Effects of Obesity on pharmacokinetics 1 Review ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Effects of Obesity on Pharmacokinetics Hanadi S. Al- Addam Abstract Obesity is a worldwide problem, with major health, social and Economic implications. The adaptation of drug dosages to obese Patients are a subject of concern, particularly for drugs with narrow therapeutic index. The main factors that affect tissue distribution of drugs are body composition, regional blood flow and affinity of drug for plasma proteins and/or tissue components. This review analyses recent publications on several classes of drugs: antibacterial, anticancer drugs, psychotropic drugs, anticonvulsants, and drugs commonly used in the management of obesity. The dosage of these drugs should be based on the ideal body weight (IBW). However, some of these drugs (e.g., antibacterial and some anticancer drugs) are partly distributed in adipose tissues, and their dosage is based on IBW plus a percentage of the patient’s excess body weight. Our present knowledge of the influence of obesity on drug pharmacokinetics is limited. Drugs with small therapeutic index should be used prudently and the dosage adjusted with the help of drug plasma concentrations. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ Introduction Obesity is considered a worldwide concern, and in 1998, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report on preventing and managing the global epidemic. Obesity is a disease characterized as a condition resulting from the excess accumulation of body fat. As consequence, obese individuals generally require intervention that is more therapeutic earlier in life than non-obese individuals do. A very important consideration for pharmacological treatment of obese individuals is the possible discrepancies between obese and non-obese individuals in pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacodynamic activities of drug. The international recommended classification of obesity recently published by the WHO]1[ is based on the body mass index (BMI), calculated as bodyweight (in kg) divided by the square of the height in meters. Overweight is defined as a BMI ≥25 to 29.9 kg/m2 and obesity as a BMI ≥30kg/m2. Obesity is divided into 3 classes: moderate (BMI 30.0 to 34.9), sever (BMI 35.0 to 39.9) and morbid (BMI ≥ 40.0). To present a clear overview, analysis of pharmacokinetic information is preceded by factors affecting pharmacokinetics in obesity. The implications for therapy with each of the drug classes studied are considered. Factors Affect Pharmacokinetics in obese: Obesity and Drug Absorption: The effect of obesity on absorption and overall bioavailability is poorly understood. Overall, Effects of Obesity on pharmacokinetics studies indicate no significant difference in absorption between obese and lean subjects. Obesity and Drug Distribution: the volume of distribution of a drug is dependent on a number of factors including tissue size, tissue permeability, plasma protein binding, and the affinity of drugs for a tissue compartment.]2[ These factors can be affected by the physical and chemical properties of a drug in addition to the presence of many disease states. Obesity is a disease state associated with changes in plasma protein binding constituents.]3,4[ and increases in adipose tissue mass and lean body mass,]5[ organ mass,]6,7[ cardiac output,]8[ cardiac size and blood volume, and splanchnic blood flow relative to normalweight individuals. A general trend has been observed for predicting changes in volume of distribution in obese subjects. Increasingly lipophilic substances, based upon lipid partitioning coefficients (LPC). Are generally increasingly affected by obesity. Less lipophilic compounds, with lower LPCs, generally have a little to no change in volume of distribution with obesity. There are exceptions to this generalization : cyclosporine, a highly lipophilic compound with a relatively large volume of distribution, has been shown in separate experiments to have comparable absolute volumes of distribution (Vdss) in both and normal weight individuals.]9,10[ Plasma protein binding is an important determinant of a drug pharmacokinetics. Changes in the concentrations of plasma binding protein or alterations in the affinity of plasma protein for substrate could affect the movement of drug into tissue compartments. The major plasma proteins are albumin, primarily responsible for binding acidic drugs, α1-acid glycoprotein (AAG), primarily responsible for binding basic drugs, and lipoproteins. Studies have shown that drugs primarily bound by albumin show no significant changes in protein binding in obese individuals. Concentrations of AAG were more recently shown to be slightly higher in obese 2 individuals than in normal-bodyweight individuals, it should be emphasized that the amount of a drug in the plasma depends on the balance between the affinities of the drug for plasma protein and tissue binding cannot be measure directly in the clinical setting. Due to higher triglyceride and cholesterol levels common in obesity, lipoprotein levels may be elevated in obese individual; however the ramifications of elevated lipoprotein levels has been poorly studied and is not well understood to date. The clearance of drugs can also be affected by obesity, though increases in clearance do not necessarily reflect changes in half-life of a drug. The half-life of a drug can be related to both volume of distribution and clearance through the following relationship: t1 / 2 Vd 0.693 CL The half-life of a drug may increase without changes in clearance. Whenever the volume of distribution in obese got increase. Obesity and Drug Clearance: Changes in Metabolic Enzymes in Obese Humans: The liver of obese individuals frequently suffer from fatty infiltration, one form of which is nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.]11[ These lesion could significantly influence the metabolic activity of the liver. It is difficult to measure the hepatic metabolism of drugs in humans. There is no clear correlation between routine liver function tests and the capacity of the liver to metabolize drugs, but some chemicals can be used as markers to assess enzyme activities. Antipyrine has been used as a marker of hepatic oxidative metabolism in obese and normal individual; the systemic clearance remained unchanged in the obese group, suggesting that the hepatic oxidative metabolism of drugs is not modified in obesity.]12[ The 6-hydroxylation of chlorzoxazone has been used as a probe the activity of hepatic cytochrome P450(CYP) 2E1, which is Effects of Obesity on pharmacokinetics involved in the activation of carcinogens and metabolism of drugs such as enflurane.]13[ Obesity resulted in a significant increase in the clearance of chlorzoxazone as well as increase formation clearance of the hydroxylated metabolite. The authors concluded that obese individual might be increased risk of CYP2E1-mediated toxicity of environmental agents. The formation of N-methyl-erythromycin has bee shown to provide a general marker for cytochrome P450 3A activity in humans,]14,15[ it was found negative correlation existed between percent IBW and N-methyl-erythromycin production. This finding suggests that specific CYP3A isoforms may be decreased in obesity. However, the diversity of data obtained from these studies underlines the difficulty of obtaining a clear overview of drug hepatic metabolism in obesity. Another interesting consideration in determining the metabolic activity of obese individuals is considering changes in metabolism in tissues other than the liver; especially, due to the significant increase in adipose tissue in obese individuals, changes in metabolism within adipose tissue could be significant. Further evidence suggests that adipose tissue may play a role in the increased clearance of prednisolone in obese men.]16[ the inter-conversion of prednisolone and prednisone is dependent on 11hydroxysteroide dehydrogenase, an enzyme present in adipose tissue may provide an alternative site off clearance for prednisolone. Changes in Renal Function in Obese Humans: Elimination of .drug through the kidney can be accounted for by glomerular filtration, tubular secretion, and tubular reabsorption; however, articles on drug kinetics have provided differing data on renal function in obese individuals. Glomerular filtration is more easily assessed than tubular function: it is usually assessed by the creatinine clearance (CLcr). Davis et al, shown increases in glomerular filtration, measured 3 using creatinine clearance, in obese women as compared to normal weight women. Studies on ciprofloxacin,]17[ showed no significant difference in CLcr between obese individual and those with normal weight. In contrast, a study on vancomycin reported a significant increase in CLcr in morbidly obese patients. ]18[ One possible explanation for these different might be due to the difference in extent of obesity and/or associated renal pathology. Tubular function (tubular secretion, and tubular reabsorption) in the kidney is often difficult to ascertain; thus, conclusions regarding tubular function are often indirect. Renal clearance of lithium primarily involves glomerular filtration and tubular reabsorption,]19[ consequently, the increase in the renal clearance of lithium with no increase in glomerular filtration,]20[ supports decrease tubular reabsorption in obese individuals. Obesity and Drug Pharmacodynamics: It is important to note that, with the plethora of probable genetic and nutritional changes associated with obesity, changes in receptor expression or affinity for ligand could be altered resulting in differential pharmacotherapeutic effects in obese individuals as compared to lean individuals. Pharmacotherapeutic Toxicity in Obesity: The toxicity of substances can change with obesity. With possible increases in metabolism such as with CYP system. Changes in the clearance, volume of distribution, bioavailability, or pharmacodynamics may affect the toxic potential of a drug. Additionally, changes In excretion, mechanism can alter the toxicity of a compound by either increasing exposure through decreased clearance or vice-versa. The best approach for pharmacotherapeutics in obese individuals is to use previous knowledge and conservative. Careful monitoring of the obese patient is necessary when Effects of Obesity on pharmacokinetics 4 administering drugs with a small therapeutic index. Effects of Obesity on pharmacokinetics of Drug Classes the 1. Anti-infectives 1.1 Antibacterials A series of pharmacokinetic studies were done with moderately lipophilic antibacterials to optimized dosages in obese individuals (table 1). An initial study after a single administration of vancomycin showed that the volume of distribution at steady state (Vss) and CL were significantly higher, and elimination half-life (t1/2 β) shorter. In six morbidly obese patients than four nonobese individuals. It was concluded that TBW should be used to determine vancomycin dosage.]23[ Regression analysis revealed that TBW and the percentage over LBW were significant predictors of Vd . TBW was predictive for total CL, and percentage over LBW was a predictor of t1/2 β . Thus, TBW appears to be better for calculating the initial dose of vancomycin. Further dosages should be guided by serum concentrations of the drug. The principle pharmacokinetic change in obese patients was a clear increase in the CL of vancomycin, which was positively correlated with TBW. However, the values were similar in obese and normal bodyweight individuals when TBW was used to normalize CL. ]21[ The Vss of ciprofloxacin was significantly larger (by 23%) in obese individuals than controls, but it was lower when normalized to the total TBW. These findings indicate that the antibacterial is distributed less in adipose tissue than in other tissue. To normalized obese Vss/kg to the controls, 45% of excess bodyweight (TBW-IBW) must be added to the IBW of obese individuals. The authors concluded that the ciprofloxacin dosage should be based on the IBW plus 45% of the excess body weight.]19[ The initial doses of aminoglycosides are usually based on CLcr , most frequently evaluated by the Cockroft-Gault equation1 taking into account the serum creatinine, age, TBW and gender.]25[ The calculation in obese patients leads to the overestimation of CLcr when TBW is used, and underestimation when IBW is used. Salazar and Corcoran developed another equation based on the fat-free body Mass.]23[ Table 1 Pharmacokinetic parameters for antibacterials administered to obese and non-obese individual Vd(L) Drug control obese Vd(L/kg TBW) control obese Cl[L/h(ml/min)] control obese t1/2 β(h) control obese Recommendations for dosage in obese patients Reference Dose based on TBW, 18 as Vd and CL are correlated with TBW Daily dose/kg TBW 21 46 52 0.68 0.32*** 4.62(77) 11.8(197)* 7.2 3.3 similar to controls if patient has normal renal function Calculation on IBW+ 17 269* 3.06 2.46*** 44.6(744) 53.8(897)* 4.0 4.2 Ciprofloxacin 219 45% of excess bodyweight Initial dose based on 22 16.7 18.2 4.01(66.9) 4.63(77.2) 3.3 3.1 Gentamycin calculation of CLcr by Cockroft equation with IBW+0.4×(TBW-IBW) CL= total body clearance; CLcr= creatinine clearance; IBW= ideal body weight; t1/2 β = terminal elimination half-life; TBW= total body weight; Vd=apparent volume of distribution; *p<0.05;**p<0.01;***p<0.001. 1 CLcr= (140-age) × TBW/(A) × serum creatinine where age is in year, TBW is in Kg, and A=72 for men and 85 for women. Vancomycin 28.9 43.0* 0.39 0.26* 4.85(80.8) 11.25(187.5)* 4.7 3.2** Effects of Obesity on pharmacokinetics Regression analysis indicated that the Cockroft equation using weight as IBW+0.4× (TBW-IBW) was the best of the methods tested for calculating CLcr ,and thus predicting Gentamycin pharmacokinetic values. 1.2 Antifungal Agents No pharmacokinetic study or guideline for drug administration is available for this drug group in obese patients. The currently recommended treatment for Candida albicans in patients with invasive disease is peak serum concentrations greater than 25mg/L.]25[ Thus, a higher dosage of fluconazole was recommended for obese patients. 2. Anticancer Drugs Many anticancer drugs are relatively lipid insoluble and may be poorly distributed in adipose tissue. Their elimination may also be altered in obese patients. The pharmacokinetics of ifosfamide were studied in 16 patients with bronchial carcinoma.]26[ There was a positive correlation between the Vd in the terminal phase and the percentage of IBW, implying that drug can be distributed in body fat. Doxorubicin undergoes extensive hepatic metabolism by aldoreductases that convert the drug to doxorubicinol, which also possesses cytotoxic properties. The pharmacokinetics were investigated in 21 adults with cancer, 7 of whom where obese and seven severely obese.]27[ Obesity reduce the CL of doxorubicin by inhibiting the aldoketoreductases. However, the number of patients was considered too small to propose specific dosage guidelines. Carboplatin is mainly eliminated via the kidney. Bènèzet et al.]28[ studied the accuracy of a formula for predicting CL from patients-specific variables (serum creatinine, bodyweight, age and gender) in 25 obese patients. CL over-predicted by more than 20% for seven patients using the TBW, and IBW led to un-prediction. The 5 best predictor was the mean value between IBW and TBW[i.e., IBW+0.512× (TBWIBW)]; the percentage error was -22% to + 22%. Most studies were done on a small number of patients with a particular type of malignancy and who were treated with specific chemotherapy regimens. Therefore, the conclusions drawn by the authors are cautious and mention the importance of determining target plasma concentrations. 3. Drugs Used for Diseases of the Central Nervous System Only seven studies have investigated the effects of obesity on the disposition of central nervous system drugs. 3.1 Psychotropic Drugs The efficacy of lithium in patients with bipolar illness and its narrow therapeutic window warrant consideration in obesity. Studies on obese and normal body weight individuals showed that Vss of lithium was significantly correlated with IBW and fatfree-mass, and that Vss/kg was significantly smaller in obese individuals. The CL of lithium was significantly greater in the obese individuals than in control group, although CLcr had similar values in the two groups.]20 [ The results of this study suggest that the loading dose for obese patients should be based on IBW, and that a large maintenance dosage is required to obtain an adequate serum concentration in obese patients than in lean patients. 3.2 Anticonvulsants The loading doses of phenytoin required for obese, control individuals were determined after a single intravenous infusion. [29] The t1/2 β of phenytoin was significantly prolonged in the obese group, and the metabolic CL tended to be increased. Vd was positively correlated with the percentage of IBW. The authors concluded that phenytoin-loading dose Effects of Obesity on pharmacokinetics 6 should be calculated based on IBW plus the product of 1.33 times the excess bodyweight over IBW. 4.Dugs Used in Anesthesiology Few studies have investigated the effects of obesity on the disposition of anesthetics (table 2) . IBW) and matched control patients. Vd and t1/2 β were significantly increased in obese patients in the sufentanil study.]31[ The Vd was correlated positively with the degree of obesity. This indicates that the drug was distributed at least as extensively in the excess body mass as in the lean tissues, and that the loading dose should account for total body mass. 4.3 Neuromuscular Blockers 4.1 General Anesthetics The great lipophilicity of propofol and the rather long duration of infusion used to maintain general anesthesia are rational for pharmacokinetic studies in morbidly obese patients.]29[ Comparison with non- obese controls showed that the CL and Vss of propofol was significantly correlated with TBW in the obese group, so that the values of t1/2 β in non-obese and obese individuals were similar. These pharmacokinetic data suggest that the maintenance dosage of propofol for obese patients may, theoretically, be established on the same basis as for lean patients, taking into account the TBW. 4.2 Opioids The systemic Opioids analgesics, fentanyl congeners such as sufentanil is used in anesthesiology. Because of their high lipid solubility, their pharmacokinetics have been studied in very obese (>60 to 80% over A study on 9 obese and 9 non-obese surgical patients receiving vecuronium 0.1mg/kg TBW showed that the Vss , CL and t1/2 β were similar for both group.]32[ The main difference was in the duration of action, which was prolonged in obese patients because of the excess dose administered as a result of the drug being administered on the basis of TBW. Therefore, IBW should be used to calculate doses of vecuronium in obese patients. Conclusion Regardless of the importance of published studies on pharmacokinetics in obesity, they have limitation. The number of patients and interindividual variations hamper the assessment of the results, and may lead to Table 2 Pharmacokinetics of drugs used in anesthesiology in obese and non-obese patients Vd(L) Vd(L/kg TBW) Cl[L/h(ml/min)] t1/2 β(h) Recommendations Drug control obese control obese control obese control obese for dosage in Reference obese patients Propofol 13.0 17.9 2.09 1.8 1.70(28.3) 1.46(24.3) 4.1 4.05 MD based on TBW 30 LD based on TBW 31 ,MD reduced ** Dosage calculated on 44.7 0.99 0.47 19.5 15.6 2.2 2.0 Vecuronium 59.0 32 IBW basis CL= total body clearance; CLcr= creatinine clearance; IBW= ideal body weight; LD= loading dose; MD=maintenance dosage;t1/2 β = terminal elimination halflife; TBW= total body weight; Vd=apparent volume of distribution; *p<0.05;**p<0.01;. Sufentanil 346 547* 4.8 5.8 1.51(25.2) 1.25(20.8) 2.2 3.4* Effects of Obesity on pharmacokinetics differences between studies. 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Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ