Color Code: Purple = examples from other instructors Green = optional, items that may be included at the instructor’s discretion NOTE: Items on this page should be the first items on the syllabus. Other items can be in any order. University of Alaska Department of Health, Physical Education & Recreation Semester Year (example: Spring 2010) Course Syllabus Course #, Title of Course, # of Credits (example: PER A118 Beginning Weight Training) Start Date – End Date of this course (example: Jan 12, 2010 – Mar 02, 2010) Instructor: Name Phone Number(s) Email Address Location(s): (example: WFSC WGTH Wells Fargo Sports Center Fitness Center) Date(s) and Time(s): (example: TR 4:00p-5:15p) Course Description: (must be stated exactly as written in the UAA Catalog or Course Content Guide) References to assist in writing syllabus: - PER course content guides link for your course - PEP course content guides choose link for your course Course Prerequisite/Co-requisites: (must be stated exactly as written in the UAA Catalog or Course Content Guide (CCG)) (optional) REQUIRED: (example: Blackboard access, UAA email account ) Add any notes or explanations Textbook(s): (example: Muscle Mechanics by Everett Aaberg. NOT REQUIRED, but highly recommended.) Student Outcomes : (must include those on the Course Content Guide (CCG) and can include any the instructor wants to add) Example: 1. Improve overall fitness by increasing lean body tissue through resistance training. 2. Develop a basic weight-training program. 3. Identify major muscles used in class activities. 4. Demonstrate correct body alignment and form for all activities. 5. Demonstrate SAFETY and adherence to the instructor’s rules while in the fitness center, the sports center and throughout all fitness activities. Color Code: Purple = examples from other instructors Green = optional, items that may be included at the instructor’s discretion Classroom Safety: Please note where the emergency exits are located for this room; signs are posted by the doors. In an emergency, students are to exit the building and move away from it; our class will gather ____fill in location____ (example: in the west campus quad). Contact campus police: For Emergencies – From a campus phone: 8-911 • From your own phone: 911 For non-emergencies - From a campus phone: 6-1120 • From your own phone: 786-1120 Students are encouraged to be responsible for their own safety at all times ad to bring safety concerns to the attention of UAA faculty or staff or to contact the University Police. Additional safety information may be accessed online at or Equipment (omit if class does not use equipment): Students are responsible for the proper use and care of course equipment. Replacement cost for lost or damaged equipment will be charged. Photographs: Photographs of class activities are sometimes taken and used in UAA promotional Materials; if you do not wish your likeness to be used in this way, please make sure that the instructor and / or photographer are aware prior to the capture of the image. Grading System: (include those items which comprise the student’s total grade as well as a grading scale) Example 1 – A-93-100% B-85-92% Attendance & Participation Skills Test Paper on History of the Activity Take-home Final Exam C-77-84% D-70-76% F-0-69% 60% 20% 10% 10% Example 2 A B 90-100% Excellent Honor grade - Student has complete mastery of the required work C D F 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% Below 60 Good Average Poor Failure Participant has a high Participant has a Lowest Not enough level of performance satisfactory level of passing mastery to in meeting course performance in meeting grade* pass the requirements course requirements course *Not all instructors consider D an acceptable grade. If the D column is not applicable to your course, delete it and adjust the grading scale. Attendance .................................................. 20% Participation and attitude............................ 30% Daily workout log/journal/notebook ........... 10% Project .......................................................... 20% Color Code: Purple = examples from other instructors Green = optional, items that may be included at the instructor’s discretion Final Exam .................................................... 20% Example 3 90% and above 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% Below 60% A B C D F 40% 20% 20% 20% ASEP National Exam Participation & Lab Assignments Assignments ASAA Quiz & Final Exam Course Calendar/Schedule: Date Example 1 Monday May 8th Subject / Material / Assignment Deadlines / Holidays (instructor discretion) Intro to Medical/Legal Issues Patient Assessment System (PAS) Exposure Control CPR & Big Bleeds BLS Skills (cession of CPR protocol) Reading Assignment: Workbook “Read Me First” and “Sample” Homework for next day: BLS Preset Example 2 June 14 Example 3 Mon 9/19 Example 4 Mon 10/31 Field Outing: Nancy Lakes. Meet at PSB (Professional Studies Bldg) Meet no later than 8:00am Reivew strokes, loading and unloading canoes Introduction to maps for navigation Introduction and practice portaging Expected return, 7:00pm Unit 9 – Games Approach/Guest Speaker ASAA Guidelines & Test/ASEP TEST REVIEW Color Code: Purple = examples from other instructors Green = optional, items that may be included at the instructor’s discretion (optional) Student Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the student to (example:) Attend class, Be on time, Complete assignments on time, Discourse with courtesy, AND Dress appropriately Engage fully, and be Fit for the class. If it is deemed that this is not the case, then we will need to discuss it further and prepare an individual learning contract. Failure to create and comply with an individual learning contract will result in dismissal from and/or failure of the class. To clarify, engaged fully means that all distractions are removed (no ringing or answering of cell phones, laptops are being used only for current class work, conversations revolve around the topic being discussed in the class , students display professional respect to presenting peers, physical activity is performed at 80 RPE and to the best ability). (optional) Attendance, Late Work, and Make-up Policy: (example:) *** IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!! NO EXCEPTIONS ** It is extremely important that you be on time to class. This is 75 minute class; therefore; if you are more than 8 minutes late, you will not get credit for the class and will need to make-up the class (make up classes and assignments are listed in Blackboard) Class starts at 5:40pm. A proper warm-up period is crucial to safety when participating in Aqua Aerobics. If you cannot swim, please take the extra time before class to get a flotation device and plese let the instructor know. You will not be required to go into deep water if you are not comfortable with it. Also, please let me know of any physical limitations, I will be happy to show class members several modifications to exercise moves. Attendance will be taken at the start of each class. (optional) Classroom Rules: (ideas: use of cell phones, behavior, encourage to ask for help, etc.) Example 1: Cell phone use is not allowed in class. If an emergency requires you to have your cell phone with you, you may not use your phone in class. You must step outside the fitness facility to use your phone. You may not, under any circumstances, use your phone while exercising. This includes phone, text and email functions. You may use the music function-with earphones only-in class. Instructor will carry a cell phone at all times in case of emergency. Roughhousing, fighting, cursing, abusive or harassing behavior, or any behavior that causes a disruption in class: Zero tolerance policy. Offenders will be removed from class and will not be allowed to return. When necessary UPD will be contacted. Color Code: Purple = examples from other instructors Green = optional, items that may be included at the instructor’s discretion (optional) Guidelines: (example:) Strictly follow all posted rules for the fitness facility. Anyone breaking any rule will be removed from class. You must be on time and stay for the entire class to receive attendance credit. Exceptions will not be made. Attendance is tracked on the sign in sheet daily. The door must remain closed at all times to keep unauthorized people out of the facility. Do not prop open the front doors. If you need to step out, close the door and knock for re-entry. This is to prevent unauthorized access to the facility. (optional) University Policies: (as many or as few as instructor wants to include) Wording for policies below were taken from University sources. Academic Honesty Academic integrity is a basic principle, which requires that students take credit only for ideas and efforts that are their own. Cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty are defined as the submission of materials in assignments, exams, or other academic work that is based on sources prohibited by the faculty member. Substantial portions of academic work that a student has submitted for a course may not be resubmitted for credit in another course without the knowledge and advance permission of the instructor. Academic dishonesty is further defined below in the Student Code of Conduct. In addition to any adverse academic action, which may result from engaging in academically dishonest behavior, the university specifically reserves the right to address and sanction the conduct involved through the student judicial review procedures outlined in the UAA Fact Finder/Student Handbook. Advice on avoiding plagiarism may be obtained at Communications Via E-mail UAA uses e-mail and the MyUA web portal to communicate with students on many important matters. The university automatically assigns each student an official UAA e-mail account at the time of admission to the university for certificate/degree seeking students and at the time of registration for all other students. Students are responsible for knowing and, when appropriate, acting on the contents of all university communications sent to their official UAA e-mail accounts. To receive university communication at a different e-mail address, students may forward e-mail from their assigned UAA accounts to any valid third party e-mail address of their choice that accepts forwarded e-mail. Go to UAA's Identity Manager (, log in and set your forwarding e-mail address under the "Change Other Account Attributes" link. Contact the UAA IT Call Center for assistance by telephone at (907) 786-4646 or toll free (877) 633-3888 or by e-mail at if you need assistance. Disability Support Services Disability Support Services (DSS) coordinates academic support services for students who experience disabilities. To access support services, students should contact DSS and provide current disability documentation. Additional information may be accessed at the DSS Office in Rasmuson Hall (RH105) or on-line at Services include, but are not limited to, American Sign Language interpreters, note-taking assistance, testing adjustments, ergonomic furniture, textbooks in alternate Color Code: Purple = examples from other instructors Green = optional, items that may be included at the instructor’s discretion formats (e.g., large print, audio, e-text, etc.), and access to adaptive technology. DSS also serves as a resource for the community, facilitating workshops and awareness-building events, and maintaining an extensive lending library. Incomplete Grades: In accordance with University policy, an incomplete grade (I) is assigned only at the discretion of the instructor. It is used to indicate that a student has made satisfactory progress in the majority of the work in a course, but for unavoidable absences or other conditions beyond the control of the student, has not been able to complete the course. For more information, refer to Chapter 7 Academic Standards and Regulations in the UAA catalog. Safety on Campus: Safety is a priority at UAA. All members of the academic community are encouraged to take responsibility for their own safety by taking the time to locate the nearest exits and emergency telephones when they are in campus buildings. Safety concerns may be brought to the attention of UAA faculty or staff, or the University Police at (907) 786-1120 (V/TTY). Emergency assistance is available from the Anchorage Police Department by dialing 8-911 from an on-campus phone. For more safety information and the most recent campus crime report, visit Safety in Online Environments UAA will never send you an unsolicited e-mail asking you for your password or other personal information. If you receive such a message, please delete it. If you have any concerns, contact the IT Call Center at (907) 786-4646, menu option 1, or via email at If you experience cyberbullying, cyberstalking, or other inappropriate conduct as part of your involvement in a UAA class, please notify your instructor immediately. Student Code of Conduct As with all members of the University community, the University requires students to conduct themselves honestly and responsibly, and to respect the rights of others. Conduct that unreasonably interferes with the learning environment or that violates the rights of others is prohibited by the standards and guidelines collectively described as the Student Code of Conduct. For more information, refer to Student Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities section in the UAA Fact Finder/Student Handbook or Chapter 7 Academic Standards and Regulations in the UAA catalog