PEAC 1001-06 Red Mountain Boys PE Weight Training (PE47) Course Syllabus for Weight Training Fall 2012 Instructor Information Name: Josh Barge Office: 526 Telephone number: E-mail address: General Course Information 1. Course hours: 1.0 credit hour 2. Place: 500’ Weight Room 3. All students enrolled PE47 Weight Training. 4. Required textbook (None) 5. More Course Content is posted on the Staff website Course Description Multi-joint workouts for upper and lower body Cardiovascular, speed/agility, plyometric, power and core development (Second Quarter) Documenting workouts and determining periodization intensity and volume Pre Max determined for all exercises after individual strength testing o (Bench Press, Squat, Dead lift, Incline) Post Max in all exercises 3-timed one mile runs (incomplete given for grade if not completed by end of semester) Reading and Writing assignments Midterm and Final Max Testing Important Course Information Know all exercises Know how to document on cards and charts Determine max for all exercises and calculate weight percentages for lifts Know all major muscles Know muscle to exercise relationships Integrate various fitness activities with weight lifting Read and write subject related summaries Utilize correct lifting techniques Transfer knowledge and experiences into lifetime fitness activities Develop a healthy living lifestyle Class policies All cell phones and portable electronic devices must be secured in the students locker before class begins unless prior arrangements have been made with instructor. Students should not be wearing headphones while in the weight room. All student are expected to participate each day in the activity chosen by the instructor, this is not a “free lifting time”. Students will be working in a per iodized strength training routine based on NSCA & NASM standard and weight training protocol. Timed Mile Runs o 5 Points-Must complete the mile without walking, all times acceptable o 3Point-Must not walk before the 5 minute mark & complete the mile, all time acceptable o 0 Points-Walked prior to the 5 minute mark, or did not participate. Incomplete Scored Course Objectives By the end of the course, students will… 1. Demonstrate the ability to define the differences between physical activity and exercise; 2. Demonstrate knowledge of the components of health-related fitness; 3. Demonstrate competency in developing a personal health-related fitness program; 4. Demonstrate knowledge of nutrition, cardiovascular health, diseases related to physical activity, stress, management, substance use and abuse, and sexually transmitted diseases; 5. Demonstrate knowledge of health-related benefits of physical activity and of the risks associated with physical inactivity; 6. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles specific to attaining and maintaining good health and fitness throughout life; and 7. Participate in physical activities that are self-paced at target heart rates of moderate to vigorous intensity. Attendance Students will be tested in for their max lifts 3 times during the course of the semester, regardless of absence. Workouts that are not completed in class are not required to be made-up, but total amount of workouts completed or missed will not factor into final grade. Students will receive a score of zero for Max tests that they do not complete. Students who are absent from class during workout days will not lose points for that day if the absence is excused. Max Lift make-ups are considered on an individual basis and will ONLY be authorized when students provide the instructor with a School or doctor approved excuse. Approved excuses: Excuses authorized by the Attendance office, Athletic Department (for student-athletes), or a physician will be honored. School Attendance will authorize student excuses for things that are out of control of the student (e.g., death in the family, illness in the family, etc.). Course Evaluation (Quarters are graded differently) Students must demonstrate minimal competency in each of the following requirements. Failure to meet minimal competency in the Physical Activity part of PE47 will result in a failure of the course. Quarter 1 (40% Weight on Semester grade) Quarter grade is weighted to emphasize active participation in class (% next to points is quarter weight) 1. GRO Assignment 1[5 points] 5% 2. Timed Mile Run [5 points] 5% 3. Participation/Dress [50 points] 40% 4. Personal and Social Behavior [50 points] 40% 5. Max Improvement [25 points] 10% Quarter 2 (60% Weight on Semester grade) Quarter grade is weighted to emphasize weight lifting improvement (% next to points is quarter weight) 1. GRO Assignment 2 [5 points] 5% 2. Timed Mile Runs (2) [10 points] 5% 3. Participation/Dress [50 points] 20% 4. Personal and Social Behavior [50 points] 20% 5. Max Improvement [25 points] 20% 6. Max Lifts Total/Body Weight Coefficient [50 points] 30% Max Lifts Total/Body Weight Coefficient Is a strength index created by Dr Jerry Slemmer to determine how hard a given student has worked to improve their lifting scores over the course of a semester. The index was created by studying max testing scores over the course of 25 years of all Wilson High School Weight Training classes. Each body weight from 100-265 can receive a score from 50-25 based on the total amount of weight lifted in the 4 core max lifts. Each student can be tracked from their 1 st semester as a freshman, through the final semester of their senior year. Emergency Exit Procedures 1. Know the location of the fire alarm 2. Dial 911 in the event of an emergency 3. Evacuate using the nearest exit Course Schedule (tentative) Week / Date Topic 1 Aug 8-10 2 Aug 13-17 Introduction Course syllabus distributed Distribution of Locker Room Lockers/Locks Mesa Public Schools Mandatory Fitness Testing (Pre-test) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Aug 20-24 Aug 27-31 Sep 3-7 Sep 10-14 Sept 17-21 Sept 24-28 Oct 1-5 Oct 8-12 Oct 15-19 Oct 22-26 Oct 29-2 Pre-Test Max Testing (Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift, Incline Bench) Lifting Development. Spotting, Workout routine familiarization Phase 1 Week 1(Muscle Hypotrophy 63%) Phase 1 Week 2(Muscle Hypotrophy 67%) Phase 1 Week 3(Muscle Hypotrophy 73%) Phase 2 Week 4(Muscle Hypotrophy 77%) Phase 2 Week 5(Muscle Hypotrophy 81%) Fall Break No School Phase 2 Week 6(Muscle Hypotrophy 85%) Post Hypertrophy Max Testing (Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift, Incline Bench) Phase 3 Maximal Strength Week 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 Nov 5-9 Nov 12-16 Nov 19-21 Nov 26-30 Dec 3-7 Dec 10-14 20 Dec 17-21 Phase 3 Maximal Strength Week 2 Phase 3 Maximal Strength Week 3 Phase 3 Maximal Strength Week 4 Phase 4 Power Week 1 Post Semester Max Testing (Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift, Incline Bench) Mesa Public Schools Mandatory Fitness testing (Post-test) Final class prep Collection of Locks