Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Richmond, Virginia Meeting of the State Child Fatality Review Team July 10, 2012 Minutes Members Present: Barry, Wayne, Virginia Department of Education Board, Heather, Virginia Department of Health Bush, Leah, Chief Medical Examiner Casteel, Tom, Washington County Department of Social Services Connal, Betty, SIDS Mid-Atlantic Coyle, Betty Wade, Prevent Child Abuse Virginia DiAngelo, Constance, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Foster, Robin, Virginia College of Emergency Physicians Hunter, Katharine, Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Katzman, Rita L., Virginia Department of Social Services Milteer, Regina, Virginia Pediatric Society Moline, Kathleen, Virginia Department of Health Rainey, Janet, Division of Vital Records Sonenklar, Neil, Virginia Treatment Center for Children Members Absent: Cardounel, Humberto, Henrico County Police DeLuca, Steven, Hanover County Emergency Medical Services Ferraro, Mark, Virginia SIDS Alliance Rhodes, Jennifer, Medical Society of Virginia Romero, Frank, Richmond Ambulance Authority Wilson, Mary, Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services Ziglar, Joan Commonwealth’s Attorney, City of Martinsville Invited Guest: Ledden, Jack, Virginia Department of Social Services Staff: Gambill, Emily, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Powell, Virginia, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Emily Gambill called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m. and went over the agenda for the meeting. Announcements and Business: Team members welcomed Jack Ledden, Director of the Division of Family Services, Virginia Department of Social Services, to the meeting. Mr. Ledden attended the meeting on behalf of the State Board of Social Services to observe the Team’s process of case review. 1 Minutes from the May 11, 2012 meeting were approved as written. Kathleen Moline announced the Virginia Department of Health’s receipt of a HRSA grant to study screening practices for defects causing critical congenital heart disease in newborns. The grant will allow the Virginia Department of Health to assess screening practices and develop strategies to address the most efficient and effective ways to implement screening across the state. Rita Katzman announced that she and Virginia Powell participated in a pilot project established by the Administration on Children, Youth and Families that is reviewing and analyzing fatality review teams and their recommendations and outcomes as they work together at local and regional levels. The study seeks to identify ways to reduce duplication of case review and recommendation and is interested in identifying how recommendations are implemented successfully to become practice. Dr. Powell and Ms. Katzman met with project representatives in June and will convene with them again, along with representatives from the other states involved in the study, in August to discuss the study’s findings. Wayne Barry announced that Virginia is one of twenty-nine states granted a waiver from some requirements of the No Child Left Behind law. Mr. Barry also announced the retirement of one of the Department of Education’s assistant superintendents and his replacement by John Eisenberg. Finally, Mr. Barry announced that Virginia’s Special Education State Performance Plan has met with approval from the United States Department of Education. Katharine Hunter informed the Team that the General Assembly appropriated $3 million for community response and child psychiatry programs, which will be developed with a regional approach. The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services has begun working with regions to develop grant proposals that are creative and seek to stretch funds already in place. On behalf of Mary Wilson, Emily Gambill reminded the Team about the Improving Investigation and Prosecution of Child Abuse: Demystifying Technology conference to be held September 1819, 2012 in Roanoke, VA. Registration is available on the Department of Criminal Justice Services website and Ms. Gambill will email the link to the Team. Child Protective Services Update Ms. Katzman provided the Team with an update of changes made to mandatory reporter laws, which include new mandatory reporters and revised timeframes for general reporting, penalties, and reporting of suspicions of substance-exposed newborns by health care providers. Out of fourteen bills in the General Assembly, five were passed and Ms. Katzman distributed a handout that was developed for local departments of social services that summarizes these new changes. Changes to this section of the Virginia Code were initiated by the sexual assault of young boys at The Pennsylvania State University. Several Team members raised concerns that, despite the General Assembly’s intention to solve problems in Virginia’s statutes related to mandatory reporting in cases similar to the Penn State case, Virginia’s new mandatory reporting laws will likely not prevent these problems. With regard to training on mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect, there is a free online course available on the Department of Social Services website for orientation of new mandatory reporters. Wayne Barry volunteered to seek information regarding the Department of Education’s online module for teachers seeking licensure renewal and will work 2 with Ms. Katzman to ensure that this module is updated with the changes to this section of the Code. Confidential Case Review The Team went into confidential session for purposes of recommendations and case review. The Team reviewed eight cases where an infant died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or Sudden Undetermined Infant Death. Unsafe sleep arrangements were a factor in many of these deaths. The next Team meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 11, 2012. The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m. Minutes recorded by Emily Gambill, M.P.A. 3