Application Form for ROC (Taiwan) Taiwan Scholarship Please attach a photograph that has been taken within the last 3 months. This application form should be TYPED and completed by the applicant. If necessary, additional pages of the same size may be attached . Which type of scholarship would you like to apply for? □ Master Scholarship □ Doctoral Scholarship University/Department plan to attend: _________________________________________ Do you need to attend a Chinese Language Enrichment Program (The LEP must be undertaken during the first year)? □ Yes, University affiliated language center plan to attend: ____________________________ (Please apply for admissions to a degree program for the 2011 academic year.) □ No. 1. PERSONAL DATA NAME (Last name) (Given Name) (Chinese Name, if applicable) FATHER’S NAME (Last name) (Given Name) (Chinese Name, if applicable) MOTHER’S NAME (Last name) (Given Name) (Chinese Name, if applicable) Note: If one or both of your parents were an ROC national at the time of your birth, you are an ROC national as well and therefore not eligible to apply. NATIONALITY □Single □Married (dd/mm/yy) DATE OF BIRTH □Female □Male AGE PAST RESIDENCE IN TAIWAN PLACE OF BIRTH □Never □Yes, from (dd/mm/yy) to (dd/mm/yy) CONTACT Reason for residence: Address: Tel.: Mobile: Fax: Email: INFORMATION HEALTH CONDITION ANY CHRONIC DISEASES CONTACT PERSON, IN CASE OF EMERGENCY □ Excellent □ Good □ Fair □None □ Yes. If yes, Please specify. Name: Relationship: Tel.: Mobile: Email: Address: 2. LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY COMPREHENSION Excellent Good Fair READING Excellent Good -1- WRITING Fair Excellent Good SPEAKING Fair Excellent Good Fair CHINESE ENGLISH 3. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Level Degree Name of Institution Country/City Major Period of Enrollment Secondary Education Undergraduate Level Education Graduate Level Education 4. EMPLOYMENT RECORD Experience Previous Previous Present Position Company/Organization Employment Period 5. REFERENCES Name Position Company Phone, Mobil, Email, Address 6. PLEASE BRIEFLY STATE YOUR STUDY PLAN WHILE IN TAIWAN 7. DECLARATION: I declare that: □ I am neither concurrently an ROC national, nor an overseas compatriot of the ROC; □ I am not currently undertaking studies in Taiwan for the same educational level as the scholarship type for which I am applying; □ I am not applying for this scholarship as an exchange student resulting from an agreement signed between my home institution and any Taiwan university/college; □ The information I have given on this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Applicant’s Signature Date _____ /_____/_____ -2-