Fred Wang Professional Summary May 2, 2014 Business address

Fred Wang
Professional Summary
May 2, 2014
Business address:
E-mail address:
The University of Texas at Austin
Bureau of Economic Geology
University Station, Box X
Austin, Texas 78713-8924
(512) 471-7358
Academic Background
B.S. Mining Engineering, Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 1974
M.S. Petroleum Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 1979
Ph.D. Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University, 1986
Areas of Expertise
Assessment of shale and unconventional resources.
Production enhancement for mature fields.
Reservoir characterization.
Enhanced oil recovery.
Professional Work Experience
A. Present Position: Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at
Austin (September 2001 - Present).
Key controls of production from shale resources. Developing production strategies for maximizing
production from the East Texas Oil Field. Characterization of Pampo field in Campos Basin,
Brazil, and SACROC and Fullerton Clearfork units in Texas. Subsurface and outcrop studies on
carbonate reservoirs in West Texas and New Mexico.
B. Research Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (November
2000 - August 2001).
Investigation of the effect of hydrocarbon production on subsidence and fault activation of coastal
Southeast Texas. Consultant on projects on in-situ combustion, 3-D modeling and reservoir
simulation. Quality control of wireline logs and petrophysical evaluation.
C. Senior Petroleum Engineer, PGS Reservoir, (U.S.), Inc. (1998 - November 2000).
Reservoir studies on deep-water fields in GOM and North Sea, sandstone fields in Venezuela,
Mexico and Russia.
D. Senior Petroleum Engineer / Consultant, Scientific Software-InterComp, Inc. (1997 - 1998).
Software enhancements and training and consulting on domestic and international field studies.
E. Research Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (1988 1997).
Integrated reservoir characterization studies of oil and gas fields in U.S. and Venezuela. Major
responsibilities included petrophysical analysis, engineering evaluation, 3-D modeling,
geostatistical analysis and 3-D modeling, and reservoir simulation.
Professional Societies
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Awards and Honorary Societies
Wallace E. Pratt Award for best AAPG Bulletin article published in calendar year 2009
FY2010-2011 9/23/2010
best paper"
FY2010-2011 9/23/2010
First Place, Thomas A. Philpott Excellence of Presentation Award, Gulf Coast Association of
Geological Societies (GCAGS), 59th Annual Convention, Shreveport, Louisiana, 2009
Reports, Monographs, Brochures, Pamphlets, Bulletins
Ambrose, W. A., Mendez, Milton, Akhter, M. S., Fisher, R. S., Alvarez, Regulo, Wang, F. P.,
Skolnakorn, J., and Baghai, Nina, 1998, Geologic controls on reservoir architecture and
hydrocarbon distribution in Miocene shoreface, fluvial, and deltaic deposits in the Mioceno Norte
Area, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Geology Report of Investigations No. 252, 61 p.
Wang, F. P., and Lucia, F. J., 1993, Comparison of empirical models for calculating the vuggy porosity
and cementation exponent of carbonates from log responses: The University of Texas at Austin,
Bureau of Economic Geology Geological Circular 93-4, 27 p.
Scanlon, B. R., Wang, F. P., and Richter, B. C., 1991, Field studies and numerical modeling of
unsaturated flow in the Chihuahuan Desert, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 199, 56 p.
Wang, F. P., Hammes, Ursula, Reed, R. M., Zhang, T., and Tang, X., 2013, Chapter 10: Petrophysical
and mechanical properties of organic-rich shales and their influences on fluid flow, in Critical
Assessment of Shale Resource Plays,Chatellier, J.-Y.and D. Jarvie, eds.: AAPG Memoir 103, p.
Wang, F. P., and Lucia, F. J., 2012, Reservoir modeling and simulation of the Fullerton Clear Fork
reservoir, Andrews County, Texas, in S. C. Ruppel, ed., Anatomy of a giant carbonate reservoir:
Fullerton Clear Fork (Lower Permian) field, Permian Basin, Texas: Studies in Geology 63, p. 111–
Peer Reviewed
Wang, F. P., and Lucia, F. J., 2012, Reservoir modeling and simulation of the Fullerton Clear Fork
reservoir, Andrews County, Texas, in Ruppel, S. C., ed., Anatomy of a giant carbonate reservoir:
Fullerton Clear Fork field, Permian Basin, Texas: AAPG Studies in Geology 63 and Bureau of
Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 276, p. 111–143.
Ogiesoba, O. C., Wright, W., Wang, F. P., Popini, M. V., Franco, M. P., Lourenco, A. T., and da Silva,
G. B. D., 2011, Seismic conditioning and attenuation of high-angle coherent noise in a mixed
carbonate and siliciclastic setting, Campos Basin, offshore Brazil: a case study: Geophysics, v.
76, no. 5, p. B199‒B212.
Wang, F. P., 2010, Engineering characterization of East Texas oil field: north and south pilot studies,
in Hentz, T. F., ed., Sequence stratigraphy, depositional facies, and reservoir attributes of the
Upper Cretaceous Woodbine Group, East Texas field: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau
of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 274, p. 95–114.
Ambrose, W. A., Hentz, T. F., Bonnaffe, F., Loucks, R. G., Brown, L. F., Jr., and Wang, F. P., 2009,
Sequence stratigraphic controls on complex reservoir architecture of highstand fluvial-dominated
deltaic and lowstand valley-fill deposits in the Woodbine Group, East Texas field: regional and
local perspectives: AAPG Bulletin, v. 93, p. 231–269.
Wang, F. P., Lucia, F. J., and Kerans, Charles, ed., 1998, Modeling dolomitized carbonate-ramp
reservoirs: a case history of the Seminole San Andres unit—Part 1, petrophysical and geologic
characterizations: Geophysics, v. 63, no. 6, p. 1866–1875.
Wang, F. P., Dai, J., and Kerans, Charles, 1998, Modeling dolomitized carbonate-ramp reservoirs: a
case study of the Seminole San Andres unit—Part II, seismic modeling, reservoir geostatistics,
and reservoir simulation: Geophysics, v. 63, no. 6, p. 1876–1884.
Ambrose, W. A., Mendez, Milton, Akhter, M. S., Wang, F. P., and Alvarez, Regulo, 1998, Geologic
controls on remaining oil in Miocene fluvial and shoreface reservoirs in the Mioceno Norte Area,
Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela: Petroleum Geoscience, v. 4, p. 363–376.
Wang, F. P., 1997, Effects of fluid movement and sealing property of faults on developing the mature
Lagunillas field, VLA-6/9/21 area, Block I, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela: Society of Petroleum
Engineers, Paper No. 38707, 10 p.
Lucia, F. J., Kerans, Charles, and Wang, F. P., 1995, Fluid-flow characterization of dolomitized
carbonate-ramp reservoirs: San Andres Formation (Permian) of Seminole field and Algerita
Escarpment, Permian Basin, Texas and New Mexico, in Stoudt, E. L., and Harris, P. M., eds.,
Hydrocarbon reservoir characterization: geologic framework and flow unit modeling: SEPM
(Society for Sedimentary Geology), SEPM Short Course No. 34, p. 129–153.
Wang, F. P., Lucia, F. J., and Kerans, Charles, 1994, Critical scales, upscaling, and modeling of
shallow-water carbonate reservoirs: Society of Petroleum Engineers, Paper No. SPE 27715, p.
Scanlon, B. R., Richter, B. C., Wang, F. P., and Mullican, W. F., III, 1990, Analysis of unsaturated flow
related to low-level radioactive waste disposal, Chihuahuan Desert, Texas, in Kreitler, C. W., and
Sharp, J. M., Jr., eds., Hydrogeology of Trans-Pecos, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin,
Bureau of Economic Geology, Guidebook 25, p. 105–112.
Al-Khafaji, A., Wang, F. P., Castanier, L. M., and Brigham, W. E., 1982, Steam/surfactant systems at
reservoir conditions: Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Paper No. 10777.
Wang, F. P., and Hammes, Ursula, 2010, Effects of petrophysical factors on Haynesville fluid flow and
production: World Oil, June 2010, p. D-82.D79.
Hovorka, S. D., Choi, J. -W., Meckel, T. A., Treviño, R. H., Zeng, H., Kordi, M., Wang, F. P., and
Nicot, J. -P., 2009, Comparing carbon sequestration in an oil reservoir to sequestration in a brine
formation—field study, in Energy Procedia (v. 1, no. 1), Proceedings of 9th International
Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies GHGT9, November 16–20, Washington
D.C., p. 2051–2056.
Wang, F. P., and Reed, R. M., 2009, Pore networks and fluid flow in gas shales, Society of Petroleum
Engineers, Paper No. 1234253-PP, 8 p.
Wang, F. P., and Gale, J. F. W., 2009, Screening criteria for shale gas systems, in Proceedings of
GCAGS Annual Meeting, Shreveport, Louisiana, 19 p.
Wang, F. P., and Gale, J. F. W., 2009, Screening criteria for shale-gas systems: Gulf Coast
Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 59, p. 779–794.
Wang, F. P., 2008, Production fairway speed rails in gas shales, in 7th Annual Gas Shale Summit,
Dallas, Texas, May 7.
Bonnaffe, Florence, Ambrose, W. A., Hentz, T. F., Wang, F. P., and Loucks, R. G., 2008, Threedimensional architecture of lowstand incised-valley deposits in the Woodbine Group, northern
East Texas Field: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 58, p. 135–141.
Wang, F. P., Ambrose, W. A., Hentz, T. F., Bonnaffe, Florence, and Loucks, R. G., 2008, Engineering
and geological characterization of giant East Texas oil field: north and south pilot studies: Society
of Petroleum Engineers, Paper No. 115683-PP, 15 p.
Wang, Fred, Ruppel, S. C., Lucia, F. J., Jones, R. H., Kane, J. A., and Zeng, Hongliu, 2007, Full-field
modeling of the largest Lower Permian carbonate reservoir in the Permian Basin: Fullerton Clear
Fork field, Andrews County, Texas: West Texas Geological Society Bulletin, v. 46, no. 5, p. 4–9.
Ambrose, W. A., Hentz, T. F., Wang, F. P., Bonnaffe, Florence, Loucks, R. G., and Potter, E. C.,
2007, Core Workshop: Woodbine Group, East Texas Field, in Ambrose, W. A., and others, Pilot
Study of East Texas Field: Geology, Engineering, and Potential Exploitation Workshop: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, State of Texas Advanced Resource
Recovery and Petroleum Technology Transfer Council Workshop No. SW0017, 21 p.
Lucia, F. J., Ruppel, S. C., Jones, R. H., Kane, J. A., Wang, Fred, and Zeng, Hongliu, 2006, Reservoir
characterization of the Fullerton Clear Fork field, Andrews County, Texas, in Slatt, R.M., Rosen,
N. C., Bowman, M., Castagna, J., Good, T., Loucks, R., Latimer, R., Scheihing, M., and Smith, R.,
eds., Reservoir characterization: integrating technology and business practices: Proceedings of
the 26th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, p. 651–683.
Wang, Fred, and Lucia, F. J., 2004, Reservoir modeling and simulation of Fullerton Clear Fork field,
Andrews County, Texas, in Ruppel, S. C., ed., Multidisciplinary imaging of rock properties in
carbonate reservoirs for flow-unit targeting: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, final technical report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy under contract
no. DE-FC26-01BC15351, p. 219–304.
Wang, F. P., and Nance, H. S., 2002, Effect of hydrocarbon production and reservoir depressurization
on subsidence: Port Neches field area, southeast Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological
Societies Transactions, v. 52, p. 975–984.
Wang, F. P., Lucia, F. J., and Kerans, Charles, 1997, Modeling dolomitized carbonate ramp
reservoirs: a case study of Seminole San Andres Unit and outcrop analogs: The Leading Edge,
September, p. 5.
Wang, F. P., Lucia, F. J., and Kerans, Charles, 1996, Integrated reservoir characterization of a
carbonate ramp reservoir: Seminole San Andres Unit, Gaines County, Texas, in Proceedings of
Formation Evaluation and Reservoir Geology, 1996 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, October 7-9, Denver, p. 237–250.
Kerans, Charles, Lucia, F. J., and Wang, F. P., 1994, Integration of rock-fabric facies and
geostatistical models within a sequence stratigraphic framework: implications of the West Texas
experience for recovery in Middle Eastern carbonate ramp reservoirs, in Al-Husseini, M. I., ed.,
GEO ’94: the Middle East petroleum geosciences, volume II: selected Middle East papers from
the Middle East Geoscience Conference: Manama, Bahrain, Gulf PetroLink, p. 579–590.
Scanlon, B. R., Richter, B. C., Wang, F. P., and Mullican, W. F., III, 1990, Analysis of unsaturated flow
related to low-level radioactive waste disposal, Chihuahuan Desert, Texas, in “Focus ’89”
Conference on Nuclear Waste Isolation in the Unsaturated Zone: American Nuclear Society, p.
Wang, F. P., and Brigham, W. E., 1986, Heat transfer and frontal movement during steam injection in
porous media, in Proceedings of the International Energy Agency Workshop in EOR held in
Hanover, West Germany, September 16–19.
Ambrose, W. A., Wang, F. P., and Hentz, T. F., 2011, Oil-recovery strategies in the lower Woodbine
Group, East Texas field (abs.): SIPES/SPE/SMU 2011 Dallas E&P Forum, 2 p.
Wang, F. P., 2010, Completion and production trends in Barnett and Haynesville Shales (abs.), in
BIT’s 1st World Congress of Hydraulic Fracturing & Acidizing, p. 21.
Wang, F. P., and Hammes, Ursula, 2010, Key petrophysical factors affecting fluid flow in
geopressured Haynesville Shale (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
Convention & Exhibition, v. 19, p. 268.
Wang, F. P., 2010, Factors affecting fluid flow and production in gas shales (abs.), in BIT’s 1st World
Congress of Hydraulic Fracturing & Acidizing, p. 21–22.
Wang, F. P., 2010, Effects of petrophysical and engineering factors on fluid flow and production in gas
shales (abs.), in AAPG/SEG/SPE/SPWLA Hedberg Conference, Critical assessment of shale
resource plays, December 5‒10, Austin, Texas.
Bonnaffe, Florence, Ambrose, W. A., Hentz, T. F., Wang, F. P., and Loucks, R. G., 2008, Threedimensional architecture of lowstand incised-valley deposits in the Woodbine Group, northern
East Texas Field (abs.), in Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies.
Ambrose, W. A., Hentz, T. F., Wang, F. P., Bonnaffe, Florence, Loucks, R. G., and Brown, L. F., Jr.,
2008, Sequence stratigraphic controls from complex reservoir architecture in fluvial-dominated
deltaic and lowstand valley-fill deposits in the Woodbine Group, East Texas field (abs.): AAPG
2008 Annual Convention and Exhibition Abstracts Volume, v. 17, p. 7.
Janson, Xavier, Zeng, Hongliu, Kerans, Charles, Wang, Fred, and Fomel, Sergey, 2007, Using
outcrop-based 3D geocellular model as seismic benchmark: prestack seismic modeling of
grainstones in Lawyer Canyon (Permian) outcrop, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico (abs.):
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 16, p. 70.
Ruppel, S. C., Loucks, R. G., Wright, W. R., Kane, J. A., and Wang, F. P., 2007, Similarities and
contrasts among major Paleozoic shale gas reservoir plays in Texas and New Mexico (abs.):
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 16, p.
Ruppel, S. C., Jones, R. H., Lucia, F. J., Wang, F. P., Zeng, Hongliu, Kane, Jeff, and Jennings, J. W.,
Jr., 2006, Fundamentals of rock-based reservoir modeling: a case history from the Lower Permian
Fullerton field, Permian Basin (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual
Convention, v. 15, p. 93.
Lucia, F. J., Ruppel, S. C., Jones, R. H., Kane, J. A., Wang, Fred, and Zeng, Hongliu, 2006, Reservoir
characterization of the Fullerton Clear Fork field, Andrews County, Texas (abs.), in Slatt, R. M.,
Rosen, N. C., Bowman, Michael, Castagna, John, Good, Timothy, Loucks, Robert, Latimer,
Rebecca, Scheihing, Mark, and Smith, Ru, eds., Reservoir characterization: integrating
technology: Proceedings of the 26th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research
Conference, p. 20.
Zeng, Hongliu, Wang, F. P., Janson, Xavier, and Kerans, Charles, 2006, Seismic detection of vuggy
porosity: example from Lawyer Canyon outcrop, New Mexico, U.S.A. (abs.), in Abstracts volume:
AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, November 5–8, Perth, Australia, p. 153.
Ruppel, S. C., Jones, R. H., Lucia, F. J., Wang, Fred, Zeng, Hongliu, Kane, Jeff, and Jennings, J. W.,
Jr., 2005, Multidisciplinary reservoir characterization of a giant Permian carbonate platform
reservoir: insights for recovering remaining oil in a mature U.S. basin (abs.), in Lufholm, Peter,
and Cox, Denise, eds., Unconventional reservoirs technology and strategies: alternative
perspectives for the Permian Basin: West Texas Geological Society Fall Symposium, October
26–28, Publication #05-115, p. 207.
Kerans, Charles, Bellian, Jerry, Janson, Xavier, Wang, Fred, Lucia, F. J., and Playton, Ted, 2005,
Three-dimensional modeling of complex carbonate reservoir analog outcrops using lidar-based
templates (abs.), in Lufholm, Peter, and Cox, Denise, eds., Unconventional reservoirs technology
and strategies: alternative perspectives for the Permian Basin: West Texas Geological Society
Fall Symposium, October 26–28, Publication #05-115, p. 215–217.
Ruppel, S. C., Jones, R., Lucia, F. J., Wang, F. P., Zeng, Hongliu, and Kane, Jeff, 2005,
Multidisciplinary reservoir characterization of a giant Permian carbonate platform reservoir:
insights for recovering remaining oil in a mature U.S. Basin (abs.): American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention abstracts volume, v. 14, p. A121.
Zeng, Hongliu, Wang, Fred, Janson, Xavier, and Kerans, Charles, 2005, Seismic sensitivity of vuggy
porosity: example from Lawyer Canyon outcrop, New Mexico (abs.): American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention abstracts volume, v. 14, p. A140.
Janson, Xavier, Loucks, R. G., Kerans, Charles, Sakurai, Shinichi, Wang, F. P., Marhx, Alfredo, and
Reyes, Carlos, 2004, Stratigraphic and reservoir architecture of the giant Poza Rica field,
Cretaceous, Mexico, using seismic facies based on 3D seismic attributes (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13.
Janson, Xavier, Kerans, Charles, Loucks, R. G., Sakurai, Shinichi, Wang, F. P., Marhx, Alfredo, and
Reyes, Carlos, 2004, Stratigraphic patterns and controls on reservoir quality of the giant Poza
Rica field, Albian Cretaceous, Mexico (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A75.
Janson, Xavier, Loucks, R. G., Kerans, Charles, Sakurai, Shinichi, Wang, F. P., Marhx, Alfredo, and
Reyes, Carlos, 2004, Karstification of the Lower Cretaceous Tuxpan detached platform, Golden
Lane, Mexico (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts
Volume, v. 13, p. A71.
Janson, Xavier, Gale, J. F., Jennings, J. W., Kerans, Charles, Loucks, R. G., Lucia, F. J., Ruppel,
Stephen, and Wang, F. P., 2004, Importance of core in understanding carbonate reservoirs
(abs.), in Feazel, Chip, Byrnes, Alan, Honefenger, Jim, Leibrecht, Bob, Loucks, Bob, McCants,
Steve, and Saller, Art, Carbonate reservoir characterization and simulation: from facies to flow
units: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference, El Paso,
March 15–18, unpaginated [1 p.]
Wang, F. P., Lucia, F. J., and Ruppel, S. C., 2004, 3D modeling, upscaling, and simulation of the
Fullerton Clear Fork Unit, Andrews County, West Texas (abs.), in Feazel, Chip, Byrnes, Alan,
Honefenger, Jim, Leibrecht, Bob, Loucks, Bob, McCants, Steve, and Saller, Art, Carbonate
reservoir characterization and simulation: from facies to flow units: American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference, El Paso, March 15–18, unpaginated [1 p.]
Wang, F. P., Lucia, F. J., and Ruppel, S. C., 2003, 3D reservoir modeling and simulation of the
Fullerton Clearfork Unit, Andrews County, West Texas (abs.), in Hunt, T. J., and Lufholm, P. H.,
The Permian Basin: back to basics: West Texas Geological Society Fall Symposium: West Texas
Geological Society Publication #03-112, p. 347–348.
Wang, Fred, 2003, 3-D modeling of Clear Fork reservoirs: Fullerton field (abs.), in New methods for
locating and recovering remaining hydrocarbons in the Permian Basin: The University of Texas at
Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology; Petroleum Technology Transfer Council; and University
Lands West Texas Operations, p. 24.
Ambrose, W. A., Raeuchle, S. K., Agostini, Nelida, Akhter, M. S., Guevara, E. H., Leon, Pedro,
Medina, Mileida, Munoz, Pedro, Parra, Nestor, and Wang, F. P., 1997, Oil recovery strategies in
tide-dominated estuarine-fill sequences in the Lower Misoa Formation (Lower Eocene), Maraven
Bloque I Area, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Bulletin, v. 81, no. 8, p. 1360.
Ambrose, W. A., Wang, F. P., Akhter, M. S., Skolnakorn, J., Mendez, Milton, and Alvarez, Regulo,
1996, Optimal oil recovery strategies in Miocene transgressive-barrier, coastal-plain, and mixedload fluvial systems in the Mioceno Norte area, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 80, no. 8, p. 1267–1268.
Kerans, Charles, Lucia, F. J., and Wang, F. P., 1995, The role of outcrop data in performance
prediction of non-fractured carbonate fields (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Bulletin, v. 79, no. 8, p. 1226.
Lucia, F. J., Kerans, Charles, Senger, R. K., Wang, F. P., and Mishra, Anil, 1994, Characterization of
reservoir heterogeneity in carbonate ramp reservoirs for simulation studies (abs.): American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts, v. 3, p. 202.
Ambrose, W. A., Ferrer, E. R., Dutton, S. P., Padron, Antonio, Wang, F. P., Yeh, J. S., Carrasquel,
Williams, and Tyler, Noel, 1994, Production optimization through characterization of tidedominated deltaic reservoirs of the lower Misoa Formation (lower Eocene), LL-652 area,
Lagunillas field, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela (abs.): American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts, v. 3, p. 93.
Ambrose, W. A., Ferrer, E. R., Padron, Antonio, Wang, F. P., and Tyler, Noel, 1994, Threedimensional facies architecture and strategic oil recovery in tide-dominated deltaic reservoirs of
the Lower Misoa Formation (lower Eocene), LL-652 area, Lagunillas field, Maracaibo Basin,
Venezuela (abs.), in Symposium on 3-D Reservoir Characterization: StrataModel, unpaginated.
Contract Reports
Wright, Wayne R., Wang, F. P., Zahm, L., and Ogiesoba, O. C., 2008, Reservoir characterization,
Albian carbonate succession, Pampo field: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, phase 2 summary report prepared for Petrobras, 179 p.
Dutton, S. P., Loucks, R. G., McDonnell, Angela, Sakurai, Shinichi, and Wang, F. P., 2006,
Stratigraphic architecture and sandstone reservoir quality in deep shelf gas plays of Texas State
Waters—year 1: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, contract report
prepared for Deep Shelf Gas Consortium, 405 p.
Bellian, J. A., Bryant, Steve, Fomel, S. B., Frost, E. L., Garcia-Fresca, B., Janson, Xavier, Jennings, J.
W., Jr., Kane, J. A., Kerans, Charles, Lonergan, T., Lucia, F. J., Malik, M. A., Nair, Narayan,
Phelps, R., Playton, T. E., Scheevel, Jay, Scott, T. M., Strand, J., Su, Jiandong (Joseph), Wang,
F. P., Zeng, Hongliu, and Zhang, L., 2005, Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory
project summaries 2005:
RCRL 2005 sponsors: Anadarko, Aramco, BP, Chevron,
ConocoPhillips, ENI, ExxonMobil, Great Western Drilling, Kinder Morgan, Marathon, Norsk
Hydro, Oxy Permian, Pioneer, PDO, Shell, and Statoil, CD-ROM.
Kerans, Charles, Loucks, R. G., Janson, Xavier, Sakurai, Shinichi, Wang, F. P., Holtz, M. H.,
Guevara, E. H., and Dunlap, D. B., 2004, Poza Rica Phase II: integrated characterization of the
Tamabra reservoir of Poza Rica field in a sequence stratigraphic framework: The University of
Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for Pemex in two volumes,
Spanish and English, variously paginated.
Bellian, J. A., Berman, A. E., Bryant, Steve, Fitchen, W. A., Frost, E. L., Janson, Xavier, Jennings, J.
W., Jr., Kerans, Charles, Lucia, F. J., Mize, Kristine, Phelps, R., Playton, T. E., Rahnis, M. A.,
Wang, F. P., Ward, J. B., Zeng, Hongliu, and Zhang, L., 2004, Reservoir Characterization
Research Laboratory Project Summaries for 2004: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory, final report prepared for
RCRL 2004 sponsors: Anadarko, Aramco, BP, Chevron/Texaco, ConocoPhillips, ENI,
ExxonMobil, Kinder Morgan, Great Western Drilling, Landmark, Marathon, Occidental Petroleum,
Petroleum Development Oman, Shell International, and Statoil, CD-ROM.
Wang, F. P., and Ruppel, S. C., 2003, Quick streamline analysis and recommendations for
modification of the proposed ExxonMobil infill drilling program, Fullerton Clear Fork Unit: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, interim report prepared for
ExxonMobil Corporation, 17 p.
Bellian, Jerry, Calkins, Craig, Janson, Xavier, Jennings, J. W., Jr., Jones, Rebecca, Mize, Kristine,
Playton, Ted, Roller, Liz, Ruppel, Stephen, Wang, Fred, Ward, J. B., and Zeng, Hongliu, 2003,
Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory project summaries for 2003: The University of
Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, annual report prepared for Anadarko, Aramco,
BP, Chevron/Texaco, Conoco/Phillips, ExxonMobil, Great Western Drilling, Kinder Morgan,
Landmark, Marathon, Occidental Petroleum, Petroleum Development Oman, Shell International,
Statoil, and TOTALFinaElf, CD-ROM.
Wang, F. P., and Loucks, R. G., 2002, Effect of hydrocarbon production and depressurization on
subsidence and possible fault reactivation: Port Acres–Port Arthur field area, southeast Texas:
The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, annual report prepared for the
U.S. Geological Survey, under contract no. 00HQAG0214, 23 p.
Wang, F. P., and Nance, H. S., 2001, Effect of hydrocarbon production and depressurization on
subsidence and fault reactivation: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Geology, report prepared for U.S. Geological Survey, 24 p.
Wang, F. P., 2000, Integrated study of Reynosa field, Mexico: PGS, contract report submitted to
Wang, F. P., 2000, Reservoir modeling and simulation of Motatan Domo Sur field, Venezuela: PGS,
contract report submitted to Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A.
Wang, F. P., 2000, Feasibility study on 4D seismic survey of Mars field, Gulf of Mexico: PGS, contract
report submitted to BP-Amoco.
Wang, F. P., 1998, Literature Review on depressurization and double displacement techniques: PGS,
contract report submitted to BP-Amoco.
Wang, F. P., 1998, Reservoir study of Baitex field, Russia: PGS, contract report submitted to MMS in
Ambrose, W. A., Wang, F. P., Akhter, M. S., Fisher, R. S., Skolnakorn, J., and Baghai, Nina, 1996,
Geologic and engineering characterization of the Bach-24, A-22, LL-02, and LL-08 reservoirs,
Mioceno Norte area, Lake Maracaibo: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic
Geology, final report prepared for Lagoven, S.A.., 318 p.
Guevara, E. H., Wang, F. P., Akhter, M. S., Ambrose, W. A., Colvin, Linda, and Pendleton, V. M.,
1996, Strategic infill drilling cluster locations for a multiwell platform in the southern fault block,
Maraven, S.A., Block I VLA-6/9/21, Phase-2/Stage-1 area: The University of Texas at Austin,
Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for Maraven, S.A., 28 p. + app.
Hamilton, D. S., Raeuchle, S. K., Fisher, R. S., Wang, F. P., Guevara, E. H., Tyler, Noel, Yeh, J. S.,
Holtz, M. H., Uzcátegui, M., Jimenez, T., Salazar, A., Cova, C. E., Barbato, R., and Rusic, A.,
1996, Budare field reservoir characterization study: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, final report prepared for Corpoven, S.A., Venezuela, 292 p.
Ruppel, S. C., Kerans, Charles, Lucia, F. J., Barnaby, R. J., Jennings, J. W., Jr., Fitchen, W. M.,
Kempter, K., Zahm, L., Wang, F. P., Ward, W. B., and Bebout, D. G., 1995, Reservoir
Characterization Research Laboratory for Carbonate Studies, project summaries and slide sets
for 1995, outcrop and subsurface characterization of reservoirs for improved recovery of
remaining hydrocarbons: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, annual
report prepared for the RCRL Industrial Associates, 54 p., 120 slides.
Lucia, F. J., Wang, F. P., and Kerans, Charles, 1995, Rock-fabric approach to reservoir
characterization: Seminole San Andres Unit, Gaines County, Texas: The University of Texas at
Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, technical report funded by Agip, Amoco, Aramco, ARCO,
British Petroleum, Chevron, Conoco, ELF, Exxon, Fina, JNOC, Marathon, Meridian, Mobil, Oxy
International, Oxy USA, PD Oman, Pennzoil, Phillips, Shell Canada, Shell Oil, Texaco, TOTAL,
and Unocal, 42 p.
Tyler, Noel, Ambrose, W. A., Carrasquel, Williams, Dutton, S. P., Ferrer, E. R., Padron, Antonio,
Wang, F. P., and Yeh, J. S., 1994, Characterization of lower Eocene reservoirs in the LL-652
area, Lagunillas field: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report
prepared for Lagoven, S.A., 425 p.
Scanlon, B. R., Wang, F. P., and Richter, B. C., 1990, Analysis of unsaturated flow based on physical
data related to low-level radioactive waste disposal, Chihuahuan Desert, Texas: The University of
Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, report prepared for the Texas Low-Level
Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority, under interagency contract no. IAC(90-91)-0268, 102 p.
Scanlon, B. R., Wang, F. P., and Richter, B. C., 1989, Methodology and preliminary results of
unsaturated flow study for a proposed low-level radioactive waste disposal facility, Texas: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, contract report prepared for Texas
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority, under interagency contract no. IAC(88-89)0932, 28 p.
Unpublished Reports
Neil, R., and Wang, F. P., 2000, Evaluation of the North and South Gemini fields, Gulf of Mexico: PGS
internal report submitted to PGS Floating Production Inc., October, 15 p.
Wang, F. P., and Benegie, S., 2000, Aconcagua field development studies 3-D modeling and
simulation, MC-206, Gulf of Mexico: PGS contract report submitted to TOTALFINAELF,
September, 155 p.
Wang, F. P., 1999, Reservoir modeling and simulation study of Foinaven field, North Sea: PGS,
internal report.
Course Notes
Ambrose, W. A., Hentz, T. F., Wang, F. P., Bonnaffe, Florence, Loucks, R. G., and Potter, E. C.,
2007, Core workshop: Woodbine Group, East Texas field, in Ambrose, W. A., and others, Pilot
study of East Texas field: geology, engineering, and potential exploitation workshop: The
University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, State of Texas Advanced Resource
and Petroleum Technology Transfer Council Workshop No. SW0017, 21 p.
Loucks, Robert, Ruppel, Stephen, Gale, Julia, Jarvie, Dan, Kane, Jeff, McDonnell, Angela, Potter,
Eric, Reed, Robert, Wang, Fred, Wright, Wayne, and Zeng, Hongliu, 2007, Barnett Shale-Gas
Play of the Fort Worth Basin: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology,
Workshop Workbooks
Hammes, U., Frébourg, G., Loucks, R. G., Wang, F. P., and Eastwood, R., 2011, Haynesville/Bossier
Core Workshop: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, and Petroleum
Technology Transfer Council, Texas Region, variously paginated.
Ambrose, W. A., Hentz, T. F., Wang, F. P., Bonnaffe, Florence, Loucks, R. G., Potter, E., and Clift, S.
J., 2007, Pilot Study of East Texas Field: Geology, Engineering, and Potential Exploitation
Workshop, held October 30 in Kilgore, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of
Economic Geology, Workshop Workbook, No. SW0017, variously paginated.
Loucks, R. G., Ruppel, S. C., Gale, Julia, Jarvie, Dan, Kane, Jeff, McDonnell, Angela, Potter, Eric,
Reed, Robert, Wang, Fred, Wright, Wayne, and Zeng, Hongliu, 2006, Barnett Shale-Gas Play of
the Fort Worth Basin: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology,
Publication SW0016, 177 p.
Research Support
Principal Investigator: RPSEA project on development strategies for maximizing East Texas oil field
production, (2009, $700,000).
BEG Colloquia
A review of production technology of Barnett Shale: presented at BEG Seminar, Austin, Texas,
October 20, 2006.
Integrated geologic and geophysical modeling of a major icehouse carbonate platform reservoir,
SACROC unit, Scurry County, TX: presented at weekly seminar of Bureau of Economic Geology, The
University of Texas at Austin (with Charles Kerans), Austin, Texas, 2002.
Development strategies for maximizing East Texas oil-field production: presented at RPSEA Onshore
Production Conference, Houston, Texas, November 29, 2012.
Development strategies for maximizing East Texas oil-field production: presented at RPSEA Onshore
Production Conference, Midland, Texas, April 10, 2012.
Development strategies for maximizing East Texas oil-field production: presented at RPSEA Onshore
Production Conference, Midland, Texas, April 10, 2012.
Connate water saturation, wettability and mechanical attributes of organic-rich shales: presented at
MRSL Sponsor’s Annual Review Meeting, Austin``, Texas, March 5, 2012.
Engineering study on Pampo field: presented at the Petrobras Pampo Field Workshop, Macae, Brazil,
August 13, 2009.
A new look at gas shales—why do they produce so well?: invited talk presented at 8th Annual Gas
Shale Summit, Dallas, Texas, March 31, 2009.
Pilot study of East Texas field: geology, engineering, and potential exploitation workshop: BEG-PTTC
Workshop No. SW0017, Kilgore, Texas, October 30, 2007.
Seismic-data guided reservoir modeling: North Dome area, SACROC Unit, West Texas: presented at
SWCARB workshop, Austin, Texas, April 17, 2007.
Ellenburger coalesced-collapsed paleocave reservoir Model based on outcrop, core, and GPR data:
presented at annual review meeting on Permian Basin Geology Synthesis Program, Austin, Texas,
February 26, 2007.
A review of production technology of Barnett Shale: presented at STARR/PTTC Seminar, Midland,
Texas, November 8, 2006.
A review of production technology of Barnett Shale: presented at STARR/PTTC Seminar, Houston,
Texas, November 14, 2006.
Lectures and Addresses
Development and potential of shale resources in North America: invited talk presented at University of
Geology, Beijing, China, June 22, 2012.
Connate water saturation, wettability and mechanical attributes of organic-rich shales: invited talk
presented at Lanzhou Petroleum and Gas Resources Research Center, Chinese Academy of
Science, Lanzhou, Gangsu, China, June 15, 2012.
Properties and development of shale resources in North America: presented at SINOPEC Executive
Training Program at McComb School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin, Beijing, China,
May 11, 2012.
Development and potential of shale resources in North America: invited talk presented at China
University of Petroleum, Chongping, Hebei, China, June 19, 2012.
Development and potential of shale resources in North America: invited talk presented at Lanzhou
Petroleum and Gas Resources Research Center, Chinese Academy of Science, Lanzhou, Gangsu,
China, June 12, 2012.
Development and potential of shale resources in North America: invited talk presented at Zhong Nang
University, Chongsa, Hunan, China, June 5, 2012.
Development and potential of shale resources in North America: invited talk presented at the
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, National Science Academy, Guangzhou, China, May 30, 2012.
Development strategies for maximizing East Texas oil-field production: invited talk presented at Texas
Independent Oil Producers Association, Kilgore, Texas, May 8, 2012.
Properties and development of shale resources in North America: presented at SINOPEC Executive
Training Program at McComb School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas,
December 4, 2012.
Properties and development of shale resources in North America: presented at SINOPEC Executive
Training Program at McComb School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas,
December 4, 2012.
Pressure, petrophysical properties and production of Haynesville-Bossier Shale in East Texas and
North Louisiana Basin: presented at the PTTC Workshop on Haynesville Shale, Austin, Texas, June
16–17, 2011.
Overview of development of organic-rich shales in North America: presented at the BGP Workshop on
Unconventional Resources, Beijing, China, August 9, 2011.
Overview of development of organic-rich shales in North America: presented the Geochemical
Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Science in Guangzho, Guangzho, China, August 12, 2011.
Unique properties of gas shales and their effects on fluid flow and production: presented at the 2nd
CUP-Harding International Shale Resource Technology Symposium, Beijing, China, October 13–14
Shale gas development in North America: presented at BGP Inc., Petrochina, Heibei, China, July 30,
Key controls in shale gas production: presented at Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and
Development, Petrochina, Heibei, China, July 30, 2010.
Pore network and fluid flow in gas shales: invited talk presented at the SIPES Seminar, Dallas, Texas,
May 17, 2009.
Pore network and fluid flow in gas shales: invited talk presented at the SIPES Seminar, Austin, Texas,
April 9, 2009.
A new look at gas shales—why do they produce so well?: invited talk presented at 7th Annual Gas
Shale Summit, Dallas, Texas, August 25, 2008.
Production fairway speed rails in gas shales: invited talk presented at 7th Annual Gas Shale Summit,
Dallas, Texas, May 7, 2008.
Unconventional gas: presented to Chinese Petroleum Corporation, Miali, Taiwan, June 21, 2007.
GOM deep-water & deep-shelf oil & gas developments: presented to Chinese Petroleum Corporation,
Miaoli, Taiwan, June 21, 2007.
Emerging gas plays in US: presented to CPC Research Institute, Miaoli, Taiwan, June 22, 2007.
Emerging gas plays in US: presented to Chinese Petroleum Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan, June 26,
Integrated study of Fullerton Clear Fork Unit, Andrews County, West Texas: presented to SPE
Reservoir Study Group, Midland, Texas, March 6, 2007.
Greenhouse gas mitigation and CO2 storage: invited talk, Taipei, Taiwan, November 1, 2006.
3D Modeling and simulation of Fullerton Clear Fork Unit, Andrews County, Texas: presented to
Exxon, Inc., Houston, Texas, September 2004.
3-D modeling and simulation of Fullerton Clear Fork Unit, Andrews County, TX: presented at RCRL
Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, 2003.
Seismic-data guided modeling of a Pennsylvanian carbonate—Northern Platform of SACROC unit,
Scurry County, TX: presented at the RCRL Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, 2002.
Short Courses
3-D Reservoir Modeling Using Petrel: presented to El Paso Production, Inc., Houston, Texas, January
3, 2003.
3-D Reservoir Modeling Using Petrel: presented to Conoco Inc., Houston, Texas, June 3, 2002.
3-D Reservoir Modeling Using Petrel: presented to El Paso Production Inc., Houston, Texas, May 3,
Miscellaneous Activities of a Professional Nature
Consultant on Reservoir Characterization, Innovative Petrotech Solutions, Chicago, 2004
Consultant on 3-D modeling, Knowledge-Reservoir Inc., Houston, TX
Consultant, 3D modeling on Oyong field, Indonesia, Knowledge-Reservoir Inc., Houston, TX
Reviews of Articles, Abstracts, and Research Proposals
2007 Annual SEG Conference (reservoir characterization papers), 2007