Instructor: Sra. Del Hoyo, Cristina Maria Grade/Subject: Spanish I and Spanish II Dates: August 24-28, 2015 Unit Content Spanish I– greetings – say goodbye – say how you are – words to make introductions – words to say which day it is – phrases to exchange phone numbers – words to describe the weather – words to describe where you are from – courtesy words and phrases (thank you, excuse me, yes, no, Miss, Mr., etc.) --days of the week --months of the year --weather expressions --nouns Spanish II--preterite tense of the verbs. --irregular tense of the verbs --direct object pronouns --the preterite of the verbs --demonstrative adjectives and pronouns --review the articles- el, la, una, un, las, los, unas, unos Spanish III- Learning Plan Standard Standard: Spa I- NL.PW.2; NL.PS.1; NL.IR.1; NL.IC.1; NL.PW.1; NM.IL.1 Spa II- IL.IL.1; Day M O N D A Y IL.PW.1; IL.PW.3; Spa I- obj- how to tell time in spanish and when events are. Activities- review the alphabet vocabulary. Review the numbers. Review the greetings and farewells. Review the countries and capitals of the spanish speaking world. Continue with time telling. Assessment- handout on greetings and farewells. Dry erase board for the numbers and the time. Accommodations- teacher assistance. Spa II- obj- the preterite tense of the verbs. Activities- review the irregular verbs in the preterite tense. Assessment- quiz. Accommodation- teacher and peer assistance. IL.PW.1; IL.PW.3; Standard: Spa I- NL.PW.2; NL.PS.1; NL.IR.1; NL.IC.1; NL.PW.1; NM.IL.1 Spa II- IL.IL.1; Procedures T U E S D A Y Spa I- obj- what are the days of the week, the months of the year, the seasons of the year and how do you express the weather? Activities- review time telling. Review the countries and capitals. Introduce the days of the week and the months. Practice the days and the months. Introduce the weather and the seasons. Assessment- students will practice with the dry erase board. Spa II- obj- the irregular verbs in the preterite tense. Activities- continue with the irregular verbs in the preterite tense of the verbs. Assessment- students will write sentences by choosing the own verbs. Students will share their verbs. Accommodation- peer assistance and teacher assistance. Standard: Spa I- NL.PW.2; NL.PS.1; NL.IR.1; NL.IC.1; NL.PW.1; NM.IL.1 Spa II- IL.IL.1; IL.PW.1; IL.PW.3; Standard: Spa I- NL.PW.2; NL.PS.1; NL.IR.1; NL.IC.1; NL.PW.1; NM.IL.1 Spa II- IL.IL.1; IL.PW.1; IL.PW.3; Standard: Spa I- NL.PW.2; NL.PS.1; NL.IR.1; NL.IC.1; NL.PW.1; NM.IL.1 Spa II- IL.IL.1; IL.PW.1; IL.PW.3; W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y Spa I- obj- how do you express the weather? Activities- review the days of the week and the months. Review the capitals and the countries. Review the alphabet vocabulary. Continue with the weather expressions. Assessment- students will use dry erase boards to review the information learned. Accommodation- teacher assistance. F R I D A Y Spa I- obj- nouns and adjectives. Activities- review the capitals and countries. Continue with nouns and adjectives in spanish. Review how to describe yourself. Introduce new vocabulary for descriptions. Assessment- handouts and worksheets. Accommodation- teacher assistance and copy of notes. Spa II- the irregular verbs in the preterite. Activities- lectura-adjectives and preterite tense. Continue with the review of the preterite tense. Assessment- quiz on the irregular verbs in the preterite tense. Spa I- obj- what are the nouns in spanish and how to describe yourself. Activitiesreview the capitals and the countries and the alphabet vocabulary. Introduce the nouns in spanish and how to describe yourself. Assessment- practice the nouns and the adjectives by describing themselves. Accommodation- teacher assistance and print out of notes. Quiz on alphabet vocabulary. Spa II- obj- preterite project. Activities- students will create a powerpoint using the preterite and they will create slides of what they did during their summer vacation. Teacher will show an example. Computer lab. Assessment- check student progress. Accommodation- teacher will assist with understanding exactly what to do for the project. Spa II- obj- preterite project. Activities- students will present their preterite project to the class. Students will only present 5 slides. They will read them in spanish. Assessment- grading rubric will be provided. Accommodation- detailed explanation will be provided by teacher and peer assistance.