EVE OF GENERAL MEETING SERVICE – ST ANNE’S CATHEDRAL, BELFAST FRIDAY 20TH JUNE 2014 On the Friday evening (20th) there will be a special service at St. Anne’s Cathedral in Belfast www.belfastcathedral.org At this service in St. Anne’s Cathedral, space will be at a premium with a maximum of 1,200 seats available. We will endeavour to allocate as many tickets as possible based on the number requested and the number available. In a limited number of cases we may not be able to issue the full number of tickets requested for the service as the Cathedral holds fewer people than the number likely to attend the General Meeting. HOW TO RESERVE YOUR TICKET: Tickets for the Service will be available from 17th February 2014. You must enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope (UK or Eire Stamp acceptable) with your ticket application. Tickets will be allocated and issued from 28th February 2014 on a first-come basis USING THE FORM BELOW: 1. Please indicate your name, diocese and how many tickets you require 2. Send to: MOTHERS’ UNION – ALL-IRELAND, The Mothers’ Union Office, St. Michan’s Church, Church Street, Dublin 7, IRELAND, enclosing a S.A.E. We will endeavour to supply the requested number of tickets if demand allows. We would ask that you please return any unwanted tickets as promptly as possible. Please return to MOTHERS’ UNION – ALL-IRELAND, The Mothers’ Union Office, St. Michan’s Church, Church Street, Dublin 7, IRELAND. We look forward very much to welcoming you all to Belfast. Mothers’ Union All-Ireland .......................................................................................................................................... NAME:.................................................................DIOCESE.................................................... NUMBER OF TICKETS REQUIRED FOR ST ANNE’S ............................. STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE ENCLOSED?..............