__________________________________________________________________________ NEBRASKA’S HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER OFFICE OF REGULATORY AFFAIRS (ORA) Institutional Review Board (IRB) SHORT FORM REQUEST Instructions: Use of a short form written consent document is permissible in accordance with HHS regulations at 45 CFR 46.117(b)(2) and FDA regulations at 21 CFR 50.27(b)(2) when 1) a subject/LAR who cannot understand English is unexpectedly encountered, 2) there is not sufficient time to develop and obtain IRB approval for a standard consent form written in language understandable to the subject/LAR, and 3) there is sufficient prospect of direct therapeutic benefit if the individual is permitted to enroll in the research. The short form is not a substitute for a complete fully translated consent form when it is anticipated that a significant number of subjects will be non-English speaking. Use of a short form is restricted to enrollment of no more than two subjects per language in a given protocol. To utilize a short form, this request must be completed and submitted to the Office of Regulatory Affairs prior to consent of the non-English speaking subject/LAR. DATE: IRB #: TITLE OF PROTOCOL: PI NAME: 1. Person Requesting Use of Short Form Name: Phone: Email: 2. Is the person requesting the short form the contact person to be listed on the short form? Yes No. Indicate the person’s name and phone number. Name: Phone: 3. Anticipated Date of Consent of the Prospective Subject/LAR: 4. Identification of Short Form A. I am requesting the use of the following IRB-approved short form: Arabic French Russian Spanish Croatian Hmong Somali Vietnamese B. I am requesting the use of a short form in another language that has not received IRB approval. Language: 1) 2) 5. A translated short form, based upon the IRB-approved English version of the short form, has been developed and is now submitted for IRB review and approval. Identify the individual/commercial interpretation/translation service that translated the short form: Subject’s Legal Status A. I am requesting the use of a short form to enroll an adult B. I am requesting the use of a short form to enroll a minor Short Form Request (03-05-13) Page 1 of 2 6. Has a short form in this language been previously used in this protocol? No Yes. Indicate number of times and dates the short form has been used below. Number of times used: Date(s) used: 7. Requirements for IRB approval: A non-English speaking potential subject/LAR has been unexpectedly encountered. There is not sufficient time to develop and obtain IRB approval of a translated complete consent form. There is sufficient prospect of direct therapeutic benefit to the potential subject. An interpreter is available: A qualified member of the study staff; Name: Official TNMC, CH&MC, or study site hospital interpreter/translator; Name: A qualified employee of the UNMC, UNO, TNMC or CH&MC; Name: A commercial interpretation/translation service; Identify Family member of subject will serve as the interpreter. Please list reason: A witness is available who will be present during the oral presentation of the consent form. Note: The interpreter may serve as the witness as long as the interpreter is not the designated study personnel obtaining consent. Certification: I understand that the complete IRB-approved consent form must be verbally interpreted into a language understandable to the subject. Throughout the process, the subject/LAR must be asked for feedback to determine an understanding of the research and his/her/subject’s rights as a research subject. The subject/LAR and the witness will sign and date the short form. The person obtaining consent and the witness will sign and date the English version of the complete consent form(s). A copy of all signed and dated documents will be given to the subject/LAR. The process of consent will be fully documented and maintained on file which includes the following: The time over which the process of consent was conducted; The name and contact information of the interpreter; The name and contact information of the witness. Person Requesting Use of Short Form Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Expedited Review Use of an IRB-approved short form Use of a short form in this language is approved for this subject. Date of expiration: Use of a short form in this language is not approved. A fully translated consent form must be developed and submitted for full IRB review and approval prior to enrollment of any subjects speaking this language. Use of a short form in this language is not approved. Short form(s) previously used Use of a short form in this language is not approved. There is adequate time to develop and obtain IRB approval for translated complete consent form Use of a short form in this language is not approved. There is insufficient prospect of direct therapeutic benefit Other: IRB CHAIR/DESIGNEE Use of a new short form The new short form is based upon the UNMC IRB approved English short form template. This short form is approved. Date of expiration: IRB CHAIR/DESIGNEE Short Form Request (03-05-13) Page 2 of 2