
Methodical instructions
Self for toxicological chemistry and clinical toxicology
for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy V course, special.
"Clinical Pharmacy"
Topic №1
Safety, rules and working procedures in the chemical-toxicological laboratory. The content and objectives
of chemical-toxicological analysis. Inspection and preliminary testing of the object of the study.
1. Importance of the topic
With the development of science and technology has increased the number of substances used in the
economy. Under certain circumstances, these substances have toxic effects on humans and can cause
acute and chronic poisoning. Cause of poisoning may include: drugs, poisons of plant and animal origin,
technical fluids, pesticides, fertilizers, household chemicals, alkalis, acids, "heavy" metals, items of
cosmetics, disinfectants, industrial waste, surrogate alcoholic beverages, etc. section. To determine the
cause of poisoning should be carried out chemical-toxicological study of objects of forensic chemical
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. Subject, tasks, objects, sections, features and communication toxicological chemistry and other
sciences. Organization of forensic chemical examination.
2.2. Safety at work in the laboratory toxicological chemistry.
2.3. Documentation of judicial expert toxicologist. The order of reference of the magazine.
2.4. The concepts of "toxic" and "poison" in Toxicological Chemistry. Types of classification of poisons.
2.5. A plan for forensic toxicology.
2.6. External examination of the objects of study.
2.7. Preliminary tests of the research facilities.
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Kramarenko VP Toxicological Chemistry. - M.: High School, 1995. - S. 5-32.
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. That investigated the toxicological chemistry? Subject, objectives and main topics of toxicological
4.2. Give the definition of "chemical-toxicological analysis" and "physical evidence."
4.3. What are the characteristics of chemical-toxicological analysis? General and targeted chemical and
toxicological analysis.
4.4. What evidence is sent for forensic toxicology? What documents are the basis for the analysis?
4.5. Basic principles as the basis for the classification of toxic substances in toxicological chemistry and
toxicology? What is the difference?
4.6. When done preserving biological material at the direction of forensic toxicology, and substances used
in this?
4.7. For what purpose and through which the plan is drawn up forensic toxicological analysis?
4.8. What is a preliminary test and how important they are when planning a forensic toxicology?
4.9. How important is the pH of the stomach contents to plan forensic toxicology?
4.10. Why conduct an external examination of the biological material?
4.11. What documentation leading expert in forensic toxicologist toxicology laboratory?
Topic №2
General concepts of toxicology. Characterization and classification of poisons. Properties poisons that
affect its toxicity.
1. Importance of the topic
In more recent years the importance and topicality toxicological aspects affecting the environment and
living organisms.
The main income of toxicants in the environment can be: natural - wind dust, forest fires, volcanic
material, vegetation, and sea salt.
Anthropogenic sources - is the production of non-ferrous metals, cast iron, steel, copper, motor vehicles,
chemicals, production of phosphate fertilizers, the combustion of coal, oil, gas, wood, etc.
Scientists face a dilemma setting a threshold effect in potency in the systems "toxicant - environment"
and "toxicant - a living organism" and the definition of dependence "dose - response of the body." This
was the impetus for the development of a new direction in toxicology, clinical toxicology called.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. Subject of Toxicology and Toxicological Chemistry
2.2. Objects Toxicology and Toxicological Chemistry
2.3. The task of Toxicological Chemistry
2.4. The purpose and objectives of Toxicology
2.5. The concept of toxicity and toxic substances
2.6. Types and concentrations of toxic doses
2.7. classification of poisons
2.8. Factors affecting the toxicity
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Kutsenko SA Fundamentals of Toxicology. - Moscow: Folio, 2004. - S. 12-38.
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. That toxicology studies? Subject, objectives and main topics of toxicology.
4.2. Give the definition of poison. What is the difference between the toxin and toxicant?
4.3. Basic principles as the basis for the classification of toxic substances in toxicological chemistry and
toxicology? What is the difference?
4.4. What types of toxic doses and concentrations? What is the difference?
4.5. As the structure of matter influence its toxicity?
4.6. As the toxicity of the compound depends on the size of its molecules?
4.7. Why is the geometry of the molecule substance affects its toxicity?
4.8. What is the connection to better penetrate into the body and better output from it, the water-soluble or
4.9. What type of chemical bond is formed between hemoglobin and carbon monoxide, which is between
trichlorfon acetylcholinesterase and which between the ions of calcium and oxalic acid?
Topic №3
The penetration of toxins into the body and transport mechanisms. Distribution of toxins in the body.
Metabolic poisons, its direction and dependence on the state of the body. Excretion of toxins from the
body. Interpretation of the results of forensic toxicological analysis in relation to toxicokinetics.
1. Importance of the topic
Toxicokinetics - Toxicology Section, studying changes in the properties of toxic substances occurring in
the body at the time of its receipt, distribution, metabolism and excretion. Toxicokinetics determines the
concentration of the poison in different organs, including the location of its action, that is, on the receptor.
Toxicokinetics knowledge of poisons allows to choose the organs and body fluids to be a forensic
toxicological studies to evaluate the results of the forensic toxicological analysis and to address other
issues related to the determination of cause of poisoning.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. The interaction of the toxin and the body
2.2. Intake of toxins in the human body
2.3. Intake of toxins through the skin and the gastrointestinal tract
2.4. Metabolism of toxins in the liver
2.5. Conjugation of xenobiotics in the liver
2.6. Elimination of xenobiotics from the body
2.7. Activators and inhibitors of liver enzymes.
2.8. Income and removal of aerosols from the body
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Kutsenko SA Fundamentals of Toxicology. - Moscow: Folio, 2004. - S. 115-208.
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. Define toxicodynamics and toxicokinetics. What's the difference?
4.2. What are the characteristics of resorption of the oral cavity and from the lungs?
4.3. What is the difference of resorption of the stomach and of the intestine?
4.4. What determines the rate of resorption?
4.5. What are the main reasons for the deposit of toxins in the body?
4.6. What is a "lethal synthesis" and "metabolic detoxification." How are they different?
4.7. Name the features of eliminating toxins through the lungs, kidneys and intestines.
Topic №4
Characteristics of the poisons in the body. Mechanisms of toxic action. Toximeters. Basic and additional
factors vplivayuyut on toxicity.
1. Importance of the topic
Toxicodynamics - Toxicology Section, we study the effect of toxic substances on the body and its ability
to hit the organs, tissues and their functions. Getting information about the toxic damage to the body for
effective antidotes and other drugs and substances prevent poisonings. In this regard, the importance is
the definition of selective toxicity of the poison that is her ability to hit the cells and tissues of different
organs, without affecting the others that the poison is not in contact. Toxicological significance
toxicodynamics is to study the mechanism of action of toxic substances in the body.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. The interaction of the toxin and the body
2.2. Effect of toxins on the structural elements of the intercellular space
2.3. Effect of toxins on the structural elements of the body's cells
2.4. Effect of toxins on the structural elements of the system of regulation of cellular activity.
2.5. Influence of xenobiotics on enzymes.
2.6. Disruption of the synthesis of protein toxins.
2.7. Violation of toxins structure of nucleic acids
2.8. Effect of toxins on lipid structure and receptor
2.9. Mehinizmy cytotoxic effects of poisons
2.10. Toximeters
2.11. The accumulation of toxins in the body.
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Kutsenko SA Fundamentals of Toxicology. - Moscow: Folio, 2004. - S. 39-82.
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. Define toxicodynamics and toxicokinetics. What's the difference?
4.2. What are the targets (receptors) for toxic exposure?
4.3. What is the possible influence of fluorine on the intercellular fluid?
4.4. What is the role of calcium in the body and what the consequences may be in violation of its
4.5. As formed and how neutralize free radicals in the body?
4.6. What effects are possible with dysregulation of energy metabolism?
4.7. Describe the mechanisms of damage to nucleic acids. What are the possible consequences of such
4.8. What types of the body depending on the pollutant?
4.9. Specify the possible ways of interaction of substances in the body.
4.10. How does the antidote? Give examples.
4.11. That studies toximeters?
Topic №5
Getting distillate. Detection of hydrocyanic acid in the distillate and alkyl halides (chloroform, 1,2dichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, and chloral hydrate) chemical methods.
1. Importance of the topic
Individual substances from the group of "flying" poisons used in medical practice, while others have a
wide application in the chemical and food industry, in technology, in the home and so on. The widespread
use of these substances in the economy leads to poisoning. There is a need to identify and the definition
of "volatile" poisons in body fluids (for rapid diagnosis of poisoning) and in the internal organs and
tissues (for postmortem diagnosis). In the first phase of forensic toxicology is the selection "volatile"
poisons from research facilities.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. General characteristics of the group of substances of isolated from biological material by distillation
with steam.
2.2. Methods for isolating volatile poisons.
2.3. Reaction detection of hydrocyanic acid and alkyl halides, evaluation of specificity and sensitivity
2.4. Study Design distillates chemical methods.
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Kramarenko VP Toxicological Chemistry. - M.: High School, 1995. - S. 99-113, 140-150.
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. Give a general description of volatile poisons (physical, chemical and toxicological properties, causes
and frequency of poisoning).
4.2. What factors affect the choice of objects and portions for chemical and toxicological studies?
4.3. Give a theoretical justification of the method of steam distillation.
4.4. What are the main stages and conditions of isolation of volatile poisons by distillation with steam.
4.5. What are substances that have features in isolation by steam distillation.
4.6.U essence of dry air stripping of volatile poisons? Show the practical application of this method in the
analysis of volatile poisons.
4.7. What is the essence of the method headspace?
4.8. With the help of some reactions can be found hydrocyanic acid and its salts in the distillate? Which
of the reactions to the prussic acid the most evidence in the chemical-toxicological analysis?
4.9. As found in distillates and distinguished from each other alkyl halides?
Topic №6
Poisoning by halogen derivatives. The mechanism of development, clinical features, diagnosis,
emergency care.
1. Importance of the topic
Among the large number of physiologically active halogenated hydrocarbons that are dangerous as
possible sources of acute poisoning, there are agents with different selectivity of action on various
physiological systems and organs. They are easily absorbed through the lungs, skin and gastrointestinal
tract. Therefore, issues of diagnosis of poisoning and first aid is very important.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. Trichlorethylene poisoning. The mechanism of development, diagnosis, clinical procedures and first
2.2. Tetrachlorethylene poisoning. The mechanism of development, diagnosis, clinical procedures and
first aid.
2.3. Methylene chloride poisoning. The mechanism of development, diagnosis, clinical procedures and
first aid.
2.4. Chloroform poisoning. The mechanism of development, diagnosis, clinical procedures and first aid.
2.5. Phosgene poisoning. The mechanism of development, diagnosis, clinical procedures and first aid.
2.6. Poisoning by carbon tetrachloride. The mechanism of development, diagnosis, clinical procedures
and first aid.
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Toxicological Chemistry: Textbook for Universities / Ed. TV Pleteneva. - Moscow: GEOTAR
Media, 2005. - S.314-340
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. What is the toxic effect of the three-and tetrachlorethylene?
4.2. As the rate of biotransformation affects the toxicity of the three-and tetrachlorethylene?
4.3. What toxicities have chloroform?
4.4. Metabolite of what substance is phosgene?
4.5. On what authority tetrachloride most toxic?
4.6. In all cases, poisoning halogenated shown hemodialysis?
4.7. When poisoning halogenated effectively apply hyperventilation?
4.8. What are the main activities of preventive and supportive care.
Topic №7
The discovery in the distillate alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, phenols, and acetate acid chemical methods.
1. Importance of the topic
Alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, phenols, and acetate acid is widely used in the economy. Under certain
circumstances, these substances can cause acute and chronic poisoning. Then after the distillate is
necessary forensic toxicology identification and selection of "volatile" poisons in body fluids and internal
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. Reaction detection of alcohols.
2.2. Reaction detection of aldehydes and ketones.
2.3. Reaction detection of phenols.
2.4. Reaction detection of acetate acid.
2.5. Reaction detection of ethylene glycol.
2.6. Methods for the quantitative determination of volatile poisons.
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Kramarenko VP Toxicological Chemistry. - M.: High School, 1995. - S. 113-140, 150-157.
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. What features in the steam distillation of methanol, isoamyl alcohol, phenol, ethylene, acetic acid?
4.2. What are the reactions of the most specific for phenol? What reaction can be shown that the
poisoning of the phenol?
4.3. What are the reactions of the most specific for formaldehyde? In the environment they occur?
4.4. Which of the reactants is common in the identification of phenol and acetic acid?
4.5. What are the methods of quantitative determination of volatile poisons. Compare them with the
sensitivity, specificity and accuracy.
4.6. What reactions form the basis of the method for determining the volume of alkyl halides? Record
chemistry reactions.
4.7. What reactions form the basis for determination of volatile poisons photocolorimetric? Provide
examples and write the reactions.
4.8. Explain the need for a quantitative determination of volatile poisons. Justify the answer.
4.9. Make a diagram of the analysis of biological material in cases of poisoning one of the volatile
compounds. Justify the answer.
Topic №8
Poisoning VOCs. Mechanisms of poisoning, clinical, diagnostic, emergency care.
1. Importance of the topic
Virtually everyone is exposed to daily volatile poisons. Volatile organic compounds are transferred into
the gas phase of the aerosol propellant, paints, cleaners, soil fumigants. Atmospheric pollution is the
production, processing, storage and transport of organic solvents. Wind reduces the amount of volatile
poisons in certain regions of the atmosphere and scatters them throughout the atmospheric layers of the
Earth. Atmospheric concentrations of most volatile substances are usually low, and in the cities they are
higher, especially near the petrochemical plants.
The presence of solvents in the water - the main threat to human health. Although the majority of the
solvent was spilled on the ground, evaporates, its possible penetration and migration into groundwater.
Domestic use of water contaminated with solvents may cause dermatitis, inhalation or ingestion
poisoning. Chlorination of drinking water is also possible poisoning volatile poisons, such as chloroform,
which is formed.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. The spread of volatile poisons in the environment
2.2. The deliberate use and physiological effects of volatile poisons
2.3. Toxicodynamics volatile poisons and toxicokinetic
2.4. Poisoning by aromatic hydrocarbons
2.5. Glycol poisoning
2.6. Acetone poisoning
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Toxicological Chemistry: Textbook for Universities / Ed. TV Pleteneva. - Moscow: GEOTAR
Media, 2005. - S.314-340
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. Why VOCs are so dangerous to humans?
4.2. When organic solvents are used on purpose?
4.3. Which areas of the body is the adsorption of volatile substances?
4.4. What affects the rate of division and biotransformation of volatile substances?
4.5. What are the sources of benzene in the home.
4.6. What is the main target organ for toluene and other alkylbenzenes?
4.7. Where ethylene glycol is used in everyday life?
4.8. What are symptoms of ethylene glycol poisoning?
4.9. Describe the toxic effects of acetone.
4.10. Describe the principles of first aid in cases of poisoning by organic solvents.
Topic №9
Study of the conditions of gas chromatographic studies "volatile" poisons. Identify and aliphatic
monohydric alcohol in biological fluids and distillates by gas-liquid chromatography.
1. Importance of the topic
Aliphatic alcohols are often the cause of acute intoxication. If poisoning alcohol mixed with organic
solvents have the deaths. For the diagnosis of acute intoxication "volatile" poisons in clinical toxicology
method of gas-liquid chromatography (GLC). With this method it is possible to separate the "volatile"
and to poison their qualitative and quantitative analysis. This method is also widely used in the prevention
and forensic toxicology to detect volatile substances in workplace air, food, body fluids and tissues of
dead people and animals.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. General characteristics of the method of gas-liquid chromatography (GLC).
2.2. Detection of alcohol in biological fluids and distillates by GLC.
2.3. Quantitative determination of alcohol in biological fluids and distillates by GLC.
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Kramarenko VP Toxicological Chemistry. - M.: High School, 1995. - S. 117-131.
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. State the principle of the method of GLC.
4.2. What are the main components of a gas chromatograph scheme. Specify their destination.
4.3. Name the types of sensors and give them a comparative description.
4.4. For what value of a qualitative detection of substances in the analysis of objects of study by GLC and
what relationship the basis for the quantitative determination of poisons by this method?
4.5. What is the internal standard, and what is its purpose in the GLC analysis?
4.6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of GRH method, provide an estimate of the sensitivity
and specificity of the method for chemical-toxicological studies.
Topic №10
Poisoning by alcohol and its surrogates. Pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, emergency care.
1. Importance of the topic
Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) - part of the alcoholic beverages, spirits,
cologne, lotions, medicinal herbal extracts, alcohol is a solvent for paints, lacquers alkaline, adhesives
brand "BF" and so on.
In mild intoxication leading symptom is euphoria. If intoxicated moderate joins gait disturbance and
movement coordination, mild agitation, which is replaced by drowsiness and deep sleep.
In severe poisoning all phenomena are more pronounced intoxication and ends anesthesia, ie deep sleep
with the loss of all kinds of sensitivity. While this condition itself is not life threatening, as is a few hours,
but in a state of anesthesia, severe injury, the occurrence of deep pressure ulcers, gangrene until soft
tissues caused by a violation of local blood circulation while sleeping in the same uncomfortable position
. Substantial danger is hypothermia.
In very severe alcohol intoxication patient quickly passes all the previous stages of intoxication (euphoria,
agitation, anesthesia) and falls into a deep coma.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. Toxicology ethanol
2.2. Alcohol and its effects
2.3. The mechanism of the toxic effect of ethanol
2.4. Clinic and pathogenesis of ethanol intoxication
2.5. First aid for poisoning
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Toxicological Chemistry: Textbook for Universities / Ed. TV Pleteneva. - Moscow: GEOTAR
Media, 2005. - S.314-340
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. What are the enzymes involved in the metabolism of ethanol?
4.2. What metabolites of ethanol are the most dangerous?
4.3. Is the target of the toxic effect of ethanol?
4.4. Why methanol is more dangerous than ethanol?
4.5. Why Ethanol is an antidote for methanol poisoning?
4.6. What are the signs of alcohol intoxication?
4.7. What is the danger of alcohol intoxication?
4.8. How to provide first aid if intoxicated?
Topic №11
"Metal" poison. Mineralization of biological material. Destruction.
1. Importance of the topic
Compounds of barium, lead, manganese, chromium, silver, copper, zinc, bismuth, waist, antimony,
arsenic and mercury are often the cause of acute and chronic poisoning, and therefore there is a need for
the allocation of these poisons from biological material and the study of mineralization (destruktativ) on
their Availability.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. General characteristics of poisons, which are isolated from biological material by mineralization.
2.2. Methods mineralization of biological objects. Comparative characteristics of methods.
2.3. Methods withdrawal of mineralization with oxidants. Comparative evaluation methods.
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Kramarenko VP Toxicological Chemistry. - M.: High School, 1995. - S. 283-304.
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. Which substances are considered "metal" poisons?
4.2. 3 how to spend the mineralization in the study of biological material on the "metal" poisons?
4.3. What are the methods of mineralization, their comparative assessment?
4.4. What poison and why is lost in complete mineralization of biological
4.5. What are the two stages of wet mineralization. What are the conversion of biological material at each
4.6. How to determine the end of mineralization of biological material a mixture of sulfuric and nitric
4.7. What side effects may extend the mineralization of the biological material with a mixture of sulfuric
and nitric acid? For what purpose it is necessary to add water to the mixture of acids during salinity?
4.8. Write down the chemical reactions that take place with mineral acids in mineralization.
4.9. What is the purpose of mineralization seize oxidants?
4.10. How is the process of extraction of mineralization with oxidants produced after the destruction of
biological material is a mixture of sulfuric and nitric acids, and why?
4.11. With the help of some substances carried denitration of mineralization? Which of these is most
effective and why?
4.12. Make a note of the chemistry of the reactions taking place in the denitration of mineralization
solution of formaldehyde.
4.13. What reaction is the basis for checking the completeness of extraction of mineralization with an
oxidizer? Make a note of the chemistry of the reaction.
4.14. What should be done to determine if the end of the mineralization fluid starts to get dark?
4.15. How to prepare a place for mineralization?
4.16. Which objects and what "metal" poisons is recommended by the mineralization of organic matter by
fusion with oxidants?
4.17. Which objects and what "metal" poisons is recommended by the mineralization of organic matter by
dry ashing?
Topic №12
The study of mineralization. The discovery of mineralization in the cations of lead, barium, bismuth,
cadmium, manganese, copper, arsenic, silver, zinc waist, chromium, antimony, zinc and mercury.
Fractional analysis method "metal" poisons.
1. Importance of the topic
In the chemical-toxicological laboratories Office forensic experts and chemists to put questions
concerning the definition of the material evidence in the presence of "metal" poisons. Most of these toxins
is a so-called list of compulsory studies in conducting a full forensic chemical research facilities. If
poisoning compounds of barium, lead, manganese, chromium, silver, copper, zinc, bismuth, waist,
antimony, arsenic, and after their discharge from the biological material necessary to conduct a study of
mineralization in the presence of these cations "metal" poisons.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. General characteristics of the fractional method of investigation of mineralization and comparison it
with hydrogen sulfide.
2.2. The discovery of mineralization in the cations of lead, barium, bismuth, cadmium, manganese,
copper, arsenic, silver, zinc waist, chromium, antimony, zinc and mercury.
2.3. Finding barium, lead, manganese, and chromium in the fractional method of mineralization.
2.4. Methods for the quantitative determination of "metal" poisons.
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Kramarenko VP Toxicological Chemistry. - M.: High School, 1995. - S. 304-358.
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. Are toxicologically important cations are precipitated by mineralization of biological material with a
mixture of sulfuric and nitric acid?
4.2. Why sulfate precipitate, and the precipitate after mineralization may have a dirty green color?
4.3. How to spend processing sludge sulfates, if sediment is white?
4.4. Which of the reactions of lead and barium cations is the last one?
4.5. Why in the determination of chromium process of mineralization of ammonium persulfate? Enter the
main response to chromium cation. Write to the chemistry of the reaction.
4.6. When conducting a study of sediment chromium sulphate a cation?
4.7. With the help of some reactions of mineralization defined manganese ions? The catalyst for these
4.8. In what form manganese and chromium ions are of mineralization
4.9. What reaction is tentative detection of silver ions? Write to the chemistry of the reaction.
4.10. What principle is used in the allocation of reekstraktsii of mineralization and copper cations?
4.11. What reactions are used for the detection of mineralization in the copper cations?
4.12. What reaction detection tube is preliminary, confirming what?
4.13. Which sample in the study of arsenic is considered as the previous one? Make a note of the
chemistry of the reactions taking place during this test.
4.14. What is the underlying principle in the way the study of arsenic March?
4.15. What advantages does the detection of arsenic by Marsha over other methods?
4.16. What is the difference properties of metallic arsenic and antimony metal in the case of deposition in
a reducing tube apparatus March?
4.17. How to identify the arsenic and antimony trioxide in the tube March?
4.18. What reactions demonstrated the presence of bismuth?
4.19. What reaction is preliminary and what - to confirm the detection of mineralization of zinc cations?
Write chemistry processes.
4.20. State the principle of fractional method of study of mineralization in the "metal" poisons.
4.21. Call masking techniques in the study of mineralization ions. Give examples.
4.22. Show the benefits of the fractional method of investigation of mineralization to hydrogen sulfide.
4.23. What are the main organic reagents used in the fractional method of analysis "metal" poisons.
4.24. How the fractional method of investigation of mineralization arsenic remove undesirable effect of
foreign ions?
4.25. On what is the method of fractional analysis of ions waist?
4.26. On what is the fractional method of detecting zinc cations?
4.27. What is a systematic analysis of progress "metal poisons? Than this method differs from the
4.28. What methods of quantification of "metal" poisons used in forensic chemical examination?
4.29. Explain the need to quantify the "metal" poisons.
Topic №13
Poisoning essential, umovnoesentsialnimy and heavy metals. The mechanism of development, clinical
features, diagnosis, emergency care.
1. Importance of the topic
Heavy metals and arsenic - the most important sources of industrial and household poisonings. In the
state register of diseases and toxic lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium occupy the first, second, third and
sixth places.
Metals can enter the body by inhalation of dust, smoke and steam. Possible and their intake of food or
water, and hit in the mouth with the hands. In some organs (bone, liver, and kidneys) metals can
accumulate in relatively high concentrations and stored for years. Some metals (copper, selenium) is a
trace element necessary for metabolic processes, but in high concentrations cause poisoning. Other (lead,
mercury) are normal in the body do not occur and therefore can have a toxic effect in any concentration.
Attracted much attention the role of low concentrations of metals in the development of chronic diseases
and disorders in the hidden, whose effects on health are sometimes significant.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. Characteristics of macro-and micronutrients.
2.2. Pharmacokinetics of metallic poisons
2.3. Mechanisms of toxicity of metals
2.4. Target toxicity of metals
2.5. The methods of treatment for poisoning by metals
2.6. Characterization of toxic elements
2.7. Essential and characteristic elements uslovnoessentsialnih
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Toxicological Chemistry: Textbook for Universities / Ed. TV Pleteneva. - Moscow: GEOTAR
Media, 2005. - S.358-398
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. What metals are trace elements, and which to trace? What's the difference?
4.2. What are the features of metal absorption of poisons?
4.3. What is the role of the skin in absorption and separation of metallic poisons?
4.4. Why metal poisons are particularly dangerous for children?
4.5. What are the basic mechanisms of metal toxicity?
4.6. What are the main proteins involved in the binding of metal?
4.7. Why enzymes are the main target of the toxic effect of metals?
4.8. State the basic principles of first aid for poisoning metals
Topic №14
Isolation of pesticides from biological material. Clean extracts. Concentration. A plan for the study.
1. Importance of the topic
Substances belonging to the group "pesticides" are widely used in agriculture, life and so very often they
become the cause of acute and chronic poisoning. Isolation, identification and quantification of pesticides
in extracts from the objects of biological origin to the analysis of the objects of study on the possibility of
pesticide poisoning.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. Methods of isolation of pesticides from research facilities.
2.2. Methods for cleaning extracts from the accompanying impurities.
2.3. Detection of pesticides in extracts.
2.4. Methods of concentration of substances from the extracts.
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Kramarenko VF toxicological chemistry. -K.: High School 1989.s.393-419
3.3. Shvaykova MD Toxicological Chemistry. - M.: Medicine. 1975. - P.246-265
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. The main methods of isolation of pesticides from research facilities.
4.2. The mechanism of action and biotransformation of pesticides.
4.3. Physical and chemical properties of pesticides, their toxicity and use.
4.4. Methods for cleaning hoods.
4.5. Deposited in the environment and the transformation of pesticides.
Topic №15
Identification and quantification of pesticides from the group of phosphoric acid (FOS) and
organochlorines (OCs).
1. Importance of the topic
Substances belonging to the group "pesticides" are widely used, and so they often become a cause of
acute and chronic poisoning. Identification and quantification of payroll in the extracts of the objects of
biological origin to the analysis of the objects of study on the possibility of poisoning with pesticides.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. Detection of organophosphorus compounds with phosphorus.
2.2. Identifying fosforilyuyuchoi activity.
2.3. Identifying derived thio and ditiofosfornoi acids.
2.4. Detection and identification by thin-layer chromatography.
2.5. Identification of GC-enzymatic methods.
2.6. Identification of hydrolysis products and active functional groups.
2.7. Identification by spectroscopy.
2.8. Identification by gas-liquid chromatography.
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Kramarenko VF toxicological chemistry. -K.: High School 1989. - S. 393-419
3.3. Shvaykova MD toxicological chemistry. - M.: Medicine. 1975. - P.246-265
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. The main classification of pesticides.
4.2. What groups are divided pesticides depending on their structure?
4.3. Physical and chemical properties of pesticides - acid esters of phosphorus and carbamate and
pathways of the body.
4.4. Reaction and analysis methods used to detect payroll in extracts of biological material.
4.5. Holinesterazny method to detect FLP from biological material and body fluids
4.6. Chromatographic method for detection of payroll in extracts of biological material.
4.7.Za what parameters are analyzing pesticides by GC?
4.8. State the principle of biological samples for payroll. Assess the sensitivity and specificity of the test.
Topic №16
Pesticide poisoning. The mechanism of development, clinical features, diagnosis, emergency care.
1. Importance of the topic
Toxicological significance of pesticides due to their widespread use and biologically active properties.
Pesticides are widely used in agriculture, livestock and household. All of them are toxic to humans and
animals. Poisoning are essentially random. Mortality in acute poisoning them is 20-25%.
2. The main issue in this topic
2.1. General characteristics of the pesticide
2.2. Organochlorines
2.3. Anticholinesterase drugs
2.4. Bipyridine derivatives
2.5. Nitro
2.6. Derivatives of 2,2-dimethylcyclopropane acid
2.7. Toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics pesticides
2.8. Symptoms of poisoning by pesticides
2.9. Emergency aid for poisoning by pesticides
3. Literature
3.1. Lecture notes.
3.2. Toxicological Chemistry: Textbook for Universities / Ed. TV Pleteneva. - Moscow: GEOTAR
Media, 2005. - S.340-358
4. Job to consolidate the material
4.1. The mechanism of the toxic effect of FOS on the body of humans and animals.
4.2. Toxicological significance payroll.
4.3. FOP biotransformation in humans and animals and how removing them from the body.
4.4. The mechanism of the toxic effect of OCs on the body of humans and animals.
4.5. Toxicological significance of WCF.
4.6. The mechanism of toxicity derived bispiridilu on humans and animals.
4.7. Bispiridilu toxicological significance.
4.8. Symptoms of poisoning by pesticides
4.9. Emergency aid for poisoning by pesticides