DNAffirm Canine DNA Testing Kit

DNA My Dog Canine DNA Testing Kit
Congratulations! You are about to discover your dog’s unique DNA profile and exact canine heritage with your
purchase of the DNA My Dog easy and painless Canine DNA Testing Kit.
Your DNA based diagnostic test, performed by one of the top DNA testing labs in North America, will genetically
identify over 100 component breeds and determine which ones are prevalent in your dog.
DNA sample collection is easy, painless and takes about a minute. Results take less than 2 weeks.
Your results include:
 A custom photo certificate of your dog’s breed composition
 A report on your dog’s dominant breeds, personality traits and health concerns
 Four FREE weeks of pet insurance (up to $500.00) from PetSecure *
 A 1 year membership to the Canadian Dog Group
*Not available in Quebec
6 Easy Steps for the One-Minute Cheek Swab Test
Before you begin, please read these instructions carefully and complete the information on the back of this form
as well as on the Donor Specimen Envelope provided. Ensure your dog does not eat or drink (other than
water) for one hour before starting.
1. Remove the Sterile Swab from packaging by holding on to the handle. Do not touch the tip.
2. Place the swab between the cheek and gum of the dog. Firmly rub swab tip against inner surface of the
dog’s cheek in a circular motion several times for 20 seconds.
3. Place the swab in the Donor Specimen Envelope. Do not seal the envelope yet.
4. Repeat steps 1-3, using the other sterile swab provided, and swabbing the dog’s other cheek. Place the
swab in the Donor Specimen Envelope. Do not seal the envelope yet.
5. Allow the two sample swabs to air-dry in the unsealed envelope for 25 minutes before sealing.
6. Place sealed Donor Specimen Envelope along with your completed form (on the other side of this page) in
the supplied mailing envelope. The cheek cell samples are stable for several weeks without refrigeration.
Note: The Canine Breed Composition test is NOT a saliva test.
Cheek cells from the inside of your dog’s mouth are required.
A handy shipping envelope is provided for your convenience. Once your envelope is received, your dog’s DNA
results will take less than 2 weeks to process.
DNA kits can be mailed or couriered directly to our lab:
Viaguard Inc.
1234 Kingston Road, Suite 114
Toronto, ON
M1N 1P3
Please note: regular postage only required .
Before mailing, please ensure:
 The 6 easy steps for the one-minute cheek swab test are completed.
 The form on the reverse side of this page is completed in full.
 This form and the sterile envelope with your dog’s swabs are inserted in the enclosed mailing envelope.
DNA My Dog Canine DNA Testing, 1234 Kingston Road, Suite 114, Toronto, ON M1N1P3 (416) 562-1825
DNA My Dog Canine DNA Testing Kit
Please complete this form in full and make sure you have followed the 6 easy steps
for the one-minute cheek swab test on the other side of this page.
Before completing: PLEASE GO to www.dnamydog.com/petrescue and visit our FAQ’s to learn about the
factors that will influence your dog’s DNA test, including the list of breeds we recognize. By ordering your kit
you are acknowledging that you have read, understand, and agree to the provided terms and conditions.
Please complete in full
Dog’s Name:
Dog Owner’s Name:
Suspected Breed(s) of dog:
Mailing address:
Phone: (
Postal Code:
Where did you purchase your test? Pet Rescue Magazine
Photos (choose 1):
 I am enclosing a photo of my dog to include in the results certificate
 I am emailing you a picture of my dog to include in the results certificate. (JPEG or TIFF formats only)
Email to canine@viaguardinc.com. Please put your dog’s name and your postal code in the subject line and
email within 5 days of sending in your swabs.
 I am not including a photo
Payment: $69.50 ($57.95 .lab fee plus $8.72 shipping and handling and 5% GST) payable to DNA My Dog
Payment Method:  Cheque enclosed (Payable to DNA My Dog)
Instead bill my credit card:  Visa  MasterCard  Amex
For credit card purchases:
Name on Credit Card:
Card Number:
Expiry Date:
All returns or refunds are subject to a restocking fee of 15%.
Make sure all information is completed in full and you have followed the 6 easy steps on the other side of this form.
Mail your swabs and this form in the handy return envelope provided. You are done! You will receive results
including your dog’s custom DNA certificate, a report on your dog’s breeds and genetic health risks, free
Canadian Dog membership and free insurance voucher in approximately 10-14 days after receipt of your sample.
DNA My Dog Canine DNA Testing, 1234 Kingston Road, Suite 114, Toronto, ON M1N1P3 (416) 562-1825