; Governor Visits Head Teachers Report The meeting ended at 8:00pm