Supplementary Figure 1. Both Kbss-HA-TEV-tagged US2 constructs are targeted to the ER membrane and associate with heavy chains. a. ER-targeting and localization of HA-US2 and HA-US2186 in U373-MG cells expressing these constructs. Analysis of the fate of tagged US2 molecules by pulse/chase in the presence of the proteasome inhibitor ZL3VS and immunoprecipitation with anti-HA antibody followed by Endoglycosidase H (Endo H) digestion. Continued Endo H sensitivity reveals US2 residency in the ER. The positions of the glycosylated and deglycosylated US2 are indicated. IP, immunoprecipitation. b. HA-US2186, although dislocation-incompetent, retains the ability to associate with HC. Inspection of US2 immunoprecipitates from HA-US2 and HA-US2186 cells analyzed by pulse/chase in the presence of the proteasome inhibitor ZL3VS reveals the presence of associated HC molecules. IP, immunoprecipitation. c. HC molecules that escape degradation in HA-US2186 cells enter the secretory pathway. W6/32 immunoprecipitates obtained from HA-US2 and HA-US2186 cells analyzed by pulse/chase in the presence of the proteasome inhibitor ZL3VS. IP, immunoprecipitation. The W6/32 antibody recognizes assembled class I MHC trimeric complexes composed of HC, 2microglobulin and antigenic peptide. W6/32-reactivity can be used to assess HC progression through the secretory pathway12. Supplementary Figure 2. Large-scale affinity purification of US2 and US2-associated proteins from U373-MG control cells (-) or cells expressing HA-TEV-US2 or HA-TEV-US2186. Lysates were incubated with anti-HA antibody and bound proteins were released by TEV cleavage and revealed by silver staining. The bands indicated were excised and subject to mass spectrometry analysis and database searching to identify the polypeptides present. Shown are the most prominent proteins found in each band indicated. Shown in italic are proteins retrieved by both US2 and US2186 in corresponding bands of lanes 2 and 3. We have not obtained or shown data for all peptides present in the bands excised and have for now focused only on SPP; for most proteins other than US2 and SPP, validation awaits further experiments. Supplementary Figure 3. Mismatch of the SPP.1 shRNA sequence ablates its SPP knockdown effect and confirms RNAi specificity. SPP and HC levels in cells expressing the indicated shRNAs, assessed by immunoblot analysis with the indicated antibodies. -Actin levels were used as loading control. Note also the dose-dependent effect of the SPP.1 shRNA: cells infected with higher titer virus (SPP.1+) show a better SPP knockdown and a stronger impairment in HC dislocation. Control, EGFP shRNA. Supplementary Figure 4. Aminoacid sequences of wild type untagged US2 and all HA-tagged US2 constructs used in these studies. The native US2 signal sequence, which has been replaced by the Kbss-HA-TEV-spacer-tag in all tagged constructs is shown in italic. The transmembrane domain aminoacid residues are underlined and those of the cytosolic tail, if present, are in boldface type. Kb ss, murine H2-Kb signal sequence. Supplementary Figure 5. The US2 TMD is dispensable for association with HC. a. Schematic representation of Kbss-HA-TEV-tagged US2/CD4/US2 and US2TM/US2tail or CD4TM/US2tail chimeric constructs. Kb ss, murine H2-Kb signal sequence. b. The US2/CD4/US2 chimeric molecule associates with HC. Analysis of HA (US2) immunoprecipitates from cells expressing HA-US2, HA-US2186, and HA-US2/CD4/US2 by pulse/chase in the presence of the proteasome inhibitor ZL3VS. The position of HC molecules associated with US2 is indicated. IP, immunoprecipitation. Supplementary Figure 6. Both monomeric and dimeric forms of SPP are observed in association with dislocation-competent US2; however the ratio of SDS-stable SPP dimer/monomer is dependent on the treatment of samples before loading on the gel. a. SPP immunoprecipitates obtained from SDS lysates of U373 cells radioactively labeled for 2 hr were split into 5 aliquots, ressuspended in reducing sample buffer, and treated as indicated. IP, immunoprecipitation; Endo H, Endoglycosidase treatment. b. Longer exposure of the western blot shown in Fig. 2c shows that the SPP dimer is also seen in association with functional US2 and vice-versa. IP, immunoprecipitation. In this experiment as well as in those shown in Supplementary Fig. 2 and Fig. 2b, samples were boiled for only 3 min at 1000C, which is not sufficient to resolve the SPP monomer completely (see above). Supplementary Figure 1. Both Kbss-HA-TEV-tagged US2 constructs are targeted to the ER membrane and associate with heavy chains. a. ER-targeting and localization of HA-US2 and HA-US2186 in U373-MG cells expressing these constructs. Analysis of the fate of tagged US2 molecules by pulse/chase in the presence of the proteasome inhibitor ZL3VS and immunoprecipitation with anti-HA antibody followed by Endoglycosidase H (Endo H) digestion. Continued Endo H sensitivity reveals US2 residency in the ER. The positions of the glycosylated and deglycosylated US2 are indicated. IP, immunoprecipitation. b. HA-US2186, although dislocation-incompetent, retains the ability to associate with HC. Inspection of US2 immunoprecipitates from HAUS2 and HA-US2186 cells analyzed by pulse/chase in the presence of the proteasome inhibitor ZL3VS reveals the presence of associated HC molecules. IP, immunoprecipitation. c. HC molecules that escape degradation in HA-US2186 cells enter the secretory pathway. W6/32 immunoprecipitates obtained from HA-US2 and HAUS2186 cells analyzed by pulse/chase in the presence of the proteasome inhibitor ZL3VS. IP, immunoprecipitation. The W6/32 antibody recognizes assembled class I MHC trimeric complexes composed of HC, 2microglobulin and antigenic peptide. W6/32-reactivity can be used to assess HC progression through the secretory pathway12. Supplementary Figure 2. Large-scale affinity purification of US2 and US2-associated proteins from U373-MG control cells (-) or cells expressing HA-TEV-US2 or HA-TEVUS2186. Lysates were incubated with anti-HA antibody and bound proteins were released by TEV cleavage and revealed by silver staining. The bands indicated were excised and subject to mass spectrometry analysis and database searching to identify the polypeptides present. Shown are the most prominent proteins found in each band indicated. Shown in italic are proteins retrieved by both US2 and US2186 in corresponding bands of lanes 2 and 3. We have not obtained or shown data for all peptides present in the bands excised and have for now focused only on SPP; for most proteins other than US2 and SPP, validation awaits further experiments. Supplementary Figure 3. Mismatch of the SPP.1 shRNA sequence ablates its SPP knockdown effect and confirms RNAi specificity. SPP and HC levels in cells expressing the indicated shRNAs, assessed by immunoblot analysis with the indicated antibodies. -Actin levels were used as loading control. Note also the dose-dependent effect of the SPP.1 shRNA: cells infected with higher titer virus (SPP.1 +) show a better SPP knockdown and a stronger impairment in HC dislocation. Control, EGFP shRNA. Supplementary Figure 4. Aminoacid sequences of wild type untagged US2 and all HAtagged US2 constructs used in these studies. The native US2 signal sequence, which has been replaced by the Kbss-HA-TEV-spacer-tag in all tagged constructs is shown in italic. The transmembrane domain aminoacid residues are underlined and those of the cytosolic tail, if present, are in boldface type. Kb ss, murine H2-Kb signal sequence. Supplementary Figure 5. The US2 TMD is dispensable for association with HC. a. Schematic representation of Kbss-HA-TEV-tagged US2/CD4/US2 and US2TM/US2tail or CD4TM/US2tail chimeric constructs. Kb ss, murine H2-Kb signal sequence. b. The US2/CD4/US2 chimeric molecule associates with HC. Analysis of HA (US2) immunoprecipitates from cells expressing HA-US2, HA-US2186, and HA-US2/CD4/US2 by pulse/chase in the presence of the proteasome inhibitor ZL 3VS. The position of HC molecules associated with US2 is indicated. IP, immunoprecipitation. Supplementary Figure 6. Both monomeric and dimeric forms of SPP are observed in association with dislocation-competent US2; however the ratio of SDS-stable SPP dimer/monomer is dependent on the treatment of samples before loading on the gel. a. SPP immunoprecipitates obtained from SDS lysates of U373 cells radioactively labeled for 2 hr were split into 5 aliquots, ressuspended in reducing sample buffer, and treated as indicated. IP, immunoprecipitation; Endo H, Endoglycosidase treatment. b. Longer exposure of the western blot shown in Fig. 2c shows that the SPP dimer is also seen in association with functional US2 and vice-versa. IP, immunoprecipitation. In this experiment as well as in those shown in Supplementary Fig. 2 and Fig. 2b, samples were boiled for only 3 min at 1000C, which is not sufficient to resolve the SPP monomer completely (see above).