Biology 3404 Genetics MWF 1:00-1:50, Tues 12:30-2:30 Spring 2006 Syllabus Instructor - Dr. Donna Janes (office telephone 486-1241 ; home phone 963-9744; office in 227 Beto Hall; office hours:, other hours by appointment); email address Text- Introduction to Genetic Analysis,7th edition. Author: Griffiths. Laboratory Manual- Genetics Laboratory Investigations, 12th edition. Author: Mertens. Homepage- Course Objectives-Students will understand the basic concepts and terminology of genetics, including the following: - Basic patterns of chromosomal heredity - Chromosomal linkage and mapping - Cellular regulation of transcription and translation, as well as post translational control mechanisms - Microbial genetics as applied to DNA technology in industry and the fields of forensics and medicine - Chromosomal mutations and their relationship to inherited diseases and cancer - Basic Population genetics - How basic gene expression is controlled during the cell cycle and during development - New technologies that are advancing the field, such as proteomics, the genome project, and DNA chip analysis. -Students will be able to search the scientific literature in this field, and apply the knowledge to a set of practical problems. They will also be able to apply this knowledge across other fields of biology. -Students will be able to do a genetic cross of an organism and analyze the data -Will be able to read and interpret current genetic scientific literature Evaluation – Hourly Exams- 3 X 100 points……………………..…300 points Final Exam- 1 X 200 points…………………..……200 points Lab write-ups- 3 multi period * labs X 75………….. 225 points Lab write-ups - 3 single period labs X 25…….………..75 points Homework……6 X 33.3…………………… ……….200 points Total Points:……………………………………………1000 900 > A 800-900 = B 700-800 =C 600-700 =D Less than 600 points is a failing grade Academic Integrity - : I operate under the assumption that all students are trustworthy. A violation of the trust which I have placed in you such as cheating on an exam or quiz, submitting work that is not your own, or plagiarizing the work of someone else is taken very seriously. You may certainly discuss aspects of the class with your fellow students but the work that you turn in must be your own. On the first offense, the penalty will be a 0 grade on that assignment plus the automatic lowering of the course grade by one letter after final tabulations are completed. The second breach of honesty will result in a failing grade in the course and referral to the Vice-President of Student Services to be handled according to the policy in the Student Handbook Assignment Schedule Date Week 1 1/18 1/20 Week 2 1/23 1/24 1/25 1/27 Topic ----------------------------------------------Overview of transcription/translation Mendelian genetics- autosomal -----------------------------------------------Mendelian genetics- autosomal/sex linked Lab: Monohybrid cross Chromosome organization & structure Organelle chromosomes Week 3 1/30 1/31 2/1 2/3 Week 4 2/6 -----------------------------------------------Chromosomal linkage (eukaryotic) Lab: Monohybrid cross Linkage analysis (Chi-square tests) Chromosomal mapping (eukaryotic) ----------------------------------------------Mapping problems 2/7 2/8 2/10 Lab: Monohybrid Cross Week 5 EXAM #1 Mendelian genetics and Linkage Mapping ----------------------------------------------- Reading Assignments/Tests Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Lab #1 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Lab#1 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Lab#1 1A Homework #1 due Chapter 2: Problems 2, 7, 15, 21, 27, 29, 40 1B Homework #2 due Chapter 4: Problems 2, 5, 6, 10a&b, 14, 20 a&b 1C EXAM #1 2/13 2/14 2/15 2/17 Bacteriophage genetics Lab: Monohybrid cross completion Phage mapping Plasmid mapping in class problems Chapter 5 Lab 1 Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Week 6 2/20 2/21 --------------------------------------------Review of DNA replication Lab: Transformation Chapter 7 Lab 18 2/22 2/24 Week 7 2/27 2/28 3/1 3/3 Transcription Translation ----------------------------------------------Transcriptional regulation Lab: Gene Regulation Transcriptional regulation Transcriptional regulation Week 8 3/6 -----------------------------------------------EXAM #2 Microbial genetics, Regulation of :DNA replication, transcription, translation Lab: plasmid DNA harvest and restriction digestion Recombinant DNA technology Recombinant DNA technology March 13th-March 17th Spring Break 3/7 3/8 3/10 S.B. week Week 10 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/24 Week 11 3/27 3/28 -------------------------------------------Genomics Lab: gel electrophoresis Mutations-Occurrence and Induction 1D Turn in Monohybrid cross report* 2A Homework Chapter 5 Problems: 17, 26 a&b&c, + take home problem Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Lab 19 Chapter 10 Chapter 10 2B Homework Chapter 10 Problems: 2, 4, 5, 6 EXAM #2- Lab 15, 16 3A Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Lab 16 Chapter 14 ------------------------------------------------Mutation repair mechanisms Chapter 14 Lab: Bacterial Mutagenesis Lab 21 3/29 Mutation repair mechanisms Chapter 14 3/31 Mutations-cancer Chapter 17 3B 4 Turn in lab on DNA harvest, digestion, and electrophoresis Homework Chapter 14 Problems: 1,2, 8, 11, 16, 17 Week 12 4/3 4/4 -----------------------------------------------Chromosomal Mutations-Structural Lab: Human Chromosomes 4/5 4/7 Week 13 4/10 Chromosomal Mutations- Aneuploidy Transposable elements -----------------------------------------------Recombination Chapter 15 Chapter 13 4/11 Lab: Scientific Literature Note: An essay question will appear on the exam from this paper EXAM #3 Technology and Mutations Easter Break ---------------------------------------------Easter Break Lab: Fingerprint Analysis TBA Population genetics Field Day ---------------------------------------------Population genetics Lab: Population Genetics: The Hardy Weinberg Principle Quantitative Genetics Quantitative Genetics Chapter 19 4/12 4/14 Week 14 4/17 4/18 4/19 4/21 Week 15 4/24 4/25 4/26 4/28 Week 16 5/1 5/2 5/3 5/5 ---------------------------------------------Genetic Basis of Development Lab: Scientific Literature Note: A question will appear on the final from this paper Genetic Basis of Development Final Exam Review Monday May 8th, 12:30-2:30 Chapter 15 Lab 11 Chapter 14 5 Turn in report on Mutagenesis* Turn in report on Human Chromosomes EXAM # 3 Lab 23 Chapter 19 Lab 24 Pg 237-242 Chapter 20 Chapter 20 Chapter 18 TBA 6 Turn in report on Fingerprint analysis 7 Homework Chapter 19 problems: 1, 2, 10 Turn in report on population genetics Chapter 18 Final Exam