BARLBOROUGH PRIMARY SCHOOL ACCESSIBILITY PLAN (UPDATED JUNE 2015) A – IMPROVING ACCESS TO THE CURRICULUM Target / Action Lead Person / Date Monitor / Review / Evaluation As required. Staff meeting agenda and notes. Observations in the classroom Teachers Planning. Target tracking data – SEN. Training is ongoing SENCO to liaise with external agencies to provide support, as and when necessary - ongoing Non-contact time for SENCO Staff have greater understanding of how to support disabled pupils within school and therefore improve provision. Observations. Discussions with external agencies. Progress of identified pupils. Discussions with staff. No specific disability identified Subject Co-ordinators to review resources in their curriculum areas as required. Co-ordinator time and resource cost as required. Students with disabilities have increased access to suitable curriculum materials. Co-ordinators reports Improved resources Confidence of students Staff Planning time (PPA) Non-contact time for ABC (Anti-Bullying co-ordinator) Students have greater understanding of disability issues. Reduction in disability – related name calling. Fewer ‘name calling’ incidents. Observations in class & on playground. Monitoring of planning. No incidents witnessed or reported & School awarded the DCC STOP aware for anti-bullying Communications with QCA & External Agencies Improved provision for identified pupils eg: enlarged / modified text, reading of mental maths rather than CD recording, additional time Provision in place of KS2 SATs each year and for Optional SATs – whenever necessary. Increased confidence of pupils allowing pupils to fulfil potential. Successfully supported a child through their SATS HEADTEACHER + all staff - September 2014 – refresher training as required. 2. Work with outside agencies to develop teachers’ skills on how to support students who have specific disabilities eg: Visually Impaired Physically Impaired 3. Develop range of learning resources that are accessible for students with different disabilities. 5. To provide alternative methods of assessment, particularly in KS2 SATs / Optional SATs Outcomes Teachers are able to more fully meet the requirements of disabled children’s needs with regards to accessing the curriculum. 1. Training and support for teachers/teaching assistants on differentiating the New Curriculum and improving their knowledge of different learning styles to cater for specific disabilities. 4. Disability equality issues are incorporated into the PSHCE curriculum, including the use of SEAL materials, Brain Gym and Circle Time. Resources / Costing HEADTEACHER, SENCO ABC and all staff - ongoing HEADTEACHER, Y2 and Y6 teachers Ongoing – as required. Page 1 of 4 BARLBOROUGH PRIMARY SCHOOL ACCESSIBILITY PLAN (UPDATED JUNE 2015) 6. To provide ICT to assist disabled pupils to record and to read their work. 7. To provide differentiated homework which pupils with learning difficulty would be encouraged to complete. ICT Co-ordinator and SENCO as required - ongoing Class teachers/Teaching Assistants 8. Ensure appropriate deployment of Teaching Assistants to provide necessary support. Additional training, where needed. HEADTEACHER + SENCO Regular review of timetables 9. Providing peer support through School Council, mini-first aiders, Buddy Reading and Mini Leaders ABC and mini leaders and first aid HEADTEACHER (council) Purchase of new equipment if necessary or loan of equipment from external agencies eg laptop Improvement in literacy and presentation skills. Increased access to the curriculum and raising of standards in pupils with learning disabilities. Increased confidence / motivation of pupils. Resources used effectively. Tracking grids – progress / attainment. Observations In 2015 one child was given an ipad and one child a PC to aid them in their school work.. Staff planning time/PPA Improvement in quality of homework and levels of attainment. Improved access to the curriculum. Attendance at club. Progress tracking data. Confidence of pupils. Attendance on additional courses, when relevant Improved provision for disabled students focused on specific needs. TA timetables. Observations in class / playground. Disabled pupil accessing all areas of school life. Ongoing TA support Greater confidence of disabled pupils around school. Observations Discussions with pupils Support also available from Antibullying ambassadors and house captains Training / Meetings B – IMPROVING THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Target / Action 1. Incorporation of appropriate colour schemes, when refurbishing, to benefit pupils with visual impairments. Ensure window blinds used effectively. 2. Access to as many parts of the building as possible, for disabled pupils / staff / visitors. Provision of disabled toilets at ground floor level. Alternative provision for staff breaks if cannot use upstairs facilities. 3. Review the needs of any identified individuals to ensure that fire Lead Person / Date Resources / Costing Outcomes Monitor / Review / Evaluation HEADTEACHER + Governors - ongoing Paint, etc. Caretaker’s time (costings as & when) Visually impaired students (+ staff / visitors) are able to navigate easily around school. Provision in place & effective HEADTEACHER + Governors - ongoing Improvements that may need to be made to accommodate further needs of specific individuals. Pupils / Staff / Visitors can access all areas of school. There is limited access in the old building due to it being a listed building, however the school can accommodate in the new building. HEADTEACHER + Health & Safety Governor Costed – as & when Identified individuals are safe and have a clearly recognised Incidents to be monitored by Governors – effective procedures Page 2 of 4 BARLBOROUGH PRIMARY SCHOOL ACCESSIBILITY PLAN (UPDATED JUNE 2015) procedures take into account their disability. 4. Ensure signage is clear around school and where necessary include non-visual or pictorial signs as well (links also with improved communication) set of procedures, to meet their needs in case of fire. HEADTEACHER + Governors - ongoing Explore costing of alternative signage & investigate signs used at schools with disabled pupils – when necessary. Improved information (when needed) through alternative signage. Improved access & communication. identified. No incidents reported, school will continue to monitor. Walking around school as part of Health & Safety check. No problems found and will continue to monitor. To be monitored by Governors as part of Head’s report. Health & Safety Governor – risk assessments. 5. Ensure that school visits are made accessible to all pupils. Risk assessments completed outlining potential hazards & raising staff / volunteers awareness of these issues. Educational Visits Coordinator + staff. As visits are planned Part of general voluntary contribution by parents. Time to communicate with venues & complete risk assessments. All children will be able to access all Educational visits. 6. Ensure that pathways into & around the school are free of hazards eg leaves, clutter. Caretaker - ongoing Caretaker’s time Site is safe for disabled pupils / staff / visitors. Easier access. Head + governors site checks. 7. Whenever building work is being undertaken as part of SIP, consideration is always given to improving the Accessibility for all pupils HEADTEACHER + Governors Quotes asked for specific work, when required. Improved facilities for disabled people. Appropriate governors and committees. Individual Risk Assessments carried out for day trips and residential trips to ensure all children are able to participate . C – IMPROVING ACCESS TO INFORMATION Target / Action 1. Make information more accessible to pupils (and parents) with disabilities, by using services available through LA to convert written information into alternative formats. Discuss with individuals as to what their specific requirements are, to audit what information may need revising (part of the Disability Equality Duty). Website displays key documents and information. Text messaging service. Lead Person / Date HEADTEACHER and KW as required HEADTEACHER, SENCO and gov – working party – Disability Equality Scheme Resources / Costing Liaison with LA to produce relevant documents / information Meetings with members of the working party Page 3 of 4 Outcomes Pupils / adults with disabilities have greater access to information. School is able to respond quickly to requests for information in alternative formats Disability Equality Scheme is in place. Monitor / Review / Evaluation Discussion with specific individual to see if we have met their individual needs / requirements. Effective provision Not required this year for any pupil (and parent). BARLBOROUGH PRIMARY SCHOOL ACCESSIBILITY PLAN (UPDATED JUNE 2015) 2. Ensure that all staff are familiar with ways of delivering information to people with disabilities – eg use of simple language, size 13 font (LA recommendation), large print, use of diagrams, uncluttered text, allowing sufficient time. 3. Continue to develop communication with Early Years Providers to quickly ascertain needs of individual pupils before entering school. HEADTEACHER + SENCO - ongoing HEADTEACHER, Reception Teacher and Early Years providers - annually 4. Meet with parent s/ carers of disabled pupil to discuss concerns re transition. HEADTEACHER and other staff as required. As necessary 5. Meet with new staff, after recruitment, to discuss specific needs / requirements – as & when necessary. HEADTEACHER – as staff join school Staff to liaise closely with external agencies to provide effective resources to suit individual needs. Liaison time between RECEPTION TEACHER and relevant staff from each provider 1 x afternoon – noncontact £100 Improved delivery of information in other formats. Improved provision for disabled pupils / staff. Improved knowledge about every individuals needs before start date – relevant paperwork will have begun. Observations in class Teachers Planning – Discussions / reports from external agencies. Examples of using pictures to aid with the teaching. Monitored by SENCO + SEN Governor. Teachers met with pupils with specific medical needs Page 4 of 4