World Language Activity Worksheet LEVEL: Intermediate Strand: Comparisons Standard: Comparing Languages Level of Proficiency/Domain: Intermediate Benchmark: 4.1.M.a: Select vocabulary recognizing that meaning is not always conveyed through direct word for word translation from one’s own language to the target language. Assessment (before, during, after): Before: Have students translate a variety of words from English to the target language using the dictionary. (Be sure to use words that have more than one meaning, such as “back” or “head”). During: Have students translate phrases such as “head straight”, “go back”, and “I love you” using the dictionary correctly. After: Have students translate a whole paragraph (with basic language) using the dictionary or an online dictionary. 1 Learning Activities/Facts/Information: Resources: 1. Teacher creates a short biography of him/herself, translates it into the target language, and uses Google translator to translate it back into English. This shows students that online translators do not work to translate word for word. translator 2. Discuss the dictionary worksheet used in the before assessment, go over the correct way to say words, and show how to use the dictionary correctly. 3. Dictionary activity: Find in the dictionary the different translations for the word “back” and discuss them as a class to show how you have to even be careful with dictionary translations. New Vocabulary: back, head, love, other English words that have more than one meaning 2 World Language Activity Worksheet LEVEL: Intermediate Strand: Comparisons Standard: Comparing Languages Level of Proficiency/Domain: Intermediate Benchmark: 4.1.M.b: Select grammatical structures recognizing that meaning is not always conveyed through direct word for word translation from one’s own language to the target language. Assessment (before, during, after): Before: Have students translate a variety of phrases that have different structures in English into the target language using the dictionary. (It is fun, I have it, I like basketball, I love you, red shirt, give me that, My name is, I’m 16 years old, etc.) During: Have students translate additional phrases from the before assessment such as “I have it”, “My brother is 15 years old”, “I like cars”, etc., using the dictionary correctly. After: Have students translate a whole paragraph (with basic language) using the dictionary or an online dictionary to help them. 3 Learning Activities/Facts/Information: Resources: 1. Teacher creates a short biography of him/herself, translates it into the target language, and uses Google translator to translate it back into English. This shows students that online translators do not work to translate word for word. translator 2. Discuss the dictionary worksheet used in the before assessment, go over the correct way to say words, show how to use the dictionary correctly, and show the importance of conjugating words. 3. Discuss different grammatical rules for grammatical structures in direct instruction (order of nouns and adjectives, placement of direct object pronouns, “to be” & “to know” in Spanish for example, etc.). New Vocabulary: back, head, love, other English words that have more than one meaning 4 World Language Activity Worksheet LEVEL: Intermediate Strand: Comparisons Standard: Comparing Languages Level of Proficiency/Domain: Intermediate Benchmark: 4.1.M.c: Select register/honorifics recognizing that meaning is not always conveyed through direct word for word translation from one’s own language to the target language. Assessment (before, during, after): Before: Show students pictures of different people and ask them which register they would use when talking to that person (formal or informal). During: Have students translate parts of a conversation into the target language to show understanding of not just being able to translate “you” directly; there are different ways to say “you” and each way changes the meaning. After: Have students write short messages to three different people (friend, teacher & a group of people), saying the same thing in all three messages but changing the register appropriately and using appropriate honorifics if necessary. 5 Learning Activities/Facts/Information: Resources: 1. Show pictures again from the before assessment and discuss why the different registers are used for each picture. Pictures from textbook or from web of different professions, different ages (The President, The Pope, the principal, police officer, teacher, senior citizens, students, little children, more than one person) 2. Direct instruction in which the teacher lists the different honorifics and registers on the board. Have the students repeat out loud for pronunciation and copy notes down. 3. Have students write down names of different people they know and their relation to them and list what honorific/ register they would use and discuss answers as a class. 4. Matching game: students match the register/honorific to different pictures. New Vocabulary: honorifics (sir, miss, ma’am, your honor, your Excellency, etc.), registers (you (formal & plural), you all, they, etc.) 6 World Language Activity Worksheet LEVEL: Intermediate Strand: Comparisons Standard: Comparing Languages Level of Proficiency/Domain: Intermediate Benchmark: 4.1.M.d: Select phonological features recognizing that meaning is not always conveyed through equivalent application of the same features from one’s own language to the target language. Assessment (before, during, after): Before: Give each student five different words in the target language. Choose words that are commonly mispronounced due to the way the letters sound in English (examples in Spanish: the –ge, lla, -gi, vowels, examples in French: vowels, “ll”). During: Students are given a short script and have to read/act out the script with a partner in front of the class, focusing on pronunciation. After: Students individually give a brief presentation on a news article where they read the article aloud to the class, focusing on pronunciation, and explain what it is about in English after reading the article. 7 Learning Activities/Facts/Information: Resources: 1. Go over the five words as a class and discuss the pronunciation of the word letter by letter. Have students repeat after teacher. News articles in the target language 2. Review the alphabet in the target language and point out its major differences with English. Alphabet printout/poster for students to look at 3. With each new vocabulary word that is taught throughout the year, have the students repeat the teacher to get the pronunciation down. 4. Listen to a news broadcast in target language and pay attention to pronunciation. News broadcast from BBC Mundo New Vocabulary: pronunciation, letters of the alphabet 8 World Language Activity Worksheet LEVEL: Intermediate Strand: Comparisons Standard: Comparing Cultures Level of Proficiency/Domain: Intermediate Benchmark: 4.2.M.a: Identify the significance of the cultural practices within the target culture(s) and compare them to one’s own. Assessment (before, during, after): Before: KWL chart: What do you know about ____________________ practice from the target culture? (Could be a religious practice such as Easter or Christmas or Ramadan, or a coming of age custom, wedding practices, schooling, food, etc.) During: Students create a Venn diagram comparing their culture to the culture seen in a movie shown (can be a documentary or a regular movie and can be a specific custom or can be more general comparing the culture overall). After: Make a tri-fold poster board project: on the left side include the tradition/custom from your culture, on the right side include the tradition/custom from the target culture, and in the middle include what they have in common (for example: comparing sweet sixteen & Quinceañera ). Each student is assigned a different tradition/custom. 9 Learning Activities/Facts/Information: Resources: 1. Direct instruction on specific customs/traditions. PowerPoint presentation and/or Documentary on a specific custom (such as Mardi Gras, Day of the Dead, Independence day celebrations, Christmas, Easter, etc.) 2. Readings or websites that deal with the different customs from the target culture. 3. Have students do a web quest on a specific cultural practice in the target culture. 4. Watch a movie that shows some sort of cultural practice in the target culture. Sample movies: Quinceañera, The Rocket (for French) New Vocabulary: religion, coming of age, wedding, marriage, culture 10 World Language Activity Worksheet LEVEL: Intermediate Strand: Comparisons Standard: Comparing Cultures Level of Proficiency/Domain: Intermediate Benchmark: 4.2.M.b: Identify the significance of the cultural products within the target culture(s) and compare them to one’s own. Assessment (before, during, after): Before: Students are given brief descriptions of products and pictures of the products. Students will match the corresponding descriptions and pictures. During: Students are given different advertisements for products in the target language and have to answer a variety of questions about them. After: In pairs, students give an oral presentation on a product from the target culture. Each pair is assigned a different cultural product (a clothing item, a food, a car, etc.). 11 Learning Activities/Facts/Information: Resources: 1. Go over the answers to the before assessment. 2. Play charades with the different products being discussed. Pictures of various products (foods, brands, body wash, perfume/cosmetics, etc.) along with the advertisements that go with them 3. Readings on the different products and pictures to aid with understanding. Advertisements for products from magazines in the target language 4. Show a commercial in the target language for a A commercial in the target language cultural product and discuss as a class afterwards. New Vocabulary: clothing, cars, music genres, names of specific foods/meals 12