Pedigree Project

Pedigree Project
1. Pick a genetic disease that we have discussed. Pick a letter to represent alleles.
2. Create an imaginary pedigree, at least 4 generations; each couple has 2 children
always and only.
3. The original couple are both heterozygous. Exceptions- Huntington’s’ and Taysachs
4. Use a coin to decide the genotype for each of the spouses throughout your
pedigree. H-heads, T-tails
HH-homozygous dominant, TT- homozygous recessive, HT- heterozygous
5. Create a punnett's square beside each couple to show the possible genotypes of
their offspring.
6. Use a coin to decide the genotype of their children.
7. Label the genotype of each individual, list both if two are possible.
8. Fill in the shapes of affected individuals, and half fill all carrier individuals.
9. Use roman numerals to number each generation and then number each individual
in the generation.
10. List the following information somewhere on your pedigree.
1. Who are the heterozygous individuals?
2. Who are the homozygous dominant individuals?
3. How many people in your pedigree have your disease? Who are they?
4. Using the rules above, could it have been possible to create a pedigree with
no homozygous recessive individuals?
11.Use the information on your disease in the book to write a description of your
disease and put it on or attached to your pedigree. What are the major differences
between a normal individual and an affected individual? You should include at
least 2 graphics, printed or drawn.
12.Write a fictional description for your pedigree. You may be as creative as you
want, but you must assign names, give a brief backstory for each couple including
how they met, and include a description of how the disease has affected the
family. Do affected individuals die early, live normal lives, require special
treatments, etc.
13.If you do a 3 minute presentation on your disease and pedigree you can earn 5
bonus points.
Required Elements The project
includes all
required elements
as well as
Use of Class Time Used time well
during each class
period. Focused on
getting the project
done. Never
distracted others.
All required
elements are
included on the
Used time well
during each class
period. Usually
focused on getting
the project done
and never
distracted others.
All but 1 of the
required elements
are included on the
Several required
elements were
Used some of the Did not use class
time well during
time to focus on the
each class period. project OR often
There was some
distracted others.
focus on getting
the project done
but occasionally
distracted others.
Graphics All graphics are
All graphics are
All graphics relate Graphics do not
related to the topic related to the topic to the topic. Most relate to the topic
and make it easier and most make it graphics have an OR several graphics
to understand. All easier to
have no
graphics have an understand. All
graphics have an
Content - Accuracy All required
Most required
Hals or less of
Less than 25% of
content is accurate content is accurate required content is required content is
and displayed on and displayed on accurate and
accurate and
the project.
the project.
displayed on the
displayed on the
Knowledge Gained Student can
Student can
Student can
Student appears to
accurately answer accurately answer accurately answer have insufficient
all questions
most questions
about 75% of
knowledge about
related to facts in related to facts in questions related to the facts or
the poster and
the poster and
facts in the poster processes used in
processes used to processes used to and processes used the project.
create the project. create the project. to create the
The project is
The project is
The project is
The project is
attractive in terms acceptably
distractingly messy
attractive in terms of design, layout attractive though it or very poorly
of design, layout, and neatness.
may be a bit messy. designed. It is not
and neatness.