List of Publications - Physikzentrum der RWTH Aachen

List of Publications
B.U. Felderhof
„Properties of the Master equation“ (in dutch)
Ned. T. Natuurk., 27 (1961) 232-250
„Theory of Transverse Waves in Vlasov-Plasmas,
I. No External Fields: Isotropic Equilibrium“
Physica 29 (1963) 293-316
„idem, II. External Magnetic Field: Anisotropic Equilibrium“
Physica 29 (1963) 317-327
„idem, III. Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves by a Plasma Half-Space“
Physica 29 (1963) 662-674
„A Theory of Fluctuations in Plasmas“
Physica 30 (1964) 1771-1792
„On Fluctuations and Coherence of Radiation in Classical
and Semi-classical Plasmas“
Physica 31 (1965) 291-316
B.U.F. and I. Oppenheim
„Correlation Functions and Hydrodynamic Equations“
Physica 31 (1965) 1441-1465
„On the Angular Dependence of Light Scattering in the
Neighbourhood of the Critical Point“
Physics Lett. 17 (1965) 35-36
„Onsager Relations and the Spectrum of Critical Opalescence“
J. Chem. Phys. 44 (1966) 602-609
Reprinted in Light Scattering of Lasers <Series of Selected
Papers in Physics>, Phys. Soc. of Japan
„Light Scattering in Liquids and Gases“ (in dutch)
Ned.T. Natuurk. 32 (1966) 249-264
N.G. van Kampen and B.U.F.
„Theoretical Methods in Plasma Physics“
North-Holland Publishing Company 1967
„Shape Fluctuations of Free Liquid Films with Diffuse
Electric Double Layers“
J. Chem. Phys. 48 (1968) 1178-1185
„Dynamics of Free Liquid Films“
J. Chem. Phys. 49 (1968) 44-51
„Dynamics near Equilibrium of Systems Described in Thermal
Hartree-Fock Approximation“
J. Math. Phys. 10 (1969) 1021-1025
„Constants of the Linearized Motion of Vlasov-Plasmas“
Phys. Fluids 12 (1969) 1684-1690
M.E. Fisher and B.U.F.
„Phase Transition in One-Dimensional Cluster
Interaction Fluids, IA., Thermodynamics“
Ann. of Physics 58 (1970) 176-216
M.E. Fisher and B.U.F.
„idem., IB., Critical Behavior“
Ann. of Physics 58 (1970) 217-267
B.U.F. and M.E. Fisher
„idem, II., Simple Logarithmic Model“
Ann. of Physics 58 (1970) 268-280
„idem, III., Correlation Functions“
Ann. of Physics 58 (1970) 281-300
„Surface Effects in One-Dimensional Classical Fluids with
Nearest Neighbor Interactions“
Phys. Rev., Al. (1970) 1185-1195
„Do Phase Transitions Exist?“
Nature 225 (1970) 17-20
„Constants of the linearized motion in Vlasov-Plasmas“
Kinetic Equations (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1971)
p. 195-199
„Dynamics of the Diffuse Gas-Liquid Interface near the
Critical Point“
Physica 48 (1970) 541-560
„Spin Relaxation of the Ising Chain“
Reports on Math. Phys. 1 (1970) 215-234, 2 (1971) 151-152
M. Suzuki and B.U.F.
„Time Correlation Functions in a Class of One-Dimensional
Stochastic Spin-models“
Physica 56 (1971) 43-61
„Stochastic Models in the Theory of Phase Transitions“
Festkörperprobleme XI (Vieweg, Braunschweig 1971) S. 293-303
„Statistics of Clusters in Binary Linear Lattices“
Physica 58 (1972) 470-482
„Time-Dependent Statistics of Binary Linear Lattices“
J. Stat. Phys. 6 (1972) 21-38
H.J. Hilhorst, M. Suzuki and B.U.F.
„Kinetics of the Stochastic Ising Chain in a Two-flip Model“
Physica 60 (1972) 199-222
„Direct Diagonalization of the Transfer Matrix of the Zero
Field Free-Fermion Model“
Physica 65 (1973) 421-451
„Diagonalization of the Transfer Matrix of the Free-Fermion
Model II“
Physica 66 (1973) 279-297
„Diagonalization of the Transfer Matrix of the Free-Fermion
Model III“
Physica 66 (1973) 509-526
J.M.Deutch and B.U.F.
„Hydrodynamic effect in diffusion-controlled reaction“
J. Chem. Phys. 59 (1973) 1669-1671
„The Transfer Matrix of the symmetric 16-vertex model“
Phys. Lett. 44A (1973) 437-438
„Motion of ions in a uniform magnetic field“
Physica 69 (1974) 433-440
„The diamagnetism of molecules“
Physica 71 (1974) 41-50
„Molecules in uniform electric and magnetic fields“
Physica 71 (1974) 386-398
B.U.F. and D. Adu-Gyamfi
„The multipole Hamiltonian for molecules“
Physica 71 (1974) 399-414
„On the propagation and scattering of light in fluids“
Physica 76 (1974) 486-502
B.U.F. and J.M. Deutch
„Frictional properties of dilute polymer solutions
I. Rotational friction coefficient“
J. Chem. Phys. 62 (1975) 2391-2397
J.M. Deutch and B.U.F.
„Frictional properties of dilute polymer solutions
II. The effect of preaveraging“
J. Chem. Phys. 62 (1975) 2398-2405
„Frictional properties of dilute polymer solutions
III. Translational friction coefficient“
Physica 80A (1975) 63-75
„Frictional properties of dilute polymer solutions
IV. Intrinsic viscosity“
Physica 80A (1975) 172-188
R.B. Jones, B.U.F. and J.M. Deutch
„Diffusion of polymers along a fluid-fluid interface“
Macromolecules, Vol. 8 (1975) 680
B.U.F., J.M. Deutch and U.M. Titulaer
„Correlation function formula for the intrinsic viscosity
of dilute polymer solutions“
J. Chem. Phys. 63 (1975) 740-745
D. Adu-Gyamfi and B.U.F.
„On the propagation of light in media with higher
multipole densities“
Physica 81A (1975) 295-310
J.A. McCammon, J.M. Deutch and B.U.F.
„Frictional Properties of Multisubunit Structures“
Biopolymers 14 (1975) 2613-2623
B.U.F. and S.P. Raval
„Diamagnetism of a confined electron gas“
Physica 82A (1976) 151-162
„Rheology of Polymer Suspensions, I. Local Flow Effects“
Physica 82A (1976) 596-610
„Rheology of Polymer Suspensions, II. Translation, Rotation and Viscosity“
Physica 82A (1976) 611-622
B.U.F. and J.M. Deutch
„Concentration dependence of the rate of diffusion-controlled reactions“
J. Chem. Phys. 64 (1976) 4551-4558
J.M. Deutch, B.U.F. and M.J. Saxton
„Competitive effects in diffusion-controlled reactions“
J. Chem. Phys. 64 (1976) 4559
„Force density induced on a sphere in linear hydrodynamics,
I. Fixed sphere, stick boundary conditions“
Physica 84A (1976) 557-568
„idem, II. Moving sphere, mixed boundary conditions“
Physica 84A (1976) 569-576
„Frequency-dependent rate coefficient in
diffusion-controlled reactions“
J. Chem. Phys. 66 (1977) 4385-4389
„Fluctuations of polarization and magnetization in dielectric
and magnetic media“
J. Chem. Phys. 67 (1977) 493-500
„Fluctuations in the diffusion of particles in a
non-uniform medium“
Physica 88A (1977) 305-318
U.M. Titulaer and B.U.F.
„Diamagnetic contribution to thermal fluctuations of the
J. Chem. Phys. 67 (1977) 3126-3132
„Current density and field fluctuations in a conducting medium“
Physica 89A (1977) 205-212
„Hydrodynamic Interaction between two Spheres“
Physica 89A (1977) 373-384
„Macroscopic theory of Van der Waals force between dielectrics“
J. Phys. C10 (1977) 4605-4618
W. Kern and B.U.F.
„Stability of nonlinear diffusion“
Zeitschrift Physik B28 (1977) 129-134
„On the derivation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem“
J. Phys. A, Vol. 11, No. 5 (1978) 921-927
„Macroscopic theory of Van der Waals force in conducting media“
J. Phys. C11 (1978) 551-561
„Diffusion of interacting Brownian particles“
J. Phys. A, Vol. 11, No. 5 (1978) 929-937
[66] „Van der Waals forces in electrolyte solutions“
Zeitschrift Physik B29 (1978) 171-177
W. Kern and B.U.F.
„Variational principle for flow of non-Newtonian fluids“
Zeitschrift Physik B29 (1978) 293-297
R. Schmitz and B.U.F.
„Creeping flow about a sphere“
Physica 92A (1978) 423-437
B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Faxén theorems for spherically symmetric polymers in
Physica 93A (1978) 457-464
P. Reuland, B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Hydrodynamic Interaction of Two Spherically Symmetric polymers“
Physica 93A (1978) 465-475
„Fluctuation theorems for dielectrics“
Physica 95A (1979) 572-580
T.F. Meister and B.U.F.
„Frequency-dependent electric and magnetic multipole
moments and Siegert`s theorem“
J. Phys. A13 (1980) 117-127
T.F. Meister and B.U.F.
„Current density and electric and magnetic multipole moment
operators in quantummechanics“
J. Phys. A13 (1980) 129-139
H. van Beijeren and B.U.F.
„Thermodynamics and correlation functions of plasmas and
electrolyte solutions“
Mol. Phys. 38 (1979) 1179-1199
„Fluctuations of partial polarisations in dielectrics“
J. Phys. C12 (1979) 2423-2437
[76] „Time-correlation functions of permanent dipole moments
and induced polarization in dielectrics“
J. Phys. C12 (1979) 3121-3133
„The Liquid State“ (Freudenstadt, june 24-30, 1979) Continuum Models of
Discrete Systems E. Kröner and K.-H. Anthony eds. (University of Waterloo
„Time-scaling in the thermodynamics of irreversible processes“
Physica 99A (1979) 281-292
B.U.F. and U.M. Titulaer
„Normal modes in irreversible thermodynamics“
Physica 100A (1980) 563-572
U.M. Titulaer and B.U.F.
„The eigenvalue problem for linear macroscopic equations“
Physica 100A (1980) 573-588
„Fluctuation theorems for dielectrics with periodic
boundary conditions“
Physica 101A (1980) 275-282
T.F. Meister and B.U.F.
„Cluster expansion for fluids with long range interactions“
Physica 102A (1980) 145-160
B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Contracted description of fluctuating systems“
Physica 102A (1980) 179-192
„Cluster expansion for the transport properties of
Adv. in Colloid and Interface Science, 17 (1982) 21-32
„Cluster expansion for the dielectric constant of a
suspension of spheres“ in Continuum models of
discrete systems 4
eds. O. Brulin, R.K.T. Hsieh (North-Holland, Amsterdam 1981)
K. Schroeder and B.U.F.
„Sink strengths for high concentrations of competing sinks“
J. of Nucl. Mat. 105 (1982) 11-13
B.U.F., G.W. Ford and E.G.D. Cohen
„Cluster expansion for the dielectric constant of a
polarizable suspension“
J. Stat. Phys. 28 (1982) 135-164
B.U.F. , J.M. Deutch and U.M. Titulaer
„Diffusion and absorption in a medium with spherical sinks“
J. Chem. Phys. 76 (1981) 4178-4184
„Bounds for the effective dielectric constant of disordered
two-phase materials“
J. Phys. C15 (1982) 1731-1739
B.U.F., G.W. Ford and E.G.D. Cohen
„Two-particle cluster integral in the expansion of the
dielectric constant“
J. Stat. Phys. 28 (1982) 649-672
„Bounds for the effective dielectric constant of a suspension
of spherically symmetric particles“
J. Phys. C15 (1982) 3943-3951
„Bounds for the effective dielectric constant of a suspension
of uniform spheres“
J. Phys. C15 (1982) 3953-3966
R. Schmitz and B.U.F.
„Creeping flow about a spherical particle“
Physica 113A (1982) 90-102
R. Schmitz and B.U.F.
„Friction matrix for two spherical particles with
hydrodynamic interaction“
Physica 113A (1982) 103-116
R. Schmitz and B.U.F.
Mobility matrix for two spherical particles with
hydrodynamic interaction“
Physica 116A (1982) 163-177
B.U.F., G.W. Ford and E.G.D. Cohen
„The Clausius-Mossotti formula and its nonlocal generalization for
a dielectric suspension of spherical inclusions“
J. Stat. Phys. 33 (1983) 241-260
„The effect of Brownian motion on the transport
properties of a suspension of spherical particles“
Physica 118A (1983) 69-78
„Dielectric friction on a moving ion“
Mol. Phys. 48 (1983) 1003-1018
„Dielectric friction on a polar molecule rotating in a fluid“
Mol. Phys. 48 (1983) 1269-1281
[100] „Dielectric friction on an ion rotating in a fluid“
Mol. Phys. 48 (1983) 1283-1288
[101] U. Geigenmüller, U.M. Titulaer and B.U.F.
„Systematic elimination of fast variables in linear systems“
Physica 119A (1983) 41-52
[102] U. Geigenmüller, U.M. Titulaer and B.U.F.
„The approximate nature of the Onsager-Casimir
reciprocal relations“
Physica 119A (1983) 53-66
[103] „Managing a basic unit responsible for a basic discipline:
The physics department at the Technical University Aachen“
Int. Journal of Institutional Management in Higher
Education,7 (1983) 285-288
[104] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Linear response theory of sedimentation and diffusion in a
suspension of spherical particles“
Physica 119A (1983) 591-608
[105] „Dielectric friction on an ion in solution“
Mol. Phys. 49 (1983) 449-460
[106] „An integral of the triplet distribution function of a simple
fluid in thermal equilibrium“
Physica 120A (1983) 103-115
[107] U. Geigenmüller, B.U.F. and U.M. Titulaer
„Time-scaling in irreversible thermodynamics“
Physica 120A (1983) 635-646
[108] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Cluster expansion of the diffusion kernel of a suspension
of interacting Brownian particles“
Physica 121A (1983) 329-344
[109] „Force on an ion in solution due to an oscillating electric field“
Mol. Phys. 51 (1984) 475-484
[110] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Diffusion in hard sphere suspensions“
Physica 122A (1983) 89-104
[111] „Dielectric decrement of electrolyte solutions“
Mol. Phys. 51 (1984) 801-811
[112] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Diffusion in hard sphere suspensions“
Faraday Dis. Chem. Soc. 76 (1983) 179-187
[113] „Reciprocity in electrohydrodynamics“
Physica 122A (1983) 393-396
[114] „Electrohydrodynamic effects in dielectric relaxation“
Mol. Phys. 51 (1984) 813-824
[115] „Electrohydrodynamics of ions and molecules in polar fluids“
Fluid Dynamics Transactions, Eds. W. Fiszdon, H. Zorski and
E. Zawistowska, Volume 12, Warsaw 1985, p. 23-34
[116] „Bounds for the complex dielectric constant of a two-phase
Physica 126A (1984) 430-442
[117] B.U.F. and K. Mattern
„Optical potential of a disordered array of scatterers“
Physica 128A (1984) 404-426
[118] „Wigner solids and diffusion controlled reactions in a
regular array of spheres“
Physica 130A (1985) 34-56
[119] K. Mattern and B.U.F.
„Contributions to the self-energy of a wave propagating
in a disordered array“
Physica 129A (1985) 550-561
[120] K. Mattern and B.U.F.
„Wave propagation in a disordered array of monopole scatterers“
Physica 129A (1985) 562-576
[121] „Dielectric properties of suspensions“
Festkörperprobleme XXV (1985) 151-156
[122] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Spectral broadening in suspensions of metallic spheres“
Z. Phys. B62 (1985) 43-50
[123] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Multipole contributions to the effective dielectric
constant of suspensions of spheres“
Z. Phys. B62 (1986) 215-224
[124] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Effective dielectric constant of dilute polydisperse suspensions
of spheres“
Z. Phys. B62 (1986) 225-230
[125] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Multipolar corrections to the Clausius-Mossotti formula
for the effective dielectric constant of a polydisperse suspension of spheres“
Z. Phys. B62 (1986) 231-237
[126] „Transmission and reflection of waves in an one-dimensional
disordered array“
J. Stat. Phys. 43 (1986) 267-279
[127] K. Mattern and B.U.F.
„Rate of diffusion-controlled reactions in a random array
of monopole sinks“
Physica 135A (1986) 505-518
[128] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Hydrodynamic scattering theory of flow about a sphere“
Physica 136A (1986) 77-98
[129] B.U.F. and G.W. Ford
„Growth of resistance with density of scatterers in
one-dimensional wave propagation“
J. Stat. Phys. 45 (1986) 695-714
[130] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Dynamics of Colloidal Crystals“
Z. Phys. B64 (1986) 393-400
[131] K. Mattern and B.U.F
„Comment on <Monte Carlo study of a model of diffusioncontrolled reactions>“
J. Chem. Phys. 85 (1986) 5382-5383
[132] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Addition theorems for spherical wave solutions of the
vector Helmholtz equation“
J. Math. Phys. 28 (1987) 836-839
[133] H.J. Kroh and B.U.F.
„Electromagnetodynamics of polar liquids and suspensions“
Z. Phys. B66 (1987) 1-6
[134] H.J. Kroh and B.U.F.
„The Hall effect in dilute electrolyte solutions“
Mol. Phys. 60 (1987) 1093-1105
[135] K. Mattern and B.U.F.
„Rate of diffusion-controlled reactions in a random array
of spherical sinks“
Physica 143A (1987) 1-20
[136] K. Mattern and B.U.F.
„Self-consistent cluster expansion for wave propagation
and diffusion-controlled reactions in a random medium“
Physica 143A (1987) 21-39
[137] B.U.F. and G. Marowsky
„Linear optics of polarization sheets“
Applied Physics B43 (1987) 161-166
[138] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Brownian Motion of Colloidal Crystals“
Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc. 1987, 83, 69-73
[139] B.U.F. and G. Marowsky
„Electromagnetic radiation from a polarization sheet located
at an interface between two media“
Applied Physics B44 (1987) 11-17
[140] „Brownian motion and creeping flow on the Smoluchowski
Physica 147A (1987) 203-218
[141] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Convective motion and transfer of force by many-body
hydrodynamic interaction“
Physica 146A (1987) 404-416
[142] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Linear response theory of the viscosity of suspensions
of spherical Brownian particles“
Physica 146A (1987) 417-432
[143] „The contribution of Brownian motion to the viscosity of
suspensions of spherical particles“
Physica 147A (1988) 533-543
[144] H.J. Kroh and B.U.F.
„On the theory of the Hall effect in ionic solutions“
Physica A 153 (1988) 73-83
[145] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Renormalized cluster expansion for multiple scattering
in disordered systems“
J. Stat. Phys. 51 (1988) 57-76
[146] B. Cichocki, B.U.F. and R. Schmitz
„Hydrodynamic interactions between two spherical particles“
PhysicoChem. Hyd. 10 (1988) 383-403
[147] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Dielectric constant of polarizable, nonpolar fluids and
J. Stat. Phys. 53 (1988) 499-521
[148] „Many-body hydrodynamic interactions in suspensions“
Physica A 151 (1988) 1-16
[149] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Short-time diffusion coefficients and high frequency viscosity of dilute suspensions of spherical Brownian particles“
J. Chem. Phys. 89 (1988) 1049-1054
[150] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Long-time self-diffusion coefficient and zero-frequency
viscosity of dilute suspensions of spherical Brownian particles“
J. Chem. Phys. 89 (1988) 3705-3709
[151] B.U.F. and B. Cichocki
„Generalization of the Foldy-Lax formula for the self-energy
of a wave propagating in a disordered systems of scatterers“
J. Stat. Phys. 55 (1989) 1157-1168
[152] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Displacement theorems for spherical solutions of the
linear Navier-Stokes equations“
J. Math. Phys. 30 (1989) 339-342
[153] G. Ooms, P.H.W.M. Daverveldt, D. Roekaerts, P.J.M.M. de Smedt, O.J.
Weisenborn and B.U.F.
„Turbulence and the process industry“
Advances in Turbulence 2, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg 1989,
[154] „Sedimentation and convective flow in suspensions of
spherical particles“
Physica A 153 (1988) 217-233
[155] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Effective dielectric constant of dilute suspensions of spheres“
Phys. Rev. B 39 (1989) 5669-5677
[156] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Sedimentation and self-diffusion in suspensions of
spherical particles“
Physica A 154 (1989) 213-232
[157] B. Cichocki, B.U.F. and R. Schmitz
„The effective viscosity of suspensions and emulsions of
spherical particles“
Physica A 154 (1989) 233-256
[158] B.U.F. and G. Ooms
„Effective mass density of fluid suspensions“
Phys. Fluids A 1 (1989) 1091-1097
[159] B.U.F. and G. Ooms
„Influence of hydrodynamic interactions on turbulent
diffusion: A theoretical description“
[160] B. Cichocki, B.U.F. and K. Hinsen
„Electrostatic interactions in periodic Coulomb and dipolar systems“
Phys. Rev. A 39 (1989) 5350-5358
[161] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Electrostatic spectrum and dielectric constant of nonpolar
hard sphere fluids“
J. Chem. Phys. 90 (1989) 4960-4967
[162] A. Bratz, B.U.F. and G. Marowsky
„Second harmonic generation in planar optical waveguides“
Appl. Phys. B 50 (1990) 393-404
[163] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Three-body problem in the theory of the dielectric constant“
J. Stat. Phys. 57 (1989) 871-885
[164] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Electrostatic interactions in two-dimensional Coulomb
systems with periodic boundary conditions“
Physica A 158 (1989) 706-722
[165] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Electrostatic interactions in thin film Coulomb systems
with periodic boundary conditions“
Mol. Phys. 67 (1989) 1373-1384
[166] B.U.F. and G. Ooms
„Effect of inertia, friction and hydrodynamic interactions on
turbulent diffusion“
Eur. J. Mech. B 9 (1990) 349-368
[167] „Hydrodynamic interactions in suspensions with periodic
boundary conditions“
Physica A 159 (1989) 1-18
[168] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Periodic fundamental solution of the linear Navier-Stokes
Physica A 159 (1989) 19-27
[169] B.U.F. and R.B. Jones
„Creeping flow hydrodynamics of droplets and vesicles“
PhysicoChem. Hyd. 11 (1989) 507-518
[170] „Hydrodynamics of suspensions“
Lectures presented at the Summer School on Fundamental
Problems in Statistical Mechanics VII Altenberg, June 1989
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (1990) 225-254
[171] „Coherent fields in disordered systems“
Lectures presented at the Mexican School on Statistical
Physics, Oaxtepec, august 1989
[172] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Cavity field and reaction field in nonpolar fluids“
J. Chem. Phys. 92 (1990) 6104-6111
[173] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Many-body contribution to the Van der Waals binding
energy of nonpolar fluids“
J. Chem. Phys. 92 (1990) 6112-6115
[174] „Hydrodynamic interactions in suspensions“
Prog. Colloid Polym. Sci. 81 (1990) 95-98
[175] „Sedimentation in suspensions“
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft 94 (1990) 222-224
[176] H.J. Kroh and B.U.F.
„The Hall effect in dilute ionic solutions“
Mol. Phys. 70 (1990) 119-128
[177] „Virtual mass and drag in two-phase flow“
J. Fluid Mech. 225 (1991) 177-196
[178] „Linear response theory of the motion of a spherical particle in
an incompressible fluid“
Physica A 166 (1990) 492-504
[179] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Diffusion coefficients and effective viscosity of suspensions of
sticky hard spheres with hydrodynamic interactions“
J. Chem. Phys. 93 (1990) 4427-4432
[180] „Dynamics of hard sphere suspensions“
Physica A 169 (1990) 1-16
[181] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Self-diffusion in suspensions of interacting Brownian particles“
Phys. Rev. A 42 (1990) 6024-6031
[182] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Diffusion of Brownian particles with hydrodynamic interaction
and hard core repulsion“
J. Chem. Phys. 94 (1991) 556-562
[183] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Self-diffusion of Brownian particles with hydrodynamic interaction and square step or well potential“
J. Chem. Phys. 94 (1991) 563-568
[184] „Hydrodynamic response of a sphere in a plane wave flow“
Physica A 170 (1990) 105-123
[185] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Linear viscoelasticity of semi-dilute hard sphere suspensions“
Phys. Rev. A 43 (1991) 5405-5412
[186] K. Hinsen and B.U.F.
„Dielectric constant of a hard sphere fluid with induced dipoles
and quadrupoles“
J. Chem. Phys. 94 (1991) 5655-5662
[187] „Rheology of hard sphere suspensions“
Lecture Notes in Physics 381, eds. J. Casas-Vazquez, D. Jou,
(Springer, Berlin 1991) 250-256
[188] B. Ersfeld and B.U.F.
„Spherical antenna theorems in electrodynamics“
Physica 173 A (1991) 561-576
[189] „An integral theorem in linear hydrodynamics“
Physica 173 A (1991) 577-582
[190] B.U.F. and G.H. Jansen
„Linear dynamics of dilute hard sphere suspensions“
Physica A 178 (1991) 444-466
[191] „Motion of a sphere in a viscous incompressible fluid at low Reynolds number“
Physica 175 A (1991) 114-126
[192] F. Sieverdes, G. Löpke, G. Marowsky, A. Bratz and B.U.F.
„Surface second-harmonic generation in total reflection“
Org. Mol. for Nonlinear Opt. a. Photonics (1991) 185-200
[193] B. Cichocki and B.U.F.
„Time-dependent self-diffusion coefficient of interacting Brownian particles“
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