Transcript of Sarsaparilla Core Anxiety and depression from pain. Theme Painfull constriction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Chilly. Very sensitive to cold. agg. Night. agg. Spring [especially eruptions]. Painful urination, especially last drops. Cracks. Shrivelled skin. Causation MIND - AILMENTS FROM - emotions MIND - AILMENTS FROM - money; from losing Mind "Morose peevishness with inclination to work. Frequent alterations of mood. The pains greatly affect his spirits and cause great depression." (Boenninghausen). Van Woensel: - Easily offended. Anger about former vexations. - Delusion being friendless. - Changeable moods. - Anxiety and depression from pain. Severe, almost unbearable pain at conclusion of urination (Berb., Equis., Med., Thuja). Vermeulen: Very bad mood - loss of temper. Disgusted with everything; no pleasure in anything. Extremely irritable, even the fly on the wall irritates him. Readily insulted by a word. Cannot forget vexatious matters. [Hahnemann] Sadness from pain. Delusion of being friendless. Reserved; doesn't make friends easily; no close friends. Quiet; like to be by themselves and to do things on their own. Difficult to share things. Or: Feels left out and neglected. [These basic syphilitic traits are in keeping with the essence of Monardes's sarsaparilla therapy for syphilis: confinement and abstinence [from pleasure] for 10 weeks altogether.] KN Urination, dribbling while sitting, urine passes freely when standing Generals CHILLY. Very sensitive to cold. Tendency to gravel and itching eruptions. Itching scaly spots, become crusty; agg. in Spring. Skin irritation [raw on scratching and agg. washing] agg. any hot stimulating food, such as hot soup [Borland]. Faintness during menses [2]. PAINFUL URINATION, especially LAST drops; amel. standing; agg. before menses. [One of the main remedies for cystitis.] Modalities Worse: At close of micturition. Spring. Cold wet; damp weather. Mercury. Night. Suppressed gonorrhoea. Yawning. During menses. Better: Uncovering neck or chest. Standing. Region Genito-urinary system. Skin Deep, bleeding CRACKS in hands, especially in fingers [agg. sides]. Retracted or cracked nipples. Itching eruption on forehead during menses. Obstinate constipation and violent urging to urinate. Dysmenorrhoea: extreme pain in back and lower abdomen, extending down thighs, and faintness, perspiring, vomiting and diarrhoea and "very acute mammary sensitiveness, often one-sided [left more than right]" [Borland]. Very sore, gouty nodes. Rheumatic pains agg. at night, agg. damp weather. DD Canth, Equis, Nat-c, NIt-ac, Petr, Sep Miasma Psor 1 Syph 2 Syc 2 Carc 1