HOWARD S HOCK - Florida Atlantic University

1051 S.W 21st Street
Boca Raton, Florida 33486
Telephone: (561) 392-604I
Department of Psychology
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton Florida 33431
Telephone (561) 297-3363
1962 Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn; B.S. in EIectrical Engineering
1967 New York University; M.S. in Electrical Engineering
1969 Johns Hopkins University; M.A. in Experimental Psychology
1971 Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D in Experimental Psychology
Hock, H.S., & Egeth, H.E. (1970). Verbal interference with encoding in a perceptual
classification task. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 82, 299-303.
Hock, H.S., & Petrasek, J. (1973). Verbal interference with perceptual classification:
The effect of semantic structure. Perception & Psychophysics, 13, 116 -120.
Hock, H.S. (1973). The effects of stimulus structure and familiarity on same-different
comparison. Perception & Psychophysics, 14, 413-420.
Hock H.S, Gordon, G.P., & Marcus, N. (1974). Individual differences in the detection
of embedded figures. Perception & Psychophysics, 15, 47-52.
Hock, H.S., Gordon, G.P., & Whitehurst, R. (1974). Context effects: The influence of
familiarity of arrangement, physical plausibility, and belongingness. Perception &
Psychophysics, 16, 4-8.
Hock, H.S., Gordon, G.P., & Gold, L. (1975). Individual differences In the verbal
coding of familiar visual stimuli. Memory & Cognition, 3, 257-261.
Hock, H.S., & Ross, K. (1975), The effect of familiarity on rotational transformation.
Perception & Psychophysics, 18, 15-20.
Hock, H.S., Gordon, G.P., & Corcoran, S.K. (1976). Alternative processes in the
identification of familiar pictures. Memory & Cognition, 4, 265-271.
Hock, H.S. & Marcus, N. (1976). The effect of familiarity on the processing of
fragmented figures. Perception & Psychophysics, 20, 375-379.
Hock, H.S., Romanski, L., & Galie, A. (1978). Real-world schemata and scene
recognition in adults and children. Memory & Cognition, 6, 423-431.
Hock, H.S., & Tromley, C. (1978). Mental rotation and perceptual uprightness.
Perception & Psychophysics, 24, 529-533.
Hock, H.S., & Hilton, T. (1979). Spatial coding and oblique discrimination by
children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 27, 96-104.
Hock, H.S., & Schmelzkopf, K.F. (1980). The abstraction of schematic
representations from photographs of real-world scenes. Memory & Cognition, 8,
Hock, H.S., & Sullivan, M. (1981). Alternative spatial reference systems for
intentional vs. incidental learning. Perception & Psychophysics, 29, 467-474.
Hock, H.S., Kronseder, C., & Sisson, S.K. (1981). Hemispheric asymmetry:
Alternative modes of perceptual processing. Neuropsychologia, 19, 723-727.
Hock, H.S., Throckmorton, B., Webb, E., & Rosenthal, A. (1981). The effect of
phonemic processing on the retention of graphemic representation for words and
nonwords. Memory & Cognition, 9, 461-471.
Bjorklund, D.F., & Hock, H.S. (1982). Age differences in the temporal locus of
memory organization in children's recall. Journal of Experimental Child
Psychology, 33, 347-362.
Hock, H.S. (1982). Challenging cognitive conceptualism. A review of "Imagery,
Language and Cognition,” by G. Kaufmann. Contemporary Psychology, 27, 9395.
Reed, S.K., Hock, H.S., & Lockhead, G.R. (1983). Tacit knowledge and the effect of
pattern configuration on mental scanning. Memory & Cognition, 11, 137-143.
Hock, H.S. (1983). Memories in transition. A review of “The Memory trace: Its
Formation and Fate,” by E. Goldmeier, Contemporary Psychology, 28, 611-612.
Hock, H.S. (1984). Christina's World: Imaginary perspectives and the encoding of
spatial alignment relations. In R. Crozier and A. Chapman (Eds.), Cognitive
Processes in the Perception of Art. North Holland.
Hock, H.S., Rosenthal, A., & Stenquist, P. (1985). The category effect in visual
search: Effects of practice. Perception & Psychophysics, 37, 73-80.
Hock, H.S. (1985). Mental imagery: Progress and wishful thinking. A review of
"Imagery: Current Theory, Research, and Application,” A.A. Sheikh (Ed.),
Contemporary Psychology, 30, 213-215.
Zacks, R., Hasher. L., & Hock, H.S. (1986). Inevitability and automaticity: A reply to
Fisk. American Psychologist, 41, 216-218.
Hock, H.S., Malcus, L., & Hasher, L. (I986). Frequency discrimination: Assessing
global-level and element-level units in memory. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning Memory & Cognition, 12, 232-240.
Noice, H., & Hock, H.S. (1987). A word superiority effect with nonorthogonal
acronyms: Testing for unitized visual codes. Perception & Psychophysics, 42,
Hock, H.S., Webb, E., & Cavedo, L.C. (1987). Perceptual learning in visual category
acquisition. Memory & Cognition, 15, 544-556.
Hock, H.S., Tromley, C., & Polman, L. (1988). Perceptual units in the acquisition of
visual categories. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and
Cognition, 14, 74-84.
Hock, H.S., Smith, L.B., Escoffery, L., Bates, A., & Field, L. (1989). Evidence for the
abstractive encoding of superficial position information in visual patterns. Memory
& Cognition, 17, 490-502.
Hock, H.S., & Hasher, L. (1990). Judgments of frequency: A tool for the analysis of
memory. In J.W. Johnson & R. Parasuramen (Eds.), Event Related Potentials of
the Brain. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hock, H.S., Eastman, K., Stutin, C., & Field, L. (1992). Common movement and
spatial separation influence the contributions of position and motion information
to the detection of relative movement. Vision Research, 32, 1043-1054.
Hock, H.S., Kelso, J.A.S., & Schöner, G. (1993). Bistability and hysteresis in the
perceptual organization of apparent motion. Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Human Perception and Performance, 19, 63-80. pdf
Hock, H.S., Schöner G., Balz, G., Eastman, K.E., & Voss, A.A. (1993). Dynamical
concepts in visual pattern formation. In B.J. West (Ed.), Patterns, Information
and Chaos In Neuronal Systems, vol 2, Singapore: World Scientific.
Hock, H.S. & Balz, G.W. (1994). Spatial scale dependent in-phase and anti-phase
directional biases in the perception of self-organized motion patterns. Vision
Research, 34, 1843-1861.
Schöner, G. & Hock, H.S. (1995). Concepts for a dynamical theory of perceptual
organization: An example from apparent movement. In P. Kruse and M. Stadler
(Eds.) Ambiguities in Mind and Behavior, 275-310. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Hock, H.S. (1995). The perception of motion patterns. In T.A. Sebeok & J. UmikerSebeok (Eds.), Advances in Visual Semiotics: The Semiotic Web 1992-93.
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Hock, H.S. & Eastman, K. (1995). Context effects on perceived position: Sustained
and transient temporal influences on spatial interactions. Vision Research, 35,
635-646. pdf
Hock, H.S., Schöner, G., & Hochstein, S. (1996). Perceptual stabilty and the
selective adaptation of perceived and unperceived motion. Vision Reseach, 36,
3311-3323. pdf
Hock, H.S., Balz, G.W. & Eastman, K. (1996). Cooperative interations and the
perception of motion and stationarity for directionally ambiguous apparent motion
stimuli. Perception, 25, 887-900.
Giese, MA,, Schöner, G., & Hock, H.S. (1996). Neural field dynamics for motion
perception. In C. von der Malsburg, W. von Seelen, J.C. Vorbruggen, and B.
Sendoff (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1112, Artificial Neural
Networks - ICANN 96. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Hock, H.S., Schöner, G., & Voss, A. (1997). The influence of adaptation and
stochastic fluctuations on spontaneous perceptual changes for bistable stimuli.
Perception & Psychophysics, 59, 509-522. pdf
Balz, G.W., & Hock, H.S. (1997). The effect of attentional spread on spatial
resolution. Vision Research, 37, 1499-1510. pdf
Hock. H.S., Kogan, K., & Espinoza, J. (1997). Dynamic thresholds for the perception
of single-element apparent motion: Bistability from local cooperativity. Perception
& Psychophysics, 59, 1077-1088.pdf
Hock, H.S., Balz, G.W., & Smollon, W. (1998). The effect of attentional spread on
self-organized motion perception. Vision Research, 38, 3743-3758. pdf
Hock, H.S., Park, C.L., & Bjorklund, D.F. (1998). Temporal organization in children’s
strategy formation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 70, 187-206.
Eastman, K, & Hock, H.S. (1999). Bistability in the perception of apparent motion:
Effects of temporal asymmetry. Perception & Psychophysics, 61, 1055-1065. pdf
Gilroy, L., Hock, H.S., & Ploeger, A., (2001). Differential activation solution to the
motion correspondence problem. Perception & Psychophysics, 63, 847-861. pdf
Hock, H.S., Gilroy, L., & Harnett, G. (2002). Counter-changing luminance: A nonFourier, non-attentional basis for the perception of single-element apparent
motion. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and
Performance, 28, 93-112. pdf
Hock, H.S., Park, C., & Schöner, G.. (2002). Self-organized pattern formation:
Experimental dissection of motion detection and motion integration by variation
of attentional spread. Vision Research, 42, 991-1003. pdf
Hock, H.S., & Schöner, G., & Giese, M. (2003). The dynamical foundations of
motion pattern formation: Stability, selective adaptation, and perceptual
continuity. Perception & Psychophysics, 65, 429-457. pdf
Gilroy, L. & Hock, H.S. (2004). Detection of counter-changing contrast: Secondorder apparent motion without post-rectification motion-energy analysis or
salience mapping/feature tracking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human
Perception and Performance, 30, 137-150. pdf
Hock, H.S., Nichols, D.F., & Espinoza, J. (2004). When motion is not perceived:
Evidence from adaptation and dynamical stability. Spatial Vision, 17, 235-248.
Gilroy, L., & Hock, H.S. (2004). Multipicative non-linearity in the perception of
apparent motion. Vision Research, 44, 2001-2007.pdf
Hock, H.S., & Gilroy, L. (2005). A common mechanism for first- and second order
apparent motion. Vision Research, 45, 661-675. pdf
Hock, H.S., Bukowski, l., & Nichols, D.F. Huisman,A., & Rivera, M., (2005).
Dynamical vs. judgmental comparison: Hysteresis effects in motion perception.
Spatial Vision, 18, 317-335. pdf
Hock, H.S. (2005). Separating the edge-based detection of object motion form the
detection of objectless motion energy: Implications for visually guided
locomotion. Proceedings of Electronic Imaging, Science and Technology. Human
Vision and Electronic Imaging X, 385-392.
Hock, H.S., & Ploeger, A. (2006). Linking dynamical decisions at different levels of
description in motion pattern formation: Psychophysics. Perception &
Psychophysics. 68, 505-514. pdf
Nichols, D.F., Hock, H.S., & Schöner, G. (2006). Linking dynamical decisions at
different levels of decription in motion pattern formation: Computational
simulations. Perception & Psychophysics. 68, 515-533. pdf
Gilroy, L. & Hock, H.S. (2009). Simultaneity and sequence in the perception of
apparent motion. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics (formerly Perception &
Psychophysics), 71, 1563-1575.
Hock, H.S., Schöner, G., & Gilroy, L. (2009). A counterchange mechanism for the
perception of motion. Acta Psychologica, 132, 1-21.
Hock, H.S., & Nichols, D.F. (2010). The line motion illusion: The detection of
counterchanging edge and surface contrast. Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Human Perception and Performance, 36, 781-796.
Pelah, A., Liu, S., Hock, H.S., Gilbert, M., & Jepson, P. (in press). Reflections on the
eyelid: Experiencing structured light through closed eyes. Proceedings of
Experiencing Light 2009: The International Conference on the Effects of Light on
Wellbeing. Editors: YAW de Kort, WA Isselsteijn, IMLC Vogels, MPJ Aarts, AD
Tenner, KCHJ Smolders.
Hock, H.S., Schöner, G. (2010). A neural basis for perceptual dynamics. In V. Jirsa
& R. Huys (Eds.), Nonlinear dynamics in human behavior. Springer,
Hock, H.S., Schöner, G. (2010). Measuring perceptual hysteresis with the modified
method of limits. Seeing and Perceiving (formerly Spatial Vision), 23, 173-195.
The effect of familiarity on rotational transformation. Psychonomic Society. Boston.
November 1974.
Rules of physical plausibility and recognition memory for multiobject scenes: A
developmental study, Psychonomic Society, Denver, November 1975.
The effect of processing mode on the recognition of words and pronounceable
pseudowords. Eastern Psychological Association, New York, April 1976.
Spatial representation and the oblique effect in children. Psychonomic Society, St.
Louis, November 1976.
Mental rotation and the invariance of spatial relations. Psychonomic Society,
Washington, D.C., November 1977.
On the genesis of abstract representations of real-world scenes. Psychonomic
Society, San Antonio, November 1978.
Configurational information in visual concept formation. Psychonomic Society,
Phoenix, November 1979.
Christina's World: Imaginary perspectives in the encoding of spatial relations.
International Conference of Psychology and the Arts, Cardiff, September 1983.
Perceptual grouping and object formation. Psychonomic Society, San Antoinio,
November 1984.
Orthographic processing of strings affects frequency dicsrimination for component
letters. Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, April 1985.
Pattern perception: Encoding element location. Psychonomic Society, Boston,
November 1985.
Cooperativity effects in the perception of unidIrectional and oscillatory motion
patterns (with G. Balz). European Conference on Visual Perception, Paris,
September 1990.
Spontaneous pattern changes for biStable Stimuli: evidence against neural satiation
(with A. Voss). Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, November 1990.
Cooperative self-organiratrbn in the perception of apparent motion (with G. Balz).
Psychonomics Society, San Francisco, November 1992.
Temporal and spatial determinants of induced shifts in perceived position (with K.
Eastman). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Sarasota,
May 1993.
Selective adaptation effects on the perception of bistable patterns (with G. Schöner).
Psychonomic Society, Washington, D.C., November 1993.
Motion-based and stationarity-based figure/ground segregation: Effects of temporal
asymmetry (with K. Eastman). Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, May 1995.
The dynamics of perceptual organization in apparent motion (wIth M, Giese and
G. Schöner). Society for Neural Networks, Nijmegen, Netherlands. September
Dynamics and the concept of threshold. Workshop on Intentional and Perceptual
Dynamics. Amsterdam, October 1995.
Dynamic thresholds for the perception of apparent motion (with K. Kogan and J.
Espinoza). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort
Lauderdale, April 1996.
A dynamic neural field model for the perceptual organization of apparent motion
(with M. Giese and G. Schöner). Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology, April 1996.
Neural field dynamics for motion perception (with M. Giese and G. Schöner).
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Bochum, July 1996.
The effect of temporal phase on the perception at apparent motion (with K. Kogan
and N. Lodes). European Conference on Visual Pereption. Strasbourg,
September 1996.
Strategy formation in children: Fourier analysis of the temporal structure of memoryenhancing cognitive operations (with C.L. Park). ). Society for Research in Child
Development, Washington, DC, April 1997.
Adaptation of single-element apparent motion (with J.K. Espinoza). Association for
Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, May 1997.
Neural field dynamics for motion perception (with M. Giese and G. Schöner).
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, May
Hysteresis effects in perceived apparent motion depend on random fluctuations in
luminance contrast. ). Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology,
Fort Lauderdale, May 1997.
Strategy formation in children: Fourier analysis of the temporal structure of memoryenhancing cognitive operations (with C. Park and D. Bjorklund). International
Conference on Experimental Chaos, Boca Raton, August 1997.
Dynamic effects of spatial scale in non-hierarchical pattern formation (with W.E.
Smollon). European Conference on Visual Pereption. Oxford, August 1998.
Temporal organization of study behaviors in the sort/recall task (with C.L. Park, L.
and L. Preacco). Society for Research in Child Development, Albequerque, NM,
April 1999.
The effect of changing size and shape on motion detection and the formation of
global motion patterns (with C.L. Park). Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, May 1999.
Proximity effects in motion perception: decision rules or differences in motion
detector activation? (with L. Gilroy and A. Ploeger). Association for Research in
Vision and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, May 1999.
Experimental dissection of motion detection and motion integration by variation of
attentional spread (with C. Park). Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, April 2000.
Consequences of bistability: Adaptation of both single-element apparent motion and
its nonmotion alternative (with D.F. Nichols). Association for Research in Vision
and Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, April 2000.
A non-Fourier informational basis for the detection of single-element apparent
motion (with L. Gilroy and G. Harnett ). Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale, April 2000.
Self-organized motion pattern formation in visual perception. Workshop.
Biodynamics III: Nonlinear Approaches to the Health Sciences. Fetzer Institute,
Kalamazoo, MI, August 2000.
A model of self-organized motion pattern formation (with C. Park and G. Schöner).
Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, May 2001.
Dynamical model for self-organized motion pattern formation (with C. Park and G.
Schöner). Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, May 2001.
Counter-changing contrast as the basis for the perception of contrast-defined,
single-element apparent motion (with L. Gilroy). Meeting of the Vision Sciences
Society, Sarasota, May 2001.
Counterphase sine gratings flicker at the detection threshold but move above the
detection threshold (with D. Nichols). Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society,
Sarasota, May 2001.
A dynamical model for self-organized motion pattern formation (with C. Park and G.
Schöner). Meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Orlando, November 2001.
A dynamical account of motion and non-motion perception for counterphase sine
gratings (with D. Nichols). Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, May
A common motion mechanism for first- and second-order stimuli (with L. Gilroy).
Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, May 2002.
Linking levels in motion pattern formation through dynamical coupling: Evidence
from psychophysics and simulations (with D.F. Nichols, A. Ploeger & G.
Schöner). Dynamical Neuroscience Symposium, Orlando, Nov 2002.
The perception of apparent motion between two element locations depends on the
multiplicative combination of background-relative luminance changes (with L.
Gilroy). Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, May 2003.
Perceptual categorization: Dynamical vs. judgmental boundaries (with L. Bukowski,
A. Huisman, & M. Rivera). Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota,
May 2003.
Linking levels in motion pattern formation through dynamical coupling: Evidence
from psychophysics and simulations (with D.F. Nichols, A. Ploeger & G.
Schöner). Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, May 2003.
Pitchfork bifurcations in the perception of apparent motion (with A. Ploeger and H.
van der Maas). Meeting of the European Conference on Visual Perception. Paris,
France, September 2003.
Reverse-Phi motion without reversing luminance polarity: Evidence for edge
detection in the perception of object motion (with D.F. Nichols). Meeting of the
Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, May 2004.
Distance-dependence and spatial anistropy of excitatory and inhibitory interactions
for collinear motions (with L. Bulowski and A. Huisman). Meeting of the Vision
Sciences Society, Sarasota, May 2004.
Separating the edge-based detection of object motion from the objectless detection
of motion energy (with D.F. Nichols). Meeting of the European Conference on
Visual Perception, Budapest, Hungary, August 2004.
Competition between opposing motion directions in 2-flash apparent motion:
Implications for correlational motion detection (with A. Huisman, L. Bukowski and
L.A. Gilroy). Meeting of the European Conference on Visual Perception,
Budapest, Hungary, August 2004.
The contributions of edges and surfaces to the perception of object motion. (with
D.F. Nichols). Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, May 2005.
Context effects in the perception of collinear motions: Spatial anistropy and non
local effects of attention. (with L. Bukowski). Meeting of the Vision Sciences
Society, Sarasota, May 2005.
Dual pathways for object motion and motion energy (with D.F. Nichols). Meeting of
the Vision Sciences Society, Sarasota, May 2006.
State dependent dynamic grouping (with D. Nichols). Meeting of the Vision
Sciences Society, Naples, FL, May 2009.
Illusory motion perception in blindsight: Evidence for motion energy detection in the
absence of primary visual cortex (with P. Azzopardi). Meeting of the Vision
Sciences Society, Naples, FL, May 2009.
The effect of spatial attention on pupil dynamics (with L. Daniels, D. Nichols & A.
Huisman). European Conference on Visual Perception, Regensburg, Germany,
August 2009.
Reflections on the eyelid: Experiencing structured light through closed eyes.
(with A. Pelah, S. Liu, S., M. Gilbert, & P. Jepson). “Experiencing Light: The
International Conference on the Effects of Light on Wellbeing, Eindoven,
Netherlands, October 2009.
University of Virginia, January 1974
Rutgers UniversIty Medical School, August 1974
Johns Hopkins University, September 1974
Bell Laboratories, HoImdel NJ, May 1976
Bell Laboratories, Whippany, NJ, February 1980
MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, England, August 1977
MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, England, December 1983
MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, England, July 1987
MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, England, July 1991
Florida International University, November 1993
Hebrew University, Israel, July 1993
Haifa University, Israel, Jury 1993
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, July 1993
Institut fur Neuroinformatics, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, July 1996
Cambridge University, Cambridge UK, October 2002
University College London, London UK, October 2003
University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany, August 2004
Institut fur Neuroinformatics, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, Oct 2004
Oxford University, Oxford UK, November 2006
University of Alabama, Birmingham, February 2007
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2007
Institut fur Neuroinformatics, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany, Sept 2007
Westfalian-Wilhelms University, Muenster, Germany, Sept 2007
Johns Hopkins Unversity, June 2009