RETELLING (FICTION) NAME: _________________________________________ DATE: __________________ TITLE: ________________________________________________________________________ UNPROMPTED PROMPTED NOT PROVIDED Shared the title / author Began with an introduction Describe the setting – where and when the story took place Introduced the main characters Described the problem / main goal Shared the main events Shared the events in the right order Shared how the problem was solved /the story ends Retold the story using both words and pictures Made connections to personal experiences or gave an opinion about the story Used an expressive voice COMMENTS: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ NAME: _______________________________________ READING Uses memory to predict text. Uses picture clues to predict text. Uses phonics to decode new words. Uses context to predict text. Uses word families to learn new words. Substitutes a word that makes sense. Self corrects. Reads with fluency. Reads with expression. Recognizes basic / high frequency sight words. Recognizes many sight words. Able to retell a simple story in proper sequence. Able to predict what may happen next in a story. Able to express thoughts / feelings about a story clearly. Understands some conventions of written material. (punctuation, title, capital starts sentence) Reads regularly at home for nightly reading program. Reads and follows written directions independently. DATE: ________________________ 1st Term 2nd Term 3rd Term OBSERVATIONS DURING INDEPENDENT READING TIME During independent reading time the child: STUDENT NAME chooses a book independently keeps a record is involved with the reading chooses a variety of books is developing book/ author preferences makes a comment about reading WRITTEN RETELL CHECKLIST BOOK TITLE: _________________________________________________________________ AUTHOR: __________________________________________________________________ Characters I wrote about the main characters in the story. I wrote details about the characters so that others would have a good idea of what they are like. Setting I wrote about where and when the story takes place. I added details to my description of the setting. Problem I wrote about the problem in the story. Events I wrote about the important events in the story. I wrote what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story. Solution I wrote about how the problem gets solved in the story. Taken from: GeoWat Innovative Teacher Publishing 2005