Landcare ICM Report No. 200X-200Y/XX Motueka Integrated Catchment Management Programme Report Series: <insert report title here> <insert date here> <Type report number here if applicable> River bank styles and effects of vegetation on bank stability – a pilot assessment Prepared for Stakeholders of the Motueka Integrated Catchment Management Programme June 2008 ii Landcare ICM Report No. 200X-200Y/XX Motueka Integrated Catchment Management Programme Report Series: <insert report title here> <insert date here> River bank styles and effects of vegetation on bank stability – a pilot assessment Motueka Integrated Catchment Management (Motueka ICM) Programme Report Series by C.J. Phillips & M. Marden Landcare Research PO Box 40 Lincoln NEW ZEALAND Phone: 03 321 9775 Fax: 03 321 9998 Email: Information contained in this report may not be used without the prior consent of the client Cover Photo: Bank erosion in the Orinocco River, Motueka catchment. iii Landcare ICM Report No. 200X-200Y/XX Motueka Integrated Catchment Management Programme Report Series: <insert report title here> <insert date here> PREFACE An ongoing report series, covering components of the Motueka Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) Programme, has been initiated in order to present preliminary research findings directly to key stakeholders. The intention is that the data, with brief interpretation, can be used by managers, environmental groups and users of resources to address specific questions that may require urgent attentin or may fall outside the scope of ICM research objectives. We anticipate that providing access to environmental data will foster a collaborative problemsolving approach through the sharing of both ICM and privately collected information. Where appropriate, the information will also be presented to stakeholders through follow-up meetings designed to encourage feedback, discussion and coordination of research objectives. iv Landcare ICM Report No. 200X-200Y/XX Motueka Integrated Catchment Management Programme Report Series: <insert report title here> <insert date here> INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 METHODS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 RESULTS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 1. Literature Review ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 River classification .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Stream bank erosion and morphology....................................................................................................................... 3 Riparian vegetation and bank erosion ...................................................................................................................... 4 Field assessments ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 2. Field assessment and development of bank styles .......................................................................................................... 6 Implications for management .................................................................................................................................... 6 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................... 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 8 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Appendices ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Appendix 1 – Field data dictionary ......................................................................................................................... 11 Appendix 2 – Preliminary classification of bank types ............................................................................................. 1 v Introduction Catchment erosion, sediment transport and sediment effects on the freshwater and marine habitats of the Motueka River catchment and Tasman Bay are some of the key issues that the ICM Motueka research programme is addressing. A number of strands of investigation have enabled us to build a picture of the current status of the catchment and its contribution to the sediment issue (eg., sediment sources (Marden et al 2004), sediment yield (Wild et al 2006), substrate character (Basher 2006; Basher & Young 2006), river cross-sections (Henker & Basher 2006) and sediment modelling (Basher 2004). A parallel stream of work has focussed on understanding riparian issues – condition (Phillips & Marden 2004), classification (Langer & Rodgers 2003), vegetation enhancement (Langer et al 2008), native plant trials (Marden et al 2005, 2007) – largely because in a catchment management sense, management within the riparian margins of rivers systems is often the place where interventions take place and where the greatest gains for the least loss of productive land occur. It is also where the terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems intersect. Much has been written on stream channel behaviour and how natural stream channels might be classified. There is a complex set of interactions between the many processes that govern the shape or form of a river and many researchers over the years have managed to dissect these complex processes and have provided valuable dimensions to the discreet individual physical processes associated with the natural functioning of the river and its catchment. In more recent times, there have been attempts at arranging the results of this more detailed research into a form that can be utilised to make a common statement about a river and several classification schemes have arisen such as the River Styles Framework (Brierley and Fryirs 2005) and the Rosgen classification (Rosgen 1996). Both of these go into significant depth on the interactions and complexity of the processes that lead to the various physical river and bank morphologies we can observe. There have also been a number of reports and papers on river bank erosion that deal with its assessment (Thorne et al 1996), protection (Environment Agency 1999), and the use of vegetation for stabilisation (Abernethy and Rutherfurd 1999, 2000, 2001). Despite the recognition that riparian vegetation influences riverbank stability, many of the mechanical and hydrological mechanisms involved are yet to be fully quantified. In particular, although empirical research (e.g. Abernethy and Rutherfurd, 2001; Simon and Collison, 2002) has advanced our knowledge of the relative importance of each of these mechanisms in certain environments, results are not necessarily transferable. This is because vegetation influences bank stability via a complex suite of process mechanisms that vary in effectiveness as a function of environmental characteristics. The net effects on bank stability at an individual site are therefore difficult to predict. From our field observations of rivers and streams within the Motueka River and its tributaries, and from looking at the role of vegetation and how it controls (or not) river bank erosion we posited that it might be possible to develop a simple field-based assessment of a river bank’s stability based on its morphology or form. Further, we suggested that it might be possible from such a simple assessment of bank form, the likelihood that vegetation would stabilise that bank. 1 This report outlines a pilot assessment of stream bank form to determine if it would be possible to devise a simple system – stream bank styles – that could be used to determine current bank stability and the stabilisation potential by vegetation. Methods A review of the literature was carried out to determine if an existing classification of river bank stability based on form was already available. In addition, related literature on river classification, river bank stability and the use of vegetation to manage river bank erosion was also assessed. The second part of the project was a field assessment of a selection of stream reaches within the Motueka River catchment. The selection of stream reaches was based on those that were within the managed part of the catchment rather than within the conservation estate. This was because the sites in the conservation estate are not managed in order to retain their ‘naturalness and those in the productive parts are generally where management interventions are made in order to protect or maintain that productive use. Reconnaissance-level stream bank assessments were made during the summers of 2005 and 2006. In addition field work was also carried out in February 2006 and in 2007 as part of sediment source and substrate characterisation work within the wider catchment. Observations from assessments made as part of developing a riparian typology (Phillips & Marden 2004) for the catchment were also included. At each location, a range of information was collected and the points were spatially referenced. Details of the characteristics assessed as part of this study are listed in Appendix 1. The third objective was to determine if a simple assessment of bank form could be used as a way to assist in determining if banks were suitable or not for stabilising with vegetation. Results 1. Literature Review River classification River classification schemes are now widely used by a range of government agencies, managers and researchers to help reach an understanding of river form and process among the geomorphic complexity found in river channels, as a basis for understanding ecosystem patch dynamics and connections, and as means of organising and prioritising research and management activities (Spencer et al 2007). Most existing schemas are generally qualitative, relying largely on expert judgement to delineate “homogeneous geomorphic reaches” for a specific river, from field, GIS, and/or remotely sensed data. As outlined in the introduction, there has been much written about classifying rivers and the processes that form them. Since streams in their stable form take on many various combinations of dimension, pattern, profile, and materials within a wide range of valley slopes, sediment size, sediment load, and streamflow, river classifications are used to stratify and describe various river types (eg. Rosgen 1994, 1996; Brierley & Fryirs 1995). These river classifications integrate individual variables into a morphological description that combines various forms of the existing as well as "probable state" variables. 2 Two of the most common river classifications are those used and developed in the US (Rosgen 1994, 1996) and in Australia (Brierley & Fryirs 1995). Both have their advocates and detractors. There is not one universally accepted system that is used and many variations exist and are often adapted for local conditions. All approaches however, acknowledge the complex interaction between form and process. Some, such as River Styles® (Brierley & Fryirs 1995), outline four stages that move beyond just the geomorphic approach for examining river character, behaviour, condition and recovery potential and into the realm of providing a physical template for river management. This approach has also been used in New Zealand in Auckland (Reid et al 2007). Stream bank erosion and morphology Stream bank morphology records the balance of erosional and depositional processes induced by the alignment and energy of flow at differing flow stages. It is also a function of bank composition and texture (Brierley and Fryirs 1995). Stream bank erosion is a natural geomorphic process which occurs in all channels as adjustments of channel size and shape are made to convey the discharge and sediment supplied from the stream catchment. However, increases in sediment supply due to accelerated stream bank erosion are often linked to land-use change and are a major contributor to sediment yield in rivers. The cause of local bank instability can be difficult to isolate and identify. Regardless of the wider geomorphological context, the nature and extent of local bank erosion at some specific point along a riverbank are controlled by: 1. local discharge; 2. channel shape (cross-section and planform); 3. location of eroding bank section (i.e. inner or outer bank); 4. bank geometry; 5. bank geotechnical properties; 6. bank hydrological properties; and 7. vegetation (Abernethy and Rutherfurd 1999). With the exception of vegetation, each of the above factors is dependent on local conditions. However, generalised descriptions usefully identify the broad interactions of vegetation with each of the three erosion process groups: mass failure, fluvial scour, and subaerial preparation. In a review of bank erosion assessment, measurement and modelling Watson & Basher (2005) concluded that in New Zealand there is little data on the contribution of bank erosion to measured river sediment yields and it has been a poorly studied process. The following section is taken from their report where more detailed descriptions can be found. Bank erosion includes two main groups of processes: hydraulic processes at or below the water surface entrain sediment and directly contribute to erosion, particularly of non cohesive banks, by processes of bank undercutting, bed degradation, and basal cleanout. gravitational mass failure processes (including shallow and rotational slides, slab and cantilever failures, earthflows and dry granular flows) detach sediment primarily from cohesive banks and make it available for fluvial transport. Bank erosion process can be classified into two basic groups, those dominated by gravitational or mechanical failures and those where hydraulic-induced failure mechanisms (fluvial erosion) dominate. The circumstances under which these processes occur are determined by bank material characteristics and local soil moisture conditions. Table 1 summarises seven main bank erosion 3 mechanisms and indicates typical sediment and moisture conditions associated with each of these process. Mechanisms Classification Wedge failure Popout failure Gravitational Typical flow conditions Low Sediment characteristics Fine-grained cohesive Fine-grained cohesive Bank moisture Varies Gravitational Low Preferential flow induced failure Hydraulic/ gravitational Low Interbedded fine/coarse Saturated Cantilever failure Gravitational Low Composite fine/coarse Varies Undercutting Fluvial High Generally Non-cohesive N/A Bed degradation Fluvial High Relatively erodable bed N/A Basal cleanout Fluvial Varies N/A N/A Saturated Description Tension cracks formed behind bank Small blocks forced out of bank due to excessive pore pressure and overburden Selective removal of coarse material due to preferential flow. Removal of support during rapid drop in stage Tension cracks form near base of cantilever. Linked to under cutting Shear stress applied to lower bank. In general rate increases with discharge. Shear stress applied to channel bed. Banks failure due to gravitational mechanisms Banks made unstable by removal of material at base. Table 1 Bank erosion mechanisms (after O’Neill and Kuhns 1994, Thorne 1998, Environment Agency 1999) Bank height and slope are critical factors when assessing stream bank erosion potential. Failures take place when the erosion of the bank and the channel bed adjacent to the bank, have increased the bank’s height and steepness (slope) to a point where it reaches a condition of limiting stability. The mechanics of failure then depends on the properties of the bank material and the geometry of the bank at the point of collapse. As indicated above, the bank morphology or form reflects a range of imposed conditions and the balance between erosion and deposition processes along a river channel. Similarity of form may reflect a range of different processes and history of formative events Riparian vegetation and bank erosion Riparian vegetation has different impacts on stream processes depending upon its position in a catchment. Riparian vegetation interacts with a range of geomorphological, geotechnical, hydrological and hydraulic factors to affect the type and extent of riverbank erosion (Thorne 1990; Abernethy and Rutherfurd 1999). Increasingly in New Zealand and elsewhere, native vegetation is becoming the favoured stream management tool to meet a range of needs relating to catchment health. Vegetation may provide a range of services depending on its type and density. These services include provision of bank stabilisation, contaminant filtering, enhancing terrestrial habitat for improved biodiversity, creating ecological connections between habitats and so on. While riparian vegetation has been cast in a positive light in terms of the services that it provides, it is worth remembering that bank erosion is a natural process and that given enough time, even fully vegetated natural streams will erode over their flood plains. A healthy, vegetated riparian zone 4 should not be expected to provide absolute stability to a stream. Further, in many degraded streams, there are many situations in which vegetation alone will not stabilise streams or their banks, and it is important to recognise such situations. On vegetated banks, factors such as the type and density of vegetation, its age and health are also important because they directly control the vegetations’ influence, which may be either to enhance or reduce bank stability (Thorne 1990). Bank erosion processes and failure mechanisms act in different ways to produce bank retreat. Vegetation also plays a central role in bank accretion and berm building. These effects have important implications for the use of vegetation in schemes to protect and stabilise riverbanks. Reinforcement of the bank sediment by roots, transpiration and improved bank drainage all act to enhance river bank stability. On the other hand, wind loading and the additional weight of riparian trees have often been implicated in the failure processes of bank sections within vegetated reaches. Possibly the most important way that trees affect bank stability is by increasing the strength of bank material with their roots. Ground cover species do not generally contribute to the mass stability of banks because of their limited root depth. Bank material strength is a function of its internal angle of friction, and cohesion. The effect of small roots is to increase the effective cohesion of the sediment. The literature suggests that small roots of Northern Hemisphere species can increase cohesion by about 20% on average but in some cases by as much as 50% (Greenway 1987; Coppin and Richards 1990). Abernethy and Rutherfurd (1999) suggest from Australian studies that the effects of tree roots may be even greater than this, with perhaps up to a ten-fold increase in cohesion close to the trunks of riparian trees, falling to about a two-fold increase under the dripline. Longer and more firmly anchored roots provide greater reinforcement than do their shorter and loosely anchored counterparts. Mature trees thus provide more reinforcement than younger trees. The extra weight or surcharge of trees on a river bank is often thought to encourage the banks to collapse (Gray and Sotir 1996). Tree surcharge on the top of a bank is especially pronounced when the trees lean over the channel as a result of growth asymmetry, grazing of the bankward side only, or wind loading (Thorne 1990). However work by Abernethy (1999) showed that the effect of tree surcharge on bank stability, even those that appeared to be detrimental was marginal. Bank vegetation increases the flow resistance and reduces the forces of drag and lift acting on the bank surface thus reducing scour. However, the degree to which this happens is very dependent on many factors, including the type of vegetation. While grasses and shrubs are effective at low velocities, their impact decreases as velocities increase, and is all but eliminated once the stems are prone. Conversely, the stems of woody vegetation continue retarding the flow up to very high velocities, but may generate scour through the local acceleration of flow around their trunks. Vegetation density and plant (tree) spacing are also important as they can also affect patterns of scour and turbulence. On the other hand, vegetation provides a level of erosion resistance to the soil itself by protecting the soil surface directly and introducing additional cohesion over and above the intrinsic cohesion the bank material may have. Further vegetation also affects the local soil moisture and in general terms, vegetated banks are better drained and drier than unvegetated ones. For a vegetation cover to provide effective protection, it must cover the bank down to the low water level. Otherwise, erosion at low flows will undercut the bank below the root zone, reducing the overall stability. Uniformity of cover is also important if localised eddying and scour are to be avoided. Abernethy and Rutherfurd (1999) concluded that to understand the role of vegetation in stream bank erosion and stability, one must: 1. understand the processes of bank erosion; 2. appreciate that different processes may dominate at different points within the catchment; 3. consider the influence of vegetation on each of the processes; 5 4. determine those properties of vegetation that effect each of the processes; and 5. quantify the effect of vegetation on the processes acting in different parts of the river system. Field assessments Any field assessment of bank erosion requires an assessment of the current conditions and needs to be both simple and comprehensive. A number of methods have been devised (e.g. Thorne 1996, Environment Agency 1999; etc) and although there are minor differences in the parameters assessed at each site they generally collect similar information for either a point in a reach, a reach, one bank or both banks. 2. Field assessment and development of bank styles It has been difficult to determine a simple morphologically-based classification that might have more universal application outside of the situations we have observed. While it has not been possible to devise a strict classification system the pilot field assessment indicated that there are a number of morphological characteristics that are relevant to the question of using vegetation to stabilise stream banks. In terms of treatment with vegetation, there were 3 main factors - bank geometry, bank height, and bank composition which in various combinations can describe different types of banks. Of these bank height is the major factor for determining if vegetation can be used to assist with stabilising the banks. This is supported from both the literature and from our observations that bank heights that are greater than 3m and perhaps some where between 2 and 3m are the maximum heights that vegetation will have an active part in control of the banks stability (assuming plants are planted on the top of the bank).This is dependent on the current erosion status i.e. active or passive. In the active situation base planting and/or rip rap is likely to be a more successful treatment as top of bank plantings will likely be undermined by fluvial activity Secondly the slope of the bank is another key criterion where steep near vertical slopes are less likely to be stabilised. However this largely depends on the activity of bank erosion high or low. Thirdly the material composition plays an important part of whether vegetation can control banks – layered sediments versus fine grained alluvium. However based on the combinations of the factors outlined above it is possible to separate banks into different “types”. These preliminary types are listed in Appendix 2 together with photographs illustrating these differences. In summary, there are a limited number of styles within the Motueka because of the narrow range of bank materials which is largely influenced by the significant widespread nature of the Moutere Gravels, and recent alluvium, much of which is derived from these materials. In comparison to other regions, there is not the thick accumulation of overbank silts and sands found in soft-rock hill country nor are there the slump-dominated bank profiles associated with deeply weathered bedrock. Implications for management In developing a strategy for the management of riverbank erosion problems, four guiding principles have been established that set out a framework for appropriate, multi-functional responses to perceived problems (Thorne et al 1996): Identify the cause of the bank erosion problem Seek a solution through active bank management 6 If active management is justified, match the scope, strength and length of bank covered by the solution with the cause, severity and extent of the problem Bear in mind the responsibility to balance conflicting goals in river management. Frameworks and solutions for managing rivers have subsequently been developed in a number of publications (Abernethy and Rutherfurd 1998; Environment Agency 1999; River Styles etc). In assessing a range of stream and river banks in this pilot project it is clear that vegetation can help stabilise river banks and prevent erosion but that it is unrealistic to expect revegetation to eliminate all erosion (Abernethy & Rutherfurd 1999). Soft or hard solutions? Where a structural solution that involves physically protecting the bank is appropriate there is now a wide range of designs and products that can be used including hard engineering materials like concrete and steel through to softer materials such as geotextiles. Increasingly vegetation is promoted in many situations as an integral component of bank stabilisation solutions either to hide the hard structures or to actually be a part of the stabilising solution. Many of the techniques and plants currently being employed and used in various parts of the world have been rediscovered as many were in widespread use several centuries ago and pre-date the use of concrete and steel. However, while some feel that vegetative solutions are innovative, it is important to recognise that soft solutions are not appropriate in every situation. Despite the recognition that riparian vegetation influences bank stability, many of the mechanisms involved are yet to be fully quantified. In particular, although empirical research (e.g. Abernethy and Rutherfurd, 2001; Simon and Collison, 2002) has advanced our knowledge of the relative importance of both mechanical and hydrological mechanisms in certain environments, results are not necessarily transferable. This is because vegetation influences bank stability via a complex suite of process mechanisms that vary in effectiveness as a function of environmental characteristics. The net effects on bank stability at an individual site are therefore difficult to predict. The large differences between species (either exotic or native) in terms of their ability to increase riverbank stability, means that revegetation strategies with this objective in mind should consider carefully the species to be planted. Using sound ecological practice suggests that a mix of species is preferable, not only for the benefit of other organisms that may inhabit the environment but also for the health of the vegetation itself; single species plantings may well be more prone to attack by pest and disease. Employing the use of a single species based simply on the fact that it may have greater soil reinforcement potential, may in fact undermine the perceived benefits by compromising the overall health of the plantings. Conclusions & recommendations Bank erosion is not a single process. It encompasses a wide variety of hydraulic and gravitational mass failure processes. The two process groups are often linked with hydraulic processes causing gravitational failures. Identification of bank erosion processes is important for determining suitable measurement techniques and for choosing appropriate remedial options. Bank erosion assessment provides an alternative to detailed measurement, which in practice can only be carried out in a few selected locations. A minimum bank assessment data set for determining the contribution of bank erosion to an overall sediment budget, identifying 7 representative sites for detailed measurement and determining controls on bank erosion would include: location (GPS, toe, slope or bank top, left or right bank), extent (length of feature, height of bank), type of sediment (cohesive or non-cohesive, particle size, stratification), type of failure and contributing processes (e.g., freeze/thaw, water drawdown), toe sediment accumulation, general evidence (e.g., exposed roots, undercut banks), severity of erosion/bank stability, geometry of the bank (height, slope, profile shape), evidence of cracking, vegetation, channel geomorphic unit, protection status. The pilot assessment carried out in the Motueka catchment suggests that it might be possible to develop a generic set of bank styles that could be used to aid in the design of treatment options for bank stabilisation using vegetation. However, the lack of variation seen across the catchment limits its development in this situation. However there is still scope to expand the concepts beyond the Motueka to include different regions and thus develop a system based on observations from places where there is more variability in the factors that control the form of river banks. Acknowledgements Alex Watson is thanked for assisting with initial field work. Landowners of the Motueka River catchment and its tributaries are thanked for granting access across their land. References Abernethy B 1999: On the role of woody vegetation in riverbank stability. PhD thesis. Monash University, Melbourne. Abernethy, B, Rutherfurd ID 1998. Where along a river's length will vegetation most effectively stabilize stream banks? Geomorphology 23(1):55-75. Abernethy B, Rutherfurd ID 2000. The effect of riparian tree roots on the mass-stability of riverbanks. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 25(9):921-937. Abernethy B, Rutherfurd ID 2001. The distribution and strength of riparian tree roots in relation to riverbank reinforcement. Hydrological Processes 15(1):63-79. Basher L 2004. Conceptual requirements for an erosion-sediment model for the Motueka catchment. ICM Report 2004-05/02 prepared for the stakeholders of the Motueka integrated catchment management programme. Basher L 2006. Fine sediment in the Motueka River. Soil Horizons, Issue 14 September 2006, p8-9. Basher L, Young R 2006. Fine sediment research issues in the Motueka River in the ICM programme: bringing the geomorphology and biology together. How are we progressing? _summary.pdf Brierley GJ, Fryirs KA (2005) Geomorphology and River Management: Applications of the River Styles Framework. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, 398pp. Coppin NJ, Richards IG 1990. Use of vegetation in civil engineering. Construction Industry Research and Information Association. 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In: Wilson, Andrea, Dehaan, Remy, Watts, Robyn, Page, Ken, Bowmer, Kathleen and Curtis, Allan 5th Australian Stream Management Conference, Albury, NSW, 21-25 May, 2007. Thorne, C.R. 1990: Effects of vegetation on riverbank erosion and stability. Chapter 10 p125-144, In: Vegetation and Erosion, Ed. JB Thornes, John Wiley & Sons. Thorne, C.R. 1998: Stream Reconnaissance Handbook. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chichester, England, 133 pp. Thorne, C.R., Reed, S., Doornkamp, J.C. 1996: A procedure for assessing river bank erosion problems and solutions. University of Nottingham R&D Report 28, National Rivers Authority, Bristol,UK. Wild M, Hicks DM, Merrilees R 2006. Suspended sediment monitoring in the Motueka catchment: data report to 1 May 2006. NIWA Client Report: CHC2006-087 July 2006. 087.pdf 10 Appendices Appendix 1 – Field data dictionary River Character Data Dictionary River or stream name, GPS position 1 Left bank Right bank Centre of river GPS position 2 Upstream Downstream Centre of feature Feature location Left bank Right bank Both Length (m) Height (m) Land-use top of bank, Within 10m of bank top/edge Pasture Horticulture Plantation Conservation Mixed Other Can't tell Veg top of bank None Sparse Dense Can't tell Veg on bank None Sparse Dense Veg toe of bank None Sparse Dense Veg type, Woody and non-woody Exotic Native Mixed Veg age Young Mature Old Mixed Can't tell 11 Exotic Woody Type, Mostly about willows Willows Gorse Poplars Other Don't know Weed-OMB infested, OMB, blackberry etc Yes No Vegetation comments Bank stability signs Current activity Low Low-medium Medium Medium-high High Past activity, Evidence of past erosion Yes No blank Bank protection type Bio-engineering Hard engineering Combination None Landform affected, Type affected by erosion Floodplain Low terrace Intermediate terrace High terrace Hillslope colluvium Hillslope rock Protection condition Good Fair Poor Can't tell BP Veg type Brush layering Poles Single spaced trees Flax or reeds Combination Control with veg?, None now but possible in future i.e. <2m Yes No Maybe Can't tell Control veg type Toe 12 Bank Toe & bank Channel Not sure BP comments Biod enhancement? Yes No Can't tell Riparian fencing? None, Left Right Both Stock access Yes No, Photo taken Yes No Photo number/camera, text, 30 Style comments Sediment type Cohesive Non cohesive Mixed Dom sediment size Boulders Pebbles/cobbles Sand/silt Rock Stratification Uniform Stratified sand/silt Stratified sand/grav Bank profile Straight Concave Convex Stepped Complex Failure type Gravitational Hydraulic Grav+Hydr Grav failure type dry granular flow soil fall wedge cantilever rotational 13 slide earthflow piping popout Hydr failure type undercutting bed degradation basal cleanout Contributing process freeze-thaw rilling gullying stock damage WL drawdown bank toe sediment absent boulders pebbles/cobbles sand/silt CGU pool run riffle step pool waterfall multiple bar CGU comment Stream curvature Outside of bend Inside of bend Straight Channel sinuosity low medium high General comments 14 Appendix 2 – Preliminary classification of bank types Type 1 Description Treatment option Reason Example Vertical bank incised in Channel/ base planting and/or rip Rooting depth limited bedrock rap by bedrock and no soil 2 Vertical bank indurated gravels in Channel/ base planting and/or rip Rooting depth limited rap by bedrock and no soil 1 3 Vertical bank Holocene alluvium in If <1m plant on top and /or Rooting depth ok for Channel/ base planting and/or rip plants to get roots rap else >1m Channel/ base planting down and/or rip rap 4 Vertical bank in modern If <1m plant on top and /or Rooting depth ok for alluvium Channel/ base planting and/or rip plants to get roots rap else >1m Channel/ base planting down and/or rip rap 2 5 6 Vertical bank combinations of materials - alluvium over bedrock Vertical bank combinations of materials - alluvium over indurated gravels If <1m plant on top and /or Channel/ base planting and/or rip rap else >1m Channel/ base planting and/or rip rap If <1m plant on top and /or Channel/ base planting and/or rip rap else >1m Channel/ base planting and/or rip rap 3 7 Non-Vertical bank Channel/ base planting and/or rip incised in bedrock rap 8 Non-Vertical bank indurated gravels in Channel/ base planting and/or rip rap 4 9 Non-Vertical bank Holocene alluvium in Height not relevant - plant on top and/or on bank and /or Channel/ base planting and/or rip rap 10 Non-Vertical bank modern alluvium in Height not relevant - plant on top and/or on bank and /or Channel/ base planting and/or rip rap 5 11 Non-Vertical combinations materials – over bedrock 12 Non-Vertical bank combinations of materials – alluvium over gravels Stepped alluvium 13 bank If <1m plant on top and /or of Channel/ base planting and/or rip alluvium rap else >1m Channel/ base planting and/or rip rap If <1m plant on top and /or Channel/ base planting and/or rip rap else >1m Channel/ base planting and/or rip rap Height not relevant - plant on top and/or on bank and /or Channel/ base planting and/or rip rap Notes: 1. Bank Materials Bedrock Motueka gravels Alluvium over bedrock Need 80% of bank face in substrate type to be classed as dominant 2. Bank Geometry Vertical Stepped Graded 3. Height 6 <1 m >1 m 4. Assumed erosion active 7