The Right to Work in ‘Just and Favorable Conditions’: A Discussion of Measures Toward Realisation of the Elimination of Workplace Sexual Harassment. * Ingrid Gubbay Introduction The right to work is an inalienable right of all human beings1. 'Temporary special measures' implemented variously at a domestic level as 'affirmative action programmes or 'positive action' measures aimed at accelerating de facto equality between men and women in the field of work, have arguably improved women and girls access to work, training and education2. The proposition is that in the struggle to obtain a fair market share of global economic growth, women and girls are exchanging their subordinate positions in the family with junior positions in the workplace: In too many cases tolerating high levels of sexual violence and other workplace coercion. A number of surveys covering public and private sector organisations in the UK have confirmed that sexual harassment in the workplace is a common problem across the working population3. In 1996 an overall survey found that 54% of organisations said that cases of sexual harassment had been reported among their employees. There was also a clear link between the number of complaints and the existence of sexual harassment policies in the workplace4. A similar situation continues in some sectors today. A comparative analysis of sex discrimination models for incorporation into prospective legislation and/or legal interpretation of sexual harassment cases are beyond the scope of this discussion. It has however been marked as an item for further examination. This paper will focus on progressive measures that have been instituted toward the elimination of sexual harassment in the workplace. General Recommendation No. 19 made by the Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women5.(GR19) will be used as a *The author is a practicing UK Human Rights lawyer, and taught the LLM Human Rights of Women Course at Essex University 1993, currently undertaking PHD studies. 1 Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Article 11 (1)(a) 2 ‘Women now comprise an increasing share of the world’s labour force –‘a third in all regions except northern Africa and western Asia’ and in Europe women’s participation in the work-force has increased at 4 times the rate of men’s since 1994. Angela King notes the ‘clear link between gender inequality and poverty, globalisation has bypassed hundreds of millions of women and girls’: Respectively in, UN Statistics Div.(last census 2002),statistics & indicators on women and men, World’s women 2000:chap5work, at URL and Ms. King –Special Advisor on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women in her introductory statement to 58 th session of the General Assembly 15 October 2003. at UNIFEM –Economic Security and Rights URL pg 3 3 IRS Employment Trends:Sept.1996, Sexual Harassment at work: Incidence &Outcomes pg 5 4 IRS ibid pg5 5 11thsession 1992 available at URL 1 framework for outlining the international position followed by the EU and UK interpretation through examination of local legislation, case-law and some suggested best practice principles. The International Position The gravity of the (GR19) Comment on Article 11 of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is a stark reminder that most of the world's working women continue to remain at the lower end of a segregated labour market and are concentrated in a few occupations6. It begins with a statement: 'That equality in employment can be seriously impaired when women are subjected to genderspecific violence such as sexual harassment in the work-place'. The (GR19) definition of sexual harassment broadly mirrors statutory definitions which have been incorporated into existing sex discrimination acts in a number of State parties’7 national legislatures. 'Sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour as physical contact and advances, sexually coloured remarks, showing pornography and sexual demand, whether by words or actions. Such conduct can be humiliating and may constitute a health and safety problem; it is discriminatory when the women has reasonable grounds to believe that her objection would disadvantage her in connection with her employment, including recruitment or promotion, or when it creates a hostile atmosphere’. The UK response to the 'health and safety problem' has been to impose a duty8 on an employers to ensure as far as practicable, the health and safety of all employees encouraging access to counseling services for sexual harassment victims. The duty extends to the carrying out of risk assessments of vulnerable employees. This is detailed in the domestic section. (GR19) adopts Article 7 (h) of the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). The Comment makes clear that 'gender based violence' is a nullification of human rights and fundamental freedoms which includes: 'the right to just and favorable conditions of work'. 'Gender based violence, which impairs or nullifies the enjoyment by women of human rights and fundamental freedoms under general international law or human rights conventions, is discrimination within the meaning of article 1 of the Convention. These rights and freedoms include: at 7 (h) the right to just and favorable conditions of work’9. 6 UN stats. ibid pg1 Including, Australia, Canada, US, UK, EU Community Law. 8 Health &Safety at Work Act 1974 (UK) 9 ‘the right to just and favourable conditions’ is also incorporated into ILO Conventions, and appears in various forms in national legislatures, and State practices, it is a recognised principle of international customary law and its worth discussing whether it may be justiciable under the CEDAW Optional Protocol. 7 2 Underlining the breadth of the Conventions application; (GR19) refers to Articles 2(e), 2(f) and 5, of CEDAW. 'Emphasizing that discrimination under the convention is not restricted to action by or on behalf of Governments. For example under article 2(e) the convention calls on State parties to take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women by any person, organisation or enterprise. Under general international law and specific human rights covenants, States may also be responsible for private acts if they fail to act with due diligence to prevent violations of rights or to investigate and punish acts of violence, and for providing compensation’. Domestically, State parties and private employers generally have a full legal defence if they can demonstrate they have taken all practicable steps to prevent sexual harassment by active workplace policies and awareness strategies10. In the UK this is a stringent test, see the Caniffe case below which illustrates that such steps are scrutinised on a case by case basis. Bearing in mind the injunction at Article (2) that all State parties agree 'to pursue by all appropriate means and without delay a policy of eliminating discrimination against women', the reality is that while this timeframe was applied by some State parties with regard to access to recruitment and education, the implementation of sexual harassment initiatives by State parties 'acting in good faith' has been more along the lines of 'achieving progressively the full realisation of recognised rights11' In light of the above comments the Committee ends with a specific recommendation with respect to Article 24 (j) CEDAW: 'That State parties should include in their reports information on sexual harassment, and on measures to protect women from sexual harassment and other forms of coercion in the workplace'. An important element to the practical realisation of rights is the compilation of statistics and research on the extent, causes and effects of violence and the effectiveness of measures to prevent and deal with violence. Many member States require this information as part of their budgetary allocation agreements with enforcement bodies, and those responsible for the administration, delivery, and monitoring of national discrimination, criminal, and compensation services, often through publicly available annual reports12. Sexual Harassment: legal developments in the EU and the United Kingdom Developments with respect to sex equality at the European community level have been occurring alongside, but with little reference to the developments at international level. Generally the systems have developed separately13. 10 ibid 7, generally a defence to an alleged breach of sexual discrimination legislation by employers. Text of article (2) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the (timeframe clause). 12 ibid 7, there may be other States not mentioned by the author. 13 Catherine Barnard, ‘Gender Equality in the EU: A Balance Sheet’ in ‘EC Employment Law’, (Chichester, Chancery Lane Publishing 1994, ibid 13, pg 221. 11 3 The relevant EU soft law measures are more detailed than the (GR19) : a Council Resolution, a Commission Recommendation, and a Code of Conduct. The definition may be helpful: 'conduct of a sexual nature, or any other conduct based on sex affecting the dignity of women and men at work, including conduct of superiors and colleagues' This conduct is deemed to constitute an intolerable violation of the dignity of workers or trainees and is unacceptable if: (a) such conduct is unwanted, unreasonable and offensive to the recipient; (b) a person's rejection of or submission to such conduct on the part of employers or workers (including superiors or colleagues) is used explicitly or implicitly as a basis for a decision which affects that persons access to vocational training, access to employment, promotion, salary or any other employment decisions; and/or (c) Such conduct creates an intimidating, hostile or humiliating work environment for the recipient. The definition of what constitutes sexual harassment is subjective, not objective. Account is taken of the effect of the conduct upon the particular individual concerned rather than examining the effect of equivalent conduct on a 'reasonable person'14. The essence of the definition is that the conduct is unwanted by the recipient: In the words of the Code 'sexual attention becomes sexual harassment if it is persisted in once it is made clear that it is regarded by the recipient as offensive. The definition also distinguishes between conduct which damages the employee's working environment (hostile working environment) (Article 1(c)) and conduct which is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting the victim (Article 1(b)). In either case the woman can be said to enjoy less favorable working conditions than her male colleagues. This invokes Article 5 the Equal Treatment Directive15. The Directive which gives legal effect to the prohibition on sexual harassment states that the 'principle of equal treatment' means no direct or indirect discrimination whatsoever on the grounds of sex, marital or family status as regards access to employment, including promotion, vocational training and as regards working conditions. European law has supremacy over the national law of EU member states and can have the effect of extending rights and prohibitions under national legislation16. In the UK and Ireland there has been judicial acceptance that sexual harassment may constitute unlawful discrimination. An example of this is Strathclyde Regional Council v Porcelli;17 Mrs. Porcelli was a school lab technician who was subjected to a campaign of vindictiveness by two male colleagues, part of which was a sexual nature. The Court of 14 Barnard ibid 13 at pg 253 Barnard loc cit 13 at pg 253 16 Barnard loc cit 13 at pg 253 17 Respectively [1986]IRLR 134, see extract on the case in Rubinstein, Discrimination Law and Practice 14th Ed. 1993, pg 12 15 4 Session ruled that gender specific treatment is 'automatic' sex discrimination. Even if only some of the harassment complained of was sexual, the harassment was discrimination on the grounds of sex. What mattered was the treatment not the motive for it. Authority for this position can be drawn from (GR19) specifically, the 'gender –based violence' comment extracted above. A man would not usually be harassed or treated or in this way. She is thus a victim of discrimination. Catherine Barnard18points out that the link with the equal treatment directive extracted above imposes certain constraints on the development of the framework which could successfully eliminate all forms of sexual harassment. It imposes a requirement, first, that there should be a comparator who is more favorably treated ; and secondly that the comparator and the victim should be of the opposite sex. Therefore, those who work in single-sex environments who find, for example the display of pornographic photographs offensive19 are left without a remedy. Similarly those who find that their comparators are treated equally as badly are also unable to claim that they are victims of discrimination. A full discussion of the formal versus substantive models of equality is outside the scope of this exercise but it may be worth having a fuller examination of Barnard's suggestion that this may be one example of where a principle of equality based on disadvantage may help. The British Employment Appeal Tribunal followed this approach in British Telecommunications v Williams.20 The Court ruled that because the conduct which constitutes sexual harassment is gender specific, there is no defence to a complaint for sexual harassment that a person of the opposite sex would have been treated similarly21. Some examples of how the law has been interpreted and applied in the UK The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 UK (SDA) outlaws detrimental treatment in employment based on a persons gender and this includes sexual harassment. The Act gives rights to a broad range of workers and work-related situations. It protects for example, business partners, contract workers, apprentices and voluntary workers in certain circumstances. Statutory rights are conferred without a length of service qualification. The individual is held to be legally responsible for his/her own unlawful actions under the SDA with the employer also held personally liable for those actions, whether or not they were committed without knowledge or approval. However as previously mentioned, defence to liability exists if it can be shown all reasonably practicable steps to prevent such actions were taken. In the Caniffe22 case which dealt with employer’s liability for harassment, Ms. C. was sexually assaulted while at work. Her claim of sex discrimination 18 Barnard op cit 13 at pg 254 Barnard loc cit13 pg.254 20 [1997]IRLR 688, in Barnard op cit 13 pg 255, for an example of grounds of discrimination which embeds the concept of disadvantage see the South African Constitution at Section 9 (for seminar discussion) available at 21 Bernard op cit pg.254 22 Caniffe v East Riding of Yorkshire Council (2000 EAT) (IRLR 555) in Rubinstein ibid 17 pg. 14 19 5 failed. The Tribunal had considered that by having disciplinary, grievance and personal harassment policies in place that had been drawn to the attention of all employees, the Council had discharged its liability having taken all practicable steps possible to prevent sexual harassment at work. The Tribunal had not considered what further steps the council could have taken and Ms. C. successfully appealed against this decision. The Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) ruled the proper approach tribunals should take when deciding on liability was firstly to identify whether any preventative steps had been taken by the employer and, having done so, to consider what further steps the employer could have taken which were reasonably practicable. Mishandling the situation can lead to further acts of discrimination. In Balgobin23 the victim was forced to continue working in the same place as the harasser against her wishes. The European code24 of practice recommends that: 'even where a complaint is not upheld because, for example the evidence is regarded as inconclusive, consideration should be given to transferring or rescheduling the work of one of the employees concerned rather than requiring them to continue to work together against the wishes of either party'. This has been a common outcome for sexual harassment cases because of the evidential difficulties. In 1994 the European court25 ruled that in principle the burden of proving sex discrimination lay with the applicant. It recognized however that adjustments to national rules on the burden of proof may be necessary to ensure the effective administration of equality. Section 63A of the (SDA) UK recognizes the difficulty of proving discrimination has taken place (because it is not overt). Currently there is a case26 at the EAT which will clarify the reversal on the burden of proof in sex discrimination cases. The position as it stands is that if an employee proves facts which suggest that she/he has been treated unfavorably because of sex discrimination, the burden shifts to the employer to provide a legitimate explanation of their treatment of the employee. 23 Balgobin and Francis v London Borough of Tower Hamlets (1987 EAT) (IRLR 401) in Rubinstein, ‘Discrimination Law and Practice’, 13th ed. 2002 pg 14. 24 The European Code of Practice : Protecting the Dignity of Women and Men at work 1991; gives practical guidance to employers, trade unions and employees on the protection of dignity at work in both public and private sectors. 25 Case C-127/92,Enderby[1994]ECR I-5535 in Barnard op cit 13, pg. 255 26 Madarassy v Nomura International (no ref ) currently before the ( EAT), a decision is expected in 3 to 4 weeks. Information is available at the EOC web address below at ibid 27 6 The UK Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) 27recommends the following as reasonable steps to take in formulating best practice for the prevention of sexual harassment: Be proactive. Have an up to date and comprehensive sexual harassment policy with procedures for handling sexual harassment complaints. Make sure the policy is broad-based in terms of the work and work related situations to which it applies. Make sure employees are aware of and understand the policy The policy should make sexual harassment a gross misconduct issue (generally under organisational disciplinary procedures this would attract suspension or dismissal from employment) Ensure the policy is a living document that is reviewed and revised periodically. Consider whether there are any further steps that could be taken to try to prevent incidence of sexual harassment. Conduct risk assessments. Address complaints effectively without delay with regard to natural justice for both the complainant and the alleged harasser (s) Ensure investigations and resulting recommendations are followed through. Maintain a watching brief on those who have been victims of sexual harassment, or those who may be vulnerable, to ensure they are not exposed to inappropriate treatment Keep records of complaints, their outcomes and action taken, for monitoring purposes and to ensure policy and procedures are adhered to. Risk assessments imposed under statutory duty The UK has imposed a requirement on employers to conduct risk assessments28 to identify groups and individuals who may be vulnerable to sexual harassment and action to comply with statutory health and safety requirements. The failure to undertake such an assessment is the ground for complaint in the Madarassy case referred to above. 27 The UK Equal Opportunity Commission also sets out best practice procedures for investigation of sexual harassment complaints at URL <> 28 The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (UK) 7 Ms. M., who worked in a bank, claims the failure to carry out a risk assessment when she was pregnant and on her return from maternity leave, when she was breast-feeding, was sex discrimination. (The risk assessment would have acted to identify her as vulnerable to discriminatory dismissal during this period unless there were lawful non-discriminatory reasons). A decision is pending. Sanctions Finally, a brief discussion of sanctions. Article 6 of the Equal Treatment Directive requires: 'Member States shall introduce into their national legal systems such measures as are necessary to enable all persons who consider themselves wronged by failure to apply to them the principle of equal treatment within the meaning of Articles 3.4, and 5 to pursue their claims by judicial process after recourse to other competent authorities'. Article 6 does not proscribe a specific sanction, leaving States' discretion. The court has restricted that discretion so that States ‘cannot exclude judicial control altogether’. Secondly any sanction must 'guarantee real and effective judicial protection' and this must also have a real deterrent effect on the employer29 The SDA UK provides for a choice of remedies that may be awarded by employment Tribunals for sex discrimination claims: A declaration that discrimination has occurred Compensation for actual financial loss, injury to feelings, injury to health, aggravated damages and possibly exemplary damages. In Marshall v Post Office30 the Tribunal recommended an apology and a transfer of those that had been involved in the harassment and failure to investigate; the creation of a review panel to investigate, report, and make recommendations for equal opportunities policies and procedures in the work-place. Interest on Compensation. The upper limit on compensation was legally challenged and removed in 199331, and the general principles underlying the calculation of awards are analogous to any common law court. Many other jurisdictions are capped by legislation. The benefits of this are threefold: The complainant has the option of conducting her action for sexual harassment through the informal tribunal system confident that if she is successful the 29 Respectively, Case 222/84, Johnston v RUC [1986] ECR1651 and Case 14/83, Von Colson [1984] ECR 1891, at para.23, in Barnard op.cit13 pg.257. 30 2602447/97 EAT (UK) 31 Marshall v Southampton & South-West Hampshire Area Health Authority (No.2) in Rubinstein op cit 17 pg12. 8 principles applied to an award of compensation are the same in an equivalent common law court, so there is no detriment. Significant sums of compensation operate as a deterrent, and provide incentive to employers to maintain active sexual harassment work-place policies. The community message is that sexual harassment is a serious offence. Despite these positive developments the difficulties associated with sexual harassment still mean many women will not legally challenge the unwanted behaviour. In particular young women, women working in small work-place environments, or where there is a lack of support services are most vulnerable in these situations. Workplace sexual harassment is a wide-spread and systemic problem for women. The zero tolerance approach taken by the Social Security Agency in Northern Ireland32 which led to a drop from 8 cases to zero over the last 4 years is an example of where organisational commitment saw the problem eliminated. Such an approach together with on-going allocation of funds for promotion of preventative practices, and the proper maintenance of the enforcement bodies will mean some women will see their inalienable right to work in just and favorable conditions fully realised. . ‘Preventing and dealing with harassment at the NI Social Security Agency’, IDS diversity at work No.2, August 2004 pp8-14 32 9 10