The 25-Word Abstract*

The 25-Word Abstract
On your own:
1. Read the text, marking key ideas. You may use a highlighter, pen, or pencil.
2. After you finish reading, complete the following chart:
This text is about (provide a brief, factual
Example: Act I of The Crucible
 Rev. Parris discovers girls dancing
 Betty Parris is ill; Rev. Hale is summoned
 Rev. Hale questions the girls and Tituba
 Village women are arrested
This text is really about (provide an
interpretation and/or thematic analysis)
Example: Act I of The Crucible
 The girls are bored and rebel
 The girls may fear punishment
 Tituba lies to save her own life
 Hysteria begins to affect Salem village
3. Write an abstract (summary) of the text that coveys a “clear, complete, and
succinct summary of the main idea (combining both elements of the chart above)
in 25 words or fewer.
In Small Groups:
4. Share abstracts and compare.
5. Collaborate on a group abstract & write it on a poster.
6. Evaluate the abstracts from all groups.
7. Decide which one best conveys a clear, complete, and succinct summary of the
*Adapted from Reading Apprenticeship materials by UDSD Reading Apprenticeship trainers