PLAN COMMISSION MEETING COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING COMMITTEE Pursuant to Wisconsin State Statues 19.84 the Plan Commission of the Town of West Point and the Comprehensive Planning Committee held a joint meeting on Thursday, June 7, 2007 at the West Point Town Hall, N2114 Rausch Road, Lodi, Wisconsin. The meeting was posted in three places as required by law and on the town's web site. Kevin Kessler called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. Members of the Plan Commission that were present were: Kevin Kessler, Sheila Landsverk, Wayne Houston, Nathan Sawyer, Ron Schoepp, and Gordon Carncross (town board representative). Members of the Comprehensive Planning Committee that were present were: Ron Grasshoff, Sheila Landsverk, Gabe Miller, Bud Styer, Mike Bunch and Bob Ham (town board representative). Absent from Plan Commission was Fred Madison. Absent from Comprehensive Planning Committee was Karna Hanna. Dean Schwarz and John Miller Town Board members and Edith Eberle, Town Clerk was also present. Agenda #2 – Public Hearing for a Variance for Eric and Laura teDuits at W12632 Pleasant View Park Road – Lot 7 – tax parcel #713.A – the following variances are needed: Rear Yard; Substandard Lot; Structure Alterations over 50% of Value for Wheel Chair Lift – Eric and Laura teDuits were unable to attend the meeting – Ben teDuits (Eric's father) attended the meeting in their absence. There were final plans for the proposed home which will be set back 12 feet from the present home location that given to the Plan Commission for review.. The teDuits own a lot across the road which is were the septic will be placed. The garage will stay in the present location, which will not be attached to the new proposed house, but the floor of the garage will be brought up approximately 4 feet for the wheel chair lift. The proposed new house will be approximately 4 to 5 feet taller than the present home. Joan Neubauer a neighbor of the proposed home had some questions about if there will be a walk out basement. Mr. teDuits stated that it will not have a walk out basement. The public hearing adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Agenda #3 – Citizen Input – None June 7, 2007 Page 1 of 7 Agenda #4 – Minutes from May 31, 2007 meeting – A motion was made by Sheila Landsverk to postpone the minutes until the next meeting, 2nd by Gordon Carncross – motion carried. Agenda #5 - Variance for Eric and Laura teDuits at W12632 Pleasant View Park Road – Lot 7 – tax parcel #713.A – the following variances are needed: Rear Yard; Substandard Lot; Structure Alterations over 50% of Value for Wheel Chair Lift – A variance application for Eric and Laura teDuits at W12632 Pleasant View Park Road – Lot 7 – tax parcel #713.A was presented to the Plan Commission for consideration. There are 3 variances needed - Rear Yard; Substandard Lot; and Structure Alterations over 50% of Value for Wheel Chair Lift. The Plan Commission members looked over the proposed plan and asked questions of the teDuits. There was a question on the basement and screen in porch. A motion was made by Gordon Carncross to recommend approval of the 3 variances to the town board, 2 nd by Ron Schoepp – a roll call vote was taken as follows: Gordon Carncross – yes; Ron Schoepp – yes; Sheila Landsverk – abstained; Nathan Sawyer – no; Wayne Houston – no; and Kevin Kessler – yes – the motion passed. There was a 5 minute recess to organize the meeting room for the Joint meeting with the Smart Growth Committee and the Plan Commission at 8:20 p.m. Attorney S. Bryan Kleinmaier from Stafford Rosenbaum joined the Smart Growth Committee and the Plan Commission. Agenda #6 – Draft Comprehensive Plan – Each Plan Commission member and Comprehensive Planning members received an email copy of all of the red line proposed changes to the Draft Comprehensive Plan for their review prior to the meeting. Sheila Landsverk gave a summary of the changes as follows: For purposes of the Development Rights formula on the Land Use Element, changed 50 acres to 35 Utility District recommended - not required Walking Path recommended – not required Minimum lot size is 1 acre and maximum lot size is 5 acres for agricultural land Put Industrial area as a Land Use Type on the Map 8-3 June 7, 2007 Page 2 of 7 Add "Ice Age Trail" with a solid red line to Land Use Map 8-3 (keep dashed red line as the corridor) Increase Crystal Lake green Recreational area to the west to follow section line south to the lake on Map 8-3 Put a red commercial dot on peninsula in Crystal Lake on Map 8-3 as is shown on Map 8-1 Include a purple Utility area in the upper northeast corner of Section 11 in the area mapped as environmental corridor on Map 8-3 On Maps 8-1 and 8-3 – add as single family residential and conservation residential (yellow) for tax parcels 20.01, 20.02, 20.03, 20.04, 20.05, 20.C, 20.D, 20.E, 20.F and 20.G. On Map 8-1 – Delete Farm Residential from the Land Use Type key and delete all 'F's on the map Appendix II – Please add "Town of West Point Public Participation Amendment" to the list of items and include the document in the plan Appendix IV – Replace West Point Eagle Critical 1, Critical 2 and Habitat 1 with a new Map on Eagle Critical Habitat areas. Chairman Ron Grasshoff read a letter that was sent to a landowner from 11 people concerning our new Comprehensive Plan. Copies of an email with additional changes to the draft comprehensive plan were given to the committee/commission member for their review. Attorney Bryan Kleinmaier explained that there are 3 areas that needs to be clarified – they are: 1. Columbia County vs. the Town of West Point – acre – graduated scale 2. Columbia County parcel size 3. Parcel of Record or contiguous ownership There was discussion on multi-splits – on how the remainder of land if deed restricted – how would the Town of West Point know if the land was deed restricted in the future and that is was not build able. Copies of Columbia County 8.6 future Land Use Element were given to committee/commission member for information In Columbia County development option #2 – all portions of the "Contiguous Ownership" parcel outside the designated building area are permanently restricted to agricultural or open space uses and cannot be used to determine additional development rights. Columbia County has an agriculture overlay district which is shown on the deed when Planning and Zoning brings up that parcel. There was discussion on the June 7, 2007 Page 3 of 7 Town of West Point having an agricultural overlay district. It was the consensus that the Town of West Point would need an Ordinance for deed restriction or Agriculture Overlay district. The Town Board would have to do a definition on what is a parcel for the attorney to draft an Ordinance. A motion was made by Gordon Carncross to keep the parcel of record as of the date and add a paragraph as contiguous ownership similar to Columbia County, 2nd by Bob Ham – after discussion the motion was amended as follows: for purposes of the following table, parcel means contiguous land under the same ownership as of the date the Land Division and Subdivision Code becomes effective - motion carried. Under Goal 5 - Policies and Proposed Programs (e) the words "a parcel of record" to be removed. (e) which will read as follows – Allow owners of agricultural land to divide parcel from 1-5 acres for residences in accordance with the following table, providing that the remaining acreage assigned to the development right be defined by a certified survey and legally restricted to agriculture in perpetuity. A new (f) which will read as follows: For purposes of the following table, parcel means contiguous land under the same ownership as of the date the Land Division and Subdivision Code becomes effective. The next discussion item was minimum and maximum acres for agriculture land. All members of the Plan Commission and Comprehensive Planning Committee agreed that the minimum residential parcel is 1 acre – there was discussion on the maximum residential acres. A motion was made by Bob Ham to change the maximum residential acre from 5 to 3, 2nd by Gordon Carncross – a roll call vote was taken as follows: Gordon Carncross – yes; Ron Schoepp – yes; Nathan Sawyer – no; Wayne Houston – no; Gabe Miller – no; Bob Ham – yes; Mike Bunch – yes; Ron Grasshoff – no; Bud Styer – no, Kevin Kessler – no, Sheila Landsverk – yes – motion was defeated by a vote of 6 no – 5 yes. If the Plan Commission was voting the vote would have been a 3 to 3 tie which means the motion was defeated. Ron Schoepp would like a make a change to map 8-3 which shows 3.4 acres of commercial nodes on land that is currently being farmed and would like the commercial nodes moved. A motion was made by Mike Bunch to move the commercial 3.5 acres which is shown on the map south of State Highway 188 – East of East Harmon Road to the south west quarter of Section 11 across from Sunset Bay (3.5 acres), 2nd by Gabe Miller – motion carried. June 7, 2007 Page 4 of 7 The Plan Commission also removed the entire second paragraph under Table 8-10 – starting with Commercial land acreage. The Town of West Point needs to have Siting Ordinance similar to Columbia County Siting standards for residential and commercial development. Agenda #7 – Resolution Recommending that the Town Board adopts the Draft Comprehensive Plan as the Town of West Point Comprehensive Plan. A copy of a proposed Resolution #060607 recommending the Adoption to the Town Board of the Town of West Point Comprehensive Plan was presented to the Plan Commission for their consideration. A motion was made by Sheila Landsverk to recommend the adoption of Resolution 060607 the Adoption to the Town Board of the Town of West Point Comprehensive Plan along with the Attorney Bryan Kleinmeyer additional changes (see attached), the sheet with "Other Changes to the Maps and Appendix, and the other changes that are listed above that were made tonight, 2nd by Gordon Carncross – a roll call vote was taken as follows: Gordon Carncross – yes; Ron Schoepp – yes; Nathan Sawyer – yes; Wayne Houston – yes; Sheila Landsverk – yes, Kevin Kessler – yes - motion carried. Agenda #8 – Next Meeting Agenda – The next Plan Commission meeting is on June 21st – Minutes, Review Proposed Ordinances, Adopt the Comprehensive Plan as the Towns Master Plan, Appoint Plan Commission officers and any other business that may legally added to the agenda by the Town Clerk. There will also be a June 28th Plan Commission meeting which will work on Ordinances. Agenda #9 – Adjourn – A motion was made by Sheila Landsverk to adjourn the joint Plan Commission and Comprehensive Planning Committee meeting at 11:00 p.m., 2nd by Gordon Carncross – motion carried. Respectfully Submitted By Edith K. Eberle Town Clerk June 7, 2007 Page 5 of 7 Additional changes to draft comprehensive plan: Housing Element. Goal 3, objective 6, paragraph l – Change “Require” to “Encourage”. Transportation Element. Goal 1, objective 11, paragraph b – Add the following after “developer”: “related to reviewing a development proposal’s effect on traffic.” Economic Development Element. Goal 6, objective 3 – Amend to read: “Institute Town ordinances that support the goals of the comprehensive plan and collect appropriate park fees or require appropriate parkland dedication.” Goal 6, objective 4, paragraph a – Delete this paragraph due to new language in Goal 3, objective 10, paragraph a. Intergovernmental Cooperation Element. Section, second line of second paragraph – Delete “q” before “an”. Land Use Element. Goal 5, objective 3, paragraph c – Delete this paragraph; this change is no longer being made. Conservation Residential Areas section, paragraph c – Change this paragraph to read: “Encourage use of communal sewage sanitary systems in all major [four homes or more] land divisions.” Table 8-11: Add paragraph under the last table stating that Town anticipates that industrial use (approximately 30 acres) shall remain the same through 2030. Implementation Element. Page 21 in chart – Remove deletion of the following paragraph and corresponding line: “Establish Impact Fees, where legally permissible, to ensure that the costs associated with residential development is not unduly borne by current residents.” June 7, 2007 Page 6 of 7 Other changes to West Point Comprehensive Plan June 6, 2007 Map 8-1: Existing Land Use, 2005 Delete Farm Residential from the Land Use Type key Delete all 'F's on map Map 8-3: Future Land Use, 2030 1. Under Land Use Type a. Add 'Industrial' as Land Use Type b. Add 'Ice Age Trail' as a solid red line to Land Use type [keep dashed red line as the corridor] 2. In Section 35, increase green Recreational area to the west to follow section line south to lake – finished piece will be flush with section line that extends down from Gannon Road. 3. Put red commercial dot on peninsula in Crystal Lake as on Map 8-1. 4. Include a purple Utility area in the upper northeast corner of section 11 in the area mapped as environmental corridor – the large parcel. Map 8-1 and Map 8-3: Please add as Single Family Residential and Conservation Residential [yellow] in the respective Maps above the parcels below near the south side of Section 1 near Hwy 113 – Tax parcels 20.01, 20.02, 20.03, 20.04, 20.05, 20.C, D, E, F, and G. Appendix II: Resolutions – Please add 'Town of West Point Public Participation Amendment' to the list of items and include the document in the Plan Appendix IV: Replace WP Eagle Critical 1, Critical 2 and Habitat 1 with new Map on Eagle Critical Habitat areas. June 7, 2007 Page 7 of 7