Environmental Planning and Engineering Scope Note

Fund: 4701
Liaison Librarian: Jennifer Lee (first draft by Marilyn Nasserden)
Date: December 2003
This fund covers the following areas within the Faculty of Environmental Design: Environmental
Design (general), Environmental Science, Urban Design, and Planning. This fund also covers
parts of the undergraduate Environmental Science program, a collaborative degree offered by
the Faculties of Science and Social Science, and overlaps with some of the undergraduate
Urban Studies courses, and graduate programs (noted under “Teaching Focus.”)
Environment: “The complete range of external conditions, physical and biological, in which an
organism lives. Environment includes social, cultural, and (for humans) economic and political
considerations, as well as the more usually understood features such as soil, climate, and food
Environmental science: “The study of environments. This may be interpreted fairly strictly as
the physical environment, or may include the biological environment of an organism; or, in its
widest sense, it may also consider social, cultural, and other aspects of the
Both above definitions from A dictionary of ecology / edited by Michael Allaby. 2nd ed. Oxford; New York:
Oxford University Press, 1998. Searched July 20, 2003 via World Wide Web through netLibrary.
The working definition of environmental studies/science for the purpose of this fund is the widest
application noted above in bold, and emphasizes the interaction between man and the natural
world. See also EVDS faculty descriptions, further below.
Planning: “As practised by local or national government, the direction of development.
Proposed changes are scrutinized, and planning permission is only given if the development
does not conflict with agreed aims. Planning presupposes an ability to foresee future events and
a capability for analysing situations and solving problems. A developer, refused planning
permission, may make a planning appeal to the Secretary of State for the Environment who will
consider both sides of the proposal, and may propose an altered plan.”
From: A Dictionary of Geography. Susan Mayhew. Oxford University Press, 1997. Oxford Reference
Online. Oxford University Press. 20 July 2003
Sustainability and Sustainable development: Sustainable development is “development of
industrial and natural resources that meets the energy needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs in a similar manner. From:
Dictionary of Environmental Science. New York: McGraw Hill, 2003. This concept can be applied to
many types of sustainable development, for example sustainable urban development, design
and technology, tourism, architecture, etc.
Urban planning/town planning: “The deliberate application of principles relating to the
desirable form and nature of urban settlements. As a distinctive component of the overall
process of urban development, it is typically achieved through the use of regulatory policies and
coordinating institutions….
From: Groveart [electronic resource]. [Basingstoke, England] : Macmillian Publishers, 1998- Searched
July 20, 2003.
“What is Environmental Design?” from the EVDS website:
“Environmental Design encompasses the built, natural, and human environments and focuses
on fashioning physical and social interventions informed by human behaviour and
environmental processes.”
Environmental Design tries to answer questions such as: “how should we live in the world and
what should inform our actions?”
EVDS careers are diverse: “Architects, Planners, Industrial Designers, Environmental and
Urban Designers and Environmental Scientists can be found in architectural and urban design,
construction, land development, environmental planning, ecotourism, energy management,
wildlife and resource management, computer graphics and visual simulation, environmental
modelling, urban management and finance, sustainable development, community planning,
product design and manufacturing, transportation planning, building science, biotechnology,
environmental health, environmental law and government policy roles.”
From: http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/faculties/EV/about_faculty/introduction/index.htm
Environmental Design Program from the EVDS website:
“The degree Master of Environmental Design provides flexible programs of study in
interdisciplinary professional education related to the design and management of human
Students are prepared for non-traditional professional roles in emerging areas of practice, for
example, urban design, sustainable design and technology, spatial analysis and visualization,
and computer applications in information management and decision support. The focus is on
both individual specialization and interaction with cross-disciplinary teams, for example,
ergonomists working with manufacturing engineers and industrial designers, building scientists
(lighting, air quality, environmental health, building energy systems) working with architects, and
urban ecologists working with urban planners and developers.
Students in the Environmental Design program will have advanced knowledge in their own
discipline but will link with other professions and disciplines in practice situations.
The program allows course work to be tailored to the individual student while maintaining the
Faculty’s core curriculum in interdisciplinary professional education. This core includes
interdisciplinary knowledge of the conceptual bases of ethics, critical thought, institutional and
cultural contexts, science, art, and the development of skills for professional practice, such as
teamwork, project management, business practice, and client and stakeholder relations.
The Environmental Design Degree offers opportunities for experienced designers, managers
and other professionals to develop new knowledge and skill sets.”
From: http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/faculties/EV/programs/evds/index.htm
Environmental Science Program: Areas of Concentration from EVDS website:
1. Corporate and Urban Environmental Management:
Deals with the design of corporate and urban management systems for achieving better
environmental outcomes and the internalization and management of environmental costs by
corporations and governments, including manufacturing and resource development
companies, resource and energy management agencies and municipalities. Environments
considered include indoor environments, urban environments, or extensive landscapes.
These spaces may be affected by tourism, development or commercial activities. Linkages
are emphasized between manufacturing, waste production and management, and other
human effects on the environment and the financial management of corporations and
national, regional or local governments. Potential areas for graduate research include:
examined for environmental impacts.
 Environmental management
From: Environmental
systems and tools
Encyclopedia/edited by William P.
 Environmental auditing (account of
Cunningham, Terence H. Cooper, Eville
products produced by a
Gorham, and Malcolm T. Hepworth. 2nd
manufacturer and their effects on the
ed. Detroit: Gale, 1998.)
environment; it ensures that
and technology assessment
operations are conforming to federal,
local and company policies and
 Waste management
procedures. From: Dictionary of
 Environmental communications
Environmental Science and Technology
 Environmental planning for communities
/ Andrew Porteous. 3rd ed. Toronto:
John Wiley & Sons, 2000 and
 Urban environmental management in
Environmental Encyclopedia/edited by
developing countries
William P. Cunningham, Terence H.
 Ecological planning in urban
Cooper, Eville Gorham, and Malcolm T.
Hepworth. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 1998.)
 Eco-tourism planning
 Environmental policy
 Environmental indicators and
 Life cycle assessment (products,
processes and facilities are
2. Assessment and Management of Environmental Impacts:
Environmental impact assessment deals with predicting or measuring the effects of human
activities on the environment, society, or the economy. Effects may be attributable to
individual projects or activities, or may be cumulative, i.e. caused by a variety of human
activities. Management of environmental impacts may be achieved through mitigation or
remediation. Federal and provincial impact assessment legislation; policies and procedures
provide a frame of reference for this area of concentration.
Potential areas for graduate research include:
 Cumulative impact assessment
 Natural hazard management
 Visual impact assessment
 Natural resource management policy
 Socio-economic impact assessment
 Reclamation (restoration of disturbed
land to an ecologically stable condition.
 Development or evaluation of
From: Environmental Encyclopedia/edited
environmental assessment methods
by William P. Cunningham, Terence H.
 Environmental monitoring
Cooper, Eville Gorham, and Malcolm T.
 Environmental planning
Hepworth. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 1998.)
 Environmental protection
planning and methodologies
 Environmental risk assessment
 Recreation management
 Information systems for environmental
 Rehabilitation
 Restoration, socioeconomic impact
 Integrated land use planning
 Land use mitigation policy
 Water management
3. Ecosystem and Natural Resource Management:
Deals with management of individual natural resources such as vegetation, fish, wildlife or
species at risk, or with collective resources (ecosystems (a system which includes the
organisms and their environment), rangelands (ecosystems predominated by shrubs,
including grasslands, tundra, marsh, meadow, savanna, desert and alpine communities, that
are often damaged by overgrazing. Damage can be managed by soil conservation,
preservation of wildlife habitat, and protection of watersheds. From: Environmental
Encyclopedia/edited by William P. Cunningham, Terence H. Cooper, Eville Gorham, and Malcolm T.
Hepworth. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 1998.), biodiversity (biological diversity, including diversity of
species, genetic variation and complexity of ecosystems), parks and reserves). It includes
planning and management of ecologically sensitive areas such as parks, wilderness areas,
and ecological reserves. Interactions between humans and the environment is an area of
focus including human use and impact management, relationships between subsistence
economies and cultures and natural resources, and stewardship of species and ecosystems
on private and public lands. Graduates in this area of concentration possess a strong
background in natural and/or social sciences and understand the role that social, economic,
and political forces play in natural resource management. Potential areas for graduate
research include:
 Wildlife ecology & management
 Natural areas planning and
 Aquatic systems ecology and
 Natural resource subsistence
economies and cultures
 Biodiversity management
Public involvement in resource
 Community-based resource
management planning
 Rangeland management and
 Conservation planning and
Species at risk ecology and
 Human effects management
 Ecosystem and natural resource
 Urban wildlife and habitat management
 Ecosystem management
 Fish ecology and management
 Forest management in natural areas
From: http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/faculties/EV/programs/es/index.htm
Planning Program from EVDS website:
The degree Master of Environmental Design (Planning) qualifies students for a wide variety of
opportunities in private practice, third sector and public institutions. In addition to more
traditional public sector roles in municipal planning departments, recent graduates have been
employed in the urban development industry, in small communities, and by aboriginal groups.
The Planning Program emphasizes the development of an understanding of the complex
phenomena of human settlements and the development of a range of skills for professional
practice. It embraces studies and research in the dimensions of the city and region, including
urbanization. The framework of social (ethical, legal, political, administrative, economic)
institutions which underlie planning in a liberal democratic society are critically examined.
Historical and utopian conceptions of planning and city design are explored. Contemporary
issues in planning and their relationships to the practices of architecture and the ecological
sciences are explored through lecture courses, studios, workshops and projects.
In addition to demonstrating proficiency in the general field of planning, students will focus their
work on particular areas of concentration, special interest or specialized practice. In recognition
of the increasingly dynamic employment environment, a wide range of areas can be
 Community Planning
 Urban Environmental Management
 Small Town Revitalization
 Urban Policy and Management
 Urban Design
 Community Development
 Gender Issues in Planning and
 Computer Applications
 International Development Planning
 Community Design
 Computer-Aided Design
 Regional Planning
 Historic Preservation
 Sustainable Development
 Planning Theory and Methods
 Housing
 Tourism Planning
 Environmental Planning
Students may also focus on other areas of special interest or specialized practice, which may
combine several areas. For example, there are currently opportunities in sustainable urban
development, heritage tourism, aboriginal community economic development, and computer
visualization to support urban design.
The MEDes (Planning) degree is accredited by the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP). This
accreditation is also fully recognized by the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP).”
From: http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/faculties/EV/programs/planning/index.htm
Urban Design Program from EVDS website
The website does not have a definition of urban design, however, the program “strives to bring a
humanistic, idealist perspective to design-research.” A strong integrated system of public
streets, parks and civic spaces is their ideal, with the aim to improve civic space and the quality
of living and to support and nurture human endeavors. The program is concerned with the
relationship between natural and built environments, with special attention paid to the efficient
use of energy and resources.
From: http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/faculties/EV/programs/ud/index.html
Undergraduate programs
 Collaborative degree offered by Faculties of Science/Social Sciences: BSc Environmental
 Faculty of Social Sciences: BA Urban Studies
 Minor program in Social Sciences: Urban Studies
Graduate programs
 Faculty of Environmental Design (EVDS):
o Master of Environmental Design – MEDes
o Master of Environmental Science – MEDes (Environmental Science)
o Master of Planning – MEDes (Planning)
o Master of Urban Design – MEDes (Urban Design)
 Faculty of Graduate Studies: PhD in Environmental Design, Environmental Science,
Planning or Urban Design via EVDS
“Areas of study most likely of interest to students will be the following:
o Environmental intervention investigating or applying sustainable development principles
o Human settlement planning, design and development
o Policy and management issues of human settlements
o Theories of planning and development
o Tourism planning
o Environmental planning and management
o Wildlife and natural resources management”
From: http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/faculties/EV/programs/phd/index.htm under PhD link.
Resources and the Environment (RESR): Master of Arts (MA), Master of Science (MSC),
and PhD degrees – “… will relate to natural and cultural environments and resources. For
example, projects could explore human, economic, or political conditions as they affect
resources and environments, or study the impact of resources and environments on human,
economic, or political conditions, or could be critiques of representations of the environment
in the arts or education or media.” p. 154 Faculty of Graduate Studies Calendar 2003-2004. This
is largely an administrative unit employing no faculty members and offering no courses.
“The Faculty of Law offers graduate work leading to a thesis-based Master of Laws (LLM)
degree. The graduate program is confined to the areas of natural resources, energy and
environmental law.” p.108 Faculty of Graduate Studies Calendar 2003-2004. Most materials
focusing on natural resources, energy and environmental law are purchased by the Law
Energy and the Environment (ENEV): “The University of Calgary and the Latin American
Energy Organization (OLADE) offer a graduate program leading to a Master of Science
(Energy and the Environment) degree in Quito, Ecuador. Students are recruited from
government agencies and energy enterprises where they are in positions to promote
change. The objective of this program is to equip these business and political leaders with a
background in energy/environmental management such that they may work to ensure
sustainable development and minimize the impact of development on the environment.” p.79
Faculty of Graduate Studies Calendar 2003-2004. The program's graduates will receive an
interdisciplinary degree, a Master of Science (M.Sc.), in Energy and the Environment from
the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the University of Calgary. Faculty members from
Engineering, Environmental Design, Law, and Management of the University of Calgary (or
other Canadian institutions, if required) and professors from Latin American and Caribbean
universities participate in the program.
Environmental Engineering (ENEN): “The Centre for Environmental Engineering Research
and Education (CEERE) in the Faculty of Engineering has the overall responsibility for the
coordination of all postgraduate program specializations in the multi-disciplinary field of
environmental engineering. All five engineering departments participate in delivering the
Faculty-wide environmental engineering programs leading to the: Master of Engineering MEng, Master of Science in Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Geomatics or Mechanical
Engineering – MSc(Eng) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees, with area of research or
specialization in Environmental Engineering…..A proposal is currently being developed for
offering Master of Science in Environmental Engineering degrees as well as Environmental
Engineering concentrations in the Master of Engineering (MEng) and Doctor of Philosophy
(PhD) degrees.” p.80 Faculty of Graduate Studies Calendar 2003-2004. Most materials focusing
on environmental engineering or the technical aspects of the environment are purchased
under the Engineering funds.
From the Academic Plan:
 1.1 Life and Medical Sciences: Impact of water, soil, air pollution and climate change on the
health of the environment
 2 Leading Innovation in Energy and the Environment: “work on responsible and
environmentally-sound methods to ensure a sustainable energy supply…these areas [within
section 2] represent excellent positioning in terms of very significant opportunities arising out
of the increasing energy supply and environmental challenges. … The emerging multipartner initiative involving sustainable energy, environment and economy is expected to
contribute significantly to aspects of all five areas.”
 2.4 Energy and Environmental Systems and Modeling: “Prosperity of the oil patch and of
alternative energy industries must be maintained within a health environment.” Substantial
existing strengths in environmental design and sustainability.
 2.5 Business, Legal and Policy Aspect of Energy and the Environment: “University of
Calgary has international-calibre strengths in resource and environmental law and
economics…and in environmental and sustainable development and design.” There are also
faculty involved in programs focused on energy and environmental policy and management.
 4.1 Public Policy Studies: transportation studies, environmental policy, “research and
programs in the area of public policy with a focus on energy and the environment…are also
highly consistent with government and private sector interests.”
 4.2 Strategic and International Studies: Environmental Design contributes significantly to
research and programs in Latin America, especially through the “CIDA-funded OLADE
program in environmental management, based in Quito, Ecuador.” The area of
environmental management has recently graduated doctoral students, although there is a
need to increase the number of students in this area.
 4.4 Creativity and Innovation in the Arts: Creative work in EVDS is an area of excellence
that provides return to the community. This includes interdisciplinary work between EVDS,
design, architecture, and many other areas, such as Communication and Culture, Fine Arts,
Engineering, and Computer Science.
 Undergraduate programs: Environmental Sciences
 Graduate programs: joint degrees (as mentioned above), especially OLADE
The Faculty of Environmental Design Research can be categorized into 4 groups:
1. “Sustainability & Design…
 Sustainable Urban Design
 Community Planning (including grassroots organizations, public participation in Planning),
2. Environmental Management
 Corporate Environmental Management
 Wildlife Management
 Natural Resource Management
 Urban Environmental Management
 Impact Assessment
 Tourism Destination Management
 Heritage, Conservation and Preservation
3. History and Theory of Design…
 History and Theory of Planning
 History and Theory of Urban Design
4. Physical Design and Development…
 Urban Design and Development”
From: www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/faculties/EV/programs/phd/index.htm under Research Interests. For more
specific examples: www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/faculties/EV/designresearch/index.htm
Much of the research in EVDS, Environmental Science, Urban Design and Urban Planning fit
into the academic plan. Particular areas would be those involved with measuring or assessing
the environment (environmental auditing and reporting, life cycle assessment, and other
assessments: product and technology, visual impact, cumulative impact, etc.,), as these can
gauge the impact of pollution on the health of the environment (1.1), and contribute to
sustainability issues in energy and the environment (2, 2.4), and environmental policy (4.1.)
Research areas involving management or design of the environment can fall under section 4.4
(where creativity leads to designs implementing policy), 4.2 (strategic and international studies)
and 4.1 (public policy studies), as well as section 2 (in the design of environmentally-friendly
systems.) Lastly, research in areas involving policy, urban or environmental (environmental
planning for communities, natural resource management policy, environmental protection, ecotourism planning, etc.) may be related to section 4.1, public policy studies.
As emphasized in the Academic Plan, this fund supports many graduate-level areas, some
cross-Faculty and/or highly focused. For example, the Faculty of Environmental Design is an allgraduate faculty; the OLADE program involves EVDS, Engineering, Law, and Business; the
LLM in Natural Resources Law is highly specialized. Many of the other programs mentioned
above are also very interdisciplinary.
The applied nature of much of the research also provides a large return to the community; the
faculty already has close ties with the professional community.
 Any environmental issues on the North (Northern Studies fund)
 Environmental engineering (Engineering fund; exclude all but TA170-171 - Environmental
engineering & testing, TC426.5 – Water management plans and policies, TDs Environmental technology, sanitary engineering, water supply, indoor air quality, TL214 Automobiles-pollution control devices, TL725.3 - Aircraft noise)
 Environmental microbiology (Biology fund)
 Environmental chemistry (Chemistry fund)
Environmental justice (Law fund)
Environmental law and legislation (Law fund)
Environmental literature (PS)
Environmental security
Environmental toxicology (Medical, Chemistry)
Free trade – Environmental aspects (HF usually)
 Collect extensively publications on all Canadian environmental issues, including government
publications at all levels: municipal, provincial, federal, and international. Government
publication orders may go to Government Documents Librarian for Government documents
fund 5200, including: OECD, UNEP, United Nations University Press, World Bank.
 City of Calgary municipal government publications, especially from the Planning
Department, are very important to have. Some are on standing order however others have
to be ordered individually. Orders from their website can be sent to the Government
Documents Librarian.
 Every 5 years or so, systematically order all the intermunicipal/municipal development plans
from communities across Alberta. Their titles vary.
Environmental planning and engineering is heavily interdisciplinary, often
employing/applying theoretical aspects of STM disciplines to real life projects to make a
more sustainable built environment/world.
There are overlaps with all the Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics; Social
Sciences: Geography, Economics, Sociology, Earth sciences; MADGIC; Engineering;
Business; Tourism; Law; some aspects of Medicine and the Humanities.
Collect extensively publications on Canadian animals and birds: ungulates, deer, elk,
moose, coyotes, bears, caribou, bighorn sheep, mountain goats, and cougars (Biology)
Acoustics (also Medicine and Music)
Bayesian statistical books; Monte Carlo statistical methods books (Statistics)
Computer graphics and visual simulation (Computer Science/Electrical and Computer
No specific agreement with other funds exists, except for Government Publications whereby
orders are given to the Government Publications Librarian, and Ecotourism whereby orders may
be given to the Tourism Librarian.
Language: English, except for the occasional classic environmental or planning work, which
ideally will be purchased in the language of the original as well as the English translation.
Level: Scholarly and professional monographs and selected textbooks. Government
publications, oil and other company reports when they are made available, publications /
conference proceedings of environmental organizations/associations, such as ASPB
(Alberta Society of Professional Biologists), WWF, IUCN and such are important for the
applied aspect to this discipline, especially local, Canadian, and Western North American
applications. Scholarly journals. Selected encyclopedias, dictionaries, and theses. Student
union funds may be used to purchase books at a more general and sometimes even popular
level, e.g. citizen’s manuals, books discussing important environmental issues read by the
general public as well as scholars.
Date: recent / current publications mainly with current content however reprints of or out-ofprint classic early works by environmental and planning gurus also purchased.
Geography: Although there are no restrictions, the most useful publications tend to cover
North American topics for applied subjects. Many of the publishers will be North American
or British.
Formats: Mostly print for books. MADGIC resources: Maps, airphotos, and data are very
important for Environmental Studies and Planning. There are many scholarly and important
reports, for example, by environmental consultants, governments, and environmental
groups, e.g. IUCN and Pembina Institute, available on the web now, usually in pdf format,
that are not available for purchase. E-journals and electronic reference sources are
generally preferred to print by the Faculty of Environmental Design.
Location: Mainly MacKimmie however each of the branch libraries also houses materials on
environmental issues.
Duplication: Several copies for classic titles on the EVDS general knowledge reading lists
(not always easy to identify). Also for other heavily used materials which usually includes
Key Publishers: (Most of these are on the web)
-Mainstream university press and trade publishers not listed
 Island Press, Washington: www.islandpress.com
An environmental publisher who publishes mainly scholarly books on the full range of mostly
North American environmental topics. We purchase virtually all of their publications at the
university level to provide a general environmental studies collection covering a broad range
of environmental topics.
 Earthscan, James & James, UK: www.jxjbookshop.co.uk
An environmental publisher in UK for energy and renewable energy, solid waste
management, conservation science, and sustainable architecture
 New Society Press, Gabriola Island: www.newsociety.com
 Stackpole Books
 WIT Press (Wessex Institute of Technology)
 American Planning Association (Planners Book Service) www.planning.org
 Ashgate (Planning)
 Canadian Urban Institute http://www.canurb.com/pubs.htm (coming on Coutts Canadian
approval plan)
 Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto
http://www.urbancenter.utoronto.ca/ (Major Reports & Research Papers are two important
series (we do not have them on standing order))
 Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
 Sage
 Spon: www.sponpress.com/
 Thomas Telford www.thomastelford.com (environment and city)
 Town & Country Planning: www.tcpa.org.uk
Includes a lot on sustainability issues
 Urban Land Institute www.uli.org
 City/Urban/Regional Design/Planning
World Cities series, Wiley-Academic: consider buying monographs on New York, and Tokyo
 Ethnoscapes, Ashgate series
- See also websites from EVDS webpages
Environmental websites
-most important for collection development in areas not covered by selection slips:
 Alberta Society of Professional Biologists conference proceedings www.aspb.ab.ca
 CCEA (Canadian Council on Ecological Areas): all publications: www.ccea.org
 Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology: www.cmiae.org
 Earth Policy Institute: www.earth-policy.org
 International Bear Association publications www.bearbiology.com
 North American Moose Conference and Workshop (content is in the ALCES journal; UofC
has 1999 onwards online)
 Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council (journal purchased by AINA)
 National Wildlife Federation: www.nwf.org/campus
 Pembina Institute: www.pembina.org
- Has downloadable documents on environmental issues in Alberta
 Worldwatch Institute: www.worldwatch.org
- We subscribe to many of their publications
FREE documents available from: Sally Evans, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy: www.nrel.gov/docs/
Planning websites to note:
Council of Planning Librarians
- Proposed Guidelines for Qualitative Assessment of Planning Collections and Services:
Planning Accreditation Board: www.netins.net/showcase/pab_fi66
Detour Publications on urban ecology and transportation
Good Student Union titles?
ROOM@RTPI - the Royal Town Planning Institute, London
US Department of Housing and Urban Development
Wildlife Ecology Chair, Faculty of EVDS
“The Crown of the Continent represents an international ecosystem in Montana, British
Columbia and Alberta of remarkable value. This region has tremendous biological and
human socioeconomic diversity and importance. Geographically the region is centered on
the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park and stretches along the axis of the Rocky
Mountains between the Canadian Central Rockies and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
The Miistakis Institute for the Rockies was founded in 1995 to build bridges between
people, their perceptions and their information about this landscape. Miistakis is a non-profit
corporation affiliated with the University of Calgary that undertakes and supports pure and
applied research respecting the ecosystems of the Rocky Mountains and surrounding
From: http://www.rockies.ca/institute.htm
Canadian Energy Research Institute
Centre for Environmental Design Research and Outreach
Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project (ESGB)
Energy Research Centre
Environmental Research Centre
Institute for Transportation Studies
Kananaskis Field Stations
Macleod Institute for Environmental Analysis
TransCanada Pipelines International Institute for Resource Industries and Sustainability
Studies (TC-IRIS)