2011 CARMA Short Courses in Australia In Partnership with the University of Melbourne Venue: University of Melbourne April 27 – 29, 2011 Short Course: “Regression Analysis: Simple Regression, Multiple Regression, Moderated Regression, and Logistic regression” Instructor: Dr. Jose Cortina, George Mason University Course Summary The purpose of this short course is to provide information and supervised hands-on exercises relating to several different approaches to regression analysis. First, we will cover singlepredictor or simple regression and multiple-predictor or multiple regression. Next we will cover moderated multiple regression, which allows one to investigate statistical interaction. All three of these topics will be covered in the context of ordinary least squares estimation. Finally, we will cover logistic regression, which allows one to predictor dichotomous dependent variables. This last topic will be covered within the context of maximum likelihood estimation. For each of these topics, attendees will have an opportunity to analyze and interpret results for multiple data sets. Instructor Biography Jose M. Cortina is a Professor in the I/O Psychology program at George Mason University. Professor Cortina received his Ph.D. in 1994 from Michigan State University. His recent research has involved topics in meta-analysis, structural equation modeling, and the use of personality to predict job performance. His work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Applied Psychology , Personnel Psychology , Psychological Bulletin , Organizational Research Methods , and Psychological Methods . He currently serves as the Editor of Organizational Research Methods. Dr. Cortina was honored by SIOP with the 2001 Ernest J. McCormick Award for Distinguished Early Career Contributions and by the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management with the 2004 Robert O. McDonald Best Paper Award. He was also the proud recipient of a 2010 George Mason University Teaching Excellence Award. Short Course: “Qualitative Research Methods for Cross-Cultural Research” Instructor: Dr. Tine Köhler, University of Melbourne Course Summary Qualitative methods for data collection and data analysis have unique strengths when it comes to cross-cultural research. They are highly suitable to capture the complexity of issues underlying cross-cultural differences, study dynamic processes and changes over time, and distinguish the influence of culture from the influence of external events and personal differences on outcome variables of interest. These methods help researchers move away from using the rather coarse descriptors of cultural differences developed at the national level (such as cultural dimension systems) to arrive at a richer, more complex, and thus, more accurate, understanding of how cultural differences affect individual and group behaviors. The current workshop will introduce several qualitative approaches to collecting and analyzing cross-cultural data including, but not limited to, ethnography, case study research, interviews, observations, and grounded theory. It will give an overview of general challenges and opportunities of cross-cultural research, while providing hands on examples of how to use the different methods effectively. Furthermore, the workshop will provide specific examples of practical challenges and strategies to manage them. Instructor Biography Dr. Tine Köhler is Lecturer in International Business in the Department of Management and Marketing at the University of Melbourne, Australia. She received her Pre-Diploma from the Philipps-University Marburg in Germany and her MA and PhD degrees from George Mason University in the US. Before joining the University of Melbourne, she worked at the International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group, USA) as a consultant for leadership development. Her research focuses on Global Teamwork and Research Methods and Statistics. Her main research interests are in the area of cross-cultural management, cross-cultural communication and coordination, group processes, trust, and motivation, qualitative research methods, meta-analysis and regression. Dr. Köhler is an editorial board member of Organizational Research Methods and the Academy of Management Learning and Education journal. She further reviews for the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Small Groups Research. She has published book chapters, journal articles, and papers in conference proceedings on global teamwork and research methods and statistics and has presented at various international conferences and workshops. Dr. Köhler serves on the International Advisory Board of the Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) and is a member of the Melbourne International Business Research Unit (MIBRU). Short Course: “Advanced Topics in Structural Equation Methods” Instructor: Dr. Bob Vandenberg, University of Georgia Course Summary The focus of my workshop is on SEM topics that are outside the boundaries of introductory SEM courses and workshops. Thus, participants should have some grounding in basic CFA and SEM analyses. Further, I use the Mplus program in my workshop (Muthén & Muthén, 1998-2006). However, no prior experience with the latter program is needed. Many of my examples entail multi-group comparisons such as intervention vs. control conditions. All topics will be approximately half lecture and half hands-on experience where you will actually conduct the analyses. Data for the hands on portion will be provided. However, I highly encourage participants to bring their own data and attempt the exercises using them. Among the advanced topics to be discussed are: (a) measurement invariance; (b) latent growth modeling; (c) multilevel SEM; (d) latent interaction terms; (e) latent class analysis; and (f) missing data procedures in SEM. Software required for this course is MPlus. Instructor Biography Robert (Bob) Vandenberg is a Professor of Management in the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA (USA). He belongs to the organizational behavior group. He teaches in the undergraduate, MBA and Ph.D. programs including courses in organizational behavior, leadership, change management, introductory research methods, introduction to structural equation modeling, and advanced structural equation modeling. Bob's primary substantive research focuses are on organizational commitment, and high involvement work processes. His methodological research stream includes measurement invariance, latent growth modeling, and multilevel structural equation modeling. Bob's articles on these topics have appeared in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Organization Sciences, Group and Organization Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Organizational Research Methods. Bob's measurement invariance article co-authored with Charles Lance received the 2005 Robert McDonald Award for the Best Published Article to Advance Research Methods given by the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management. He has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Organizational Research Methods. Bob was editor-in-chief of Organizational Research Methods from 2007-2010. He is past division chair of the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management. Bob also received the division’s 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award. In addition, he is a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the American Psychological Association, and the Southern Management Association. He is also a Fellow in the Center for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis at Virginia Commonwealth University in which he conducts annual workshops, and a Fellow of the Institute for Behavioral Research at the University of Georgia. Further, he was recently accepted as a member of S.O.B. Finally, and vastly more important, Bob is married to Carole, has three children, Drew, Kaity and Jackson, and rides his Harley with a passion every day. Short Course: “Introduction to Structural Equation Methods” Instructor: Dr. Mike Zyphur, University of Melbourne Course Summary The Introduction to Structural Equation Methods Short Course provides (a) introductory coverage of the logic and mathematics that underlie SEM as they relate to the general linear model and OLS regression, (b) confirmatory latent variable techniques, including confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation methods with latent variables, (c) discussion of special issues related to the application of these techniques in organizational research, and (d) a comparison of these techniques with traditional analytical approaches. This Short Course will contain a balance of lecture and hands-on data analysis with examples and assignments, with an emphasis on understanding the fundamentals of latent variable modeling as they relate to application in organizational research. Instructor Biography Michael J. Zyphur enjoys studying quantitative methods. His work utilizes a generalized latent variable modeling framework that includes structural equation models, multilevel models, multilevel structural equation models, and latent class cluster analysis/factor mixture models. He has published a variety of papers utilizing this framework examining, for example, the superiority of multilevel structural equation modeling for specifying multilevel mediation, latent class cluster analysis for determining faultlines in organizations, autoregressive latent trajectory models for studying job performance over time, and slope-as-predictor multilevel structural equation models to study the effects of testosterone-status mismatch in groups. For these purposes his Ph.D in Industrial and Organization psychology granted in 2006 by Tulane University has come in handy, helping him publish papers in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Psychological Methods, Structural Equation Modeling, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. He has held positions at the National University of Singapore, the University of Washington, and is currently employed by the University of Melbourne. He likes dogs, but does not currently own one.