Hutterite Pottery in Europe We are looking for partners to our project idea. Counties who possibly have Hutterite ceramics: Germany, Netherlands, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxemburg Ideal partners: museums, applied art organizations, ceramic and pottery associations, etc Draft of the project: Our aim is to create a cooperation between countries to research the Hutterite culture, art and the way of life. During the research our propose is to understand better the cultural and social characteristics of this group: how did they develop, and how could they defend their groups against the many persecutions. Why and how did they work out these unique and high quality ceramic techniques in Europe. How could they maintain the quality and the use of materials as well as the technician conditions during their wanderings. We are not only curious about the explanation of the technical feats, but the power of this fraternal connection, that is able to set an example of human dignity and an artistic peak capacity also in the most difficult situations. The Hutterites (Habans) originated from Switzerland, and after they wandered through MiddleEurope in the 16th century and after a while they settled in Eastern-Europe, then they moved to North-America in the 19th century. Meanwhile they created typical ceramics mixed with the artistic effects of the host countries. Proposed activities: - Traveling exhibitions The partners would introduce mutually their own collection to each other. - Research and workshops Historians, historians of religion, researchers of museums will be involved. We want to deepen the research in the field of Hutterites. We will make workshops for introduction of the Hutterite technology. Some Hutterite works will be recreated by the work of art copying specialist of the Museum of Applied Arts. - Art residences and trainings for students We are planning to organize creative camps with the help and participation of our partners. In these camps we want to work out the modern, contemporary form of the Hutterite style. In this camps everybody could learn Hutterite technologies in practice in Gorka Museum, and could try to live what the Hutterites lived in the 16th century. Mrs. Kata Sárkány - art director Proposed fund: Culture Programme - Strand 1.2.1 - Cooperation measures Deadline: 03/10/2012 EU grant: 50% More information (last year call): CONTACT: Gorka Ceramic Museum Contact person: Mr Daniel Biro - project coordinator E-mail: Phone: +36308421210 Address: Hungary, 2621 VerÅ‘ce, Szamos utca 22. Web: