Tuesday 6th October 2009 @ 2.30pm
Board Room, Chelsea Wing
Royal Brompton Hospital
Derek Cramer (Chairman)
Tina Adamou
John Barry
Ian Dear
Rod Lane
Kevin Murphy
Janet Oliver
Anne Sharpe (Secretary)
Vaman Shenoy
Hannah Tighe
Simon Ward
Royal Brompton Hospital
Royal Free Hospital
Whipps Cross Hospital
Harefield Hospital
GOS Hospital
Charing Cross Hospital
Royal Free Hospital
Royal Brompton Hospital
East Surrey Hospital
Hammersmith Hospital
Royal Brompton Hospital
DC welcomed Hannah Tighe and Janet Oliver to the meeting.
Apologies for Absence
Kanta Gajria
Cathy Hammond
Kate Howells
Hugh Lloyd
Middlesex Hospital
Whittington Hospital
Mayday Hospital
Harefield Hospital
Minutes of the previous Meeting (10th March 2009)
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed off as a true
Matters Arising
Equipment/Manufacturers Issues
JB said not a lot had changed since the last meeting with regards to
equipment. SW said JINET is almost up and running at the Brompton but we
are waiting for Graphnet to write up some software which is a bit slow in
showing results.
RL asked if RBH were thinking of moving to Version 5 as we are still using
Version 4.6, but DC/SW said we were not at this moment in time.
JB also said he could write and add comments on reports re JINET PDF’s,
he also mentioned that he had lost some information during the copy over
from Version 4 – Version 5 software. Jaeger had not been very forthcoming
with advice.
RL went on to say they had a few problems with laptops and mobiles etc and
therefore merging was proving to be a major problem, in fact they had lost 3
days of work.
RCCP Registration/Modernising Scientific Careers
There has been quite a lot of correspondence going round re RCCP but no
actual date as yet given for conversion to a statutory body. The final report
for the MSC should be out by the end of the year.
RL said there were a lot of things to be done before you can become state
registered. KM mentioned that it was difficult to tell new people what’s going
on and asked if all scientists were going to be state registered. RL replied if
anyone was wishing to become registered with RCCP they should carry on,
he had a member of staff who did Part I and II of the ARTP and completed it
in 2 years.
Education/Forthcoming Courses and Events
Paediatric Spirometry Course
15 October 2009 (Great
Ormond Street
ARTP/IARS Joint Meeting
15th-16th October 2009
Advanced Sleep Course
21st- 23rd October 2009
NIV Course
29th-30th October 2009
Cardio-Pulmonary Exercising
Testing Course
23rd-26th November
CSO’s Conference
24th & 25th November
ARTP Annual Conference
28th -30th January 2010
Modernising Scientific Careers
A document from DoH is due in November, pertaining to the envisaged plans
in career changes etc for Healthcare professionals.
Executive Meeting Minutes
RL said no one seemed to attend these meetings so they are trying to
find new ways of improving them.
An E-learning website for spirometry is looking to be set up tied in with
the National Spirometry certificate.
Handbook 1 has been revised and corrected and will be reprinted,
along with Handbook 2.
The ARTP website is still running its old format and will be updated
The Executive are looking at new ways to make bursaries more
attractive as very few are being taken up.
ARTP sleep subgroups is being set up, they will have their own sessions at
the January meeting.
Mannitol Workshops – London?
DC read an email from Meryl Parker, the Regional Product Specialist
re Mannitol Workshops. She mentioned a colleague of hers had recently run
a Mannitol Workshop at one of her Hospitals; they invited the surrounding
Hospital Physiologists and managed to get 15 interested people along. They
had a Mannitol user speaking and demonstrating the product with lots of top
tips and anecdotal discussion and wondered if this would be of interest to the
ARTP members (London). DC asked members if they were interested. Ms
Parker also stated in her email that she would be happy to set it up and cover
the costs. DC will correspond with Meryl and if there is a requirement to hold
this workshop for London Regional members, DC will arrange a venue at
RBH which will take place on 18/12/09.
Any Other Business
JB enquired about the Research Unit at RBH. DC informed members that the
Unit should open in Feb 2010 and there were many different research
projects that will take place there. A lot of new equipment has been brought
for the LF labs including some very special equipment such as optical
plethysmography etc.
VS asked about codes for LF and where he could get them from. TA asked if
DC could send information re putting codes to tests. DC will send all
information requested where possible.
RL reported that the upgraded ARTP website should be ready soon and
should be much improved on the current website, albeit Keith Butterfield has
performed a great job developing and maintaining the current website.
Date and Venue for next meeting
20th April 2010 – Boardroom, RBH at 2.30pm