Agenda Item No.: G.1.b. Waste Management Plan Update Recommendation: That the August 4, 2005, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2005PWW087 be received for information. Report Summary This information report provides an update on the provision of landfill capacity for future years. Landfills in Edmonton are projected to be full by 2009 to 2010. Report Study and evaluation are underway to provide current information to update the 30-year Waste Management Strategic Plan, in particular, the general data to identify new landfill options and required system changes such as an expanded transfer operation. This work will be complete to allow a request for proposals for new landfill capacity to be issued by May 2006. The elements of the workplan for the request for proposals follow: Develop a request for proposals reflecting the City’s needs and any relevant timely outcomes of the Alberta Capital Region Alliance (ACRA) Regional Waste Management Study. Administration is working with ACRA to explore regional waste management opportunities. Issue a request for proposals to regional waste management authorities or commissions, municipalities and private companies. If existing landfill capacity is available, Administration will require the terms under which it Routing: Delegation: Written By: August 4, 2005 File: 2005PWW087 would be available to the City. Alternatively, if a respondent is willing to host a landfill for the City’s use, the terms for hosting and responsibilities of both parties would be determined. Analyze valid proposals to determine which offer the best combination of overall system cost, environmental suitability and security of service. Recommend the preferred proposal(s) to City Council through the Transportation and Public Works Committee by September 2006. The recommendation may include entering into more than one disposal option and contract. Administration will provide a comparative financial analysis of the proposals with its recommendation report. While the timeline appears short (approximately three years to implement the new solution(s) before Clover Bar Landfill closes), Administration is confident that a solution(s) for landfill disposal capacity will present itself. However, this timeline does not provide for, nor is Administration planning to be involved in, protracted landfill siting studies with unwilling host communities. Notwithstanding the need for new landfill capacity, the sustainability and long-term control of our waste management needs depend on our ability to provide as much ‘disposal’ capacity as we can within our jurisdiction. To this end, the business plan for the Waste Management Branch includes a thermal waste processing project (Gasification Project) with the potential to further Transportation and Public Works Committee W. D. Burn R. G. Neehall Asset Management and Public Works Department (Page 1 of 2) G 1 b Waste Management Plan Update reduce the amount of residential waste requiring landfilling and produce energy to offset the consumption of nonrenewable energy sources. The Gasification Project is in the study phase and should the business case be positive, it would become a major component of the City’s integrated waste management system. The opportunity is being studied with EPCOR and others with grant funding from the Province and the FCM Green Funds. There is private sector investment interest in the project should EPCOR decide not to be involved in its development. Provision of new landfill capacity, transfer station (required for processing and transporting waste to landfill) and Gasification Project are contained in the current business plan and associated financing plan for the Waste Management Branch. Administration will provide update reports to the Transportation and Public Works Committee as relevant progress is made or at significant milestones such as the issuance of the request for proposals for new landfill capacity. (Page 2 of 2)